Do you like getting older?



  • Jim_Kintsugi
    Jim_Kintsugi Posts: 58 Member
    I feel like time is going by so quickly now. I'm 43 and I think I'm on my third mid life crisis lol. My 30's seemed to fly by. I decided to try and get healthy when I turned 40 because I wanted to keep up with and stick around longer for my kids. I feel way better than I did in my 30's. Diet seems to be more important than I remembered haha
  • BuddhaBunnyFTW
    BuddhaBunnyFTW Posts: 157 Member
    edited August 2020
    I'm turning 46 this year...time is flying by because I'm enjoying it so much. I'm finally financially stable for the first time in my life. I've got a good job, a wonderful wonderful partner, and I recently dropped 30 lbs. Also I get to work from home 4 days a week during the Rona so that's good too. :)

    I mean who knew that a half human half bunny hybrid could live this long?
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    [Diet seems to be more important than I remembered haha[/quote]

    I hear this! Yes, I suppose diet was always central but our bodies worked more efficiently or, as is the case for me, just had so few coping mechanisms that it sat in a state of stress so much, that calories seemed to burn with less effort. In my 40s I burn a lot less calories with any exercise. I really need so fewer calories from food.
  • snuff15ee
    snuff15ee Posts: 99 Member
    43 here. I radically changed my nutritional and activity goals January 2019 and haven't looked back. I'd say that I'm in better shape at 43 than I was at 23 or 33. I exercise 7 days a week (sometimes twice a day). That includes cycling 100-120 miles a week, strength training, HIIT, or just flexibility drills. The best thing about being this active is it allows me to eat in excess of 3000 calories a day without gaining any weight. As a bonus I have finally managed to hit my goal of 10-12% body fat.
  • gearheadgreg
    gearheadgreg Posts: 9 Member
    It's had it's ups and downs. The process of aging hasn't so much bothered me as what it brings along. Gone are the days of my social circle hanging out late at night in the local bar. Gone are the days of my guys all hoping on bikes and riding just to ride. heck we barely even speak these days. it's been replaced with long hours at work, CPAP machines to sleep and blood pressure meds. Most of the health issues are fixable with weight control but i do miss the carefree days of youth
  • EML112610
    EML112610 Posts: 27 Member
    Well, I am a girl who barely cuts her hair. Ive let my greys come in naturally, I dont get manis, pedis etc....but goddamned if Im going to let my face wrinkle!!! I dont know why but that is the one “beauty” thing I care about?? Maybe I will use all of the money I didnt spend at the salon on retinol, lasers and
    I kid but Im kinda not kidding
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    snuff15ee wrote: »
    43 here. I radically changed my nutritional and activity goals January 2019 and haven't looked back. I'd say that I'm in better shape at 43 than I was at 23 or 33. I exercise 7 days a week (sometimes twice a day). That includes cycling 100-120 miles a week, strength training, HIIT, or just flexibility drills. The best thing about being this active is it allows me to eat in excess of 3000 calories a day without gaining any weight. As a bonus I have finally managed to hit my goal of 10-12% body fat.

    Between the ages of 18-32 I exercised like a maniac. I was a fitness instructor, personal trainer, and body builder at various times during these years, in addition to working out an average of three hours a day. I burned so many calories and did not really watch what I ate, as I ate all whole foods anyway.

    In my early 20s my body started breaking down. I just ignored it and carried on. By the time I was 32 I needed professional help to help me stop fitness. I had to completely rebuild my body and mind and spirit. Fitness was such a driving piece of my identity and such a huge part of every single day...yet the body has needs beyond that, which were being ignored.

    I will not ever go back to exercising for hours a day. It allowed me to run away from my emotional and physical needs for a very long time. And I did not have to admit that I am a binge water who uses food emotionally. I thought that if I just worked out to death I could never have to deal with that piece.
  • applespearsncakes
    applespearsncakes Posts: 11 Member
    I don't really look! I feel happier in my skin in my 40's than I did in my 20's. Just want to lose so much weight to feel better physically. My tummy looks like I'm pregnant and I hate it! Gonna try the Heather Shepherd workout today. I keep watching it on Youtube while I sit on the couch which is ridiculous!
  • GlitteryWarriorQueen
    I won't be turning 40 until March, but I definitely feel more aware of my needs and more prepared to ensure they're met, better able to set and enforce boundaries, and I feel more sure of my worth.
  • AK121730
    AK121730 Posts: 41 Member
    We all get better with age :)
    Wisdom and experience and having confidence in ourselves vs the insecurity of those in their 20’s, outweigh the occasional trip to the Orthopaedic surgeon to fix an old injury from our 20’s.

    I was with my wife in her twenties and am still with her in her 40’s and I’d take the 44yr old her over the 24yr old for sure!

