Moms Needing to Lose 50+?



  • RMattson6
    RMattson6 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a working mom with 2 kids, I am homeschooling, and I need to lose over 100 but my first goal is 26 pounds because that would be 10% of my starting weight. I've lost 11 so far in the last almost 4 months. I need mom friends who are on MFP that will help cheer me on. So friend me if you need a supporter too.
  • I'm almost 32 and need to lose about 75lbs! Would love for some friends and motivation to keep me going. I'm tired of feeling like crap all the time!
  • claudianieves76
    claudianieves76 Posts: 3 Member
    I’m 29 with a 9 year old have been up and down with my weight all these years and it’s time to stick with it. I would like to lose 50 pounds to start
  • Helenwedah
    Helenwedah Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I'm Helen, 35 from Chesterfield with 4 children. 13 year old daughter, 7 year old son, 6 year old son and a nearly 2 year old son. I'd love to loose the mum tum, none of my clothes fit properly cos of the big belly, ive had a few comments 'oh how far along are you?' and 'when are you due?' It's time the tum goes. Xx
  • Cgraber78
    Cgraber78 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey gang! I'm 42 with a soon to be 16, and very soon to be 13 year old daughters (and going grey faster and faster!) Lockdown ha not been kind, especially with a daughter who has taken up the hobby of baking!! My starting point is 264 lbs and I'd like to see 175-180 again. It's a tough journey but we'll get there....
  • drdelirium
    drdelirium Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I'm 40 with two young sons, 3 and 5. I lost 20lbs with MFP before getting pregnant the first time, but 5 years later I gained it back and 30 more. I'm at 230 now and I'd love to get back to at least 200. Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • njhaines
    njhaines Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I'm 44, and have a17 year old, 15 year old, and 3 year old. Yeah, you read that right. Surprise!! Trying to lose excess weight post partum in your 40s while working full time is no joke! I've been struggling with weight loss and other health issues for a couple of years, and used the pandemic year to get things back on track. I lost 50 pounds, got health under control and am finally feeling good. Then I hit a weight loss plateau. I still have about 80 pounds to lose!!! I did a combination of keto/AIP for six months. Tired of the restrictions and missing a variety of produce, I switched to a mediterranean based diet but am struggling to get that scale to move!
  • amberatkinsagain
    amberatkinsagain Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Starting MFP again. I lost a good amount of weight to have a baby. I had our beautiful girl in March of 2020. Thanks to postpartum and pandemic, I've gained it back and then some.

    Looking for friends and motivators!

    Best wishes to you all 💪
  • lindseymcbride2015
    lindseymcbride2015 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m a 36 year old mom to 5 children youngest is 3 months oldest 10, I work full time and currently in school doing my degree. I have milk supply issues and hypothyroid so have a difficult time trying to lose . I’ve gained with every baby and have about 80+ to lose to feel good about my body.
  • NYAngel1089
    NYAngel1089 Posts: 593 Member
    I'm 31, currently 6 weeks pp. I started at 210lbs, currently 205.4lbs, and my gw is at least 160lbs.
  • breeziebanana
    breeziebanana Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 32, four kids, when I started on mfp I was 220lbs. But 3 weeks prior I was 200lbs. I had quit smoking at the time. I'm currently to 210lbs now and my gw 150lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend too
  • Hi, I'm 40, a mum of 3 (7,6 and almost 1) and i currently have 55 lbs to lose.
  • Kbird3318
    Kbird3318 Posts: 1 Member
    Need to loose 75 pounds, mom to a 15 year old, 11 yr, 8 yr :#
  • sfjones5570
    sfjones5570 Posts: 1 Member
    41 (and a half) with an almost 3 year old. Trying to lose 50 lbs, but keep losing and gaining the same 10!! Would love some support, accountability, and community!!
  • Rbagwell00
    Rbagwell00 Posts: 1 Member
    Im at my heaviest of 280+, short term goal to lose 50, long term 100+. Oldest is 2 (32m), youngest is 15 months old.
  • Goodfelines
    Goodfelines Posts: 25 Member
    I'm interested! I just had my second baby in January and am ready to lose the 100lbs I've gained between my two babies.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Hi there! Looking for other moms in the same situation and needing to hold myself accountable. I'm also on IG if you have one, please let me know. Would love to see your journey though pictures. IG:@workinonmel
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 255lbs at 5'4. I'd like to get to 130lbs one day