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    DCHANCE61 Posts: 516 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? I think that this is my 7th. I know that I did 3 or 4 with Sparkpeople as an Awesome A, and this will be my 3rd on My Fitness Pal.

    What do you like to do for fun? Historical reenactment camp (this means in a canvas tent wearing umpteen layers of clothing in fashion in the late 1700s), garden, read, sew, spend time with my family, movies, games

    What major city do you live in or near? State? I live about 60 miles south of Cleveland, OH

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season? I want to spend more time exercising outside! I hope to be able to get my bicycle refurbished so I can ride it. I would love to find a hiking buddy because I'm not sure hiking alone would be safe, and I'd love to do some hiking. I also would like to join a gym and see if I can build some muscle!

    Anything else you would like to share? I did pretty well in the last challenge, and hope to continue my losing streak! I'm hoping to be more active in my group, and I'm very thankful for the people who are leaders who make these challenges possible! May we all have success in this next challenge!
  • mtngrl
    mtngrl Posts: 733 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    Wow, too many to count! Started on SP as an Overflow Camper which turned into Firecrackers. I've done the challenges here with Red Hot Chili Steppers.

    What do you like to do for fun?
    I need to get some fun back in my day. Right now waiting on Spring to get outside again. I used to paint, crochet, knit and read none of which I am doing now. Been in a slump.
    Exercise is fun to me and when not in pain I enjoy working out.

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    I live in Aberdeen, MD and it is close to DE, Pa and NJ. Closest city is HarveDeGrace, MD.

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season?
    Increase my steps and meet my goal of 8,500 steps. Plus be consistent with strength training which is basically none right now.

    Anything else you would like to share?
    I've been an extra leader and enjoy chatting and connecting with friends and making new ones. We are all in this together.
  • dkhudson56
    dkhudson56 Posts: 670 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? IDK. Started on Spark almost 4 years ago and have done them

    What do you like to do for fun? Not much anymore except some bowling since I am full time unpaid caregiver for my Mom

    What major city do you live in or near? State? SE of Columbus Ohio

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Don't go any further backwards like I've done since having to live full time with Mom

    Anything else you would like to share? Working on plans to move to Tennessee within the next 6 months. Live with my 2 aunts where I can help with my 1 disabled aunt and I will also have help with Mom
  • mlkdud
    mlkdud Posts: 163 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Too many to remember!

    What do you like to do for fun? Knit, read, learn new crafts (sewing and wool appliqué)

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    Amarillo, Texas

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Get in a regular workout schedule

    Anything else you would like to share? I am loving my new job! (Been here 8 mos now)
  • ohnogoldens
    ohnogoldens Posts: 490 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? 6 I believe

    What do you like to do for fun? hike and travel. I love to hike in Europe especially the Scottish Highlands

    What major city do you live in or near? State? I live near Seattle Washington. Will be moving probably next month to either Oregon or Helena, Montana

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? To get back in shape and active again.

    Anything else you would like to share? I really have slid over the past few months. I am up 9 lbs from late last year and my hiking is down to weekly instead of daily. I intend to change that.
  • anyvar21
    anyvar21 Posts: 746 Member
    edited March 2022
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    Too many to count!

    What do you like to do for fun? Visit with my grandchildren; jigsaw puzzles - both virtual and real life; ride stationary bike at my gym; spend time with my husband; read easy murder mystery’s (sometimes call cozy); attend Women’s Bible studies; watch TV, both alone and with my husband; I miss traveling with Covid, but hope to travel to Maine, Florida, California, Wisconsin, West Virginia, St Louis, MO, to visit my siblings and husband’s families; don’t know when.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas.

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season? Exercise 250 plus minutes per week, continue tracking my food, adjust my sleep schedule to 9pm to 5 am with my husband. Stop eating by 8 pm. Loose 20 pounds.

    Anything else you would like to share? I am about to turn 67 on April 29th. I am generally healthy, but have been struggling with my memory. I rely heavily on my day timer to remind me of what I have to do. I love to vacation at the beach and in the mountains. They remind me of God’s infinity and generous love.

    I so much enjoy my team, the Shape Shifters, formerly the Shooting Stars team.
  • CateMary19
    CateMary19 Posts: 51 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Many back on SP, first one here

    What do you like to do for fun? walking, soon gardenng, travel although it's been sparse for 2 years

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Hyannis, Massachusetts

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? I want to get rid of the Covid 10, plus the knee surgery 7, and get back to goal. I want to be consistent with exercise.

    Anything else you would like to share? So good to see so many familiar usernames!
  • jmf552
    jmf552 Posts: 47 Member
    I have not done a challenge yet. I am not even sure how it works, so a basic primer would be appreciated. What I do for fun is martial arts training. I was really into it decades ago, but got away from it, got overweight, out of shape and out of practice. Now that I'm retired, I have a bucket list item to get back into it. For the last year I have trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai kickboxing. It has improved my fitness and it is fun, but it has not done that much for weight loss.

    I live in a suburb oF Richmond, VA. I am 69 years old and I want to lose about 70 pounds. My big "why" for weight loss is that I would automatically be better at my martial arts without the extra weight and I want that.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,681 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? This will be my 3rd one.

    What do you like to do for fun? I like sewing, line dancing class, singing in a voice ensemble.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Central Florida.

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Would like to lose 5 or 10 lbs.

