"This May I Will" Are you ready?



  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    May 1 ⛅️
    May 2 ⛅️
    May 3 ⛅️
    May 4 ⛅️
    May 5 ⛅️ 37 degree morning didn't stop me. Mornings outside are so beautiful. The dew was on the grass and I could see a few spiderwebs on my bushes <3
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,853 Member
    Yes - OPEN WINDOWS @nebslp Listening to my martins sing as they keep an eye on their eggs and perfect the nests.

    For today's blood pressure foods (and keep in mind the theme for a lot of information is reducing sodium intake but that's not what I am focusing on). I added canned beets. (low sodium ahahahahah). It turns out my carrots and blueberries are good as well. Enjoying the tomato (low sodium) juice and the Orange slices this week a lot. Variety is nice!

    So here's a tidbit I just learned (always learning something is good right?) Apparently taking vitamin supplement BIOTIN is a no no when you are having blood work pulled. I get my thyroid none-fasting pulled annually, and this is the first time I have seen a sign at the lab about this, and my Drs have never mentioned it. so strange. Anyway, I googled it and it turns out some of the chemicals they use include biotin or something so it interferes with the results. "Who knew?!!" Unfortunately I did not, but since I have been doing this for years maybe it's all good. I will ask my endocrinologist during my appt. I did know that the 2nd Covidvaccine could interfere with mammogram results due to enlarged lymph nodes so I ended up delaying that and my Thyroid sono for 6 weeks to make sure I did not get some crazy results. I suspect that the vaccine does some interesting things to us during it's work to help us produce t cells and such longer term so none of this is surprising. I am no expert just sharing information...research further if you want.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,042 Member
    🎨 Palette= I will make marks for at least 5 minutes DAILY!

    NEW: Marie Kondo was right - at least for me! All the decluttering of the past 5.5 years has enabled me to now really tackle our stash of old media. I already went through much of this before, but would get overwhelmed. At least there is far less to go through now! Now I know to do small bits at a time & I really love order now. I love being able to find things!

    Completely finishing all of the postcards & memorabilia of an amazing trip in 1972 has spurred me onwards. These jobs take time, but it’s not infinite. They seem more do-able. I make decisions faster & with far less angst!

    This next category will take some time, but I’m truly in the right mindset now!!

    Media= I will do one of the following for at least 5 minutes DAILY except when family members are here visiting (I’d rather show them some of the awesome ones I’ve uncovered!!)
    Top Priority 📼 Cassette tapes- Invaluable
    I will screen very old cassette tapes to see if they are worth transferring to digital.

    2nd priority: 🏞 Old print photos: To free up significant space.
    I will declutter all our printed photos to keep just the ones we want to have scanned to digital.

    3rd priority: 📽 Old Videos
    I will declutter old purchased videos or screen our old home VHS to see if they are worth transferring to digital.

    4th: 📹 Moderately old videos
    Same as 3. Most are labeled!! Hooray!

    I decided to have a priority order, but not rigidly stick to it as variety is something I enjoy.

    I’m organizing the equipment I need on the newly cleared dining room table. My reward for completing the cassettes (top priority) & photos will be much less clutter, more readily accessible memorabilia, and the ability to use the dining room table for laying our monoprints and other art that needs to lay flat to dry!! The videos won’t need the space of the table. The reward there will be preserving & sharing darling early films of our son❣️

    Even iif this takes until Jan 1, 2022, it will be great to have these precious items accessible & shareable. Plus, future generations will be more likely to hang on to them If they are digital, I t think!

    May 1 🎨 📼
    May 2 🎨 📽
    May 3 🎨 🏞
    May 4 🎨 📼 🏞 2 blank (tossed) one 2-hr tape by an old friend about her 1988 trip to Bora Bora. Their house burned down in the fires last summer. I saw them on TV talking about it from a shelter. They are not rebuilding, so I’ll do some sleuthing & get it to them so at least they’ll have some memories.

