

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Wow! I certainly loved "eavesdropping" in on this very "creative" conversation. Thank you @MadisonMolly2017 & @nebslp for sharing 💗 .

    @SummerSkier I really enjoyed your garden report. Yes! It has been interesting "what did and what did not (so far anyway) survive our awful Uri storm in Feb"., as you wrote about yours.

    I was especially happy to read that the heirloom rose that your dad gave you years ago froze back only to the roots and is now coming back strong!! That is so very special 🌹.

    I've been doing the recommended waiting and wait a little more to see what actually survived the big freeze. What is in the ground is what I was waiting for. What was in the pots took a bit shorter time to be quite certain of what survived. I still have two pots on the porch that I'm holding out on whether the roots and whatever is below the surface might send up some shoots. One is like an "elephant ear" plant. My neighbor and I are still hopeful as we had passed babies back and forth to each other over the years. My new last summer, because it was very unusually beautiful, yellow hibiscus that we splurged on, bit the dust while wrapped but obviously not protected enough for the fierce cold. My pencil cactus perished in the garage. I had that thing for so many years. A lady a couple streets down that I rooted a piece for her was talking about making some cuttings and asked me how to do it. I asked her if she had an extra could she pass one along to me since the parent plant froze while in the garage. 😥. We never expected that to happen. Of course 🤷‍♀️.

    We are getting a lot of rain (actually happening right now finally!) this weekend, so I'll have to wait for the gardens and foundation planting areas to dry a bit out before I can now prune all the dead parts off and reveal what is peeking through. We had lightening recently (but very little rain) so the different sages are beginning to come into bloom. So I'm really wanting to get out there and prune. We have a small sage called Lipstick Salvia (s. greggii) - Also called Texas Sage, or Autumn Sage. That one is bi-colored (white and red) and the others that I have known as Autumn Sage all these years are beginning to bloom. These are bright red. The white ones are coming back also. The tall Silverado sage bushes will be lovely especially after tonight lightening, The day lilies' foliage looks really nice so far, and the Asiatic lilies that are alive are coming back strong. I'm hoping the Mexican petunia and the Dwarf Mexican petunias also come back. I've had them for years and have sweet memories with them. The Plumbago is returning. Not certain which ones. There are other perennials that I spotted some green so maybe! I'll find out next week.

    Speaking of all the strange or bad weather events showing up, earlier this week we missed the potential tornadoes and big hail with the storms that came awfully close to my area. We have been getting close to drought conditions here again, so we sure could have used more rain, but as my friends say we were grateful for every drop that we did get earlier this week and that we were spared from the destruction. I had tornado watches and warnings talking to me on my phone into the wee hours of the night. And the towns that ended up actually in harm's way were not that far from us. They are suffering much wind and hail damage. I learned the next morning that this storm spanned several states before the night ended 😥.

    Several years ago my neighborhood had quite a bit of hail damage and another time several tornadoes touched down just blocks away from us and some further away but still in areas that I often go to.. So we knew the potential danger. I stayed awake and colored and drank sleepy time tea until things quieted down.

    OK, for my declutter report for the second half of April: April 13 - April 30th: I continued to declutter more random miscellaneous things in my Stuff category. I took all of what I had collected since my last donation day earlier this year to the same donation site on Wednesday! So my empty Donate Box is awaiting whatever I find next to give away 💗. I also have been decluttering in the Digital category. Paper came to a temporary screeching halt as I felt overwhelmed and other important things that I had to deal with became more important. Of course these things only added more to the papers to sort then declutter or file. I kept up with any incoming paper. So come May I will focus more on paper and the garden/ outdoors. And see what inspires me in other areas as time goes on.

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,856 Member
    @texasgardnr how terrifying how close that tornado was! I was home with a broken femur in 97 when the series of tornados (the F6 which wiped out Jarrell included) came thru. I can tell you the broadcast TV and the phones all when to snow and it sounded like a freight train. I hid in the bathtub with my cat.