    Plus, once I recover from my latest surgery, 😬, I like the 46yr me over the 26 yr old me.
  • autumnpath
    autumnpath Posts: 72 Member
    I'm 44 and the 40s have been my best, most mature years yet. lately, however, I've realized that I'm "halfway" done with my life if I live into my 80s. I'm struggling a bit with that. BUT, I try not to dwell on it.
  • Dead_Mans_Party
    Dead_Mans_Party Posts: 891 Member
    I dont mind it. Only means Im inching closer to retirement. Health wise, Im more healthy and motivated to stay that way more so now than I was when I was younger. Older and wiser I guess. Dont suffer from any major health issues except from boredom. This pandemic thing needs to get under control so I can start doing triathlons again.
  • martine8073
    martine8073 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm actually enjoying getting older I find that I am more comfortable with myself. I no longer think of my body image as an outward level of approval (the way others see me) I now think of my inner self and what keeps me healthy so I can enjoy many more years with my family :)
  • NerdyScienceGrl
    NerdyScienceGrl Posts: 669 Member
    I don't feel like I'm in my mid-40s and for the most part don't act like it, but I definitely feel like I'm in a much better place - solid career, friends group, and skills that I didn't have in my 30s or before. Not to mention, a new found excitement for things that I'd have rolled my eyes at in my earlier years if I heard someone say like, buying a new weedeater and planning weekends around using it to clean up 2+ acres of pasture.
  • cnred_06
    cnred_06 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm actually about 7 months into my 40th yr on this planet now... I had a much harder time mentally turning 35! By now, I'm feeling fine with being "middle aged". I've accepted the white hairs creeping in,the achy joints are a little harder tho 😬 but hey,if I lost a huge amount of weight I'm sure that'd get better! So that's why I'm here!lol
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I got myself in line fitness and nutrition-wise back in my 30s with the specific goal of building a strong foundation to maintain in my 40s.

    My advice to younger people is to establish good healthy habits BEFORE middle age, so you don't have to struggle for it when you get there. I dont think its gonna get any easier with age to correct problems, so the sooner you get yourself in good health, the better. But any time is a great time to start!

    I've enjoyed my 40s the best of any decade TBH, partly because I havent had to work that hard to stay fit (coasting on previously established good habits/routines) but mostly because my confidence and attitude are so much stronger than when I was younger. I take care of myself, I do more of what I want when I want, and I couldn't care less what other people think about it.

    In the future, I see myself either continuing to improve in some ways, or at least maintaining a "relative" level of awesomeness long term. I dont expect to feel like a 25 year old forever, although I don't currently feel like I'm as old as I am. I feel basically the same as ever.

    But relative to my peers I expect to be killing it at every age I achieve, simply because I take care of myself and put in the effort, and I have a positive attitude and goals for the future. I really think that's key.

    I definately don't feel the need to go back in time or be any younger. I didn't think it was all that fun, TBH. In fact, life before 35 was pretty stressful for me. I'm not in any kind of a rush to get older, because I'm cool with where I'm at now, but I'm ok with the idea. I guess I better be. It's coming, whether we want it to or not. Might as well make the best of it! 😎
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited July 2021
    It's really a mixed bag for me, and my take on it varies.

    I try to stay fit, active, and somewhat flexible, and find that I can often outlast people half my age. I compete against people half my age (and some who are my age as well and continue to kick bootay in their 40's on up!).

    I don't "feel" 43 most of the time - I still find life, and the world interesting and exciting and I still want to do all the things.

    Unfortunately, by 43, I'm also getting slapped with the reality that life isn't the same as it was, and sometimes, neither are the things I want. For example, I have firmly decided that I am "over" having and dealing with roommates. It makes my money a LOT tighter, and to be honest, that part really sucks as that was something I "gave up" for the past ~8 years so I could do the fun things I enjoy and that make life worth living for me.

    And then there's the fact that I have experience, and knowledge, and skills - and this post/ongoing-covid economy has been very harsh to me, and set me back a good decade. Being over 40 I'm starting to experience some ageism in the workforce (at least when applying to jobs) since I'm no longer just a cheap entry level person with entry level skills, and that's all the companies want to hire.

    And then there's the fact that my face is starting to look - well - "old" and that probably bothers me way more than it should, but I look in the mirror and see this old woman's face looking back at me, and I hate it. I don't want to be the washed up, old, ignored, old lady who's just there to support all the young kids as they pursue their dreams - I've still got my dreams, dammit!

    So it's really a mixed bag for me - I know I'm not young and cute anymore, and am just another old maid, and that's how society sees me - and yes, that really bothers me, because that's not what I feel like, it's not how I live my life, and I'm not ready to be that person for quite some time yet!

    ETA, it probably doesn't help that I'm single (no kids), and have been single for the past 8 years - dated on and off, but finding those prospects get more and more thin...and many people my age are just at a point in life where I don't see myself being for another 10-20 years LOL
  • Squiktater
    Squiktater Posts: 12 Member
    Lesgamble wrote: »
    48. Everything hurts...
    Nowadays when I crash my MTB or BMX I don't bounce, I hit the deck like a sack of crap!

    That's me falling off my horse...the *thud* is real! :D
  • LynneM1980
    LynneM1980 Posts: 102 Member
    Just turned 41 this month. So far I'm not a huge fan, but I think that's the years 2020 and 2021 so far combined :D
    I just accepted a job, returning back to work after.... years not working. My youngest kiddo graduates high school this year so I thought it was time to head back to the grind. I'm anxious to get back to doing some things for me, and hoping my 40s will be great!