Downsizers - Team Chat SEPTEMBER 2021



  • MJ_Keto
    MJ_Keto Posts: 60 Member
    @red1185, I think it sounds like you are doing better than you think! You say you are watching what you eat, AND running around like crazy at work! It's hard to stay on track when work is tough, and so yes you are better off than where you started! Baby steps, you've got this!
  • MJ_Keto
    MJ_Keto Posts: 60 Member
    1. Tell us a little about yourself?
    Hi everyone! I'm Mjere (pronounced “Mira”), I’m 42 years old and married to my amazing husband Jeff. I have an amazing daughter who is 17 and senior in high school, and two stepkids who are both in college; my stepson is a junior and my stepdaughter just started her freshman year last week. I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, in a suburb outside of Portland, OR. I work full-time and will do my best to stay connected online throughout the day, but might do most of my posts in the evenings or between meetings.

    2. Why are you on this journey? What pushed you to start?
    I was a pretty healthy kid, and started running in 7th grade, which probably helped me stay in shape throughout my teen years more than I even knew at the time. Once I was about 18 I started gaining weight easier, even though I kept exercising. Since then, I’ve gained and Iost weight countless times; every time I lost weight, I always gained it all back, plus some. I tried almost every diet out there, and I was a vegetarian and a vegan for a number of years. About 4 years ago, I discovered keto and it was the first "diet" that didn't leave me hungry or craving food! I joined MFP at the time, and was a part of a group called “Lowjax’s Losers” that provided me tremendous support and inspiration. I followed a strict keto diet for a year, keeping my carbs at ~20/day. I lost 50 pounds this way, and I felt amazing! I slowly added in a few carb-ups over time (e.g. apples, sweet potatoes), and sustained my weight loss and continued to be fat-adapted. However, over the past year, I've let too many carbs sneak back in to my daily life and they've disrupted my energy, weight, and motivation.

    3. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?
    Oh gosh, so many things! Chocolate, french fries, chips, ice cream… However, I’m an all or nothing person, so for this month I am turning those items “off” and focusing on eating low-carb, high-fat foods.

    4. Do you have a favourite diet you go by?
    I follow a low-carb/high-fat (LCHF) eating plan; not 100% keto, but close. This way of eating really works for me and takes away my cravings that lead to binges. If I let the carb monster out, it’s all over!

    5. What is your favourite way to workout?
    I am a runner, because I find it to be the most effective way to stay in shape. I can’t say it’s my “favorite” way to exercise, but it’s definitely the most bang for the buck! I only run 3 days/week, never more than that, otherwise I’m prone to injuries. Other than running, I enjoy walking and hiking. I’m hoping to start incorporating more strength training into my weekly routine, which I’ve done on and off over the years.

    6. What are some of your goals this month?
    I'm looking forward to getting back on track with keto/LCHF. I want to start logging my food again because that accountability really helps me. I’m looking forward to having more energy and focus by “cleaning up” my eating. I’m a firm believer in “garbage in, garbage out”.

    7. What do you expect to gain from the team?
    Support, motivation, and inspiration! I know I do better eating healthy and staying on track with exercise when I have people I’m accountable to. I feel blessed to have found this group, and I look forward to learning from all of you!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,655 Member
    MJ_Keto wrote: »
    1. Tell us a little about yourself?
    Hi everyone! I'm Mjere (pronounced “Mira”), I’m 42 years old and married to my amazing husband Jeff. I have an amazing daughter who is 17 and senior in high school, and two stepkids who are both in college; my stepson is a junior and my stepdaughter just started her freshman year last week. I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, in a suburb outside of Portland, OR. I work full-time and will do my best to stay connected online throughout the day, but might do most of my posts in the evenings or between meetings.

    2. Why are you on this journey? What pushed you to start?
    I was a pretty healthy kid, and started running in 7th grade, which probably helped me stay in shape throughout my teen years more than I even knew at the time. Once I was about 18 I started gaining weight easier, even though I kept exercising. Since then, I’ve gained and Iost weight countless times; every time I lost weight, I always gained it all back, plus some. I tried almost every diet out there, and I was a vegetarian and a vegan for a number of years. About 4 years ago, I discovered keto and it was the first "diet" that didn't leave me hungry or craving food! I joined MFP at the time, and was a part of a group called “Lowjax’s Losers” that provided me tremendous support and inspiration. I followed a strict keto diet for a year, keeping my carbs at ~20/day. I lost 50 pounds this way, and I felt amazing! I slowly added in a few carb-ups over time (e.g. apples, sweet potatoes), and sustained my weight loss and continued to be fat-adapted. However, over the past year, I've let too many carbs sneak back in to my daily life and they've disrupted my energy, weight, and motivation.

