Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MARCH 2022



  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Happy Birthday!

    30 Day Spring Challenge, Day 12 (3/2):
    1. Get up right away ✅
    2. Drink a glass of water as soon as I get up ✅
    3. Eat breakfast ✅
    4. Take supplements and brush teeth ✅
    5. 5 minutes of meditation ✅‌
    6. Exercise ✅ - Yoga in the afternoon as part of staff wellness time
    7. Take a shower ✅

    Phrase of the year: OWN IT!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Good evening Slimpossibles!
    I missed a few days. It was end of month at work. We had a big snowstorm on Friday the 25th, and consequently most of the shipments for Friday were still sitting on the shipping dock on Monday the 28th. A couple of key people were on vacation, so the transition of information from Friday wasn't great. Got through Monday OK, and then Tuesday it was inventory day and I had to start at 4:00am. I worked until 4:30pm - but at least I took time for my lunch time walk! Got my 6 miles for the day. Awoke this morning to 2 more inches of snow, and it wasn't broom-snow; heavy and frozen to the ground. I didn't meet my stationary bike miles goal for the past 3 days. Hope to get back on track tomorrow.
    @laurelfit57 - I figured out my calorie intake on my own. And that also varies; higher in the summer when I'm commuting to/from work on the bicycle. What I did was just start with my weight-loss calorie range, and added 150-200 calories and hold at that level for a few weeks and see which way my weight was trending. The hardest thing for me is when my activity goes down in the fall, and I have to cut back on my calories. It's hard to cut back when you've got used to the higher number. Track food, weigh-in daily, watch for trends and adjust accordingly. Just keep driving with both hands on the wheel.
    @Cornanda - one of the things I noticed when I first joined an online weight-loss community what that most people would rather starve than move. I just could not imagine cutting my calories as low as what I was seeing in the community. I made up my mind to start exercising. At first it was just 10 minutes/day. I would walk straight away from my house for 5 minutes, then turn around and walk back. It took me about a month to work up to 30 minutes/day and to add strength training and yoga. By summer, I got back on the bicycle after an absence of 11 too-fat years. I lost the weight without ever cutting my calories below 1400/day, and once I was on the bicycle it was more like 1800/day and I was still losing 1-2 pounds/week. My other tip is to consume lots of fruits and vegetables if you are not already doing so. I remember telling myself that I had to make peace with fruits and vegetables.
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 370 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    I had a very busy day today. I was the speaker for a local elementary school to present to all grade levels for Black History Month. Six presentations back to back... It was so much fun. I'm tired but it's a good tired. Then I tutored one of my first graders and had a library board meeting. It was a very fulfilling day so now I'm about to "hit the sack." Eating hasn't been great but I did it when I could. Grateful!

    Let's go get it! B)
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 521 Member
    My Spring Challenge commitment is:
    1) Read for 30 minutes a day or use my Scroll Saw - I read tonight.
    2) Move at least 30 minutes a day or walk 3000 steps - I have no idea how many steps, I left my Fitbit on the charger. I must have moved at least 30 minutes, cooking, taking care of the kitties and doing laundry.
    3) Weigh everyday - 169.5
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    Hi, It's Thursday!

    @TeresaW1020 - hope you had a VERY happy birthday!

    @micaroo4 - thanks for the exercise info. You've been very smart and creative about how you've worked so much into your routine. You've got me thinking about how I can sneak in a bit more.

    @FushiaKat - congrats on making it to the 160s.

    There was much less drama yesterday. I tried to keep my mind off of all of it and rest. Took another looooonnnggg walk. Felt so good to be in the sunshine. Mostly meeting spring challenge goals- yesterday I could have had more veggies. Today I have a phone call with my Dad regarding my Mom. Not really sure how that will go. I'm doing my best to take care of me. I'm maintaining, not gaining. Those are good things.

  • annflaherty1
    annflaherty1 Posts: 76 Member
    @askewcr So happy to hear about your presentation to students. I have some art pieces I used to promote discussion about the enslavement of people in America, for the elementary school I worked in. The kids are so bright and willing to be change makers. It’s so important that we continue these tutorials.
  • 18922
    18922 Posts: 128 Member
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW (Previous Weight):193
    CW (Current Weight):193
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,022 Member
    @annflaherty1 Congrats on your success so far! I'm glad you enjoyed Wilmington.