    Now when we have warnings my one cat hides in the only inner room we have which is the walkin closet. So we all hang out there and the watch the radar.

    I have also had the hail damage but not this year yet. That is also just terrifying to hear sounds like people are firing machine guns at you with golf ball and larger.

    I am happy to report that the peace lilly IS coming back. I thought it was toast (in a pot in the garage) but when I went to clear out the pot yesterday I saw new shoots coming up. :) That makes sense because it does have tubers...

    Another of the fabulous iris bloomed (Lovely Senorita is the name) so here is a photo of the iris and my heirloom blooms which have a marvelous scent.
    I am pretty sure now that 2 of the pots I have been waiting on are gone but it doesn't hurt to wait. My pine tree looks like it needs a match tho. Sadly that will have to come out. It was already struggling and some of the limbs were broken in the storm. It's over 2 stories tall and was a xmas tree in 2005 so it's had a nice long life I expect. I have scouted the neighborhood and found the tree I want to replace it with but I need to recheck the name.

    Happy May to everyone!

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @SummerSkier gorgeous flowers!! I’m glad some of the things you thought were lost are surprising you with a comeback. It’s too bad about your pine tree though. Something like that is hard to replace and takes so long to feel the same.

    I’m glad you Texas gals didn’t get hit with the storms that went through there. This is such an unpredictable time of year.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    Declutter Update - May 2
    My husband has decluttered much of upstairs room & this morning hauled all his computers & work up there from the dining room. His need to concentrate & not be disturbed by gardener, me vacuuming, and other interruptions (me) made it non ideal for him to be right in the center of the house. So, in the interests of natural harmony he moved back up.

    Which means, I get the dining room again.
    I might wait until after our houseguests to move some things there :) but it’s a cooler space in summer with a nice breeze in the evening!

    I inherited my grandparents wedding hope chest & have been storing our collection of VHS tapes in it. I had a huge ah-ha..I’m going to house my completed art work (all but they’re all large ones) in it. No worry about bugs then! And a Tribute to my grandmother who fostered the maker/doer in me!!!!❤️

    I’m off to move the VHS tapes, and shift my art...
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @SummerSkier Lovely Senorita is indeed very lovely and your heirloom blooms are so beautiful 💗 . And yay for your Peace Lilly staying alive! That is sad about the pine tree, but it I'm happy that it did have an amazing long life span for you to enjoy.

    @MadisonMolly2017 that is a very special idea about how to use your grandparent's wedding hope chest now! Well done! Enjoy having the dining room again for you to use 👏.

    May 19- May 31 Decluttered 5 items from the kitchen to donate. I also got rid of some food items that were expired in the refrigerator and the pantry, and other things that are no longer wanted such as small sauce packets from take out food.

    I decluttered 15 miscellaneous things from my top dresser drawer. Things just seem to get stashed or stored there for lack of a better decision and then forgotten.

    I'm also continuing the slow progress of the after winter cleanup and the ongoing debris clean up from the more recent storms that have came through. Including the huge storm on Friday. The boy down the street said it looked like the Discovery Channel (meaning the nature shows) outside. I have not experienced that much lightening/ thunder/ wind and rain at one time in many years! Thankfully we had the oak tree in the back pruned this winter so it held up well.

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,856 Member
    I'm also continuing the slow progress of the after winter cleanup and the ongoing debris clean up from the more recent storms that have came through. Including the huge storm on Friday. The boy down the street said it looked like the Discovery Channel (meaning the nature shows) outside. I have not experienced that much lightening/ thunder/ wind and rain at one time in many years! Thankfully we had the oak tree in the back pruned this winter so it held up well.

    yes that storm was horrific. I have a kitty who is terrified of rain and even more of thunder and lightning. I finally ended up scooping her up from behind the toilet where she was cowering about 9 PM and holding her in bed with me for hours while the show continued. The wind was awful as well and I have a flag outside my front and it would go straight out one way and then straight out another during the storm. Luckily my Purple Martin house is very stout and the gourds may rock a little but it holds up well. Many neighbors lost huge tree limbs. :( Glad your oak held up well.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    @SummerSkier Lovely Senorita is indeed very lovely and your heirloom blooms are so beautiful 💗 . And yay for your Peace Lilly staying alive! That is sad about the pine tree, but it I'm happy that it did have an amazing long life span for you to enjoy.

