January - Week 1 Group Challenge - Things to Do in 2022



  • ac204
    ac204 Posts: 147 Member
    1. One habit I’m going to build. Drinking 6-8 glasses of water
    2. One bad habit I’m going to break. Potato chips
    3. One person I’m going to forgive. My aunt
    4. One person I’m going to befriend or reconnect with. Melinda
    5. One toxic tie I need to break (anything holding you back)! Self-critical voice in my head
    6. One person I’m going to spend more time with. My son
  • xrj22
    xrj22 Posts: 197 Member
    1. One habit I’m going to build.
    - stretch each morning.
    2. One bad habit I’m going to break.
    - Internet at work
    3. One person I’m going to forgive.
    4. One person I’m going to befriend or reconnect with.
    - Kari
    5. One toxic tie I need to break (anything holding you back)!
    -- honestly their aren't any
    6. One person I’m going to spend more time with.
    -- my sister.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,192 Member
    MONDAY, Jan 3rd

    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship(s). Be a better listener.
    8. One thing I’m going to create. I'd better say "carve out"...going to put aside more time for self care.
    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop. Everyone has an agenda. I just refuse to believe that's true all the time.
    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce. There is good in every person, even if you REALLY have to search to find it.
    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating. Cookies...at least cut WAY down on them and leave them as a luxury (special occasion) item, not an every day thing.
    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating. More veggies...long-time struggle.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    MONDAY, Jan 3rd

    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship. Let the little things go.
    8. One thing I’m going to create. Muscles.
    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop. That I have to be perfect at work.
    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce. That I have all the tools I need to keep the weight off for good.
    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating. I know cutting things out doesn't work for me.
    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating. Always good to try to fit in more veggies more often.
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    MONDAY, Jan 3rd

    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship. I’m going to tr6 to be more understanding of Anne’s illness
    8. One thing I’m going to create. A fitter healthier me
    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop. I’m never going to lose my weight
    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce. I’m going to show up past week one for my challenges
    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating. I’m going to reduce my candy
    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating. I’m going to try to increase my water
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 416 Member
    1. One habit I’m going to build. -- Read everyday
    2. One bad habit I’m going to break. -- Watching criminal/murders movies
    3. One person I’m going to forgive. -- Myself
    4. One person I’m going to befriend or reconnect with. -- Myself
    5. One toxic tie I need to break (anything holding you back)! -- bad thoughts
    6. One person I’m going to spend more time with. -- My brother

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,180 Member
    MONDAY, Jan 3rd

    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship: Spend more time doing things together. Listen better.
    8. One Two things I’m going to create. A breathing workshop for Canadian soldiers (they asked!), and a piece for flute and 'cello by distance with my favourite 'cellist, or some other piece if that cannot work right now.
    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop. Getting old is horrible, and I don't want to.
    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce. I have a lot left to do.
    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating. None - I think I do all right controlling the ones that trigger overeating, and if I really want them I have them. Then stop.
    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating. Continue to eat the way I do now - it ain't broke, so I'm not fixing it. It evolves slowly, and so far so good. I will soon hit 10 years on maintenance!
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 416 Member
    edited January 2022
    1. One habit I’m going to build. -- Read everyday
    2. One bad habit I’m going to break. -- Watching criminal/murders movies
    3. One person I’m going to forgive. -- Myself
    4. One person I’m going to befriend or reconnect with. -- Myself
    5. One toxic tie I need to break (anything holding you back)! -- bad thoughts
    6. One person I’m going to spend more time with. -- My brother

    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship.-- Send a message or invite for something.
    8 One thing I’m going to create. -- Keeping my wardrobe organized.(as a habit)
    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop.-- I can't.
    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce.-- I can.
    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating. -- gluten
    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating.-- Well, I eat everything.

  • ac204
    ac204 Posts: 147 Member
    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship. Making time to reconnect with family and friends
    8. One thing I’m going to create. More time for my health
    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop. I don't have time.......
    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce. I'm worth this effort
    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating. Potato chips
    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating. More veggies
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 521 Member
    edited January 2022
    MONDAY, Jan 3rd

    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship. Hug my husband more.
    8. One thing I’m going to create. Personal time for myself for long Baths with Bath Bombs.
    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop. That I am a failure.
    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce. That I am worth the effort it takes to get healthy.
    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating. Hershey’s Kisses.
    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating. Cabbage.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,192 Member
    Below article offers a fitness plan using ZERO equipment...hopefully someone will find it useful:


    Below article offers suggestions for people recovering from injury, needing low impact or seated exercise...also some guidance for Yoga and other ideas for low impact workouts:


  • sweetlady9783
    sweetlady9783 Posts: 18 Member
    MONDAY, Jan 3rd

    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship.
    8. One thing I’m going to create.
    I would like to make a goal board or something similar to help track my weight loss

    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop.
    That I am not worth the time and effort

    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce.
    That I am worth it

    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating.
    Chips.... It's my weakness

    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating.
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    What a great challenge! I'm going to start every day this month by responding to this. Thank you!

    SUNDAY, Jan 2nd

    1. One habit I’m going to build.
    Drinking water! That's been going great but slipping the last few days.

    2. One bad habit I’m going to break.
    Ordering delivery food. I never make good decisions.

    3. One person I’m going to forgive.
    One of my colleagues who I won't name here. :)

    4. One person I’m going to befriend or reconnect with.
    A former colleague.

    5. One toxic tie I need to break (anything holding you back)!
    Shopping habit. My tie to the Amazon delivery people must be broken.