    @lose4me71 Congrats on the loss!

    @bgame4 Great job on your goals!

    @micaroo4 Wow, sounds like a stressful period at work. I'm glad you took time for a walk.

    @askewcr Sounds like a great day.

    @FushiaKat Great job!

    @Cornanda You are doing great considering the circumstances. Hugs to you, Lisa.

    Hi all. I had a pretty good day yesterday. I took a walk on my break from work. This is by my work, beautiful flower fields. It made me smile.

    My Spring Challenge commitment is:
    1) Exercise 3 days a week - Yes
    2) Drink 50 oz of water a day - 50 oz drank

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"

  • 18922
    18922 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Was a very busy week. I’m afraid no loss this week. It’s spring break this week so we had take out food and lots more tempting treats in the house. Glad I maintained!
    @micaroo4 im one of those people who starved herself to lose weight. I just can’t seem to balance eating and exercising. All last year I would gain 5 and lose 5. I walked 10k a day and did lots of yoga and gardening. I definitely see how exercise impacted my blood sugars for the better and reshaped my body but I really want to weigh less so for now 1200 calories seems to do it. I think a lifetime of yo-yo dieting has really mixed up my metabolism.

    My challenges are to get back to 10,000 steps a day. Drink 60 oz water. Try to do yoga or meditation and turn my phone off an hour before bed. I have found that I sleep so much better if I’m not playing on my phone before bed.

    Let’s have a great week guys!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Thursday
    PW: 134.5
    CW: 134.5

    It’s the 3rd of the month and I think I’m late for the introductions 😁.
    My name is Gabi, 50yo married with 2 kids, leaving in Northern VA and with a full time desk job. I’ve been here for over a year with success in the first 6mo, than I lost ground slowly and I’m back at it again.
    Last month I decided to go by a longer timeframe and non-weight goals, so I’m shooting for doing these to May 1st:
    - exercise 6 days/w
    - cut/reduce eating after dinner or snacking thru the day
    - walk 10k on all days
    - one phone call a week to people I love talking to, but rarely see/hear
    - do at least one stress reduction action a day
    So far it’s going nice and although the scale and my sleep are still all over the place from one day to another, I see some structure forming.
    Good luck and be well, to all!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Sunday 2/27
    PW: 187.6
    CW: 187.2

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld Haha that Grumpy Cat meme is hilarious! You know I didn’t make anything Keto for my B-day! :D Love that field of flowers! <3

    @FushiaKat NOW tha is a birthday cake my retail loving heart could really dig into! :grin:

    Hi Team! Thanks, everyone for the birthday wishes. :) I had a very good birthday yesterday. My mom totally surprised me with a Kitchen Aid mixer. I have always wanted one and I’m thrilled to finally be able to make some protein bread that uses egg whites and egg white powder. It’s supposed to be tasty and super high in protein. I’m giving myself this weekend, since I have a birthday lunch tomorrow and then the church potluck on Sunday, but come Monday morning I am getting back on the weight-loss train. I plan to start a new Data Driven challenge that begins on Monday and will also incorporate at least 2, hopefully, 3, days of Protein Sparing Modified Fasting. I think this combined with mostly a low-carb diet will yield some good results. I might log into Cronometer and track my dang calories. Ugghhh!! :#:grin:

    30 Day Spring Challenge
    Day 14: 191.2, eating the last of the cake and ice cream for dessert tonight. The exercise was just my church cleaning.
    Word: INTENTIONAL[/b]
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,150 Member
    My name is Jennifer and I am a 48 year old single mom of 3 adult children. I live in beautiful Southwest Michigan, right across the Lake from Chicago. My son, Marcus, is 26 and in the Navy, stationed in Virginia and engaged. I’ll get to add Ashley (future daughter-in-love) this July. My oldest daughter, Sydney, is 25 and lives with her husband, Nick, about an hour south of me, and my youngest daughter, Hunter, is 22 and is still at home with me. I also have a sweet little (fatty) rabbit - Kismet. I love to rubber stamp (I’m a Stampin’ Up demo) and make cards. I'm an active member of my church (Board member), and also love horror movies and books. I have worked in Community Development at my County for over 17 years. I’m trying to break free of my food addictions.

    Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and we (my daughter, mother and I) are doing the Daniel Fast for the 40 days of Lent. I’m already a 10 year vegan, but have relied too heavily on faux meats and cheeses…plus all other sorts of junk. Along with helping to lose weight by nixing the processed foods, my blood pressure should get better. Day 1 was good and today is good, too. And I've been soda-free for a couple weeks now.

    I’ll get caught up on everyone’s previous posts (hopefully) this evening and do so conversing. Until then, let’s have NO ZERO DAYS!
  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    30 Day Spring Challenge, Day 13 (3/3):
    1. Get up right away ✅
    2. Drink a glass of water as soon as I get up ✅
    3. Eat breakfast ✅
    4. Take supplements and brush teeth ✅
    5. 5 minutes of meditation ✅‌
    6. Exercise ✅ - Walked in the gym before work
    7. Take a shower ✅

    Phrase of the year: OWN IT!
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 521 Member
    My Spring Challenge commitment is:
    1) Read for 30 minutes a day or use my Scroll Saw - I read tonight.
    2) Move at least 30 minutes a day or walk 3000 steps - 3064 steps so far today.
    3) Weigh everyday - 169.5

    Today I took a long leisurely bath, it was awesome! I need to use up some of those bath bombs before the next round of gifting. Tomorrow, I have my 3-month checkup with my Primary Care and Rheumatologist. I'm going to ask him to give me a shot in my right knee. It keeps waking me up at night. And when I get up in the night, I eat pickles. I need to stop doing that.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 497 Member
    @teresaw1029 A belated happy birthday to you! Hope you had a great day!

    @trooworld congrats on the loss! Also way to go on not stress eating!

    @micaroo4 thanks so much on the tips!

    @cornanda glad things are less dramatic in your life. Super happy that you are able to get out and walk in the sunshine, for me that is just so healing and energizing.

    It has been a very busy couple of days. I was able to do spin classes both yesterday and today, have to admit my tush is a little tender🤣. My cousin came over for supper last night and we were able to have a great visit, we haven’t been able to catch up since November.
    I had a great spin class this morning with one of my favourite instructors, then got my grocery shopping done and main floor cleaned up for a grand total of 17,000+ steps. I think it is funny how I know equate not only exercise but housecleaning and grocery shopping into step counting🤣. I really need to do the extra work this week after dinner last night with my cousin and then I am having my family over for lasagna after we go tubing on the ski hill.
    I have to mention that I am just so envious of those of you with sunshine and flowers! I am still walking around here with spikes on my boots🥴
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,118 Member
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,670 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Happy birthday, hope it was beautiful for you! I'm not sure on peppers though mine did better once the Temps cooled off so they may be fine. Herbs like mint, thyme, oregano, and marjoram are real tough. Basil may be a little more picky, give it a try and if they're doing bad you can always move them. I've had some gnat problems with my stuff on the grow table, I put a squirt of dish soap in a spray bottle and spray the top of the dirt and it's helped a lot. There's insecticide soap too but I'm cheap!

    Hi everyone! My nephew's having a bad week, I was relieved because I thought he went to school today as I hadn't heard anything but right after I got home from errands I got a text to go over. He usually does homework and visits but he got upset when we tried to get him to go after lunch and it went downhill. I'm pooped out, have a great Friday team! I did have Diet Pepsi there but just one! Going to meditate now as I forgot last night.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,670 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I meant tough as in hardy herbs, mine overwinter here and the mint dies back some but my thyme loved winter. My SIL has had better success with herbs in the shade like parsley and chives, they look way better than mine do right now but are in a raised bed-type pot versus mine in regular pots plus her yard is well protected whereas I'm on a hill without a fence so the deck gets more sun and wind.
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 291 Member

    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 259
    CW: 259

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