No Nonsense November 2021 Challenge



  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Food has been ok… carbs low and waiting to get back into ketosis. Steps have been low but I’ve been doing lots of housework—painting, deep cleaning, etc, —so not too concerned about that.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Still sticking to a calorie deficit with lots of vegetables, fruit and lean protein but no movement on the scale. I’m squeezing in activity where I can so don’t feel that has really fallen off much. Dumb scale!
  • LaLa482
    LaLa482 Posts: 82 Member
    Late to the game and of a similar mindset. My hope is to lose 15LB between Halloween and NYD and move up in weight lifting (I dont want to touch dumbbells ubder 20LB after 1/1). As of 11/6, worked out daily and stayed within calories and carbs. 57 days to go!
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 507 Member
    Welcome back @macchiatto! I was the same. Away for a couple of years, then came back to restart keto.

    Today I am at 191.4, same as yesterday. Which is a good thing because I broke down and had a couple of glasses of red wine last night! So I doubled my carb count but didn't gain anything. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same! My measurements are all about the same but did lose a little in my calves, arm and chest. I actually went up a little in my waist. :( But the weight is still on a downward trend. I was hoping to be at 190 by the end of the 1st week, but I'm almost there.

    I'm trying to stick to IF, but it's getting to be a bit much for me. I found myself fantasizing about food in the morning. So I know that's not good. Better for me to ease up on trying to stick to an IF program and just get it out of the way and eat for now. I did fine on it before, but now since all I'm thinking about is food, it's better to just eat.

    My goal for this week is to be under 190. Even if it's 189.8!
  • russellholtslander1
    I have been sick for a few days now. The sore throat is gone, but I am coughing up phlegm, and been a bit short of breath/wheezing. Otherwise feel OK, but this is annoying, and forces me to stay at home most of the time.

    My Goals:

    I am down to 240.4.. goal of 235.. so still losing slowly but steadily.. not consuming as much food as normal.. some meals simply broth.

    I am still on Carnivore, but only in terms of eating acceptable foods.. not eating close to 2 lbs. of meat a day.

    I continued my exercise with dumbbells & body weight at home, when I have a few hours without coughing. Better than nothing.

    It is more annoying than anything else. I just want to get back to nomal. Sticking to my plan as well as I can until then.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    Hey, I've been away a long time so I don't know if any of you will remember me. I gradually gained some more weight in the past years. Also dealing with medical problems related to a serious MS attack in March (still in OT and PT trying to at least partially recover), plus having comtracted COVID in March and dealing with PCOS-related problems, too.

    I've been some degree of low carb but now wanting to drop back to keto levels, reduce processed foods, follow some Wahl's Diet principles regarding produce intake (so I'll be looking at net carbs), and keep yo with my home exercise programs for PT and OT.

    Just restarted keto yesterday.

    I do remember you, hon. Sorry to hear that you've had so many problems with your health, but I'm glad you're here!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    64 yo 5'4" 9/14/20-255 lbs(heaviest weight, second time), 5/3/21-240.5 lbs, MFP start date 5/14/21-232.2 lbs, Started my WOE 6/10/21-227.2 lbs

    Well didn't make the 180 lbs or less for October, but that was my fourth October goal, so made 3 out of 4 of them.
    Actually had an uptick but I stayed on track for my calories, carbs, water and exercise so just normal weight fluctuations. Attempting for 15 lbs from 11/1-1/31/22.
    I do my Elliptical 3x/week on my days off. Increased to 150 minutes awhile back and increased since.

    11/1/21-181.8 lbs.
    11/8/21-180 lbs. Down 75 lbs! 58 lbs to my goal of 122 lbs (Was there before in 2010 but got lazy) Did 200 minutes on my Elliptical today!

  • LilithReigns
    LilithReigns Posts: 223 Member
    For November - Jan

    I want to use this time to form a solid routine again. To start obsessing over my health the way I used to. I have started a pictorial food log again, I have also started exercising before work. This is week two of logging food for me. Without going too deep I'll just list my goals.

