Glorious August - accountability thread



  • Desiree672
    Desiree672 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 70 and about 167cm and 70.5 kilos. I got down to a weight I was happy with five years ago - 67 kilos, but I've crept up slowly. I'd like to get a couple of those kilos back off. I don't know if it's just age or less activity or both (maybe eating more too - not sure) but the weight gain is stubborn! Maybe I have to go back to calorie-counting again! I hope not.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    44 yrs
    5' 5"
    CW (August 2) 136.9
    GW 125/130, I dunno.
    GW for August 135


    8/9 - I35.5
    8/16 - 134.2
    8/21 - 132.6
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    48 yrs
    5' 3"
    CW 128
    GW 125
    GW for Aug 127

    Aug 1 - 128lbs
    Aug 10 - 130 dammit, vacation weight
    Aug 15 - 129.5
    Aug 21 - 128.5 yay!

    I've been so good this week. Lots of workouts with strength, some cardio, but mostly I've been so busy with work that I haven't had a 'hmm, let's have a snack' moment. Plus I'm not overeating in the evening. I eat a big protein breakfast, lunch is quick and then the secret to my evenings and not over eating is that 4 days per week I am coaching my kids soccer right in the middle of our usual dinner time. I get them fed before and after to be sure they have good energy, but I'm just grazing, grabbing something as I pack bags and get them out the door. As long as I'm grabbing protein and not chips or a plain white bagel (for example), I feel full and fine. So I think the trick to my weight is being busy - not so busy that I don't make time for fitness, but being busy so my mind doesn't go for snacks and I don't have time for extra portions and a glass of wine every day.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I was sick all of last week - fever Mon-Wed, and just worn out the rest of the week with bouts of feeling slightly worse or slightly better. Saturday afternoon (after sleeping for 15 hours!!) I felt much better, and that has held so far (plus medications got started on Saturday morning).

    Weighed myself once last week, but didn't record it.

    43 / F / 5' 7"

    CW: 151.8
    GW: 135 and reassess

    8/13: 153.6
    8/23: 151
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    48 yrs
    5' 3"
    CW 128
    GW 125
    GW for Aug 127

    Aug 1 - 128lbs
    Aug 10 - 130 dammit, vacation weight
    Aug 15 - 129.5
    Aug 21 - 128.5 yay!
    Aug 29 - 128lbs

    It is *funny not funny* that I am thrilled to be back to the weight I was at the start of August. Feels like an achievement even though I've made no actual progress. I am putting on muscle however and gaining definition especially in my shoulders/arms, so there is that! Maybe that's why I'm feeling good about being 128lbs....again.

    Kids start school soon and the fall always feels like a fresh start. Any ideas for fitness challenges?? Maybe I should restart the Livestrong pushup/squat challenges (never did get past day 20 or so...just kept forgetting!). Or sign up for a 10km run, if I can find one happening in-person (these virtual events just don't motivate me).

    See you all in the September thread!
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    5' 5"
    CW (August 2) 136.9
    GW 125/130, I dunno.
    GW for August 135


    8/9 - I35.5
    8/16 - 134.2
    8/21 - 132.6
    8-29 - 132.9
