Weekly Goal(s)



  • kaycoes
    kaycoes Posts: 54 Member

    Get in at least 15mins strength exercises every day

    64oz water every day

    Write my to do list for next day every night.

    Stop procrastinating and just get things done..

    I could try to cuss less...

    Get up earlier and go to bed earlier...

    Ok let's do this!!
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    This past week was so meh. (a longer version of the list below)

    New goals for the week:
    [o] couch to 5K week 7 - day 1
    [o] couch to 5K week 7 - day 2
    [o] couch to 5K week 7 - day 3
    [o] get new meal plan in place (by Wednesday)
    [o] track calories with MFP app (Thursday to Sunday)

    I made the plan in advance, but I had little time to write a post, so I'm late.

    Have a great week Megan! And all the rest of you, goal-setters!
  • momofthree9845
    momofthree9845 Posts: 30 Member
    1. Track every day
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    (A longer post about past and upcoming week is here.)

    New goals for the week:
    [o] couch to 5K week 8 - day 1
    [o] couch to 5K week 8 - day 2
    [o] couch to 5K week 8 - day 3
    [o] read 1 chapter “The Body Keeps the Score”

    I did some stupid things this past week. I hope it won't happen again. Take care of yourselves! <3
  • kaycoes
    kaycoes Posts: 54 Member
    Do my daily exercise challenges

    Go to bed earlier and up earlier

    Stay positive
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    (My weekly summary.)

    New goals for the week:
    [o] couch to 5K week 9 - day 1
    [o] couch to 5K week 9 - day 2
    [o] couch to 5K week 9 - day 3
    [o] decide on the running program for April 2021
    [o] read 1 chapter “The Body Keeps the Score”

    @kaycoes I'm so glad you are here! I enjoy your posts *a lot*. Thank you for making MFP such a good place for me and others <3!
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    New goals for the week (longer version here):
    [o] follow-up program week 1 - day 1
    [o] follow-up program week 1 - day 2
    [o] follow-up program week 1 - day 3
    [o] light stretching session (20 mins)
    [o] read 1 chapter “The Body Keeps the Score”
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    How is everyone doing? My goals for next week (longer post here):
    [o] follow-up program week 2 - day 1
    [o] follow-up program week 2 - day 2
    [o] follow-up program week 2 - day 3
    [o] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 1
    [o] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 2
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    I am still waiting for this group to become alive. I hope y'all are doing fine. My weekly goals (they are quite a few, I know, tl;dr here):
    [o] follow-up program week 2 - day 3
    [o] follow-up program week 3 - day 1
    [o] follow-up program week 3 - day 2
    [o] follow-up program week 3 - day 3
    [o] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 1
    [o] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 2
    [o] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 3
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    New goals for the week (post here):
    [o] follow-up program week 4 - day 1
    [o] follow-up program week 4 - day 2
    [o] follow-up program week 4 - day 3
    [o] eat only catered food for the days when it's available (Wednesday to Saturday)
    [o] read 1 chapter of "The Science of Meditation"
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    This is my 14th week of planning. I wish there were more of us here. I hope you are all doing fine and that covid left you and your loved ones alone.
    If you need some support, you can always hit me up! <3

    My next week stuff (post here):
    [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 1
    [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 2
    [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 3
    [o] come up with a new running schedule for the upcoming month
    [o] eat only catered food (or add fruit) on the days when it’s available
    (Monday to Saturday, say Sunday is a „cheat day”)
    [o] read 1 chapter of “The Science of Meditation”
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    Oh, I am so tired with working on myself. Week 15, here I come. (post here)

    Diet goals: [success threshold: 5/6]
    [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Monday
    [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Tuesday
    [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Wednesday
    [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Thursday
    [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Friday
    [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Saturday

    New goals for the week:
    [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 1
    [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 2
    [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 3
    [o] reach diet goal
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2021
    Blargh. Week 16 and I am late with everything. (post here)

    How is everyone doing?

    New goals for the week:
    [o] run 5K program week 1 - day 1 - 43 mins. running
    [o] run 5K program week 1 - day 2 - 43 mins. running
    [o] run 5K program week 1 - day 3 - 4.3K running