DAILY QOTD (Question Of The Day)



  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,755 Member
    I'm late to the party and don't have the time to catch up but I will read all the posts at some point.

    QOTD for Monday 2/7

    You've been busy all day, on the way home (or while at home) You think "What will I eat for supper? I am exhausted."

    What's the first thought that comes into your mind? Is it "What can I grab that's easy and fast here in the house?" Or more along the line of "Who can I call to deliver (or go out) to get?" Tomorrow we'll follow through more on this

    My go-to is eggs in some form as long as we haven't had them for breakfast. Before my surgery, I did stock some freezer meals and made sure there were healthy canned goods in the pantry. The meal planning LTGL came at just the right time for me and I am so far keeping up with it. Having the pre-prepared meals is really helpful so I am inclined to continue that since we were gifted with a small freezer. @Dianedoessmiles1, I have found my joy of cooking again. Enjoying the prep adds more flavor to the finished meal.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,805 Member
    QOTD for Monday 2/7

    You've been busy all day, on the way home (or while at home) You think "What will I eat for supper? I am exhausted."

    What's the first thought that comes into your mind? Is it "What can I grab that's easy and fast here in the house?" Or more along the line of "Who can I call to deliver (or go out) to get?" Tomorrow we'll follow though more

    I am usually the easy/fast here now. I don’t want the waste in calories when out or dealing with driving. I am lazy
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,805 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -thx! For the junk food comment
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,347 Member
    QOTD 2/8/88 Tuesday

    Yesterday we asked about food when tired, busy etc. Today ,,, you are tired, hurting, and know you "should" exercise, and or add in more time. What do you do? A) SKIP it because "I am just to tired, hurting etc."? Or "Start out to do 10 mins and see what happens from there?" Or how do you handle this situation?

    We all get busy, and often can just "run out of day". Since I live in chronic pain and am have a serious health concern, I can not do as I once did (even a year ago). Now I break my exercise down to 10 to 20 mins at a time. If it's to much to even walk for 10 mins, I'll break it down more to do stretches, core exercises, and throwing in some ST also. I find having a daily amount I want as helpful.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 6,993 Member
    QOTD 2/8 Tuesday

    Yesterday we asked about food when tired, busy etc. Today ,,, you are tired, hurting, and know you "should" exercise, and or add in more time. What do you do? A) SKIP it because "I am just to tired, hurting etc."? Or "Start out to do 10 mins and see what happens from there?" Or how do you handle this situation?

    Depends on how much exercise I've done recently and whether or not eating is on point. Although both are important, I personally focus more on nutrition than exercise. I generally will decide to do just 30 minutes on the Gazelle but usually end up doing longer.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,347 Member
    QOTD 2/9/22 Weds

    Do you eat breakfast? Why or Why not?

    I used to LOVE breakfast, I no longer wake up hungry (SO ODD) so now I just have a hot chocolate because I take a supplement that will not mix into anything cold, and I do not like coffee (See's @Catwmncat and @Lindiemaep, @Aalley5 ALL FAINTING and possibly @Wallahalla also LOL)
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 6,993 Member
    edited February 2022
    QOTD 2/9/22 Weds

    Do you eat breakfast? Why or Why not?

    ABSOLUTELY 💯% of the time. It's not always traditional breakfast food and may be as late as 2pm (Fasting) but it is how my day is fueled and sets the tempo for how I manage through the day.
    The two HUGE cups of Coffee help as well! @Dianedoessmiles1 doesn't know what she's missing😉

    Thanks for Tuesdays QOTD... I was too tired, hurting and just wanted to skip walking on the Gazelle tonight, but thought of my answer and yep, on on it now!
  • aalley5
    aalley5 Posts: 1,851 Member
    QOTD 2/9/22 Weds

    Do you eat breakfast? Why or Why not?
    Most defiantly! Sometimes I fast till 10 but then it's breakfast. @Dianedoessmiles1 - I mix collagen with my coffee and a coconut chocolate MTC powder. The coffee is hot and it tastes like mocha.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,805 Member
    QOTD 2/9/22 Weds

    Do you eat breakfast? Why or Why not?

