February 19



  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,057 Member
    Over the years I have left, came back, left, came back, blah, blah, blah.

    Why do I leave? Like so many areas in my life, I just lose the enthusiasm, desire, motivation, whatever, to stay on track and keep logging.

    Why do I come back? Because I really miss this group when I'm away, you are always on my mind, and I'm wondering how everyone is doing! And, back I come!! I don't comment, encourage, support, as much as I'd like, but you are all very special, and I normally read every post, every day, and give a like, hug, etc.


    This is lovely. Xo
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,057 Member
    StayFITTer wrote: »
    @SummerSkier Actually, I didn’t put the date in my phone. Thought I did, put apparently didn’t. If I did, I would’ve posted early and on time.
    I looked at my watch this morning and was like “Am I suppose to post something this week? and checked the Volunteer schedule—lo and behold, I was. And I honestly didn’t see your tag until after I came to post.

    Luckily I was reflecting on Growth/Fixed mindset this morning so I decided to share my insights.

    I like to be a woman of my word so if I voulnteer for something, I intend to follow through and do it. It’s just that UAC has been escaping me. It’s been a transitional time with my new job and I’ve been on my Fitbit more.

    So I pray for grace and not to be kicked out the tribe. Just trying to adjust and put it all together.

    We are here wen you are ready and we are very proud that u found it way back to us! U are spot on mindset is so important and it is very clear u hve a great deal im insight and self awareness. Personally the all or nothing mentality is something I can very much resonate with..A bit more balance and moderation is what I aim for these days some days this is easier than others. For me pass days is one of the issues, this all or nothing attitude meant I would eat too much food on pass days, this was causing issues with weight loss progress. Good luck on ur journey and welcome back. Xo
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,133 Member
    1/3 pass days.

    I don’t think I could leave this group some I could but not the UAC. This group of people have shared part of my life towards a healthier life, we share advice, life’s great moments and it’s really hard times. We are all here to learn to be better at what we do and what we want. I am not sure how this group could be better, just knowing someone out there may have an idea that will help me is a gift for health. If it isn’t broke why fix it?

    Thanks @jamcnewman you held me accountable this week for my exercise I think I made it 😊 with your help.

    I logged I tracked I exercised. Once again snow shoveling but good cardio.

    Proud of you Kate and happy to cheer you on any time! 🥰 @snowshoe072
  • ideas2
    ideas2 Posts: 1,242 Member
    ✅ Exercise: Lots of walking and shopping today
    ✅ Calories
    ✅ Tracked

    0 pass days used ( )

    This one is going to take more thought. I have read Dweck´s books and used her concepts in regards to other things, but had not thought about it in this context. I do think growth mindset should be applicable to learning to maintain my weight.
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,133 Member
    Saturday February 19

  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 951 Member
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,030 Member
    Exercise - yes, 20 min. Dancing
    Tracking - yes
    Calories - yes
    Passes: all used
  • Caroline_slowandsteady
    Feb 19
    Pass Day 8 (I think)
    Exercise - I did a lot of going up and down stairs for house work/organizing but no formal exercise and did not manage to leave the house for a walk
    Tracking - Planned the day, then abandoned the plan
    Calories - Probably over

    Friday night I ate half of my takeout, and decided I wouldn't eat the leftovers. Saturday lunchtime I was really hungry and they were in the fridge, so I abandoned my pre-logged plan and ate the takeout leftovers instead. I think other than that I did pretty well with the day - and that might have been ok calories too, just not sure. It had a lot of cheese, though, so probably not.

    What I love about this group is how much insight all of you have. It's also just inspiring to see other people valuing weight loss and working at it in spite of really serious life events and challenges. I don't really talk about weight loss in real life with people, and it really helps me to see that modeled.

    I only joined UAC in September. When I have stepped away for a bit it's been because I've been struggling with my health and needing more sleep and just not having time for the morning check in. Otherwise I have found checking in to be so valuable.

    Right now I seem to have stepped away from trying hard to get 3 checks every day (and I have my calorie goal set to maintenance, so it shouldn't be that hard). It's because I feel like I "deserve" a break. Or like I am pushing in other areas and something has to give. Or like it's a marathon, not a sprint. Hard to tell sometimes if those things are excuses or if I am doing a good job of exercising self-forgiveness for the long haul.
  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,646 Member
    @loopeydo2017 I hope you and your family recover with minimal side effects the best advice I can give since it hit our house at Christmas, be kind to yourself, rest and do what you can it does get better
  • Jana_2020
    Jana_2020 Posts: 1,224 Member
    edited February 2022
    Great openers today! I always appreciate your contribution @StayFITTer, very insightful and great food for thought today.
    As for @SummerSkier's questions, aside from accountability, my main goal for staying with the group is community. We are a group of very kind, supportive, and helpful members sharing like-minded goals and commitment to a cause. Although in the past I haven't always read through each day due to time constraints or my famous disappearing act for various reasons, I am actively trying to engage more. I very much appreciate the lack of pettiness and bickering in this group (my main reason for not participating on Facebook groups). So I guess this is a great time to thank everyone for your exceptional kindness, support and time that you each of you contribute to the group! <3<3<3 I very much appreciate everyone's contributions.
    I did log today but I went over and didn't exercise.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member

    Bowing to you and your first pass day since June!

    While I realize this likely didn't "feel" good based on your comments, you deserve a lot of recognition for a crazy amount of dedication and consistency!

    Shake it off indeed - the sum of your amazing streak of days will more than outweigh this pass day.