Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,591 Member
    Hello everyone - Been busy wrapping gifts today and getting the Santa bags filled which of course had to happen first so that I could get all the stuff off my table to make room for wrapping the gifts. They're all done - just have to do hubby's bag but all of that is upstairs out of sight and I can slip upstairs at any time to do that. It did take most of my time - surprising how long things like that can take.
    Hubby headed out in good time to do his shopping and also the grocery shopping. I'll get the baking finished up this weekend and Monday.
    It was a very windy day here too but not as windy as yesterday and last night. It was colder today as well - just above freezing when yesterday I could be out in a sweater. I need to keep moving to catch up on my other teams,.
    Have a good evening.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I think my dishes are multiplying during the night. Everytime I think they're almost done they are not 🤣. Oh well. Worked for 3 hrs cleaning today. Did a little more shopping for Hubby's Christmas presents. Also working hard on my Christmas crafting. I think I am starting to see the light at the end of that tunnel.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,595 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, hope your having an awesome Friday ! The weather here has turned and it snowed a little but not enough to stick! Enough to be cold when I went for my walk.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 yup nice sunsets but not tonight - I expect it will get lighter out as the snow clouds appear and it may snow or may not.
    @bookieNJ glad you found your wallet - I lost a gift card that still had 40.00 on it, no idea where I lost it, or put it and that has been almost a year. Just have to chalk it up and move on. I tend to keep my wallet in the same place but once I was walking home and I got a call from the credit union asking where I was shopping, I asked if this was a crank call as I had just come from Safeway- turned out my wallet fell out of my inside coat pocket and someone else found it and turned it in ALL items in tact. I got a thank you card and a 25.00 gift card from safeway and took it to the credit union so the card could be given to the person who handed it in. I never heard anything else about it. I do not put my wallet in that coat inside pocket any more. I really should sew it up but I am too lazy to do that ! At my age, almost 70 I prefer to keep my wallet on me as the pick pockets and purse snachers are getting more and more bold and I dont' wanna give them an edge or think I am an easy target because of my age. It is a shame that the elderly - those older then me, cause I do not think of myself as elderly LOL - are targets these days or any day.
    Have a wonderful evenign everyon !! Dance like no one is watching !!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    @Bookienj ,, LOTS OF CUTTING and stuffing, but so happy you have in the hours almost!! WTG and a great feeling!!

    WOOHOO WE ARE FINALLY expecting my PRECIOUS SNOW!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! YOU KNOW I DID BLOG my excitement! LOL I can BARELY CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT!! Our first storm since last April!
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Where are you all that are getting snow? I'm so jealous! It was in the 60s here today (DC area). Such a weird weather year.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,507 Member
    It's 34 feels like 27 with a high of 41 for today. Axe Sharpening: Change takes time and it isn't always easy. But with time. With effort. Any habit can be formed or changed.~~~Jeremy Mullins Director of the MyTransPHORMation Challenge and Registered Dietitian Happy International Migrants Day!!!! Fitness quote for today: Fitness is a lifestyle of continuation and Motivational quote for today: There's a power deep within you, the power to create the life you want. Stop overthinking and start using your power.~~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 12,332 steps yesterday.
  • SusanM18MFP
    SusanM18MFP Posts: 1,324 Member
    No snow here, just cold. The overnight temps have been in the low 20's. Thankful for my furnace!

    I have a cut/color hair appointment this morning and then it is time to start the gift wrapping. Tomorrow is church in the AM and then a Christmas choral concert in the evening.

