

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    I have been working in one of the back rooms in my basement. I have 2 car seats that have expired, basically used less than a dozen or so times, but can't/shouldn't be used anymore. I found that Target will recycle them and give me 20% coupons for another baby item. YaY! It's hard to know what to do with stuff. I ask myself... if I moved, would I take this with me? I have areas of...1- ask the kids if they want it, 2- recycle, 3- toss, and 4- if I keep it, I have to use it! Of course there is still the store it for no good reason (just in case) pile :D
    I also am midstream of cleaning out the cupboards in the back entry. I've been able to move some boxes of family info from the upstairs bedroom. That was my intention when we remodeled 2 years ago so now it's happening. Slow but not too steady ;)
    AND I cleaned out my bedroom closet and it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. Found, washed and put my summer clothes in the drawers (I keep them in a suitcase during the winter), and am disappointed that they don't fit as well as they did last summer and 7 pounds ago. But it's still cold outsideso I have time (eye roll, :D )

    Sounds like a TON of progress @nebslp!

    Score!! With the car seats!!

    “It's hard to know what to do with stuff. I ask myself... if I moved, would I take this with me? I have areas of..
    .1- ask the kids if they want it, [I used to do this, but rarely do they want them - limited space, prefer minimal aesthetic. Now I only do this with things he owned or sentimental & generally their preference is digital which I will likely leave for them to do 🤣

    2- recycle ...the best along with donating to charity...I do this with as much as I can.

    3- toss (yes, right away before I change my mind)

    4- if I keep it, I have to use it! Yes, and over time we figure out if we do or not which is what makes 2nd/3rd pass SO Much Easier (at least for me) ie “I saved this - wait- that was over 3 years ago - and I haven’t used it... out it goes- with no regrets. I’ve even been giving away a few art supplies that fall in this category. Amazing lol

    5- Of course there is still the store it for no good reason (just in case) pile :D

    So here’s where I got on this whole topic 😃 having given it a lot of thought...if I was moving or downsizing I could easily deal with what’s in our home so it fit in that space. I think it would be fun & freeing to be honest.

    But I’m not. We have space. SO those things that I’d pitch if we moved, I place in the least convenient storage locations, shifting them out of prime locations. Which makes the things we DO use so much more accessible & life much nicer!

    TY for being on this Journey with me. You always give me insights.


    PS And I do go through those least convenient spaces from
    Time to time & pitch/give away a few, whittling them down over time.

    My goal was always to make space for our CURRENT LIVES & future interests ie not weighed down by past purchases/interests/etc.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @nebslp you are doing amazing! I enjoyed reading your update! A while ago I also had some car seats and toddler seats that had also expired. It never crossed my mind that a store might recycle them. Good for you!

    @MadisonMolly2017 You had some good insights to share about @nebslp 's questions in her post.

    I reread my last post that I wrote on the 25th when I talked about the extra (only decided it was 'extra' because it didn't fit on the shelf with the other smaller ones) small Pyrex glass storage container that I decided to keep. So yesterday and today I decided to use the smallest glass containers instead of the plastic ones for food storage 😉.

    Update: Ever since I had learned the tip way back about always having all storage containers with their lids on each piece, I still have the exact number of lids and their matching containers! No more looking for a matching lid or not finding what I am looking for. I tidied things a bit and all is in good shape still.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    Organizing my paper supply & sketchbooks (new & partially used) - one of the last categories that I’m bringing down from my old art studio to the new space!

    Some friends are interested in some art supplies I’m giving away, so I’m making a pass through my supplies to see if I have any others to offer before our Zoom call in a couple weeks.

    If they aren’t taken, I will donate to other organizations as they open!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    MadisonMolly2017 you are rocking decluttering and organizing your art supplies while putting together your new art space! It is truly a bonus incentive that some of your friends are interested in any art supplies that you may be giving away from your home. And that you have a plan in place for any leftovers after the friends have what they might want. That certainly helps the decluttering process!

