Shrinking Assets - March 2021 Team Chat



  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    Wednesday Weigh In

    PW: 235.6
    CW: 235.8

    Not amused. I was under cals and the next day I weigh in and I'm up a pound. So I come down slightly to get this. Like wow. I kinda regret checking that one day and thinking 'omg I'm losing!' Ugh.

    That is such a slight gain that it could be anything. Our bodies fluctuate constantly. It could be anything from you ate a lot of sodium to you didn't sleep well to hormones. You got this! Frustrating- yes. Can you do it?- yes!
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    Sunday (off by half an hour, sorry!) 😅
    PW: 226.7
    CW: 223 lbs!

    Great Job! Our weights are pretty close so I hope you don't mind that I am starting a little competition in my brain with you.
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Looks like everyone is having a great week!!! Glad to see the group momentum is up!

    I’m currently being dragged behind the wagon. I’m maintaining, but not making progress.

    I will be traveling the next couple days but checking in.

    Everyone have a great week!!!

    You ma'am are my hero!! You are amazing!! Keep at it!!

    This made my day!!!

    I haven’t done a side by side in a while... I did this yesterday to remind myself how far I’ve come😊

    Wow! This is amazing!
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Wednesday Weigh In

    PW: 235.6
    CW: 235.8

    Not amused. I was under cals and the next day I weigh in and I'm up a pound. So I come down slightly to get this. Like wow. I kinda regret checking that one day and thinking 'omg I'm losing!' Ugh.

    I totally understand the ugh-not-amused-feeling, but still. 0.2lbs is one delayed bathroom trip or one small late-night snack that you didn’t have a chance to digest before weighing in. Yes, it’s the wrong direction, but not by a lot. Life needs detours.
  • fsennett
    fsennett Posts: 32 Member
    PW: 218
    Cw: 218

    I have been struggling for a month now. Stress and not staying focused on late night snacking has killed me. I also slightly knocked my scale tonight so I could be +/- 5lbs from that. Super frustrating! It’s on a wooden floor but it must be super uneven. Tomorrow, I’ll draw the edges right on the floor so I don’t have this happen again.
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Looks like everyone is having a great week!!! Glad to see the group momentum is up!

    I’m currently being dragged behind the wagon. I’m maintaining, but not making progress.

    I will be traveling the next couple days but checking in.

    Everyone have a great week!!!

    You ma'am are my hero!! You are amazing!! Keep at it!!

    This made my day!!!

    I haven’t done a side by side in a while... I did this yesterday to remind myself how far I’ve come😊

    Yeeeeeees you ma'am are a freaking super hero!! I need to get you a cape!! Amazing!! You have ce so far and you will do so so so much more!! I've seen it I know what's coming you will hit that rhythm and just take off!! You have helped me so much by sharing this journey!!! Thank you!!
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Wednesday Weigh In

    PW: 235.6
    CW: 235.8

    Not amused. I was under cals and the next day I weigh in and I'm up a pound. So I come down slightly to get this. Like wow. I kinda regret checking that one day and thinking 'omg I'm losing!' Ugh.

    Don't stress it!! You may have a whoosh the next time you it the scale stay positive and just keep moving forward!! You got this!!
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks for the comments everyone, I truly appreciate it. It's just unusual for me, usually I won't gain when actually under calories. I might stay the same, but wow, a whole pound gain while under, it just kinda surprised me, haha. I normally don't sneak peaks before weigh in day either, and the one time I do that happens LOL.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    @Beka3695 loving the math and data, and also loving the Nerd Report!
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    My weekend plans are something I hope none of you have to do soon - I have to go clothes shopping for bigger clothes (maternity wear). Things are starting to get tight and I’m no longer comfortable laying on my stomach, so I want to get some new stuff while I still have something to wear while going to the stores.

    I had a chat with one of my best friends yesterday, turns out she’s expecting too! She’s expecting her 2nd kid and due 2 months before me, so naturally I couldn’t help myself and shared the news even though I had planned on waiting until the 12-week sonogram. I had kinda guessed she might be pregnant, and turns out she had guessed I’m expecting too. Funny how things work, since we haven’t actually seen each other since January. Anyway, she had good tips on maternity wear and recommended online shopping, but I’ll go shop in person first to try things out and see how maternity clothes ”work”. I’m really happy for her, and also really happy that we’ll be on maternity leave the same time, so we have plenty of time for lunch dates, stroller walks etc.