    @MadisonMolly2017 that is a very special idea about how to use your grandparent's wedding hope chest now! Well done! Enjoy having the dining room again for you to use 👏.

    May 19- May 31 Decluttered 5 items from the kitchen to donate. I also got rid of some food items that were expired in the refrigerator and the pantry, and other things that are no longer wanted such as small sauce packets from take out food.

    I decluttered 15 miscellaneous things from my top dresser drawer. Things just seem to get stashed or stored there for lack of a better decision and then forgotten.

    I'm also continuing the slow progress of the after winter cleanup and the ongoing debris clean up from the more recent storms that have came through. Including the huge storm on Friday. The boy down the street said it looked like the Discovery Channel (meaning the nature shows) outside. I have not experienced that much lightening/ thunder/ wind and rain at one time in many years! Thankfully we had the oak tree in the back pruned this winter so it held up well.


    @texasgardnr Great progress with your decluttering! I’m sorry you (& Summer) were hit with more storms.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    For no real reason I decided to go through a closet in guest room after son & DIL left for her parents

    Pulled out boxes of organized of photos memorabilia by teaching year (I’d already my culled) and my favorite curriculum (also very culled)

    Well got rid of a bag & a large box of more of

    The I’m hit on idea of offering much of the rest to
    The students who are now ~ 26-33 years old via FB.
    So far, I’ve reconnected with 12-15 of them!! Long conversations with 4 & plans for coffee/hike with one who is local! They can’t believe I kept this stuff & they are delighted - especially the two years I had them write a letter to their “Future Selves” - was supposed to be 10 years out, but is now 23 or so!!

    Once I’ve connected with most of them I will just keep what I LOVE Ie I’ll whack it wayyy back- thinking one box of videos/DVDs (of musicals we did) & one of photo/writing/curriculum.

    Pretty excited.

    I’m in anew place of letting go, not desperately hanging into the past (esp the past if my students & son)

    My KEY insight: Focus on my favorite memories, my history.

    So much of what I have left to go through are photos of our son, his school projects, former toys & books. And he & wife are minimalists, and he says he likes to look through it but rarely ever does.

    SO, I’m Moving in the right direction. Even if I jettison 1/2 of his stuff, he’ll still have lots to look at :)

    A friend & his wife have just emptied their home if the past 28 years & moved to 2 bedroom apartment. Three truckloads of furniture etc to a ministry that gives them to homeless/low income. It’s been emotionally & physically taxing.

    Their experience is motivating me even more to just keep what I love. One of the reasons we bought this house is it had lots of closets…It’s easy to store stuff we don’t use in them.

    I’ve made great progress with them over the years, but now it’s time to finish this job & move it out!

    15 minutes a day.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 Amazing progress, Maddie! Patient, consistent, persistent…wins every time! If I did the math right (that’s questionable🤔) if you do 15 minutes a day, that adds up to 5475 min/ (365 days) year, or 91.25 hours. Apparently you can get a lot done in 91 hours and 15 minutes!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    edited June 2021
    15 mins declutter/straightening
    15 mins art
    Soon I’ll be up to 15 mins arms & upper body
    And 90 mins of walking

    Next: 15 mins on weekdays of “ThosePeskyTasks” TPT’s!!

    Several of these go much longer once I’ve started, which is fun!