    6. One person I’m going to spend more time with.
    More quality time with my husband.

    MONDAY, Jan 3rd

    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship.
    Point out the positive more! Focus on what's working.

    8. One thing I’m going to create.
    More physical space in my life. Declutter, organize.

    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop.
    That I'll always struggle with my weight.

    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce.
    That I being healthy is actually the natural state that my body wants.

    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating.
    White flour.

    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating.
    Increase in vegetables.
  • sequimtrim
    sequimtrim Posts: 42 Member
    13. One book I’m going to read. < The Book of Five Things
    14. One new place I’m going to visit. < Mazatlan
    15. One adventure I’m going to go on. < Meeting people in MZT
    16. One hobby I’m going to try. < Learning Spanish
    17. One personal development goal I’m going to achieve. < I re-joined Training for Warriors today.
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    TUESDAY, Jan 4th

    13. One book I’m going to read. The bible
    14. One new place I’m going to visit. Struggling with this since the restrictions but the holy land has been on my bucket list forever
    15. One adventure I’m going to go on. Walking Fife coastal path
    16. One hobby I’m going to try. Time management
    17. One personal development goal I’m going to achieve. Stress control without candy
  • twdempsey
    twdempsey Posts: 21 Member
    SUNDAY, Jan 2nd

    1. One habit I’m going to build. Exercise each day
    2. One bad habit I’m going to break. Binging at night
    3. One person I’m going to forgive. Myself
    4. One person I’m going to befriend or reconnect with. All my friends once I can see them again.
    5. One toxic tie I need to break (anything holding you back)! Can’t think of one
    6. One person I’m going to spend more time with. My hubby

    MONDAY, Jan 3rd

    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship. More conscious thought
    8. One thing I’m going to create. A meal plan each week
    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop. That I can only do this two weeks
    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce. Now that I’m semi retired I can make myself count
    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating. Pepperoni
    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating.just added kale to my day
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member

    MONDAY, January 3rd

    7. One way I’m going to strengthen my personal relationship.

    I’m going to spend more time visiting family in my hometown of Boston, where I can also see my son who is attending college there.

    8. One thing I’m going to create.

    I’m going to create a website and online presence for my company.

    9. One negative belief I’m going to drop.

    I’m not sure I have negative beliefs but I definitely underestimate myself in some ways. So, I’m going to push forward to build better workout habits (e.g., improve my strength, flexibility, and rowing skills) and also use my time better to promote my business. I have to value myself more and want to convey a quiet confidence about the ways I am contributing to my field.

    10. One positive belief I’m going to reinforce.

    I want to confirm that I can maintain my nutrition and fitness routine over the long term. My work is about engaging the people most affected by social problems in finding solutions and taking collective action to make a difference. In the coming year, I plan to write some stories or share some brief videos/vignettes that describe the positive results we’ve accomplishes together using this approach so more decision makers will see the benefits and consider leading in this way.

    11. One unhealthy food I’m going to stop eating.

    There isn’t a particular food I’m going to stop eating but I’ll try to eliminate processed foods and food with added sugar, whenever possible. This is likely to be a gradual reduction rather than a sudden stop.

    12. One healthy food I’m going to start eating.

    I’ll increase my daily intake of green leafy vegetables and try to increase servings of fruit and vegetables. I’ll also try to eat more fish and less read meat.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,192 Member
    TUESDAY, Jan 4th

    13. One book I’m going to read.

    I read daily, but I just can't seem to finish the 6th book of the Outlander series, so I really want to finish that one. It's HUGE and I guess that's why...seems daunting.

    14. One new place I’m going to visit.

    Always been a dream to go to Hawaii.

    15. One adventure I’m going to go on.

    I'm wary to plan for adventures...with COVID so ever present, I just want to be able to safely go to a restaurant without worrying about who's breathing on me. Would eventually love to take another cruise, but going to wait and see.

    16. One hobby I’m going to try.

    Bought a new diamond dot kit and am anxious to try it out, but need to find the time. Now that I'm no longer teaching piano, perhaps that will free up some time!

    17. One personal development goal I’m going to achieve.

    Want to take a couple of courses when I can...and continue to write...

    I'm SO glad that many of you are enjoying this challenge...we'll have a new challenge each week, which I'll announce in each of the team chatrooms, so hopefully, I can introduce others that you'll enjoy! Have a great day!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    13. One book I’m going to read. The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music by Dave Grohl
    14. One new place I’m going to visit. Hoping for Canada's Wonderland if COVID allows.
    15. One adventure I’m going to go on. Vancouver/Whistler for Brad's Gran Fondo - with some fun activities for us as a couple along the way. Again - assuming COVID allows for that.
    16. One hobby I’m going to try. Snowshoeing.
    17. One personal development goal I’m going to achieve. Holding crow pose for an extended period of time.
  • MotylekOkruchy
    MotylekOkruchy Posts: 196 Member
    TUESDAY, Jan 4th

    13. One book I’m going to read: Uwięziona w bursztynie (Diana Gabaldon)
    14. One new place I’m going to visit: somewhere in eastern Oregon
    15. One adventure I’m going to go on: hiking-camping trip
    16. One hobby I’m going to try: exercising
    17. One personal development goal I’m going to achieve: stop over worrying
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