    My other weekend plans include catching up on work, sleep and vomiting - again, plans I hope none of you have to make. Today I stopped pretending I can get anything done and told my boss I’ll show up for meetings (online, ofc) and find a way to do the bare minimum that absolutely must get done to meet deadlines, but will call in sick for the rest of my hours unless things start to improve. Too bad March is crazy busy and riddled with critical deadlines, so I’ll have to try to catch up on the weekend. The nausea has been so bad I can’t sleep or sit upright without a wave of nausea, and it’s pretty impossible to focus on work when my stomach is trying to violently exit my body and I haven’t slep properly in days. Only 5 more days of trying to work, then I’m on vacation for 1.5 weeks and the nausea will hopefully ease by the time I return to work.
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    Tomorrow is weigh day for me. I've been really trying to get my water in and move more. I'm telling myself that the scale is merely another data point (along with inches, how my clothes for, etc). This way I don't get overly invested in the number. I've not been sleeping well (only about 5 hours a night). I know sleep can effect your weight loss. We'll see....
  • janek1705
    janek1705 Posts: 26 Member
    hipari wrote: »
    My weekend plans are something I hope none of you have to do soon - I have to go clothes shopping for bigger clothes (maternity wear). Things are starting to get tight and I’m no longer comfortable laying on my stomach, so I want to get some new stuff while I still have something to wear while going to the stores.

    I had a chat with one of my best friends yesterday, turns out she’s expecting too! She’s expecting her 2nd kid and due 2 months before me, so naturally I couldn’t help myself and shared the news even though I had planned on waiting until the 12-week sonogram. I had kinda guessed she might be pregnant, and turns out she had guessed I’m expecting too. Funny how things work, since we haven’t actually seen each other since January. Anyway, she had good tips on maternity wear and recommended online shopping, but I’ll go shop in person first to try things out and see how maternity clothes ”work”. I’m really happy for her, and also really happy that we’ll be on maternity leave the same time, so we have plenty of time for lunch dates, stroller walks etc.

    My other weekend plans include catching up on work, sleep and vomiting - again, plans I hope none of you have to make. Today I stopped pretending I can get anything done and told my boss I’ll show up for meetings (online, ofc) and find a way to do the bare minimum that absolutely must get done to meet deadlines, but will call in sick for the rest of my hours unless things start to improve. Too bad March is crazy busy and riddled with critical deadlines, so I’ll have to try to catch up on the weekend. The nausea has been so bad I can’t sleep or sit upright without a wave of nausea, and it’s pretty impossible to focus on work when my stomach is trying to violently exit my body and I haven’t slep properly in days. Only 5 more days of trying to work, then I’m on vacation for 1.5 weeks and the nausea will hopefully ease by the time I return to work.

    Wow sounds like you are having a really tough time! I hope the nausea passes soon. I went my whole pregnancy in tights lol. Not maternity just regular and bough some loose shirts/tunics to go with them. When I saw the prices for maternity stuff it gave me anxiety so I worked around it. I remember being dead to the world the whole first trimester, I would sleep anywhere and everywhere, just go with it and do it! U r making a human and u deserve a 100 naps in a day if that's what ur body wants. Lemons and sour cherries helped with nausea, have u tried them? Hope u feel better!
  • janek1705
    janek1705 Posts: 26 Member
    Username: janek1705
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW: 272.8
    CW:272.2 (-0.6)
    Considering I went on a binge last weekend this is amazing loss lol. I had gained big time guys but then I did a 2 day cleanse instead of my usual 1 because i knew I need it and felt guilty about my bad choices. I was up almost 6lb Tuesday and that is ridiculous so after the 2 day cleanse I ended up with some loss.
  • tiataleah
    tiataleah Posts: 22 Member
    Username: tiataleah
    Weigh In Day: Friday

    I'm having a hard time staying on track this month.
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 350 Member
    PW 195.5
    CW 196.5

    Well, if my weigh in day was Wednesday, I would have shown a loss. We had steaks last night and that always causes water weight gain for me for some reason. But I’m heartened by the loss on Wednesday, so knowing how my weight can fluctuate wildly during the week, I’m going to look at this positively. My current weight is my high for the week, and not the low it often is. And Wednesday’s weight was the lowest I’ve seen in a long time so I just have to keep pushing through this!
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    PW: 165.0
    CW: 162.8
    -2.2 pounds, I'll take it.

    This whole weight loss journey has been up and down for me but your stories and posts have really inspired and helped me see this journey as a lifestyle change not a diet. Your weight on weigh day can easily depend on what you had for dinner the night before. Just like @cre804 said, steaks cause water weight gain for her so her Wednesday weight loss was not reflected in her Friday weigh-in. Doesn't mean she didn't lose it, just that Friday was not a good day to see it on the scale. If I have sashima and miso soup for dinner tonight, tomorrow my weight might be UP 2.2 lbs because of the salt content. So my Saturday weigh-in would be different from my Friday weigh-in.

    I do love seeing the number come down on the scale but I take it with a grain of salt and just keep pushing on. Next week is another week. Good luck all!
  • ShowKitten
    ShowKitten Posts: 434 Member
    Quick message from me as I've been floored with baby this week. Only just stopped for day and it's bedtime 😭

    Weight sts as last week for me. Annoyed with scales but what can you do!
  • bigblues11
    bigblues11 Posts: 203 Member
    PW 153.4
    CW 153.4 (-.0 pnds)
    TLD -70.6 pnds

    Another week with no loss but I do realize that I have been up and down with my daily intake. I really need to buckle down for the next few months in order to hit my goal weight :)
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