    I used to spread these out “by quarter”
    * I’m definitely doing upper body between dressed & breakfast ie AM
    * I do my walk close to sundown so late afternoon winter & evening in summer
    * I used to do art & the pesky jobs before my late lunch. I also tend to do more art after my walk.
    * The declutter seems to work well before dinner

    Worked well.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @SummerSkier That is good that your Purple Martin house is very stout and the gourds withstood the storm also. Your kitty 🐈 is also very fortunate to have you to take care of her during the storm . So far those are behind us, and now, at least for me it is back to the heat and dry weather of summer. High 90s and lows in mid 70s this week.
    I just recently found that the oleander survived the freeze, and the various Lantana, and the different sages, and Red Bird of Paradise and the others larger plants have come back strong, especially after the storms. I've been cutting back the dead branches and working to tidy the gardens. Some I'm leaving wilder as they have burst into amazing bloom and I do not want to disturb except what is obviously dead to preserve the extra burst of bloom they are gifting me with. The lillies have come back better than ever. Most of the other bushes and plants in other areas are finally doing well also. I've been patient to let them alone to see what and how much survived. And it paid off. Very few of the potted plants survived, but the few that did are looking great. We bought 2 small hibiscus and hopefully they will do well and grow tall. I like them but they are hit or miss for me for some reason. And so my gardens grow....

    @MadisonMolly2017 I really enjoyed reading your post! You have a terrific mindset and and well earned wisdom while working your decluttering plan! You are amazing in your accomplishments. Thank you for sharing with us. I am always encouraged when reading your posts 💗.

    I love it @nebslp, that you actually did the math about how much one can actually accomplish time wise doing 15 minutes a day for a year. Thank you for doing that!
    My timers are also my friend, whether it is working outdoors or in the house. I use them every day for one thing or another. Now I have a greater understanding and appreciation for how these minutes add up over time ⏰.

    June 1- June 12 I have been cleaning up the backyard fence garden and the yard as well as the other areas in the back yard. And some in the front yard. I still have more work to do in the back as well as the side areas and also more in the front. With the increasing heat progress will be slower and I will have to water and keep tidy also. The back and front porches are completely clutter free (extra pots etc are in the garage and so on) again and tidy also. They are now completely cleaned up from the winter storms. All plants/pots have been attended to and doing well so far.

  • summerviking1
    summerviking1 Posts: 91 Member
    I am cleaning out the kitchen cupboards and decluttering 30 things a day for the month of June. After I finish the kitchen cupboards I will move on to closets and decluttering 40 things a day. I cleaned and organized three cupboards today.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    @texasgardnr Thank you for your very kind post. I do feel decluttering has changed our lives & contributed to our weight loss & maintenance. Both my husband & I love being able to find things easily & the reduced stress that brings!

    Awesome job on your yard. I’m sorry you will have more extreme heat. We have just begun gardening (1st time ). Totally love the flowers & ferns. Today, I planted some pink ice plant a friend had to pull from her yard. I hope it thrives! My hubby finally got rid of our persistent arbor rat!!

    Gardening is very satisfying & I’m finding it’s great exercise! Fun to have a new hobby with a master Gardener as my new gf!! Next up, she’s going to help me create a gorgeous pot of succulents from her plants❣️
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    I am cleaning out the kitchen cupboards and decluttering 30 things a day for the month of June. After I finish the kitchen cupboards I will move on to closets and decluttering 40 things a day. I cleaned and organized three cupboards today.

    WOW!! The first thing we decluttered was our kitchen. It was amazing. We then began cooking at home, which contributed to my losing 70+ pounds & hubby losing 35-40!


    PS I also love all the arm exercise & steps decluttering gives me! You will love your NEW home!!!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,856 Member
    I really am enjoying this thread! I missed the update from @texasgardnr but am so totally pumped that so many plants and trees survived and came back stronger than ever. I know a LOT of folks here pulled their oleanders out but I always suspected that just like the fig trees they would come back from the root. What is interesting to see is that some of the branches on shrubs/trees which LOOK dead seem to come back with a new shoot also. So happy you gave everything a chance.