    Here is how it has gone since my last post here:

    March 25 - March 31 Deep cleaning the living room. Put a few things back to where they belonged (such as a few DVDs that my DH had been watching during the winter storm when we had no internet to stream movies 🥶😖). One DVD had been decluttered earlier in the month as they are kept in another area since we only keep a few favorite DVDs and don't have a place in the living room for them. I also tossed/ recycled a couple of things like the neighborhood newspaper etc. I did toss the old curtains that I was debating whether to wash again or get something different. Different finally won out, as they were quite old. So that will be perhaps next month. In the meantime we have mini blinds so no real hurry. That is not really decluttering as such as they are going to be replaced, but it felt good to finally do that.

    I tossed the porch plants that are definitely not going to live. I am giving a couple another plants week or so to see if they actually survived the freeze. I'm also debating if I want to keep some newer smaller pots that I emptied as everything in them froze completely. Or downsize porch plants and give them away to a neighbor who loves all of my give-a-ways 😁 especially from the kitchen or porch/yard.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    Bought an impulse hanging 8-shelf unit for my husband - running clothes, hats, shoes, etc. looks great & he’s pretty happy!

    We know have a dresser & 1/2 empty! LOL

    I’ve been creating tons of art & my art studio began looking like Picasso’s & Calder’s LOL
    Just doing a few mins a day of returning supplies where they belong- it’s already looking better. Baby Steps Work!

    Next up: a different kind of decluttering: LOL

    Hiring termite company to fumigate & figure out how we can to move our 72 hrs or so

    Get our car service booked/handled.

    Eye appts (find new one) book appts for both of us

    Hearing appts (locate one) & book 2

    Ask doc re: yearly physicals

    All but the last are wayyy overdo or have never been done 😳
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,839 Member
    Oh I have a list of similar chores myself to take care of. Esp with being vaccinated I feel a little (note a little) more comfortable.

    Remember last year when I cleared out the bed underneath the roses which had grass and weeds in it about 2 feet tall? as part of my decluttering? Well I planted the iris and today the very first one of them bloomed. So rewarding!

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    Oh I have a list of similar chores myself to take care of. Esp with being vaccinated I feel a little (note a little) more comfortable.

    Remember last year when I cleared out the bed underneath the roses which had grass and weeds in it about 2 feet tall? as part of my decluttering? Well I planted the iris and today the very first one of them bloomed. So rewarding!


    @SummerSkier How gorgeous! And such a wonderful result of your efforts!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited April 2021
    @MadisonMolly2017 the 8-shelf unit for your husband sounds perfect for his needs and likes 😁 Nice find!

    I got a kick out of your "different kind of decluttering...". Good for you getting that done soon!

    @SummerSkier your iris is so very beautiful! What an outstanding reward for your labor while clearing that bed underneath your roses. I sure do remember you doing that. Yay 👏!!

    April 1 - April 12 I decluttered a few more coloring books. I gave away some pots to a neighbor that I cleaned up while working on the porch earlier this month, after the winter storm killed much of what was on the porch. A few plants came back but not many. Our covering the plants was no match for this year's freeze... I had been considering downsizing what I had on the porch by transferring a number of plants on the porch into the garden instead of keeping them in pots. So this was the opportunity. I decluttered a little more from both bathrooms that was on my maybe list a couple of weeks ago.

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,839 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 it's ALL decluttering. It's just a different kind sometimes. LOL

    @texasgardnr it is so interesting to me what did and what did not (so far anyway) survive our awful Uri storm in Feb. If I had known how bad it was I might have actually pulled some of the items in from the garage into the kitchen (not that it was much warmer but it did stay over freezing and they might have helped with the carbon monoxide. LOL. My bouganvillia died in the garage. My peace lilly died in the garage. My tropical hybiscus may be dead but I really am giving it a long chance as I have had it so so long and love the orange/yellow colors. My clementis stayed alive covered in layers on the porch. that is the biggest shocker! My mandevilla I am still giving a chance but it's not looking great. My heirloom rose my Dad gave me almost 18 years ago died completely back to the root from being over 6 foot tall. But it is coming back pretty strong and has buds already so that makes my heart happy. My paperwhitebulbs were about to bloom and they died back but came back leafing again. My Iris LOVED THE FREEZE and have asked me to schedule another one next year for them. LOL.... My desert willow and mountain laural were the most hurt by the weather and I believe both of those will survive and thrive again. Wisteria white uneffected. Wisteria purple did not bloom this year. I suspect it might have been too close.

    that's my garden report. LOL.... crepe myrtles are all fine and live oaks as well. Some of the purple heather bushes may or may not come back well. I see growth on one f the 3 I have. A lot of neighbors pulled a lot of landscaping out almost immediately but I bet if they had waited they might have seen regrowth. sigh.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    I USED to think it’s all decluttering, but now it’s 95%-99% living, creating, being able to find stuff, relaxing, enjoying friends, etc & 1% mostly optional decluttering/decorating.

