Living The Lifestyle Friday 3/26/2021

Al_Howard Posts: 7,925 Member
edited March 2021 in Social Groups
GOAD Living The Lifestyle

We meet here to explore, share, celebrate and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice.

This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion!

Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion.

Monday - crewahl (Charlie)
Monday - crewahl (Charlie)
Tuesday - whathapnd (Emmie)
Wednesday - newmantjn (Todd)
Thursday - misterhub (Greg)
Friday - Al_Howard

Today's Topic: External Derailments


  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 7,925 Member
    edited March 2021
    Back in 1980 or 1981, WW closed my in-town meeting here. I tried a couple of meetings in the not-so-local area, and didn’t like them, so stopped going entirely. Also kind of stopped following ANY plan, and started gaining.
    Didn’t really get back on track , with WW, until 2012. We found a meeting that fit our schedule, and a nice leader. When she retired, we stuck with the group, and the new leader was totally acceptable, and I didn’t derail.
    Now WW is closing our “studio” and we’ll have to drive about twice as far, and change days to stick with our leader and, hopefully, our “crew”.
    I’m hoping for input from you guys, to help me, with your experiences of this type of a derailment. And, yes, I’m being selfish here.
  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    After losing 4 online groups when they made the latest virtual change, I joined one if them (not my original group, or the one I joined when we moved) with my local leader. Now the local meeting is permanently closed, and the center I've been driving 30 min has closed, so I get it All. And can't say im loving it!

    I attended Lisa's virtual meeting (since she was my 1st leader) to get some sense of consistency.

    I'm planning to change locations and days, but hoping the ML and receptionist are the same as the meeting WW just moved (20 min further away). I can't justify an almost 1 hour drive to follow the group so they'll be new again, but I'm hopeful.

    It's getting old! The only thing that keeps me trying is the reduced rate for former lifetimes.

    My only input is to say that if it doesn't work to do it alone, it's worth it to shop around. 🤷.
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,803 Member
    I think, with the benefit of hindsight, that derailment is a function of both the condition of the tracks and the maintenance of the train.

    We’ve all dealt - successfully! - with bigger challenges than the loss of a meeting or a leader. We've all dealt with changes to the program and services offered. None of us are still sitting around bemoaning the loss of our beloved “sliders” to calculate points. Most of us have made it though the loss of a family member or friend without an impact to our weight. And yet, we’ve all gone off the rails at some point or another. Why is that?

    I would say WW is responsible for the roadbed and tracks. In other words, they need to offer programs and services that appeal to their target audience. We’ve survived the changes in the past because the program still had enough appeal.

    But we’re the engine of of own weight loss. We have to watch our speed on the curves, and make sure the brakes are working, and ensure we have enough power and fuel for the steep grades we know are ahead.

    I think it’s when those two things aren’t working well together - the tracks aren’t right for us, and we may not have enough steam for the grade - were at risk of derailing.

    We only control one of those things. How important our weight loss is to us and how much were willing to invest in it are what keeps the engine moving forward and in control.

    I suspect part of the issue is something I mentioned above when I said “they need to offer programs and services that appeal to their target audience.” It may we’ll be that we are becoming less and less their target audience. Most of us started with a focus on weight, but the focus is more “holistic” now. Most of us started with local face-to-face meetings, but more of their audience is now preferring the “whenever and wherever” model offered by the internet (and accelerated by the pandemic.) Our group started as message boards, but the environment today is about TikTok.

    It’s up to us how we use the tools, but we (which, unfortunately means me) may need to adapt our little engines to the new tracks.
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,235 Member
    I mainly went to WW meetings for the weigh-in accountability. Once they had a program I liked and that made sense to me (PointsPlus) I actually enjoyed showing up for the weekly wrigh-in. I rarely stayed for meetings. The center was fairly large, and I didn't get a lot out of them. I suspect it they'd been smaller, I would have stayed more often.

    @Al_Howard can you narrow down what it is you most enjoy about the meetings then see if it can be duplicated? If you like a particular group but they close that center, can you encourage the same group to do an on-line meeting? Or once restrictions are over, could you get a meeting going at your church or another convenient location? If hearing from others is helpful, would reading more of the MFP forums help? (I lurk many places for inspiration.) Or if participating more on-line would be helpful, maybe consider joining or starting a challenge. There are a ton of opportunities on the Challenge board. Literally something for everyone.

    I'm currently doing what I've suggested above. I've taken what I liked about PointsPlus and WW and am trying to eat that way and force accountability/make it fun by involving a friend. If I had a confidential place to do a free weekly weigh-in, I'd be set.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 7,925 Member
    It's the drew. A few of us are planning on attending the "different" s
    "studio" tomorrow morning. We'll see how it goes.
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,235 Member
    @Al_Howard I hope it goes well tomorrow!