Does anyone need a 5 pound challenge instead?

steve0mania Posts: 2,946 Member
I've been a happy participant in the 10 pound challenge since it started, and took the initial 10 pounds off at a good rate. I needed to take another 3-4 pounds off after that, which I did. Unfortunately, I've managed to gain back the extra 3-4 pounds, and now have simply drifted a few pounds above my ultimate target weight for months now.

I diligently post in the 10 pound challenge, but it no longer is really a "challenge," but rather another thread to post on.

I'm starting to think that it might be good to have a new/refreshed challenge. For me, I'd like to take off ~5 pounds, and I think a small and focused goal might be useful.

What do you all think? Anybody feeling the same way?


  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,796 Member
    I’m currently engaged in a thirty-five pound challenge of sorts . . . maybe the answer is something along the lines of:
    • What’s your target or objective?
    • What are you doing about that?
    • What happened this week on your efforts?

    It would serve as a replacement for the Friday weigh-in and the ten pound challenge.
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 2,946 Member
    I don't know if I was viewing it as a replacement, per se, but maybe more of a "task force" approach. I'm a big fan of task forces at work, because I like the idea of a group coming together around a specific (and importantly, time-limited) task. Once the job is done, the task-force disbands. Similarly, after some period of time, I'd like to see the challenge end, rather than be an ongoing check-in type thread.

    This is really just my preference. I like the 10 pound challenge thread, but I'm not sure it's really meeting my current need.
  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    I like the idea of a 5# challenge, and would participate in addition to the 10# challenge.
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,235 Member
    @steve0mania, how would discussions in a Five Pound Challenge be different from what you might post in the 10 Pound Challenge? What do you need that you're not getting?

    I'm all for whatever works for someone, so I fully support a new thread, if it will be helpful. I've been thinking that we're coming up on a year since I created the 10 Pound Challenge and feeling bad that I haven't lost the 10 pounds. I'm also aware that I haven't been very "chatty" inside that thread or on the board, in general, lately. The two are related. I'm planning to continue on that thread at least until I've lost my first 10 pounds. For me, this is as much about task completion as anything else. I seem to be struggling with that right now. I'm aiming to be more engaged here because I find it helpful.

    So, I say create a new thread if that would be helpful or modify the existing thread to fit your needs.