    It’s just astonishingly quick to return things to where they belong. I wish I’d done this 40 years ago LOL
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    Spent some time today laying out some rubber stamps & other items that for a zoom
    Call with friends this weekend who have gotten back into card making!

    Next up, go through different areas of art studio, pulling out things I haven’t used in the past few years...stickers are really the only category that doesn’t seem whittled down enough lol...possible rivets & embellishments, we’ll see.

    maybe a few unused journals/sketchbooks, but likely I’ll save those as gifts for arty friends lol.

    Next up: finished art storage - inventorying
    Likely photo library with multiple search terms. I’d like to be all to put them
    Into digital collections. Use printed copies as substrates or collage!!!

    So exciting!!

    I hope you are all well!
    Maddie 😘

    PS: I dropped off car for repair this evening & walked the 4.5miles home. So cool.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    OK, I am still carting most of the rubber stamps to goodwill or such, but my friends were So Happy with the 15 or so total they chose.

    Will I do something like this again? I’m not sure. Seems everyone is Decluttering!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    Deep cleaning a large closet we emptied awhile back to repurpose!

    Continuing to work twice a day for 5 minutes on very old travel souvenirs!!

    Spent a couple of hours organizing & deep cleaning the art studio. Likely will take a couple more days...I like it spacious & realize I’ve emptied 2 large drawers, 3-4 smaller drawers, and 2/3 of one large book case / 1/3 of another. + the extra large closet

    I should be able to find a good place for much of what is out & about lol

    Likely will do another pass of “holiday closet” & move that to attic!


    How about you?!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 Having all of that extra space sounds luxurious! It's much easier (for me) to be creative when my work space is uncluttered...which is like never!! OK, almost never. Sometimes I just have to turn my back on it and create anyway. But it's still there :/ Anyway, congrats on having so much success in getting your creative space in order.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    @MadisonMolly2017 Having all of that extra space sounds luxurious! It's much easier (for me) to be creative when my work space is uncluttered...which is like never!! OK, almost never. Sometimes I just have to turn my back on it and create anyway. But it's still there :/ Anyway, congrats on having so much success in getting your creative space in order.

    Thank you @nebslp! Oh yes, I find the art studio goes in a cycle of every flat surface filling up & then ebbing as I return things where they belong or re-purpose areas I’ve cleared over time.

    I’ve had my watercolor brushes standin up in large jars for years, but realized this morning that I only use a few of them & Im doing less watercolor than I used to, so I created a second “brush” drawer from one I’d emptied & then placed acrylic brushes in the acrylic drawer & the calligraphy brushes with my ink Mins/pen holders (another drawer I’d emptied)

    I’ve had an ah-ha in recent days... I’m using materials, which is freeing up space where they were stored....and that is transferring to a larger stack of completed work ... and of in-process work. So, I’m creating easily accessed space for those.

    I guess the idea is we use our stuff up & build that pile of art!

    Best to you & Happy Creating!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    Well, I did it... we got help from our young neighbor & our 40 year old sofa & chair will be picked up tomorrow along with 30+ year rusted Tonya trucks that I couldn’t let go if before & 4 very old inherited outdoor chairs - lots of other miscellaneous as well as completely full recycling & garbage cans.

    The house looks Much nicer and I got a total of 13,699 steps between endless walking while decluttering & organizing & my regular hike. Great upper body workout too !

    I realized that there isn’t really anything in the house, at this point, that I think should go. It took almost about 5.5 years, but we did it. Notice I said house...the garage is pretty good but hubby decides on those items!!