    Now I need to figure out what I am contributing to our family Christmas dinner. Looks like this non-veggie lover will be bringing a veggie dish! lol
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,420 Member
    Options the pic...sounds like a good day around your house! the smell of baking always makes the house seem lovely. Ahh no snow here in Colo...weird for us and bad for the ski areas. Stay warm and enjoy!
    @SusanM18MFP, I always think of you being in a warm place living out West, but reckon you are almost as cold as we are. Twas 12 this AM when I got up...has soared to a roaring 33! Sun is out and wind is making sure to let us know it is there..beyond brisk thas for sure! Had to laugh at the veggie comment sounds like you and Diane have a mutual feeling about veggies..I love 'em and my Molly dog will chow down on almost any veggie except tomatoes she doesn't like those. Just found out last night she likes quina ...strange dog but I love her!!
    @macrat12, That last saying in your post is one I need to remind myself of every day..stop over thinking..I am so guilty of that. While in nursing school our instructor told not over think this..look for the simple answer. Then we would analyze that question till we nearly went mad!!
    Whoops company just roared up the driveway...catch ya'al later...
    PS:Diane.....snow??? huh did ya get some!!
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,690 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! It's snowing here today and it's cold outside. My daughter says hello to everyone. I went for a walk in the morning and I feel great! I'll be doing some dancing after supper. Both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! Take care and stay safe.
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,591 Member
    @katiecondy1 - It always starts to feel like Christmas when the smell of freshly baked shortbread fills the house so today it's starting to look a lot like Christmas - especially with the snow falling outside. Hubby is going out to fix his snow blower as the cable for the shifter broke a couple of weeks ago. He picked up a new one last week but hadn't put it on the machine yet. He might be needing it in the next day or so. Just one batch left to bake - tripled the recipe and ended up with 136 cookies - most of which will go to my daughter's and she can divvy them up with our son.
  • SusanM18MFP
    SusanM18MFP Posts: 1,324 Member
    @katiecondy1 I've settled on Parmesan Crusted Baby Carrots and Kale Slaw as my contributions. I may even eat the Kale Slaw as it is made with one of those salad mixes they have now that is chopped kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc. Those I can eat if chopped small and raw. I like carrots raw, but not cooked, so I'll take a pass on the parmesan carrots as they will be roasted in the oven. lol
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    We were supposed to get some snow but it all stayed north of us. Just rain to day 😢. No exercise and didn't track my steps. Concentrated on crafting and laundry. Also played a couple games of cards with Hubby and visited with a friend that lives around the corner.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    @GeocacherLosingIt ,, I am Southern Maine on the coast. SO SORRY you didn't get any
    Its not much, but was STILL Fun to go out walking in it. I am guessing by the time we get done we'll end up with 3 to 5 (they said 4 to 7) Normally at night we'd NOT walk this path though during the day it's fine. With the snow we figured criminals do not like to get wet. And it's lighter out.
    @Susanm18mfp ,, NO GIRL NOT THE VEGGIES!! LOLOL I'd do a "Oh, I figured this is so much better and WANTED" dish. LOLOL
    @Retired_Sue WOOHOO On the snow also!! COOKIES!! LOL Maybe share with them Susan? Save her from having to cook???? @SusanM18MFP trying to help you out here!
    @Katiecondy1 ,,, LOLOLOL YOU KNOW ME TO WELL!! LOL Hey OH @SusanM18MFP ,, if those cookies have VEGATABLE OIL that's a VEGGIE!!! Right Katie? LOL!! Or if any nuts, nuts grow in the ground or on tress, bushes, hence they ARE A VEGGIE!!
    UGH WISH you all had some snow!! is it cold enough for the ski areas to keep the fake snow going? We've been hurting here to, and this snow is more of Southern Maine one, so the northern parts of Maine (Sunday River) won't really benefit. Ohhhhh ALL OF US SNOW BUNNIES need our SNOW!
    @Cormierannie,, which state are you in?
    @wallahalla LOLOL Somedays I FEEL like those candy canes look!! ALL bent over! WELL I AM bent over just not quite as they are.
    @Cseguin2 ,,,, I'll share!!! SO SORRY about the rain!! We've ALL gotten enough of that!!
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,507 Member
    It's 29 with a high of 41 for today. Axe Sharpening: Happiness is right in front of us should we choose to allow it.~~Rachel Brown 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Happy National Hard Candy Day!!! Fitness quote for today: I like to start my week with a little bit of beast Motivational quote for today: yesterday happened, so let it stay there and move forward.~~~unknown Didn't close all rings on my Active 4 and had 9,566 steps yesterday.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,910 Member
    Good morning everyone! Three nutcracker shows down, one to go! I’ve helped more so I got to sneak in and watch some stuff.
    @LindieMaeP -Aw man I hope you find that one! I have a bunch of gift cards for Dunkin and target and Walmart. Mostly Dunkin-I am not a shopper so they are just waiting. That was so nice someone turned it in all in tact and awesome you could do the thank you note/gc.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -thx-did a lot more stuffing today-glad it’s over. Yesterday I sold snacks, first it’s flowers. But show closes today! Yay for your snow! You can keep it-it’s just cold and windy here-yesterday was rainy.
  • Golfma4
    Golfma4 Posts: 964 Member
    @GeocacherLosingIt - It's snowing here in Central Ontario - Canada of course! The system seems to be pretty widespread east to west but maybe isn't going as far south as DC. if we get too much, I'll send you some! 😄 BTW - welcome to the challenges!

    I need to get busy folding my towels from the dryer and then baking up my shortbread so I'll leave you with this.


  • Golfma4
    Golfma4 Posts: 964 Member
    Golfma4 wrote: »
    @GeocacherLosingIt - It's snowing here in Central Ontario - Canada of course! The system seems to be pretty widespread east to west but maybe isn't going as far south as DC. if we get too much, I'll send you some! 😄 BTW - welcome to the challenges!

    I need to get busy folding my towels from the dryer and then baking up my shortbread so I'll leave you with this.

    Sue, I baked Christmas gifts on Friday and my house was still smelling like cookies baking all day Saturday.