Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,576 Member
    It's 43 with a high of 66 for today. Axe Sharpening: You changing your life inspires other people to change theirs.~~~Meg LaFerla 1st Phorm Advisor Happy National Eat a Red Apple Day!!!! Fitness quote for today: Remember that any exercise is better than no exercise.~~~Health Motivational quote for today: Wherever you are, be there 100%.~~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 13,677 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is walking around Silver Dollar City and any shops we stop at.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,937 Member
    Good morning (for 9 more minutes)-didn’t make it to a class at the gym but did enjoy working out on a machine while watching tamron hall show. Hoping hubby’s car is done with its estimate soon so I can stop him off there.
    @kaliswalker -yup definitely a fun weekend! This weekend my daughter is performing with a youth orchestra on Sunday. I hope your friend’s son is on the mend soon. Covid is so scary.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -hi!
    @LindieMaeP -your meal sounds delicious. That’s great your son was able to take it the next day.
    @TEXASTITCHER -Aw enjoy that Texas weather! I have two friends there now who aren’t originally from there. They like the winters but summers they mostly stay inside.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,731 Member
    happy wednesday everyone! it is a beautiful mild weather day here today. my daughter says hello to everyone. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i donated some clothes that i no longer wear to a clothing box that is near my home. then i went to the local grocery store to get some food to donate to the local food bank here. i like helping others whenever i can. i have been for a walk and i feel great! i will be dancing later on! have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    For those wondering my dogs name is Trigger.

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day. Workouts and work done. Now time to get all my check ins done so I can get to my crafting. 23 days left to get it done.
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    edited December 2021
    @TEXASTITCHER - Glad to hear that you are moving freely again..wohoo! Same like us snow but during Winter, our temperature can go down to -4°C / 24.8°F. Have a wonderful Thursday!

    @bookieNJ - Have a wonderful time at the youth orchestra this Sunday. For us, we will be closing our shop this Saturday as my #2 is going with her team to their FIRST Robotics Competition!

    @wallahalla - Yes, indeed..December already and before we know it, hello 2022.

    @cormierannie - Hello to your daughter too! I wish I can go for walks but am always busy as we open 7 days a week. What type of dancing are you into? Sounds interesting.

    @CSEGUIN2 - Hello there Trigger!

    Firstly, apologies for all the typo, bad spelling and words/sentences that doesn't make sense.. when I use my mobile phone, somehow, whatever I press or type, my phone has its mind of its own do will do whatever it wants. Sorry guys!

    Its a hot & humid day for us today. We are officially in Summer and school holidays have started for my kids. As we work 7 days a week, we can't really go any where. However, we will have our yearly break during Christmas & New Year and that's only 3 weeks away or so. OMG, 2021 is ending soon and 2022 is already saying hello. Good news...weighed myself today just to check if I am overeating or not. Thankfully, am losing that water weight and got back down to 59.5kg / 130.9lbs but still not down to 59.2kg / 130.2lbs. Hopefully, that would happen this week..fingers cross! Sad news..our State has recorded its 1st new variant Omicron since our borders opened.
    Stay safe everyone!
  • Golfma4
    Golfma4 Posts: 960 Member
    Wow, how can it be December already? Hope all are ready for holiday shopping, baking, decorating. Speaking of decorating I spent most of my morning cleaning, then decorating. I was about 2 hrs. later than I had planned getting to the grocery store. :/
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,,,YUMMY on the sweet and sour chicken and tonight the fried rice. GLad the water/sewer seemed to be okay and hope they are today. Amigo is a cool cat!! Izzy LOVES NOISES!! If a police car, ambulance or firetruck goes by or comes into the place,, Izzy IS UP In the window like an old lady checking it out!! LOLOLOL on your brother!! LOLOLOL to funny!!
    @Lessennan ,,, When I am at any gathering and there's food (LOL 99.9999% of the time!) I make it about the people, not the food. That helps me. I eat something before I go so I am not as hungry. We moved the challenge up to the 8th since the 1st is a holiday and LOLOL Maybe some will have a headache that day.
    @Texastitcher,,, OH I LOVE the peacefulness of the snow falling. Sadly with global warming we aren't getting our old normal. I "think" the cold is to much for me, but we've not had many days in the 30's yet, oh we should. I do it gets to my breathing, but I still love winter.
    @Jadepearl ,,,, I was a "teachers assistance" In quotes only because of I belonged to a program called Foster Grandparents,, so the kids called me "Grandma" and I was allowed to hug the kids,, shoot that was a part of the job. Not sure how it is in Australia but in the US, a teach may hug a student briefly in the company of others, and that's what it was with me too. But a normal volunteer was not allowed to. We had a kid in the class who told me what was going on at home, I'll not go into details. He felt safe telling me, after all "I am Grandma!" I MISS the little ones, we had to much SUPER FUN FUN FUN!!! I LOVE watching their faces when they finally understood something. I MISS IT!! I KEEP on hoping that the Dr's are wrong about the heart failure thing, that they'll discover this is something else, fix it and say "Hey you can go back to work!" but so far that's not happening. STILL I HAVE HOPE!!! Even if it never works out, I HAVE THAT HOPE! Hope your night temps are cooler.
    @Macrat12, we hope you see this and all is well?
    @Bookienj,,, A WIN/WIN!! Watch a show you enjoy AND exercise!! Oh clearly combining them are FUN!! Hope the car is reasonable. YEAH Today our car was DONE!! So we took back the rental (HAPPILY!! LOLOL It was a nice enough rental, 2022 Nissan Rouge, but yeah it was STILL a Nissan. I can easily say I wasn't in the least tempted, ours though, when I saw it, my heart picked up and did a most dance of excitement!! The color is still very slightly off, but unless you know to look at it, you'd not see that. They also gave us the remaining paint in case we ever wish to paint any spots. And even talked to us on how to do it as they do. Oh they really liked us!! Pays to be kind.
    @wallahalla ,, WOOHOO On the 31 days may we FINALLY HAVE OUR SNOW!! LOL If you don't like snow,,,, I'll pay in it any ways for YOU!!!
    @Cormierannie It just feels so GOOD to help out someone else!! TY TY TY TY for helping others. Indeed it lifts us up too!! We hope you enjoyed the day.
    @Cseguin2 ,,,, Awww Do you have a picture of Trigger? Quite a few of us are pet lovers. Birds, cats, dogs, horses, donkeys this group has had, or does have them ALL!! WOOHOO on that!! Great job on working to get things done so you can enjoy the evening.
    @Jadepearl ,,, Oh my auto correct does such funny things!! WOOHOO on the weight!!! Nice job!!! The newest variant is in CA, no doubt other states also.
    @Golfma4, WOOHOO Hey if you moved around doing those things, and with grocery store at least you got some steps in.
    @Novembergail,, Please be careful with your hand. Hopefully the pain will be very short lived. LOL to those sweet kitties your "decorations" are NEW TOYS!! LOLOL Awww brothers are great!!!