    I always eat breakfast. I am usually hungry and a good start to the day
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,347 Member

    In weeks 3 and 4 we worked on having a Sleep routine. Did you enjoy this LTGL? Has it benefited you to this day?

    I used to STRUGGLE SO BADLY with sleep!! I'd get any place from 10 mins to 2 hours. Than on the 5% Challenge years ago we'd work on "how many hours of sleep did you get?" Mine was so bad, that I started to really study and talk to my Dr's (I DID NOT still never want sleep meds, been there, done that, I sleep walk anyways, on the sleep meds, YO I DROVE IN MY SLEEP! Imagine waking up just as you were going to go on 295 at 50 MPH!! WHILE SLEEPING!! YO! that night I said "NEVER AGAIN!") on what I needed to do. A part of what they mentioned is what we just worked on,, having a sleep routine. This has so greatly benefited me. Plus I am now tired thanks to the heart failure. LOL I ALMOST AM GRATEFUL to be in heart failure because I CAN SLEEP easily now!! Gotta look for the positives in what we can and THIS IS A PLUS!!

    Be a CAT ,, Izzy has ZERO problems sleeping.

  • aalley5
    aalley5 Posts: 1,851 Member

    In weeks 3 and 4 we worked on having a Sleep routine. Did you enjoy this LTGL? Has it benefited you to this day?
    Yes it was a good one! I am keeping up with it too. I get to bed on time and wake up at the same time everyday without an alarm clock. It's great!
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 6,993 Member

    In weeks 3 and 4 we worked on having a Sleep routine. Did you enjoy this LTGL? Has it benefited you to this day?

    Getting into bed on time is something I struggle with regularly... once in bed I am usually soundly sleeping within minutes. The mind no longer spins and goes in 20 different directions and no more tossing and turning all night long! This came about once I started making a daily to do list (thanks to @kaliswalker suggestion on SP 5% Challenges) and crossing as much off as possible then moving anything not accomplished to the next day. At the end of the day the list now shows everything completed with nothing left to do except sleep! Eating healthy and being on my feet and off my seat helps too!
    I still struggle with getting into bed on time, but it is better and the challenge does help!
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,364 Member
    In weeks 3 and 4 we worked on having a Sleep routine. Did you enjoy this LTGL? Has it benefited you to this day?

    It has been a help. I even have my fitbit set to send me a "it is bedtime" reminder!!
    Once in bed IF I turn the light out I am usually asleep quickly. But going to bed earlier has resulted in waking earlier..like 4 AM somedays. Other times "in bed" means reading and can lose track of time then.
    Maybe I need to set a second alarm that says...Are you still awake!! LOL
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,347 Member
    edited February 2022
    @Katiecondy1 ,,, LOL Katie, I changed my ring tone to: "Rise Up" It totally makes me LAUGH SO HARD in the morning when my alarm goes off,,,,

  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,805 Member
    Sleep isn’t hard for me-I wake up at 6:05 since my family gets up at 6:10. Going to bed at night-I am usually good about going to bed at 11. Sometimes I fall asleep on the couch
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,347 Member
    *** SIDE NOTE*** the song "Rise up" is a courageous song indeed. It gives me the power to help face ALL I do, ,, when I wake up the "I'll rise up" words, well I am waking up, I am rising up,,, and that does make me giggle, and I am READY to go. My Spiritual life gives me so much and it's a priority. So in the AM I study around that and also before bed. Life is hard at times,,,,, it's all a part of my evening and AM routine.

    QOTD For Saturday 2/12/22

    How old you do feel? Have you ever taken a "age test"? You do not have to do that, if you feel much younger, say so, if you feel older ,, that's okay too!

    Here's one if you are curious,,, at the end most of these will ask for your email addy (I DO NOT LIKE THAT!) this one will have you do a survey. Oh no doubt it'll gear ads towards you, but we end up with ads no matter what so I went neutral as I could ,, and ehhhh they didn't ask for any personal that I'd give ( I did not do the income I hit prefer to not answer ,, did that on the ones I could) etc.

