


  • AKTipsyCat
    AKTipsyCat Posts: 240 Member
    Hey all! I'm here because in October I was 8 pounds away from my first "goal" weight. I'm now 20 pounds away and obviously heading in the wrong direction. I know what I need to do to get there, but lost two of the primary motivators for getting me moving and exercising and am looking for new motivation and accountability...
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    My First month trying this - good luck everyone!
  • josefinejem
    josefinejem Posts: 256 Member
    Joined this group in the autumn and found it really helpful, then had a bad winter with anxiety, depression and burnout taking over my life. Slowly getting into a better place now so hoping I can stay the course for April!
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,066 Member
    Hi guys im back for my 5th month. Im 38 with a buba and i live near the beach in Australia. Last month i reached my goal weight and am at the high end of a healthy BMI! This month my goal is to loose another 2kgs so I've got a buffer and also hoping to build muscle. I love love and love UAC and the amazingly inspiring members here. As always thank u so much to our fierce leader @RangerRickL. Wat u hve created here has changed so many lives for the better! Lastly a huge welcome to all the newbies and good luck team! Xox
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,066 Member
    @Dory_42 coolest video ever! Smeagol is just gorgeous!! Xox
  • Winner_in_Life
    Winner_in_Life Posts: 955 Member
    One of the reasons I will stay longer with UAC: I want to see how the Owl will look like in May :)
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    @Dory_42 How awesome! He is so cute pulling out the fish with his little paws!!💕 Also, that was a sneaking little nip by him - he looked like he was coming in for a pet.
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi Everyone! First time here and I'm excited. I follow a mostly vegan diet and I am hoping to lose 43 pounds.

    @pbenson2021 Welcome aboard!!
    Hi...I'm Janice. Did this challenge for a while and loved it. Decided it's time for s bit more accountability.

    I'm 52 years old, married, 4 kids and a small zoo. Have been great at maintaining but really need to lose a bit. Have been sluffing off and I need to get back on track.

    I remember you @fourathomej Welcome back!! So glad to see you!

    Hello. I’m Jessica and I’m 35 years old. My goal is to lose 20 lbs by September 2021. I want to be at a healthy BMI. I’ve used other weight loss apps before but never stuck with them. I’m still navigating the app and exploring the features to help me reach my goal. I’m very determined this time and looking forward to getting to know everyone! Good luck!

    @jessphill2020 Sounds like a great plan & a “do-able” goal. We’re here to cheer you on!
    Hi, I'm Sandra. I had lost 50lbs but have put most of it back on again. I need to get back to basics and am hoping that this challenge will help. 😊

    It helps many! Sometimes it just clicks right away, sometimes in aweek,- month or a couple of months but when it does, it’s Bliss!

    I love your name!!

    Crosbinium wrote: »
    Hi - I’m Joce. I did this awhile back and then got sidetracked with an injury. I am ready to continue on my journey to being healthier.

    @Crosbinium I’m Sorry to hear about your injury, and thrilled you are back!!!
    Hello!! My name is Diamond and I am a mom of 3. I lost 50 pounds after my first and then gained it all back. My youngest is now 3 and I want to get back into shape and just feel better overall!

    @dlingafelt24 What a perfect time to tackle this! We’re here to help!
    Jane2285 wrote: »
    Hello! I am thrilled to start this journey! I am a mom of 3 beatiful children, and recently (well 6 months ago) moved to Mesa. I have been working from home since COVID 2020 and will currently stay working from home until March 2022 when my new practice opens. I am a mental health counselor who is going to be providing Nature-Based therapuetic practices and holistic care. I am looking now to lose 40 pounds this year and to enter into my first Half Ironman in Tempe in October. I lack focus sometimes and need accountability! :)

    @Jane2285 Wpw, your first half Ironman...WOW! I can’t wait to see your photos in October! We’re rooting for you!

    Thank you so much! :)
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    @dlingafelt24 Thank you so much! :)
  • BobWw2017
    BobWw2017 Posts: 356 Member
    Hi, this will be month 4 for being a part of UAC this time around . I had been in it a couple of years ago and I know it really works. So far this year I haven’t been able to make the winner’s circle, but I’m weighing less at the start of each month than the previous one, so something is going right.
    I am a full time nanny to my 2 grandkids and that takes lots of my energy. Have a great month everyone!
  • oh_jackie
    oh_jackie Posts: 429 Member
    This will be my fourth month of the UAC.
    Going for weight maintenance, no added sugar and 7:30 h of sleep per night this month.
    Good luck to everyone!
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    edited April 2021
    This will be my 6th month in the UAC! After a brutal Feb (COLD) where I actually gained 1 lb and only lost 1/2 inch..... in March I lost 6.4 lbs and 4 and 1/2 inches! I'm :smiley: about that! My goals in April are to continue to delete sugar/sweeteners from my diet (I currently use stevia sweetener in my coffee & iced tea), and work on losing another 5 lbs.

    @Dory_42 What a cool video about Smeagel! (Cool name too!) I've missed you and your fascinating posts!

    WELCOME to all the newbies and WELCOME BACK to all those returning. This is such a terrific group of people who inspire, motivate, encourage and have plenty of wisdom to share! :heart:

    (And a special Welcome to a good friend of mine @Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel who has been a fitbit friend of mine for several years! It's so good to see you!)
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,885 Member
    where are Gina and Dory tho??? And there was another gentleman from a few months back who had to go into the hospital and we never heard back from him again either... I really :disappointed: when folks disappear. :sad:
  • MizSpiffy
    MizSpiffy Posts: 145 Member
    edited April 2021
    I’m Kay, 60 years old, 5’7, 37 lbs from my goal weight. This is my second shot at the UAC. I started and stalled out soon once before. I’m putting that behind me (considering it my practice round) and moving forward. Goal for April is to stay with it the entire month and lose 4-5 pounds. I know what I have to do to be successful, know I'm very capable of it, and I’m hoping by being here every day, the inspiration from all your progress and encouragement, that I’ll stay focused and make it happen. Peace <3 and good luck to us all!
  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    I'm rejoining for April! I fell off in March due to a very heavy workload, but I didn't loose the good habits that UAC has given me over the past years. I haven't tracked, but I've been active and extra careful with food because if the lack of tracking. I have another week of intense work, but really want to do well in April.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    @SummerSkier see my intro with the video about my new otter!
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Hey there, UAC family! I'm the overly chatty bilingual Canadian (English/French) who started using MFP back in JAN2020.

    My goal? Maintain my body fat in the low 20% range (or, gulp, high teens) since I've never been able to do that before. Along the way, getting stronger, more flexible, and working on mobility improvements are fun bonuses.

    I'm in a body recomp phase right now and will likely be in this phase until the end of the summer.

    Ultimately, I'm here to stay with UAC because this part - the body fat and weight loss - is easier for me. Once the recomp is done, the maintaining might be a heavier mental struggle/commitment to self.

    APR Exercise: Theresa DePasquale's 90-day workout program (Phase 1), 15 Minute Advanced Plank Workout, and stair climbing

    APR Nutrition: Hit my protein macro (40%) at least once a week 😭 and keep fat macro between 25%-29% for the month's average
    I'm prepping for MAY2021's Cooper Test redo. Back in NOV2020, I was "AVERAGE" for my age and gender according to the Cooper Test (I jogged 1.5 miles in 16:15 and could only do 21 modified push-ups). Ideally, by that time I'll be sub-14 min for the running portion and able to do a substantial number of traditional push-ups instead of modified ones.