    Anything else you would like to share? Retired and enjoying life.
  • nhgrl68
    nhgrl68 Posts: 85 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? I really have no idea. Quite a few. This is my 2nd one on myfitness Pal tho.

    What do you like to do for fun? Walking and hiking up in the woods, watching birds, playing with my cats and dogs, spending time with friends and family, etc.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Hudson, NH

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? I'm working on eating more nutritiously. More Freggies. And I would like to try to lose 5% for the challenge. I've yet to reach that goal, but I'll keep trying!

    Anything else you would like to share? Thanks everyone for doing these challenges for us.

  • Sheila7631
    Sheila7631 Posts: 1,028 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? This will be my 2nd one

    What do you like to do for fun? Going to car races, boating, cruising and working out with my friends at the studio. Spending time with my Grand kids when I can as they live across the country.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Rochester, NY

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Get back to walking 2 miles on lunch, continue getting stronger and keep my eating in check

    Anything else you would like to share? I like this challenge, it helps me stay accountable
  • cindilp57
    cindilp57 Posts: 133 Member
    edited March 2022
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? I have no idea how many I have done. I think I started in 2015 or 2016.

    What do you like to do for fun? I like to walk, read, cook, work in my garden. Just being outside sums it up for me.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? I live in the Sioux City area. About an hour away from Sioux City.

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season? I've been doing Faster Way to Fat Loss. While I want to just be healthier, I do want to lose weight. My weight has been creeping up and I need to get it back to so I can get back into my clothes.

    Anything else you would like to share? My son is getting married this summer, so my priority is being able to fit into a pretty dress and look good for his big day. Also, I work long days, with a long commute, so my time is limited.
  • lynchd05
    lynchd05 Posts: 3,253 Member
    Yeah I was finally able to join
    TERMITEMOM2021 Posts: 1,234 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? I can't remember exactly, but at least 40. I was with the Teddy Bears on SP.

    What do you like to do for fun? Reading, listening to classical music

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Northern Virginia, southern suburb of Washington DC

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Keep up with chair exercises while I wait for major back surgery

    Anything else you would like to share? I am so glad the challenges are continuing on MFP!
  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 3,329 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Joined 2017

    What do you like to do for fun? play games on computer, making healthy recipes of the ones I use

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Suburb of Philadelphia PA

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season? Lose 7lbs, cook more healthy foods, exercise more

    Anything else you would like to share? I’m a widow, I have 2 girls 1 boy 5 grands 1 cat Bella. I’m semi-retired, work 3rd shift every fri & sat and any days they need me. I sometimes get in over my head helping the down and out.
  • Tomsgal1985
    Tomsgal1985 Posts: 1,031 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? I think 5 and maybe 3 In Betweens

    What do you like to do for fun? I love to read, watch good TV programs (comedies & police shows), and walk on the beach.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Near Orlando, Florida ☀️

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Continue to lose excess weight, normalize my A1C & Triglycerides & reverse fatty liver. I’m working on becoming a better cook for my husband, who has to follow a low sodium diet. It’s very challenging for me, and he himself is a great cook but doesn’t have the energy anymore.

    Anything else you would like to share? I recently started following a whole food plant-based diet.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Hi I'm Spring, former Sparker.

    How many 5% Challenges have you done? I think a couple of years worth, but this past winter one I had to drop out of because I had too much going on with a new house purchase. Now that the majority of the big work is done I can get back into participating in this challenge.

    What do you like to do for fun? Play golf, paint, make jewelry and other artsy stuff, and read.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? I just moved to South Carolina a few months ago, but I think in my heart I'll always be a Jersey girl. :)

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? I've been eating healthy foods, but my exercise has mostly consisted of the work I've been doing around the house (painting, repairing, yard cleanup, etc.). So my main goal for this challenge is to get a solid exercise routine in place - yoga, cardio and ST.

    Anything else you would like to share? Thank you to all of the leaders for all of the time and hard work they put into making these challenges so successful.
  • sarahb8388
    sarahb8388 Posts: 30 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    This is my first challenge !

    What do you like to do for fun?
    Get out in nature! (Trail walk, beach, hiking) eat 😂, have a nice cup of coffee, conversate, read, watch some TV, social media

    What major city do you live in or near? Atlanta GA

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? To implement long-term healthy habits that are sustainable for overall health: eating and exercising for nutrition, weight loss, enjoyment!

    Anything else you would like to share?
    I like to laugh and MFP can be really dry! Feel free to msg me and add me, if you like to laugh or want to trade fitness tips: sarahb8388

    Good luck everyone 💪🏾
  • debulaclark
    debulaclark Posts: 229 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? I think I'm on 15 now. I've lost track!!

    What do you like to do for fun? Concerts, hockey games, happy hours, read, play games, travel

    What major city do you live in or near? State? NY State - about 4 hours from NYC and 3 from Buffalo

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Tone up and eat healthier

    Anything else you would like to share? Looking forward to "seeing" all my friends, making new friends and I want to say thank you to all the leaders!!
  • marypage7994
    marypage7994 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, I'm Mary, I'm looking forward to joining you all.

    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    This will be my first one.

    What do you like to do for fun?
    Spend time with family. Exploring the beautiful landscape New England has to offer.

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    Located near Nashua, New Hampshire

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season?
    I am trying to lose the extra weight I have packed on over the last few years.

    Anything else you would like to share?
    I am getting married in October and hope to have to take my dress in before the big day!