    3. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?
    Oh gosh, so many things! Chocolate, french fries, chips, ice cream… However, I’m an all or nothing person, so for this month I am turning those items “off” and focusing on eating low-carb, high-fat foods.

    4. Do you have a favourite diet you go by?
    I follow a low-carb/high-fat (LCHF) eating plan; not 100% keto, but close. This way of eating really works for me and takes away my cravings that lead to binges. If I let the carb monster out, it’s all over!

    5. What is your favourite way to workout?
    I am a runner, because I find it to be the most effective way to stay in shape. I can’t say it’s my “favorite” way to exercise, but it’s definitely the most bang for the buck! I only run 3 days/week, never more than that, otherwise I’m prone to injuries. Other than running, I enjoy walking and hiking. I’m hoping to start incorporating more strength training into my weekly routine, which I’ve done on and off over the years.

    6. What are some of your goals this month?
    I'm looking forward to getting back on track with keto/LCHF. I want to start logging my food again because that accountability really helps me. I’m looking forward to having more energy and focus by “cleaning up” my eating. I’m a firm believer in “garbage in, garbage out”.

    7. What do you expect to gain from the team?
    Support, motivation, and inspiration! I know I do better eating healthy and staying on track with exercise when I have people I’m accountable to. I feel blessed to have found this group, and I look forward to learning from all of you!

    Nice to know you better ... maybe we can swap keto recipes ... I will confess that I am a keto /low carb cookbook hoarder :p
  • MJ_Keto
    MJ_Keto Posts: 60 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970, we should definitely swap recipes! I LOVE cookbooks, I can look at them for hours! And then I run out of energy to make anything, lol!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,655 Member
    MJ_Keto wrote: »
    @Megan_smartiepants1970, we should definitely swap recipes! I LOVE cookbooks, I can look at them for hours! And then I run out of energy to make anything, lol!

    I absolutely love wholesomeyum online recipes and her cookbook ... I used them a lot when I was on keto ...I also ordered a lot of e books that are on my phone ...when I start keto on 10/1 I have decided to do a 1 week menu instead of the entire month and forget what the heck I was gonna make with this or that LOL
  • MJ_Keto
    MJ_Keto Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 2021
    I love Wholesome Yum too! No joke, I was just printing a recipe from her site when you posted this! I don't have any of her cookbooks, guess I'll have to order one now!
    Sorry all, forgot to quote Megan before posting my reply!
  • MJ_Keto
    MJ_Keto Posts: 60 Member
    MJ_Keto wrote: »
    @Megan_smartiepants1970, we should definitely swap recipes! I LOVE cookbooks, I can look at them for hours! And then I run out of energy to make anything, lol!

    I absolutely love wholesomeyum online recipes and her cookbook ... I used them a lot when I was on keto ...I also ordered a lot of e books that are on my phone ...when I start keto on 10/1 I have decided to do a 1 week menu instead of the entire month and forget what the heck I was gonna make with this or that LOL

    I love Wholesome Yum too! No joke, I was just printing a recipe from her site when you posted this! I don't have any of her cookbooks, guess I'll have to order one now!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,655 Member
    MJ_Keto wrote: »
    MJ_Keto wrote: »
    @Megan_smartiepants1970, we should definitely swap recipes! I LOVE cookbooks, I can look at them for hours! And then I run out of energy to make anything, lol!

    I absolutely love wholesomeyum online recipes and her cookbook ... I used them a lot when I was on keto ...I also ordered a lot of e books that are on my phone ...when I start keto on 10/1 I have decided to do a 1 week menu instead of the entire month and forget what the heck I was gonna make with this or that LOL

    I love Wholesome Yum too! No joke, I was just printing a recipe from her site when you posted this! I don't have any of her cookbooks, guess I'll have to order one now!

    I think she only has 1 ... which is Easy Keto Cookbook :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Never underestimate yourself. You are watching your diet. You have been working extra hard lately. Maybe for now concentrate on your diet and getting through this busy time at work. Once things slow down you can look to adding those walks back in.

    Great plan for the coming month. I used to love running in my early 20’s. I found it relaxing even though I you are working hard.

  • amymartin555
    amymartin555 Posts: 90 Member

    Here is my 2nd friendly reminder of the people's steps I need for September Week 4 ... I will be zeroing them out if I do not have them by tonight 9/28...

    @amymartin555 9/20-9/25
    @Shannonsto 9/19-9/25
    @Abi2131 9/19-9/25

    Thanks for your cooperation Ladies :)

    9/20. 15,301
    9/21. 10,531
    9/22. 11,002
    9/23. 15,260
    9/24. 18,205
    9/25. 14,029

    Thanks Megan!
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good evening.
    It's nice to meet all of the new people. It is nice to read about you.

    Check in for 9/28:
    Steps -2845
    Calories - 1717
    Exercise - none. Stayed inside all day. Want to say I rested but I think I was being lazy. Hitting the gym in the morning.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is."
    --Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Busy place since my last visit... Awesome.