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 You did it! WOW! You said the house looks much nicer and you got some great physical benefits from all the work. My question is, how do you feel mentally and emotionally now that you've let go of some special things (like the Tonka trucks) and your house holds only the things you love and need?
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Maddie said, "I’ve had an ah-ha in recent days... I’m using materials, which is freeing up space where they were stored....and that is transferring to a larger stack of completed work ... and of in-process work. So, I’m creating easily accessed space for those.

    I guess the idea is we use our stuff up & build that pile of art!"

    YES! I have stacks of fabric and binders full of patterns. I get hung up on what to make, how to make it, what fabric should I use, and then the trauma of actually cutting into that fabric because it might end up being not the perfect one. OMG! What a waste of time and energy. I have a sign on my lamp that says "just do it already. It's not rocket science!" However....
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    Maddie said, "I’ve had an ah-ha in recent days... I’m using materials, which is freeing up space where they were stored....and that is transferring to a larger stack of completed work ... and of in-process work. So, I’m creating easily accessed space for those.

    I guess the idea is we use our stuff up & build that pile of art!"

    YES! I have stacks of fabric and binders full of patterns. I get hung up on what to make, how to make it, what fabric should I use, and then the trauma of actually cutting into that fabric because it might end up being not the perfect one. OMG! What a waste of time and energy. I have a sign on my lamp that says "just do it already. It's not rocket science!" However....

    I hear you! That was ME!
    I think spending 5 years (going from decluttering utilitarian items to the more precious) was a “game changer” for me.
    I did it gradually - never forcing myself to toss or give away.

    Surprisingly, I have NO REGRETS. I’ve been cautious.

    I gave myself 3 years to lose my weight.
    I’ve given myself 5 years to figure out maintenance.
    And 1/1/19 I decided to give myself 3 years to figure put my art practice. One of the things I realized is I am frugal & sentimental. So for the fabric I kept, I cut a length about 2-3” (by hand so it’s not perfectly straight) & from that I cut a 1-inch square for a gorgeous book I made of fabric, yarn, and ribbon swatches. THAT helped a LOT. I can flip through my lovely inventory AND I clipped those fabric strips together by color & put them & all fabric into color drawers. (I have one basket of very large pieces of about 10 fabrics, too)

    Next, I realized I love working small to medium...so cutting off pieces of these pre-cut strips works well.

    I also realized I love buying art supplies, which I’ve really slowed down because now I can find mine! 🤣

    And as I mentioned I’m using up pens/markers/Posca paint pens/highlighters and even chalk pastels which I tried to give away 5 years ago & now I find I LOVE them... and that means eventually I get to buy some more supplies. Ditto for fabric! I use it; I get to choose more. Ditto my beads!

    The other thing is I have become really mindful of not only water materials, colors, subject matter, etc I love but now: the speed I like to work at... In each piece I make there are fast non-thinking parts ie pure play - often with my non-dominant hand AND later over several days/weeks or even longer slow, peaceful embellishments (very relaxing)...with a fair amount of random placement & spontaneous creation.

    I have never been happier with what I am creating.

    Once we learn what we love...what brings US joy, the art making becomes a refuge, heaven, something we can’t wait to get to...

    No one is more surprised than myself that m style & artwork has emerged in this way.

    My best tip: I pulled out all my art a few years ago. I did toss a few that were ugh. Some others I tore bits off that I liked and placed in my collage drawers to copy or use as is.
    Then I laid out all my art. It’s what they all say...I had been so busy trying to get watercolors to look like 2-3 teachers I loved...I hadn’t noticed MY CLEAR STyLE. And I read that the secret is learning to appreciate one’s own style. So, I have. I’ve embraced what seems to emerge. Much more fun now; I create every day without angst.

    Recovering perfectionist
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,034 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    @MadisonMolly2017 You did it! WOW! You said the house looks much nicer and you got some great physical benefits from all the work. My question is, how do you feel mentally and emotionally now that you've let go of some special things (like the Tonka trucks) and your house holds only the things you love and need?

    I feel Fantastic! (Our son turns 35 soon. 🤣) It was time!

    I no longer feel that deep underlying stress of the house. AND part of why I did this initially was to make it easier to possibly paint the walls, replace some windows, and I’d really love to get the floors refinished (if not too many $$). All of that will be easier with a more organized home. Getting rid of the sofa & chair that had 40 years of memories was the first step towards really redecorating!