Monthly Post for June 2021



  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Hello all!

    Things are going well here. Made some fish on the grill last night and it was lovely! The weather report had called for rain from 5pm to 8pm but then it changed and it was sunny and pretty!

    New WOE is good. Still liking it a lot. :) Going to see what fun recipes I can find for next week!

    @KateNkognito hope all went well with the A/C repair. These types of things always break down in the middle of a heat wave, so she lucked out!! We are using window units now in our new place and it has been an adjustment. The old condo we had was central air. I tend to run on the cool side, so heavy duty air conditioning means where's my parka. My guy - not so much. LOL

    @mamainthekitchen thanks for your thoughts on the Mediterranean Diet. I totally know what you mean about carbs and how they can make you hungry and they create cravings. I have been there, done that myself. :( That was one of the reasons I had gained and needed to find Keto almost two years ago. We were eating A LOT of carbs and not the right ones and no sort of balance with protein and fat.
    We found some info online that refers to a version of the Mediterranean Diet as The Satiating Diet. A blurb is cut and pasted below, for anyone interested. Here is the link:
    My takeaway - we are focusing on eating the best quality carbs and sticking to the macro breakdown suggested below. So far feeling good and not overly hungry or carb bloated. Went through some old carb heavy recipes I had and made some edits so they fit better with the macros. i.e., more protein and less carb where needed. In another paragraph they suggest combining carbs and protein whenever and as often as possible.

    The satiating diet is mainly made up of whole foods that research suggests may play a role in reducing appetite and/or improving satiety. This includes healthy fats, lean proteins, and fiber-rich foods, using the following macronutrient breakdown:
    20 - 25% protein
    30 - 35% fat
    45 - 50% carbohydrates

    @melaniecheeks good plan with the naughty foods! Yep, we've all been there. Sigh... You got this. :)

    See you all soon!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    @mamainthekitchen Sorry about your son. Being the Mama is tough when you want to protect your kids and you can't. This is always the place to say what you need to.

    @melaniecheeks I know what you mean. I have had to throw things out or tell my family to hide them from me. (I have also been known to just binge all of it and then regret my life choices. :s )

    @Meghan509 I am really glad you are finding what works for you. I have really noticed that it changes over time. Fasting is fantastic like that.

    So, I had moved my eating up to 1-2 in the afternoon and it has worked really well. Today I ate at about 11 AM. I am about to chew my own arm off. Bedtime can't come soon enough.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Hello and Happy Friday all!

    Hope you all are having a great day! TGIF. :smiley:

    Even though the scale wasn't happy to see me this morning, I had a good week and am feeling good! We plan on continuing with our Mediterranean WOE. Going to come up with some nice stuff to make for next week. This is definitely a work in progress. Still have to work on meeting macros and eating less fat and eating more carbs. Calories have not been an issue. Been nailing those fine. B)

    Hoping for nice weather this weekend. Weather report looks a little cloudy and cooler than the last few days. We will see how it goes. Would be nice to at least have one beach day sigh...

    @mamainthekitchen your son has Type 1 diabetes, correct? Sending hugs.

    @KateNkognito I hope you made it to bed time without gnawing off a limb. LOL Yep, I have been there too!

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    I made it through with all my limbs intact. :D I am down at least a pound in the last week, so I am motivated to keep going. We have some family coming to town this weekend. So that will be fun. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Be healthy!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Thanks guys… yes type 1 for my boy. So strange as I know no one living with it. No family or friends! Today was unbelievable!! Our provincial gov’t just announced that our health system will set up free blood sugar test for everyone with type 1…. This test is the one that is like a patch you stick (with a needle) to your skin for 14 days and can hook up to your cell phone and you read your blood measurements from that …NO NEEDLES PRICKING YOUR FINGERS!!!! Omg!! So coincidental since last week we bought one of those (lasts two weeks!) 98$ so this news was a huge deal today!! It’s such a helpful tool!!!! So happy! Thanks for your hugs guys!