    May 5 🎨 📼 JACKPOT 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
    I didn’t know this existed & ALMOST tossed this tape, but wasn’t sure when I tested it the other day that I knew what I was doing, so listened again just to be sure 😳

    It’s me reading two books to a our very young son - 2 years old I think - SUCH a sweet voice & interaction! So Darling!

    The tape goes wonky in the middle of the Grinch Who Stole Xmas so I’ve labeled it & set the tape aside. Will do some sleuthing to find if there is someone who can work with a partially damaged tape & save as much as possible.
    #happyJoyJoy!! This partial tape is worth all the work of going through the rest of the 20 or so tapes. Curious what else I will find!

    What I like is I can make art, cook, etc while scanning the tapes...so it take some attention, but not as much as I thought it would!

    AND I moved my completed art to the inherited Hope chest! A special, very safe spot!

    May 6
    May 7
    Week 1 Summary:
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,942 Member
    Just jumping in quickly to say I've been going through and tossing old VHS tapes (I can't even tell you how many I have 😒). Most of them are being tossed since I can't find a place to recycle them around here (I've looked online).

    However, I came across one the other day that I may save. Years ago PBS did a Mystery! marathon on New Year's Day. I've been enjoying episodes of Second Sight with Clive Owen and the Inspector Lynley series with Nathaniel Parker. I "may" save this tape.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,042 Member
    PKM0515 wrote: »
    Just jumping in quickly to say I've been going through and tossing old VHS tapes (I can't even tell you how many I have 😒). Most of them are being tossed since I can't find a place to recycle them around here (I've looked online).

    However, I came across one the other day that I may save. Years ago PBS did a Mystery! marathon on New Year's Day. I've been enjoying episodes of Second Sight with Clive Owen and the Inspector Lynley series with Nathaniel Parker. I "may" save this tape.

    @PKM0515 i love Clive Owen! Thanks I’ll have to look that up!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,042 Member
    A really great weekly email today from the author of Atomic Habits
    3-2-1: On judging your own work, and maintaining a mindset of flexibility

    read on JAMESCLEAR.COM | MAY 6, 2021
    Happy 3-2-1 Thursday,

    Here are 3 ideas, 2 quotes, and 1 question to consider this week...

    3 Ideas From Me


    "More effort is wasted doing things that don’t matter than is wasted doing things inefficiently.

    Elimination is the highest form of optimization."

    (Share this on Twitter)​


    "We cannot predict the value our work will provide to the world. That’s fine. It is not our job to judge our own work. It is our job to create it, to pour ourselves into it, and to master our craft as best we can."

    (Share this on Twitter)​


    "You can increase your surface area for good luck by taking action.

    The forager who explores widely will find lots of useless terrain, but is also more likely to stumble across a bountiful berry patch than the person who stays home.

    Similarly, the person who works hard, pursues opportunity, and tries more things is more likely to stumble across a lucky break than the person who waits."

    2 Quotes From Others


    Rugby player Jonny Wilkinson on maintaining a mindset of flexibility:

    "If I need things to be a certain way, I'm held hostage by them"

    Source: Series Two: Jonny Wilkinson​


    Author and poet Maya Angelou on how hard it is to make it look easy:

    "I try to pull the language into such a sharpness that it jumps off the page. It must look easy, but it takes me forever to get it to look so easy. Of course, there are those critics — New York critics as a rule — who say, Well, Maya Angelou has a new book out and of course it’s good but then she’s a natural writer. Those are the ones I want to grab by the throat and wrestle to the floor because it takes me forever to get it to sing. I work at the language."

    Source: The Paris Review Interviews: Volume IV​

    1 Question For You

    An insightful question from Steph Smith:

    "How much of what you did today was simply due to inertia?

    Never get so busy that you forget to actively design your life."

    If you enjoyed that, please share with others.

    ​Share this newsletter on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, or via email.

    Or, copy and paste the link below:


  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,042 Member
    I’m realizing I should be screening the cassette tapes/VHS/ and more modern videos simultaneously

    Will dig out the other two machines soon!

