Why did you choose surgery?



  • MBNagel74
    MBNagel74 Posts: 444 Member
    For me, I tried EVERY diet there was out there... Keto, WW, Paleo - and the list goes on. I've eaten healthy most of my adult life. Even married a man who loves to cook and makes healthier options for me. Not a pasta fan (my kid is very upset about that one), don't drink soda, and always had limited my sugar. So how did I get to this point?

    Turns out my thyroid and LACK of metabolism had a lot to do with it. Tried medications to regulate the thyroid since my early 20's. Unable to get the numbers right and continued to gain weight even by eating a simple salad.

    Finally had enough. Found a new doctor, ran more tests, and decided that the only option for me to lose weight was to reset my system. The gastric sleeve provided that reset, which is why my doctor's office refers to the surgery as a METABOLIC RESET.

    I did this because I exhausted EVERY OTHER OPTION. I am not fat because I want to be. I am not fat because I overindulge. I am fat because my body literally could not metabolize my food and my thyroid is not functioning properly.

    I am now 2 weeks post op. Between the preop diet and the time after surgery (4 weeks total), I am now down 40 pounds. Looking forward to getting healthier (and slimmer) in 2022!