    Well Meghan I’m so impressed you’re really focused and determined no matter the method!!!

    Enjoy family time kate!!!! One pound at a time! And glad your 4 limbs are still intact! ;)

    We have rain this weekend, but it keeps our trees green I say!!! Grilled chicken last night with garden salad; coleslaw with balsamic shredded chicken & sriracha Mayo tonight… fish with tarragon, lemon & garlic with broccoli tomorrow! Trying to have a one meal a day for a week!! Ugh!!

    Happy Friday and have a great weekend !!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm trying out a paneer salad for lunch today - wow, didn't realise how high in calories it is!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    Had a nice weekend. I even got some fasting and weight loss in with the family visiting. I also got to hold a baby for a while... then give her right back!

    @mamainthekitchen I have had several students with type 1, those little devices are amazing! So glad you get it paid for. :) Your meals sound really good, too.

    @melaniecheeks I hate it when that happens! I hope it was yummy, though!

    I hope everyone has had a nice weekend. Stay healthy!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Oh it wasn't even worth it! I spent a whole Sunday morning cooking, with rubbish results!

    Made poached egg and ado on sourdough toast - the ado wasn't ripe, the egg wasn't fresh enough and went stringy. Toast was nice!

    The paneer salad ended up being bits of raw onion in a curdled yoghurt sauce. I only ate half (so I guess I save some of those paneer calories!) And my bag of spinach was full of slimy bits. And I had no tomatoes.

    Need to do abetter plan for this week. Miso aubergine with edamame tonight I think.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Oh Melanie, you are trying!! LOL on the slimy bits in your spinach!!! :p I’ve had that too!!! Way too often!

    Kate, I give those students of yours a+ for managing an already difficult time addressing school issues, plus, then add type 1 concerns??? Yikes…. It’s a 24hr continuous ordeal for me so far!!! I don't know how they do it!!

    Had leftovers on a Sunday! Enough said! ‘Clean out the fridge omelette’ in the morning which was delish! That’s it…. No candy for over a week!!! Yeah!! o:) Tonight I’m sleeping with my dog… she had acupuncture on Thursday and now she’s lame!!!!!! Calling drs in morning…. Why is it always something?? I thought retirement meant doing next to nothing all day and no worries!!!!! Well, the books are wrong people!!! “Enjoy each day as it comes” my grandmother who lived to be 100 used to say!!! :#
    Meghan , I haven’t yet read that article you posted a couple days ago, but plan on it tomorrow… hope your weekend was sunny!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning!

    Monday again sigh... Hope everybody had a great weekend!

    We got to the beach yesterday, which I am happy about! A little on the cooler side but that was nice too since we didn't sweat. :)

    Happy news on the family front - my sister and her husband in Florida, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl today!
    My Dad finished his chemo and radiation a few weeks back and is waiting for upcoming doctor visits to see how everything went and what further follow up is needed. Fingers crossed.

    Things are going well here. Feeling good on the new WOE.

    Congrats on the loss, @KateNkognito! Yep, nice to hold a baby and then give them back! LOL

    @melaniecheeks sorry to hear about your meals not turning out so good.
    When we moved in to our current place a few months back, we found out the hard way that our refrigerator was not turned up high enough. Went to eat some food I had prepped and it was AWFUL! LOL :o

    @mamainthekitchen hang in there! Happy to hear about your son's diabetes device being covered! Hope the doggie is okay. <3

    Excited to make a 15 bean soup with ground chicken for dinner tonight. Been a long time since I made it. Lunch this week will be Mediterranean Tuna Salad on top of lettuce.

    See you guys soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    @melaniecheeks Darn it! I hope you have yummy things today!

    @mamainthekitchen Most of the kiddos I have had have been diagnosed at a very young age, so it really doesn't bother them much. Plus they like to be able to skip down the hall to the nurse's office during math. :p I hope your pupper is feeling better!