    Efficiency makes this more fun LOL
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,042 Member
    🎨 Palette= I will make marks for at least 5 minutes DAILY!

    NEW: Marie Kondo was right - at least for me! All the decluttering of the past 5.5 years has enabled me to now really tackle our stash of old media. I already went through much of this before, but would get overwhelmed. At least there is far less to go through now! Now I know to do small bits at a time & I really love order now. I love being able to find things!

    Completely finishing all of the postcards & memorabilia of an amazing trip in 1972 has spurred me onwards. These jobs take time, but it’s not infinite. They seem more do-able. I make decisions faster & with far less angst!

    This next category will take some time, but I’m truly in the right mindset now!!

    Media= I will do one of the following for at least 5 minutes DAILY except when family members are here visiting (I’d rather show them some of the awesome ones I’ve uncovered!!)
    Top Priority 📼 Cassette tapes- Invaluable
    I will screen very old cassette tapes to see if they are worth transferring to digital.

    2nd priority: 🏞 Old print photos: To free up significant space.
    I will declutter all our printed photos to keep just the ones we want to have scanned to digital.

    3rd priority: 📽 Old Videos
    I will declutter old purchased videos or screen our old home VHS to see if they are worth transferring to digital.

    4th: 📹 Moderately old videos
    Same as 3. Most are labeled!! Hooray!

    I decided to have a priority order, but not rigidly stick to it as variety is something I enjoy.

    I’m organizing the equipment I need on the newly cleared dining room table. My reward for completing the cassettes (top priority) & photos will be much less clutter, more readily accessible memorabilia, and the ability to use the dining room table for laying our monoprints and other art that needs to lay flat to dry!! The videos won’t need the space of the table. The reward there will be preserving & sharing darling early films of our son❣️

    Even iif this takes until Jan 1, 2022, it will be great to have these precious items accessible & shareable. Plus, future generations will be more likely to hang on to them If they are digital, I t think!

    May 1 🎨 📼
    May 2 🎨 📽
    May 3 🎨 🏞
    May 4 🎨 📼 🏞 2 blank (tossed) one 2-hr tape by an old friend about her 1988 trip to Bora Bora. Their house burned down in the fires last summer. I saw them on TV talking about it from a shelter. They are not rebuilding, so I’ll do some sleuthing & get it to them so at least they’ll have some memories.

    May 5 🎨 📼 JACKPOT 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
    I didn’t know this existed & ALMOST tossed this tape, but wasn’t sure when I tested it the other day that I knew what I was doing, so listened again just to be sure 😳

    It’s me reading two books to a our very young son - 2 years old I think - SUCH a sweet voice & interaction! So Darling!

    The tape goes wonky in the middle of the Grinch Who Stole Xmas so I’ve labeled it & set the tape aside. Will do some sleuthing to find if there is someone who can work with a partially damaged tape & save as much as possible.
    #happyJoyJoy!! This partial tape is worth all the work of going through the rest of the 20 or so tapes. Curious what else I will find!

    What I like is I can make art, cook, etc while scanning the tapes...so it take some attention, but not as much as I thought it would!

    AND I moved my completed art to the inherited Hope chest! A special, very safe spot!

    May 6 🎨 📼 (no big winners but kept at it - got through 5 or so, double-sided)
    I see the light at the end of the cassette tunnel!! Maybe done by Monday.

    May 7
    Week 1 Summary:

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,853 Member
    Happy Friday habiteers... or maybe habit-ears? and for your daily dose of gross...

    The other morning I noticed that the edemame which I have been adding to my salads for additional protein and taste welll.. shall we say it was not exactly being absorbed into my body... hahahaha... So I noticed that when I was shelling them the pods had a "case" on them which I think keeps them from being broken up by your stomach and intestines. So now I am taking the extra step of scraping that casing off the pod so that I am not doing a pass thru on the protein I want to add....