    It says I am 40! Years ago I did one of these, it SPURRED ME ONTO being healthier because it said 80!! YUP!! 80!! I am in my lower 60s.
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,755 Member
    Your true age is 45. That makes you a "Fabulous Fortysomething.” :D Too funny!

    Actually, since Thanksgiving, I am feeling older but I suppose it's because I had so much stress. Before I got sick in 2014 I was a power walker working up to a half marathon and I felt and looked my best ever!

    Interesting how the mind works. I was 17 in 1970 when I was in a tragic car accident that took the life of my 15-year-old friend. I had no memory of that accident until 41 years later I had total recall. Emotionally it was like having the same accident. In my mind and emotions, I was 18 again and it took therapy to get me back to being age-appropriate.

    Great Question, Diane!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,347 Member
    It was a fun test to do!! LOVE how it says we are both younger!! Anyone else wish to take it? Please if you'd like let us know how it went for you.

    QOTD For Sunday.



    Are you watching?
    Do you have a favorite team between the Rams and the Bengalsls? (SORRY for all of us who's team did not make it in,,,, mine ,, Pats)

    Do you have a plan around eating? Is it "anything goes today!" or "some stuff" Or even "Nah, I'm here for the game/commercials/half time etc)?

    I am watching it (almost QUIT a job I LOVED when they refused to let me have SUPER BOWL SUNDAY OFF!! I worked every single Sunday ,, with the exception of 3 religious meetings a year, and SUPER BOWL SUNDAYYYYYY!! She didn't think I was serious until I said "I QUIT THEN!" Her face DROPPED!! Hehehehehe after that I had NO ISSUES having it off AND that year I also got a very nice raise!) I'll be cheering on the BENGALSS since the Rams beat the Pats,, well a NO BRAINER plus,,, the Bengals are the under dogs by far. Odds are a 4 point spread for the Rams.

    I might,, might make pizza English Muffins which will keep me in my usual sodium (LOW SODIUM) goal and also calorie range. Strangely through the entire season, even when a friend came over with real pizza,, I've not felt the need to eat while watching. Its about the game now, OH I HOPE IT's INTERESTING!!! I'll be in text with a few people if a few friends do not come. LOL We've been trying ALL season to get together. Hey I didn't vacuum,, OOPS ,, I might have to! I did on Monday , but still,,,,,
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 6,993 Member
    QOTD For Saturday 2/12/22

    How old you do feel? Have you ever taken a "age test"? You do not have to do that, if you feel much younger, say so, if you feel older ,, that's okay too!

    Your true age is 38. That makes you "A Little Older, A Little Wiser."
    Bwahahaha🤣😂 that's comical, I'm 61 and some days feel 81. Actually since living a healthy lifestyle most days I feel better than I ever have in my life, I'm definitely healthier and more fit than I was when I was a teenager.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 6,993 Member
    QOTD For Sunday

    Are you watching?
    Do you have a favorite team between the Rams and the Bengals? (SORRY for all of us who's team did not make it in,,,, mine ,, Pats)

    Do you have a plan around eating? Is it "anything goes today!" or "some stuff" Or even "Nah, I'm here for the game/commercials/half time etc)?

    Yes, I'm watching... My teams are all out so I'm pulling for the Bengals, but I'm saying I'm rooting for the Rams because every team I root for lately loses... Go Rams!!
    Superbowl is a special occasion in our family so it turns into a feast and pick kind of spread if anyone is around other than hubs and I. Looks like it might be just the two of us this year so I'm making Healthy Buffalo Chicken Bites w/ blue cheese crumbles, possibly Sweet & Spicy Baked Sweet Potato Fries, Skinny Baked Jalapeno Poppers and maybe Broccoli Apple Salad if I have time in the morning. More than likely it well still be a stay in calorie and macro range with healthy versions of football food.