    1. currently 268 I want to be 260-259 by the end of November and by Jan 250-245.
    2. Stick to eating at home and incorporating more greens into my diet
    3. logging my blood sugars daily
  • havajavapoe
    havajavapoe Posts: 6 Member
    132 pounds. Gained ten pounds in past two years. My goal is to get below 126 by Dec 31, and ultimately back to 122. As I'm really short, five foot it's too high a weight for me. Always used to be easy to lose but now at 58 I'm really struggling. Low carb. Going to add resistance weight training.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Still sitting at the same weight going into week 4 of this little plateau. Weekends are normally hard for me but I’ve been doing well, making good choices and cutting back on snacking when I’m just bored. I did eat off plan on Saturday night but had accounted for it and had no change on the scale the next day- small victory, but I’ll take it. I’m going to stay within plan and see if I can bust through this little hump and maybe see a whoosh of loss before thanksgiving. @havajavapoe, weight training should definitely help- it’s transformed my shape over the last two years. Now if I can shed my last 5 pounds!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    Not a great first week of November but not horrible either. Got distracted with stuff around the house and didn't get to the gym at all so my only workouts were 1 strength class, 1 spin class and bowling. Still feeling bloated from an italian dinner out with friends Sat night including dessert.

    However, I have my new workout space at home all set now. Weather will be amazing today for the Northeast so will take advantage and get out for a bike ride at 3:00. This is what I love about this group and having been on this journey for a few years now, I'm no longer defeated when I have some off days and can jump right back in enthusiastically without beating myself up.

    Oh and new rule for myself-do not get on the scale the day after strength training LOL
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited November 2021
    swimmom_1 wrote: »
    64 yo 5'4" 9/14/20-255 lbs(heaviest weight, second time), 5/3/21-240.5 lbs, MFP start date 5/14/21-232.2 lbs, Started my WOE 6/10/21-227.2 lbs

    Well didn't make the 180 lbs or less for October, but that was my fourth October goal, so made 3 out of 4 of them.
    Actually had an uptick but I stayed on track for my calories, carbs, water and exercise so just normal weight fluctuations. Attempting for 15 lbs from 11/1-1/31/22.
    I do my Elliptical 3x/week on my days off. Increased to 150 minutes awhile back and increased since.

    11/1/21-181.8 lbs.
    11/8/21-180 lbs. Down 75 lbs! 58 lbs to my goal of 122 lbs (Was there before in 2010 but got lazy) Did 200 minutes on my Elliptical today!

    I upped my elliptical again today to 210 minutes (3.5 hours) for 15.25 miles! I wanted the 3.5 hours and at least 15 miles. I do this straight through, first thing in the AM after weighing and before eating.

    And @justanotherloser007 reminded me that the 15 miles I did is over a HALF MARATHON!

    I also FINALLY broke 180 lbs, 179.2 today. 75+ lbs lost.

    I would AGAIN like to thank you for your kindness with the advice you gave me at the beginning of my Keto journey. It has worked for me, to not worry if I get all my fat grams in, I let them fall where they may be. I watch my calories, Carbs and just make sure I get a decent amount of protein with each meal, along with good daily water intake. Up to now, so far, I've been averaging 10 lb /month loses. Expect it to slow down anytime,Thank you
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member

    What in the heck did they do to the platform? There's stuff they've needed to fix and haven't for years and this is what they do instead?😭

    Anyway, nice job @NYPhotographer2021 and @swimmom_1

  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member


    still hanging tough on weight but congrats to those of you still heading downward! I was irritated Tuesday night and had a calorie cushion so I ate some animal cookies. Saw a bit of fluctuation on the scale but nothing material and was back down this morning. Hubs asked yesterday what my weight was and when I told him he said it was heavier than he’d expect based on how “bony I feel” to him. That’s something I guess! Still aiming for another 5 pounds so my mantra is stay calm and keep keeping on. Maybe I’ll cut back on the number of exercise calories I’m eating back and see what happens.