    My habit of adding additional variety for blood pressure healthy foods continues. I am definitely going to keep with the tomato juice and naval oranges and beets. Something so satisfying to me about a small glass of chilled juice.

    Things I am going to look for are unsweetened grapefruit and lemon juice (or just the fruits themselves) pumpkin seeds.

    For today's earrings I found a hidden pair of horseshoes way back in my jewelry chest. I am not sure I have ever worn them but they are nice and sparkly and light weight.

    Maddie, you are doing AMAZING with the digital media. I have an entire cabinet which I am just keeping closed up tight for now. LOL.

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    May 1 ⛅️
    May 2 ⛅️
    May 3 ⛅️
    May 4 ⛅️
    May 5 ⛅️ 37 degree morning didn't stop me. Mornings outside are so beautiful. The dew was on the grass and I could see a few spiderwebs on my bushes
    May 6 ⛅️
    May 7 ⛅️ Every day I love this more than the day before🥰 The time outside has turned into a meditation, prayer, just happy to be alive time.

    Not much time to comment but am glad to hear about all the progress being made. @SummerSkier Have you tried low sodium original V-8? I like it better than straight tomato juice.

    I finished a Harry Potter robe (another one) in 3 days 😲, got many flowers planted today, and will be cleaning furiously because all my kids ( except 1) will be coming for my granddaughter’s 11th bday party tomorrow. There’s another party on Sunday (not here) for my other granddaughter who will be 13 already! She was a preemie (2lbs) so had a scary beginning but is amazing now😍. Life is returning to normal and I am so happy! Hope you all have a good weekend.
  • jjchristensen1993
    jjchristensen1993 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a mom of 4 under 4 just getting back into healthier habits. I'm getting back in control of my health, both mental and physical and if feels so good! I love the idea of habit stacking and I want to get better at it! I would like to create a better habit for my spiritual health so my May Goal is:

    After I get all the kids in bed
    I will study for a minimum of 15 minutes.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @jjchristensen1993 what a beautiful profile pic! And a great goal!!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,213 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    @jjchristensen1993 what a beautiful profile pic! And a great goal!!

    I agree! And welcome to our group!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,213 Member
    edited May 2021
    Since consistency and repetition are the building blocks of new habits, I’m going to have 31 meditation days in May.

    May 1 to May 7:


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,213 Member
    @nebslp, I’m so glad you are enjoying your time outdoors. Mornings are a magical time, aren’t they, and they set the stage for the rest of the day. I’m sure that’s why I’m stressed about returning to my office. I’ve used the extra time I have now in the morning to develop a solid 2 hour, habit-filled morning routine and I don’t want to give that up!

    And great job, @SummerSkier on the search for a variety of foods that help keep your blood pressure in check!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,213 Member
    I was so excited to see this new Sleep Story on Calm last night. How perfect for me!


    But of course, true to all the sleep stories on Calm I was only awake for the first few minutes. :)
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,936 Member
    May 1 - ?
    May 2 - 🤚 😊
    May 3 - 🤚😊
    May 4 - 🤚😊
    May 5 - 🤚😊
    May 6 - 🤚😊
    May 7 - 🤚😊
    May 8 - 🤚😊

    One week of May done and my habit of taking better care of my nails is going well.
    Also, I eliminated one whole file box in my school file reduction/decluttering.
    In addition, I made some progress on my summer plan - car airbag recall repair taken care of. This coming week will be more challenging - a new set of essays come in.

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,213 Member
    I really like your nails focus for this month, @77tes. Having well kept nails is something that you’ll notice and can feel good about every day. I like your other daily habits too!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,213 Member
    How is it going for you, @pennysob, @TKlepac, and @changing4life? We are here to support and encourage you!
  • pennysob
    pennysob Posts: 59 Member
    I've been using calm meditation every morning along with red light meditation. it's varying relaxing. It's wonderful start to my morning and only 10 minutes of my time. I've recently add a good morning stretch.