    @Meghan509 Aww! Babies are awesome! And continued prayers for your dad. Sounds like you had a good weekend!

    Today was a Monday! Run to MIL's to meet the AC guy, get the boys to where they need to go, then go fetch them back home. Leftover night, for sure! Have a great week y'all!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning and happy Tuesday!

    Have to say that yesterday flew by! We had some rain and clouds during the day but by the end the sun came out so we got to have a few nice hours on the patio, before dinner. :) Supposed to be nice today and throughout the evening so BBQ night! Need to keep powering through the freezer because it is pretty full. Hard to resist a good deal or sale. ;)

    Thanks @KateNkognito I am happy for my family! 2021 has been stressful. Positive thoughts and vibes!
    Hope you had a good night.

    Had the two new recipes I made for lunch and dinner which made our protein percentages go off the charts, but that's okay. LOL Any new WOE is a learning process. Stayed within our calorie limits for the day and are feeling optimistic. :)

    Have a GREAT day and see you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    Today looks to be busy. But in a productive way. :smile: Feast day, too! I think I am going to marinate some chicken in teriyaki and lime juice and grill it. Maybe rice for a side. And salad from the garden. I have to get a TB test for work. Fun times. House is a mess since I have been gone so much and the teenagers have been left to their own devices.

    @Meghan509 Enjoy your nice weather! It is HOT here. I am actually enjoying it after all the rain we had.

    Have a great day!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning!

    Yes, warm here too, @KateNkognito! Last night we had steaks on the BBQ with brown rice and roasted brussel sprouts. YUMMY!

    I have been seeing issues with recipes I load in to MFP - when I put them in to my diary the info is coming through wrong. Hence the reason we thought we had over did it on the protein at lunch on Monday. After second look, we hadn't. The recipe had came through wrong. Patience. :)

    Another nice one on tap here, weather wise. Looking forward to spending time outdoors after work. Yesterday I put cages up around my tomato plants. There are little yellow blossoms on all six of our plants. So exciting! Cannot wait for caprice salads. LOL

    Have a great day and see you guys soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    Morning! Just a quick check in. I am fasting today. Took the dog for a walk and he was having none of it. It is hot, he is black, he turned around after three blocks! I will have to walk myself later. Maybe this evening when it cools off. Have a great day!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning!

    Checking in quickly today! This week has been busy which means that it has flown by! I like it!

    Beautiful day here. Sunny and mid 70's F. I have a hair cut and highlights appointment later, so no patio time planned after work tonight. LOL

    WOE is going well. Feeling satiated and content. Hopefully the scale agrees. :#

    Have a great day! See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    Today has been super productive. I have almost cleared my To Do list! Scale is going in the right direction, the weather is sunny and warm (HOT), it is almost Friday. I have some steaks and baked potatoes planned for dinner. It got too hot for the lettuce in the garden, so no salad.

    @Meghan509 Enjoy your haircut! Even if the scale doesn't like the new way of eating, you seem to be enjoying yourself with the new WOE. :)

    Off to finish up my list and then kick back before I have to run kids to where they need to be. I need to get one of those chauffeur hats. Or maybe I could just wear my tiara for fun. :D
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I’m MIA due to our golden retriever….. she’s quite lame and has been going for tests…hard to leave her alone for any length of time, I’ll check in on weekend,

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    @mamainthekitchen Hugs and prayers for your dogger. I hope she gets better soon!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Happy Friday all.

    So sorry your doggie is still not well, @mamainthekitchen Thinking of you and your family and sending big hugs from the East Coast to you...

    @KateNkognito hope you guys cooled off a little there! We are supposed to be having a cloudy day today but the sun is shining. LOL Going to pop outside for a little break soon.

    Happy news here! Down a pound this week! First time in a while that I've recorded a loss, so I am very happy. If I could drop a few more pounds before July 4 I would be thrilled. We are going to be away with friends for the holiday weekend. Bathing suit time. *screams* :p

    Have a great weekend and see you all soon. :)