    Forgot to post my workout from last night... DOH.

    Good Tuesday Evening... 😀

    Been a pretty packed couple of days... And just a few more days till we head off to Toronto. Were go go go. lol 😋

    Anywhoo, tonight we had to do some sort of leg workout due to not being able to get it done on Friday coming. So that's what we did.

    We sort of did our own thing... I stuck to Goblet Box Squats (12" box) and Lynn stuck mainly to BW squats to a 12" box then switched to a 10" stool.

    My workout was fairly simple and it looked like this...

    BW x 15
    20lb Goblet x 12
    25lb Plate Goblet x 12
    35LB Plate Goblet x 12
    45LB Plate Goblet x 12
    45LB Plate Goblet x 8
    45LB Plate Goblet x 10

    The way I figure it is... If I'm able to do a given weight, then I have to attempt to do more. I wasn't planning on doing 45 pound Goblet squats today, but that's where it ended up.

    I gotta tell you though, I'm once again running into the same problem... My heart is basically getting pushed to overdrive which makes it really hard to push past fears and actually over tax the legs which is the whole point of the squats. My mind just wants to go to quit mode, because you can feel just how much that next rep you might take may just make your heart explode. lol

    During the 5th set, the Fitbit got choked up and wasn't even reading my heart rate accurately at all... Then in the 6th set, I probably gave up a little 2 soon. And in the final set, I pushed on for 2 more reps but that instantly ratcheted up my heart rate to the to the mid 150's. And each rep after that would have probably sent me over 160, but it's so hard to continue through that. In other words, it was the bestest of fun. (No, not really... Not at all in fact lol).

    So, I'm really looking forward to the day my Safety Squat bar arrives.... It's quite the bar and actually can be adjusted in 40 some odd ways from camber angle and depth of offset, so you can simulate front squats, goblet squats, Safety Squats, High Squats, low Squats all with one bar. (It's called the transformer bar if your intereseted and it's pretty much the cutting edge of speciality bars if your into that sort of thing.) 🤓 I'm hopeful with that, I might be able to push more weight, and actually kill my legs before I kill my lungs... 🦵🔫👍

    But on the bright side, the calorie burn is GREAT!!!! With the Afternoon Walk, and the squats, I was able to add a Bag of protein chips, and a serving of ice cream to my already loaded menu. YAHOooooOOOOOo! 🥳

    Have a wonderful night!!!!


    (Ps Also located the Medicine Ball Rebounder I wanted, sitting in a warehouse in Florida... Yah me).

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    And... Good morning everyone! 😀😆

    I figure with a good walk in yesterday afternoon, and a leg torture test last night, what better morning to rest the legs then this very morning? So that's what I'm doing. 💤

    I'm going to continue to eat pretty good today though, and keep that protein intake high as I supply the factory workers in my body all the materials they need to rebuild them muscles stronger for next week. 😉

    On macros... So far raising my protein intake at the expense of Fat intake doesn't seem to have lowered my energy levels. However it would be worth starting to take some Blood Glucose and Blood Ketones Measurements again, just to see if my body is converting excess protein into glucose via gluconeogenesis. 🤓 Which is a possibility I may be flirting with at this level or protein intake. Which could explain, why I was actually feeling a bit hungry this morning before breakfast? 🍖

    So yes, I'm testing tomorrow morning. (Mental Note).

    Tonight we look forward to Chest/Triceps and Shoulders.... It's probably the longest workout of the bunch... But the muscle groups are smaller, so generally not as sweaty as Monday's and Fridays. 😅

    How many reps of 80LB DB's Chest Presses can I handle tonight? We shall See.... MoooAhahah AHHAHAHAHAHAHA! 😈
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Welcome! It’s nice to learn about you. You are always welcome to share. I hope you enjoy this group as much as I do.

    Lazy days are great. I love days where I can spend the days in my recliner and do nothing but watch tv.

    Love that quote!

    Your gym is really shaping up. I have said it before you are so lucky to have a great workout partner. Enjoy your workout tonight. Triceps are my favourite exercises. I am experimenting with different exercises for my triceps in the pool.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Tuesday check in
    ✅ Steps 5k daily
    Zone minutes 167/650
    ✅ Stay within calories
    ✅ Track food accurately

    I had a fantastic swim and workout yesterday. I ended up with 120 zone minutes for the day. I spent some time afterwards stretching in the pool. I also was able to do 8/8 reminders to move yesterday.

    Have a terrific Tuesday!


    32 minutes moderate

    Water weight workout
    30 minutes moderate
  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member
    Username: jayenguk
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW: 267
    CW: 259.6

    Last week I had a sts so I think my body just dumped it all this week...but yassssss!
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