    It was a great day!! Got back up our car!! YEAH YEAH!! Was on ZOOM this afternoon with some friends, along with getting some work done, we were also quite entertaining to each other. So cool how when you are with friends, and also doing something you enjoy ,, well those 2 things the time just FLEW ON BY SO FAST!! Don't we wish everyday was a really great day? OF COURSE WE DO!! But, sometimes the worse of days, help these days to be that much more special.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,576 Member
    It's 52 feels like 48 with a high of 75 in Branson. Axe Sharpening: You only truly fail when you stop trying.--Bellah Upadhyay 1st Elite Athlete. Happy International Day of the Abolition of Slavery Day!!! Fitness quote for today: It's not always easy but it's always worth it.--unknown. Motivational quote for today: Be the person who sees and appreciates the light in the little things.--unknown Didn’t close all rings on my Active 4 and had 9692 steps yesterday.

  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    @Golfma4 - At least you already got your cleaning and decorating done.. wohoo!

    @NovemberGail - Aww, hope your hand is much better now and the pain is gone. Happy Birthday to you too!

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - We have teacher assistants here too. And yes, the kids do get hugs in school, but everyone is very careful. Really hope that your Doc is wrong with regards to the heart failure thing. Did you seek for 2nd opinion? There is always hope as there is always God who loves us. Am praying for you too. That's great that you got your car back. Sorry to hear that they couldn't match it 100%. Glad to hear that you had a good time on zoom with your friends. Thank goodness for the modern tech.

    It's roughly 12.23am now and it's a nice cool 14°C / 57.2°F and my 2 kids are asleep. Am closing the shop on Saturday as my #2 will be going for her Robotics competition. There will be 8 schools competing on Saturday. It will be from 7am - 8pm. So excited for her team as they worked so very hard for it.

    Hope that you guys will have a wonderful Thursday. Stay safe and night night.
  • sunrisedancer1
    sunrisedancer1 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I am stopping in briefly this morning and I hope to be back later to read posts. Time is flying and I am already feeling behind (and I am trying to minimize my to-do list). So- this is my wish for everyone- May your December be filled with peaceful, joyous moments. May we all find ways to tame stress and enjoy the season!

    @Dianedoessmiles1 You are so right! The worst times do help us appreciate the best times. I have not done ZOOM yet (I know…where have I been??). I do skype and WhatsApp and that does help me keep in touch with others, but I should probably try ZOOM. i am glad that all is well for you.

    @NovemberGail I hope your hand heals quickly. I have felt the same after stitches are removed. I love that your first decoration is a red bow. I find that I enjoy decorating more than I used too. I think that I used to feel more pressured. Now, I just try to do one or two small things each day and it is so much more enjoyable.

    @Golfma4 It is hard to believe that it is December already! Time always goes faster as we near the end of the year- really! Enjoy!

    Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,937 Member
    Good morning everyone! Busy afternoon/evening for my kids but it’s ok. Happy activities are happening and everything isn’t shut down.
    @jadepearl -thx you! She plays clarinet in the orchestra. She said she has a solo which is cool (even if it’s like 6 notes) and there are songs that only the strings play which is ok too. I played violin and piano growing up. what kind of shop? And also that’s so cool. I hope your child’s team does really well at the robotics competition. Congratulations on the weight loss and I am sorry about the omicron case-we are outside of NY (like lots of people commute there and ny’ers come to our farms) so once it hits by it will hit us soon after.
    @NovemberGail -lol on the kitty meme look at the tree!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -thx! Today was a hiit class-enjoyed the music and today we had jump ropes! Car is back from estimate-insurance guy found more damage than body shop so I guess we have some waiting to get it worked out. Hopefully car will get fixed soon! Glad to hear you got your car back! Sorry the rental was a Nissan.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,731 Member
    happy thursday everyone! it is a very windy day here today. i got a few errands done. now i can relax and enjoy the rest of the day. i have been for a walk and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing later on. have a great day, everyone! my daughter says hi to all. take care and stay safe.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hi everyone - I've been getting a bit of sewing done - actually successfully threaded the new machine (Pfaff Ambition 610) yesterday when I had to change thread colours while sewing up our Christmas pillow covers. Today I got the Santa bags cut out but also had to go over some Christmas music ahead of our practice on Monday - still have more to do there. Now that our bit of snow is gone we have our winter tires on - hubby went out to get them installed today and then pick up a few groceries.
    It is hard to believe that we're into December and @sunrisedancer1 - I hear you on getting everything done. It often seems like a bit of a crunch but I usually manage to get everything essential accomplished. I learned years ago when I was still working to not stress about Christmas but to just get done what I deemed were the important things and if there was time for other stuff then I'd work at it too. No decorating done yet aside from a lighted tree in our living room window (not our Christmas tree) a wreath on the front door and a few pillow covers. I want to get the sewing machine off the dining room table as we often make use of it when we get all the decorations out - only about 10 bins I think! I thought I'd get decorating this week but I think the sewing needs to take priority. Next week I'll have a couple of days of singing but can work on decorating on other days.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Glad that you got your car back - nothing like having the familiarity of your own vehicle - BUT I must say I love our Nissan Rogue! (a 2014)!
    @NovemberGail - Glad that the stitches are out and I hope that the healing goes well and the soreness soon disappears.
    Time to get moving and get a few more things done here. Have a good evening!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    WAHHhhhhhhhhhh!! I had most of you answered and POOFED OFF IT WENT. SO FRUSTRATING, it was MY fault not MFP I leaned forward. I'll try again later. OFF go to the PS4L team and I SHOULD be doing laundry. LOL SHOULD BE.
  • SusanM18MFP
    SusanM18MFP Posts: 1,340 Member
    @CSEGUIN2 Trigger reminds me of a story. I lived in neighborhood near some people who had 2 or 3 rottweilers. They lived on the edge of the development and their house backed up to where the school bus let the kids off. One day as I was turning into the development, the bus had just left and the rotties heads and paws popped up over the top of the fence and they started barking. Kids scattered everywhere! I suppose I should not have laughed, but it still makes me smile today. Near as I could tell, the dogs were well trained as they were often off leash in the front yard with their owners and there was never a problem, but I'm sure I would have been running and screaming too, if I'd been one of the kids that day.

    Trigger's big old grin is really cute.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,641 Member
    Looks like everyone had a productive day one way or the other today. Someone spoke of pushing a heavy cart in wind - I walked to Safeway and the whole walk was against the wind. At one point I thought my lil grocery cart ( its a 2 wheeler ) was gonna lift and take off ! Speaking of "take off" I was coming home from shopping yesterday and I saw a plane taking off in an area I don't usuallyget to see - by the time I got my phone ready it was gone, but it was so close ! Well it seemed it, was wondering what runway the airport was using as I have never seen a plane from that direction and so close too. I'll have another time for a picture, I am sure !
    @Dianedoessmiles1 it can happen so easily - many others used to have this issue in Sparkpeople too - best thing to do with a long post, put it in google doc first and then copy over - you can add bbcode after if you want to. But if if you do it in google docs and it poofs before you post, you still have it to try again. I used to have two windows open but with MFP upgrade I can't be bothered.
    @CSEGUIN2 your Trigger is a beauty ! Thank you for sharing your picture! And now I think of it, you were pushing a cart in the wind too but yours was full and mine empty - and congrats on the no diet pop ! I have a daughter who is adictted - from her nursing student and then some days - hard to let go but she managed, I know you will do this too.
    @Retired_Sue I am glad yoiur sewing machine is working for you - I never could get the hang of the tension for the threading - I could do everything else ok - older machines - 40 years ago, right - but the tension, I just gave up and bought already sewed stuff lol
    @SusanM18MFP I sure would run too - german shepherds really were my afraid of dog - the pups used to nip at my heels going to school and their sharp little teeth really hurt and I would cry and scream ( I was 7 maybe 8 and bigger then them ) never liked them at all after that incident. But eventually I got over it.
    Well I was listenign to music with my Android and I got water in the USB port so it's in a bag with a silicon package to drain it out till morning. Silly me, need to remember to not have it in my apron front pocket when doing dishes - next time I will use the Iphone - I can put that one side ways in the pocket. I really dislike this android phone - wish I never got it but I did and in 3 years its gonna get replaced and back to Iphone ! Have a good night and good morning for Friday as it is almost the weekend !!!