    My Desert Willow which got hurt SO badly in the freeze is finally blooming and yesterday my heart soared as I watched my first hummer of the season on it early in the morning. <3

    No decluttering here but I agree with Maddie that the kitchen cabinets would be an excellent choice. Honestly I rarely use them anymore since it is just me.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 Awesome that it was bye bye to the rat. Now you can enjoy your space! I'm happy that you are enjoying gardening, And that you have a Master Gardener girlfriend to learn from and share the time together! That is a fun perk for you!! I do hope that your pink ice plant takes well to the transplanting! I had transplanted some blue pincushion flowers that I had in a larger rectangular shaped pot on the front porch for two years. At the end of last summer I decided that I no longer wanted them there. They lived there for two summers and the second summer was brutal. So I popped what remained of them into a small space in the back fence garden to give them a chance at survival. The other day I was astonished to discover them greening up and blooming. I may have to relocate two of the three because they like to sprawl about and they actually lived!.

    @summerviking1 I like your decluttering plan! Kitchens are always a great place to start because of how often we get to see our progress. You might consider taking before and after pics of the different spaces. Like a pic of a drawer or a shelf and so on before/ after. It's amazing how when doing that we can see more progress than just looking with our eyes.

    @SummerSkier WoW!! Your Desert Willow which was badly injured by the big freeze is actually blooming!! Awesome! I am not familiar with that plant so of course I googled it.... It has absolutely gorgeous flowers!! My Rock Rose came back and is blooming already! I have not gotten around to pruning the dead branches yet, but it is still lovely!
    Of course I'm on the lookout for more of the terribly noxious (but deceivingly beautiful) Bind Weed.

    I have not been inspired to declutter indoors lately. But I have removed a number of black trash bags of dead branches and storm debris so far. So that counts 😁.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week 🌼 .

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    Thank you @texasgardnr ! Loved reading about your thriving flowers!
    I am wondering if I should have put ours in pots & now a 93 degree heat wave. Not even sure they have enuf soil. Fingers crossed!!

    Great idea re: before & after decluttering photos! I should have done this - and with yard/gardening too!

    Sounds like we are all making progress!!


    Maddie 🌸
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    edited July 2021
    My Declutter process is ongoing since I did Home Solutions 101 a few years back. Once you get things organised it's relatively easy to keep it that way.

    I reorganised my drawers so that everything is visible when I open them. I fold things so that they fit my drawers fairly snugly. I gained quite a lot of space when I did that. Mind you, I have managed to fill some of it up again.

    I tend to just slot things in at left hand side, then I can see which items are not being worn and are candidates for decluttering. The bigger items on the right are space fillers. Keeping the clothes fairly tightly in the drawer means they come out of the drawer wrinkle-free. No ironing needed!

    These were my drawers this morning after I put away laundry from yesterday. (DH loads the machine and hangs washing out. I bring it in, fold it and put it away)

  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,482 Member
    ~ ~ Waving Hi Everyone ~ ~

    My son & his Family are coming this week... so preparing for their Visit...
    I am reflecting on a routine for decluttering and will be back to post after their visit (July 19ths)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    Little, unplanned “Decluttering Maintenance” things I did the past 7-10 days:

    Decluttered the “glue” drawer

    Tossed 15 old children’s old tape cassettes

    Spiffed up refrigerator & re-stocked pantry from “back-up” supplies

    Completely organized freezer

    Pruned enough plants in backyard that the chopped items filled our large organic bin!

    Decluttered bedside table, dusted

    Straightened art studio (perpetual) 😂

    One’s I can tell I’ll be doing “soon-is”

    Stack of old work things I placed in guest bed (time for another pass through)

    Stack of old teaching memorabilia (1/2 done but interrupted by son’s re-visiting- no complaints!!) so will likely finish that up soon-ish

    Continued decluttering of tape cassettes. I thought I was done & found two boxes of them. Going thru commercial ones - then will bring out boom box to listen & decide on the rest.

    Redirect last few remaining senders to my work email to my personal.

    Move anything else or create back out of items I want to keep from work email. It’s quite old & I rarely use it. Time to move on!!

    Organize stationery supplies I retrieved from attic