Waistaways Team Chat - February 2022



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    @kdblpn I'm so glad you like hummus! It is great stuff. For your hubby, a wonderful mayonnaise substitute can be made with white beans. No fat, plenty of fibre, and it is terrific in tuna. Search white bean mayonnaise and you'll find all kinds of recipes.
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @kdblpn Dubai is the only place I've been on holiday where I can see myself living there. This will be my 4th or 5th trip after my father moved out there a few years ago. People I know love it or hate it. Definitely not my first choice for a relaxing holiday but there's so much to see and do, I'd recommend giving it a go if you get the opportunity.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,165 Member
    2/10 -
    46 minutes indoor cycling, 8523 steps

    Day 3 of suppers out tonight. We are off to Banff right after work to meet up with an Aunt and Uncle that are visiting from Manitoba. It'll be a pub meal and beer will be involved. I have pre-tracked so unless alcohol gets out of control I should be good.

    We are taking them for a snowshoe in the morning before returning to Calgary.

    Gotta go pack - enjoy the weekend all!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Week 2 is almost done - let's get the Saturday people on the board and catch up with anyone who is still due today or running a bit late --


    Weekend time!
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