Binge Eating



  • joone_9
    joone_9 Posts: 152 Member
    I think reaching out on here to just own the feelings helped as did the tea. I also had a chat with a friend but there are still quite a few more hours to go. Looks like I will be going to bed early tonight. I think today I wasn’t feeling physically great and that triggered feeling fed up being cooped up (I’m super high risk right now due to treatments so I’m told to stay away from all people) so I’m always alone and not in contact with anyone other then drs for too many weeks now and still 3 more to go!. I’m a wife and mom of three young kids and usually doing a high profile job that is go-go-go so all this alone time (and free time) is so foreign to me...too much time spent in my head..argh.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    joone_9 wrote: »
    I think reaching out on here to just own the feelings helped as did the tea. I also had a chat with a friend but there are still quite a few more hours to go. Looks like I will be going to bed early tonight. I think today I wasn’t feeling physically great and that triggered feeling fed up being cooped up (I’m super high risk right now due to treatments so I’m told to stay away from all people) so I’m always alone and not in contact with anyone other then drs for too many weeks now and still 3 more to go!. I’m a wife and mom of three young kids and usually doing a high profile job that is go-go-go so all this alone time (and free time) is so foreign to me...too much time spent in my head..argh.

    I hope you can get thru this urge to binge....telling you not to do it doesn’t really help...I have found that when I am overly tired,frustrated or in a highly stressful situation are my worst times...some days you just get so tired of weighing and measuring and counting every morsel of food...big hugs to you...there is always someone in this group ready to lend an ear!
  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member
    Very late to this thread @conniewilkins56 & @joone_9 .... As an emotional-overeaten, I fell I have some insight & as ever (!) no advice ....On the daily habit check in thread have appreciated your support about my grumbles!
    New day here and hope you are both doing as okay as you can! ISO just to say here to listen and send hugs 🙂
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Hope you made it through @joone_9 . And if you didn't - don't let it get you down. One night bingeing isn't great - but it is manageable and you can compensate and get back on track. Be careful that feeling guilty and down about the binge doesn't send you off on a tailspin. Those spins can take a long time to get back under control! You are doing such a great job keeping it all together under unbelievable circumstances.

    Definitely important to find ways to soothe yourself. I often turn to music? And art marking - which ironically feels like just too much work and effort when I'm feeling the most vulnerable - but if I can make myself do it, afterwards comes a reprieve from the weight of everyday life....for a little while at least!
  • joone_9
    joone_9 Posts: 152 Member
    I made it through yesterday but still struggling to keep it together. I have a bit more energy today so that’s good but the urge to binge is still present. I’m trying to train myself not to be comforted by food. It’s super hard to change after doing that for 30 yrs as I’m sure many of you understand but that’s why I’m overweight- if I could figure that piece out I wouldn’t be here:). Thanx everyone for just listening. It’s super helpful to have somewhere to just get it out.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    joone_9 wrote: »
    I made it through yesterday but still struggling to keep it together. I have a bit more energy today so that’s good but the urge to binge is still present. I’m trying to train myself not to be comforted by food. It’s super hard to change after doing that for 30 yrs as I’m sure many of you understand but that’s why I’m overweight- if I could figure that piece out I wouldn’t be here:). Thanx everyone for just listening. It’s super helpful to have somewhere to just get it out.

    I have thought about you today and wondered how you were doing!...I was driving to the store this morning ( I spend a lot of time in grocery stores! ) and I was thinking how great it was to be over 100 lbs smaller than I was 22 months ago...I can easily get in and out of our SUV, I park far away from the stores doors, and I no longer have to shop while maneuvering a riding cart down the aisles...I actually enjoy browsing around the produce market and I am not completely exhausted after carrying groceries into the house!...this should all be enough motivation to not binge....Ah, but I thrive on instant gratification....that warm fuzzy feeling I get when I devour endless amounts of candy and’s a sugar high euphoria.....and that feeling lasts until my mouth is empty....and then shame and guilt rears it’s ugly head and I try to make myself throw up or I take a few X lax to rid myself of my indulgences....slowly I am learning this is NOT normal behavior!....( duh! ).....

    It’s hard to be overweight and it’s hard to lose weight....choose your hard!

    nothing I eat has ever brought me the pleasure I feel from losing weight!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    It only took a trip to the ER with grandaughter last night ( she fell backwards in a chair but she is ok ) and stress about husband to set my binge off but it was a doozy….I am still coming off a carb high….back at it in the morning…I slept most of the day….at least my binges only last a couple of days now instead of weeks of gorging myself into painless oblivion….but two bad days eating always slows my weight loss for a couple of weeks….sigh
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    I can completely relate to the argument inside your own head - I can spend hours obsessively thinking about food, debating with myself if I will give in and go buy it and eat it. At times I've even gotten in my car to drive to whatever grocery store or restaurant sells the food I want to binge on, then argued with myself so much on the way there that I just drive past and drive around for hours, still trying to convince myself to go home but not wanting to give up the thought of the binge. For sure, the mental and emotional aspects of weight loss are so much harder than the physical.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member

    Did angels deliver you to us?

    Thank you for this post. Some ideas in there I already use, some I've never thought of, but all feel as if they will make a big difference in my life.

    And sometimes we just need some reinforcement. This post will be my go-to. Or the thoughts/ideas will if I'm far away from my computer.

    Practical - in the moment directions. <3
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    Excellent hamster 🐹 wrangling❣️
  • Goodgollygee
    Goodgollygee Posts: 102 Member
    Laurie wrote: "Did angels deliver you to us?" Nope. The devil made me do it!! Just glad to help.
    amart: "the mental and emotional aspects of weight loss are so much harder than the physical." So right eh? The good news is, we can take charge of our own brains!!!
    Pav: I got me a black belt in capybara martial arts!!! (some days- others - barely a lucky strike but so far, I'ma winnin'! }