Hi. I am new here



  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,949 Member
    I’m with Connie! I’m more a word person than numbers. After 10 lines on a spread my eyes glaze over. For me, I record daily weigh-ins and food logging. I compare start weight with current weight. The in-between numbers are history.
  • FitByFifty1970
    FitByFifty1970 Posts: 127 Member
    I like the BMI tracking, I didn't think to officially do that though I did check it now and then to see where I was on that scale. I don't fully agree with it though so I didn't want to get attached to it. I have some natural muscle under this melted skin so I am deceptive with my weight, I don't look 140s.
    I thought I'd give an update since it's the holidays. Thanksgiving was when I hit my low. The week after I popped up a bit and frankly it should have been way way way more, I went from 139.4 to 140.0. The next week (last Thur) I showed the bigger gain and it bummed me out. I never gained 2 weeks in a row. Ever. Maybe even, but not two weeks of a gain. I figured the week prior was off and should have been way higher. I was up to 141.7. I still did my pizza and booze Saturday. I was worried because Tuesday was a dinner out for my anniversary and I didn't want a gain 3 weeks in a row. We ate at a very nice steakhouse and I polished off my entire 14 oz strip, the cheesy potatoes, the brussel sprouts, two martinis, the decadent chocolate dessert. Then home for another drink. Then out for a drink to where we had our first one. Then home for another drink. We also stopped for a pizza slice to have which are literally the size of 3 regular slices, so ate that too. And fudge. And brittle. About 4500 calories in 1 day I think? No regret. Loved it all. The next day took it easy, wasn't hungry anyway.
    Today clocked in at 140.1 which may be false, I may not be showing the gain from Tues yet. But last night took it easy and will today too. Friday is Chinese and will eat all of that and then some. Sat is pizza/booze. Then take it easy Sun-Wed as normal. I am hopeful for a loss to get to 139.7 but will be happy with staying even too.
    The holidays are filled with goodies and they should be enjoyed. I make fudge and brittle just 1 time a year. I have an anniversary just 1 time a year. I have no regrets. So for those of you that are christian, enjoy your indulgences, just do it that one or two days. For those of you that aren't, enjoy those treats that are out now just the 1 time a year. And for everyone - it's okay to say happy holidays. THere are MANY MANY holidays going on and not just the 1 christian one. So it's NOT an insult to say/hear happy holidays, in fact it's THE MOST respectful thing you can do.
  • pearcel3342
    pearcel3342 Posts: 13 Member
    @FitBy_Fifty1970 Happy Holidays. I was curious what your starting weight was? I’m new to this forum of Larger Losers. Hearing how you allow yourself to ‘splurge’ seems like such a far off or never again kind of experience.
  • FitByFifty1970
    FitByFifty1970 Posts: 127 Member
    @FitBy_Fifty1970 Happy Holidays. I was curious what your starting weight was? I’m new to this forum of Larger Losers. Hearing how you allow yourself to ‘splurge’ seems like such a far off or never again kind of experience.

    Hi, you can see from my huge spreadsheet in earlier posts my starting weight and my weekly progress. There were long stretches of no weigh ins as I wasn't tracking or weighing in. I would occasionally step on the scale and I'd track that though.

    My breakthrough was January 2021. I told my boyfriend I was unhappy and wanted to get smaller and as the primary cook (and dinner being our primary meal) I asked him to cut back on oils and stuff where possible and to portion me less. He decided to also lose weight though he doesn't track. We made a game of it as I tend to do. But, more importantly, I am not interested in doing whatever I have to in the short term. I know it doesn't work. SO yes, Saturday was pizza and alcohol. We eat real dinners during the week but we made changes to them and do not suffer. I weigh in on Thursday so I can deal with any bloat from Saturday night by then. And I log everything. Actually I pre-log most everything. It all fits. Some days are higher, some smaller, but I take a weekly approach to my intake, not daily. I do some walking but not for calories so I don't count that towards my weight loss.

    This approach accounts for all the loss from mid-Jan to now. If you cannot find the spreadsheet let me know. I'm mostly on fitbit now, not really here. I am also considering a book on what I've done and how it works and why. I hope to have that completed by the end of 2022 so I can have a year of maintenance under my belt and add that to the book as well.

    Overall you have to learn to eat how you plan to live. If you want no carbs forever, fine. I can't and won't do that. And if you think that all of these gimmicks like that, and Intermittent Fasting, and all of those things are all the same - you eat less than you exert, you realize quickly nothing is off limits. You have to be mindful of the quantity and frequency and then you can really enjoy those indulgences fully. Hope this help?!
  • pearcel3342
    pearcel3342 Posts: 13 Member
    @FitByFifty1970 thank you for sharing your information in this post. I don’t know how to find your spreadsheets. I’m new and hoping this is the best way to respond as it appears you can’t just reply to an individual within their post. Your approach to this all seems very reasonable and liveable! I wish you the very best!
  • FitByFifty1970
    FitByFifty1970 Posts: 127 Member
    @FitByFifty1970 thank you for sharing your information in this post. I don’t know how to find your spreadsheets. I’m new and hoping this is the best way to respond as it appears you can’t just reply to an individual within their post. Your approach to this all seems very reasonable and liveable! I wish you the very best!

    Hi, I will post it below. Today was my weekly weigh in anyway and I'm back down to where I was the week after Thanksgiving. So basically maintaining from Halloween (141.3) through almost NYE (139.4) which is good. This weekend will be a tad over the top so that's okay; I know it and will enjoy it. If you want to 'friend' me here or whatever you can see my food diary. I don't post anything otherwise though, but you're welcome to peruse it. My 'snacks' seem like all at once but my daily routine of late is to sleep in, have lunch around noonish- very light though. Snack around 2ish. Snack around 5ish (or whenever I'm off the treadmill, I only do that for cardio, not calories but I do eat afterwards). Dinner is my main meal around 7pm. Chocolate immediately after (Dark is my favorite, the more bitter the better). Then maybe around 9 or 10 have something small (cracker jack box, hot chocolate, apple/caramel dip). SO it's all under 'snacks' but it's spread out.

    I wish you the best as well. Just remember to pre log where you can, that is truly key. Doing it afterwards leads to guilt and shame and regret which has no place in life. Food is wonderful and fun and should be enjoyed. All these gimmicks are useless, they will always boil down to eating less than you exert. All the excuses for going off the rails are useless too. Just pick up and move on. Enjoy yourself.
