Marvellous March Mesdames - Accountability Thread

l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
I'm jumpstarting the March thread for all you marvellous ladies who want to join in for another month of sharing struggles and victories!

Concept for newcomers: tell us your goals, check in weekly (or daily if you like), and give/get some support in this great community.

31y * 5'9" * BMI:22,3 * Weight goal: 63kg (138,89lbs)

Jan loss: - 2,3kg
Feb loss: -1kg

MARCH GOALS, fairly similar to last month:
  • Minimal intake of sugar (<30grams/day)
  • Keep up 16h fasting and 1x36h every week
  • Have 5 adjacent low carb (<50) days every week
  • Alcohol only on weekends and max once during the week
  • Reach 68kg

I am temporary staying at my bf's place so I need a lot of willpower to resist eating what he eats or else this will be a detrimental month! Keep me in your prayers ;)


  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5' 8"
    CW: 145.8
    GW: ~135ish
    Jan EW:143 - AVE 144.2
    Feb EW - 142.5 - AVE 142.4

    March Goal - move average weight to 130s

    1. Stay off sugar - Cheat days are anniversary and birthday
    2. Stay Keto

    3/1 - 142.5 - AVE 142.4 - huge mexican food dinner out last night for hubby's birthday. Back at it today.
  • shebalips
    shebalips Posts: 9 Member
    Age: 47
    Height: 5'4"
    CW: 142.6
    GW: 130-135

    Mar 1: 142.6
    Feb 11: 142.8
    Feb 7: 143.6

    March goal: 140

    Hey ladies! Appreciate the start of a new thread for the month of March. Keeping it simple for the month of March by keeping my March goal weight small and hopefully attainable. Sleep for me has sucked for the last 3 weeks. Hubby got me CBD PM sleep aids with melatonin today. Crossing my fingers that it will help get me back on track sleeping regularly again and help with the weight loss journey.
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    31y * 5'9" * BMI:22,3 * Weight goal: 63kg (138,89lbs)

    Jan loss: - 2,3kg~
    Feb loss: -1.3kg~

    MARCH GOALS, fairly similar to last month:
    • Minimal intake of sugar (<30grams/day)
    • Keep up 16h fasting and 1x36h every week
    • Have 5 adjacent low carb (<50) days every week
    • Alcohol only on weekends and max once during the week
    • Reach 68kg

    2 March: 68.8kg
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5' 8"
    CW: 142.4
    GW: ~135ish
    Jan EW:143 - AVE 144.2
    Feb EW - 142.5 - AVE 142.4

    March Goal - move average weight to 130s

    1. Stay off sugar - Cheat days are anniversary and birthday
    2. Stay Keto

    3/1 - 142.5 - AVE 142.4 - huge mexican food dinner out last night for hubby's birthday. Back at it today.
    3/2 - 141.8 - AVE 142.3 - no cheating yesterday
  • tracimckinney
    tracimckinney Posts: 79 Member
    5'5", 54

    Goal weight for March: 130 lbs
    Daily workouts switching between upper body and lower body using dumbbells, bands and bodyweight

    Would like to make these daily activities with my 12 yo daughter (instead of tv or ipad):
    yard work

    3/1: 132.2 lbs
    3/2: 132.0
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,152 Member
    50y * 5'1"
    Weight goal: 104
    CW: ..... Haven't checked....

