Scare the fat away in October - Accountability thread



  • dawleymama
    dawleymama Posts: 20 Member
    This is going to be hard with busy fall weekends--I am definitely struggling.

    Just spent the weekend with my inlaws. MIL cooks 'old school'--pat of butter in everything before serving, meats/potatoes, etc., 3 squares a day. She's easily offended, so I don't say much and just eat what she makes. I am getting better at asking for smaller servings, so I guess that's something!

    So weighed in this morning and right back at my starting weight from 10/11 (141lbs). I had gotten down to 139 before the weekend. Realize this might be water weight, but it's still frustrating.

    New (more realistic!) GW: 137

    10/11: 141.0
    10/18: 141.0
  • tracimckinney
    tracimckinney Posts: 79 Member
    5'4" 54

    Oct goal weight: 132

    10/3: 134.4
    10/11: 134.2
    10/20: 133.6

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    5'7" 43
    CW 10/4: 152.6
    GW: ~130ish

    10/4: 152.6
    10/14: 153.6
    10/20: 152.8
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48
    Oct GW: 128

    Oct 1 - 129
    Oct 9 - 129
    Oct 17 - 128.6
    Oct 20 - 128.5

    I'm stoked about 2 new fitness things!
    - I joined one of those conqueror mileage challenges with people at work. It's only 65km so it might be over quickly since I get pretty competitive when Im comparing myself to others....
    - - I bought a 15lb medicine ball for my tiny home gym Not super heavy but enough for me to get a good workout - I just need to Google all the things I can do with it. Does anyone have suggestions beyond the usual crunches and squats?

    Also, I got crappy, embarrassing, shocking news at work about a promotion I should have had and I didn't get it. Instead of sitting down with a bag of chips or chocolate (which did occur to me during my initial crying jag), I went for a run. And I went again today. I'm very proud of myself. Its hard to remember in the moment, but endorphins beat out sugar and fat any day for making yourself feel good.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    I'm still here. I'd update but my weight is hovering around that 127 and I'm very much still in the land of 'how much difference in two pounds going to make, Becky' so honestly not trying very hard. My average calorie intake is at a slight deficit most days, but that kind of deficit's going to take a while to reflect on the scale probably, and also I just don't care. My only real thing right now is getting sufficient protein from somewhere and sleeping a reasonable amount. We'll see what November brings. If I can go into the holidays at 125, cool. If I don't, also cool. If I come out still about 127 cool. If I come out 132, also cool. As long as I get back to my normal habits and stay in the rough 125-132 range, I'm good.
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48
    Oct GW: 128

    Oct 1 - 129
    Oct 9 - 129
    Oct 17 - 128.6
    Oct 20 - 128.5
    Oct 24 - 128

    Ah yes.....The teeny tiny baby steps of losing 1 pound per month (or 1 pound per 3 months which is me these days). There is nothing flashy or sexy about it. It will never make a good story for a blog or the MFP feed. Your friends and family won't be impressed and won't even notice. But it is nevertheless so very satisfying!!!

    The scale was actually flirting with 127 this morning. When I hit that milestone and it sticks, I will have lost 20 lbs in about 20 months. Of course the number doesn't reflect the strength, muscle definition and cardio endurance I've gained. Those are the real accomplishments! That and the fact I now fit back into pants that I never thought I'd wear again.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    9-30: 130ish
    10-12: 127.3
    10-24: 126.4

    I didn't expect that drop, but ok.
  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    I don't celebrate halloween so that candy/parties isn't a temptation, but fall baked goods are yummy my 10 year old made apple brownies talk about yummmmmo. I am glad she didn't make a double batch 😄

    4"11 35
    Current: 117ish
    Goal:???? hubby really doesn't want me to lose more. Even though I am short working out has made so much muscle and a really lean "look" if I lose more he is afraid I will look suuuuper small. So I feel he is the one I want to think I am pretty so I mean is 7lbs a big deal to get to "my" ideal" 110 😣9

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    5'7" 43
    CW 10/4: 152.6
    GW: ~130ish

    10/4: 152.6
    10/14: 153.6
    10/20: 152.8
    10/27: 150.2

    Dedication to getting the weight off started to pay off on the scale this week.
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Yay @HoneyBadger302 you got this!! Stick with it and get ready to feel gooood about yourself! We've ALL got this!
  • tracimckinney
    tracimckinney Posts: 79 Member
    5'4" 55

    Oct goal weight: 132

    10/3: 134.4
    10/11: 134.2
    10/20: 133.6
    10/31: 136.4 Well Halloween and my birthday (10/22) got me! Ha!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48
    Oct GW: 128

    Oct 1 - 129
    Oct 9 - 129
    Oct 17 - 128.6
    Oct 20 - 128.5
    Oct 24 - 128
    Oct 31 - 127.5

    I am late to wrap up my October check in but here it is! Total win on the scale (yay!) but i had to dial back my workouts due to an injury and minor concussion. Fell of a step ladder. So so dumb. I've been taking it easy and doing ok... on to November!!!

    @tracimckinney - a very happy birthday to you! I hope it awesome! You will be back on track in no time.