    Jan Gain: 4lbs
    Feb loss: No clue

    MARCH GOALS, fairly similar to last month:
    Keep carbs in a range of less than 130
    Keep up a 9am - 7pm eating window ( i refuse to call it fasting...Its my "am I hungry or just bored?" window

    Reach 104

    March 2: no clue on weight but, I feel lighter. Mentally Ill take that.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Age: 51
    BMI: 25,1
    Jan trend: -0.6
    Feb trend: +0.2
    CW: 74.2
    March GW: 73
    GW: 71.0

    Thanks for starting the thread@l4a_p! Great name:smiley:

    01/03: 74.2 - February didn't go as planned. A large amount of cookies in the house was my downfall resulting in an average gain of 0.2kg instead of 1.0 loss. But this is a new month, a clean slate and all the cookies are over and done with ! Luckily I got 244,85 km of walks and already a total of 231 of biking kms this year to counter at least a little bit. Let's hit it girls !
    03/03: 73.8
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5' 8"
    CW: 142.4
    GW: ~135ish
    Jan EW:143 - AVE 144.2
    Feb EW - 142.5 - AVE 142.4

    March Goal - move average weight to 130s

    1. Stay off sugar - Cheat days are anniversary and birthday
    2. Stay Keto

    3/1 - 142.5 - AVE 142.4 - huge mexican food dinner out last night for hubby's birthday. Back at it today.
    3/2 - 141.8 - AVE 142.3 - no cheating yesterday
    3/3 - 140.4 - AVE 141.7 - yesterday was really good
  • Xiao_Ya_
    Xiao_Ya_ Posts: 495 Member
    I'm a second year in college :smile: I wish I could say that I was being my healthiest, but often I spend all day hunched at my desk working on technical reports, poring over organic chem textbooks, and writing papers. My term paper and other finals are in two weeks, so I haven't had much luck on diet and fitness. I manage to cram a half hour workout at 22:30 every day, and skip eating breakfast/lunch because I have a one-track mind when I'm busy/stressed. I haven't figured out how to break the cycle because of always being busy. Oh well...
    GW: 39.9-42.6kg (88-94lbs)
    CW: It fluctuates regularly between 45.1 and 46.3kg...(99.5-102lbs)
    I guess my goals would be to not slack off on exercising, and maybe to eat a little more? I really want to be fit over being slender, and not eating does not work in my favour. Hoping to hit at least 1000 calories a day and 45 minutes of exercise!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Ok I'm in.

    47yrs old
    CW: 132
    March GW:130

    I wimped out and never signed off on our February thread because I didn't have a great last week. I didn't get a lot of activity because of work stress plus snacking on the side. I knew my numbers would've been less than spectacular, so I just didn't weigh in. Why bother? When you know, you know, right? Whether it's up or down, we are all tuned in enough with our bodies that we don't need the scale all the time (I'm with you @SherryRueter ). We also know when we need some TLC so @weatherking2019 I hope you get the answers you need.

    But, now I'm back at it. Luckily March has 31 days so we have extra time to meet our goals! I may need it.

    @tracimckinney - I think you are my twin! Let's do this thing!
  • tracimckinney
    tracimckinney Posts: 79 Member
    @k8richer Yes! March is going to be our month!!

    5'5", 54

    Goal weight for March: 130 lbs
    Daily workouts switching between upper body and lower body using dumbbells, bands and bodyweight

    Would like to make these daily activities with my 12 yo daughter (instead of tv or ipad):
    yard work

    3/1: 132.2 lbs
    3/2: 132.0
    3/5: 130.6 lots of walking and yard work yesterday! I lowered my protein and upped my carbs a little bit like someone suggested in one of these posts and I think that has helped me. Thank you to whoever that was!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    47yrs old
    CW: 132
    March GW:130

    Feb 1: 132
    Feb 6: 131.7

    Heading in the right direction slowly....

    A long super fast walk with a friend this morning, plus skating /shinny hockey this afternoon with my kids should do the trick, as long as i don't congratulate myself by over indulging afterwards.

    @SherryRueter - I found your post interesting. I fall in the 3-4pm trap too. If you are craving sweets, someone once told me to brush my teeth - it works to stop the crave! Now craving savory (chips and salsa!) is another problem that I haven't figured out.

    @tracimckinney do you follow your macros on MFP? I find that if mine are off for the day, I get cravings, but I will feel full and satisfied if I balance them out by eating a little bit of whatever I am low on.