Waistaways Team Chat - MARCH 2022



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,142 Member
    Good news on your sister being moved already @micki48 - so glad to hear that

    Got yours steps from Liselyn so they'll be included in the monthly tallies

    My mom is about to sell her house and she is wanting to move in with us. I am torn. Lots to think about around here.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,102 Member
    I have a question for you all.

    As many of you know, we used to post all of the weekly results here on the team chats. It took up a good bit of space, so we (moderators) decided to move them to their own thread (in Announcements). Now, we only post each team's top 3 people, together with a link to the thread where the full results of all five teams are posted.

    I'm curious about how many people go to look at them. Do you?

    Here are some of the pros and cons I'm contemplating, just to figure out which way might be better.
    • It is fun to see all the teams' results, and to have a bit of rivalry each week. Or is it? Some people love competition and find it inspiring, others, not so much.
    • The full results are a good source of information on how other teams compare, even if it is not competitive. How many pounds per week do the other teams lose compared to ours? Who are the most consistent losers and what might they be doing that works so well?
    • Seeing the full results gives all the members more of a sense of the whole F2F community. Or does it?

    I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts about this - maybe it makes a difference, maybe it does not. Do you find one way more useful or inspiring than the other? Of course, other ideas or suggestions about F2F are always welcome! Thanks :heart:
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @jugar I preferred seeing the results in the group chat because being on a mobile with the MFP community navigation hiccups, I couldn't be bothered to go looking for the full results in a different chat thread. I like to know how we stacked up against other teams but I'm at a different point in my weight loss journey than I was a year ago so my competitiveness has ebbed. I'm glad we at least kept the top 3 here and you've been great with giving us details on how the teams compared to keep us motivated. So I guess if possible I would vote to putting the full thing back in the team chat, but I'm happy either way.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,102 Member
    Non-scale victory to announce! I now fit into a size medium life vest. I can leave the size XXL hanging in the shed. I haven't been a size medium anythingsince I was a teenager! Can't wait for boating season.... 😁

    EEEEEEE HAH!!! Good for you, Courtney! And thanks for the feedback on the results thingy.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,102 Member
    Only a wee tad of nagging tonight! Two weigh-ins due Thursday and everyone else all caught up!

    The dynamic duo weighs in -- @ashleycarole86 and @bowens1973

    The lucky @evangsimmons170 is in Hawaii and gets the week off :smiley:
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 984 Member
    @micki48 Glad to get an update about your move and your sister. Glad things are moving along 🙏

    @PlaneMonkey Sounds like some awesome wins for you! I also struggle with the fading discipline during the day.

    @jugar I don't make an effort to check out the other teams stats. I am not super competitive so that's probably why. I also feel very devoted to everyone here and don't bother spreading my attention thin by visiting other pages.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,142 Member
    Evening! Just stopping by to do a quick step update:

    Mon 03/14:
    46 minutes Peloton + 11235 steps

    Tues 03/15:
    46 minutes Peloton + 8951 steps

    I went for my first outdoor bike ride of the season today! Mind you.. it was 11 minutes, but hey!! I am feeling a tad under the weather, not sick but just not well... so that was all I could muster, but it felt nice. I am try to get more comfortable with outdoor cycling as I find the hazards of being out there a bit stressful

    I do click on the announcement and go look but I suspect you are getting a lot less viewership now. Most of my inspiration comes from within our Waistaways team, but for that reason I do love taking a peek to cheer on our folks! Over time I do recognize names from other teams (mostly those who participate in other challenges with me or the group challenges) and it's nice to familiar faces doing well too.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,142 Member
    Non-scale victory to announce! I now fit into a size medium life vest. I can leave the size XXL hanging in the shed. I haven't been a size medium anythingsince I was a teenager! Can't wait for boating season.... 😁

    LOVE IT!

    What a great feeling!!
  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member
    Non-scale victory to announce! I now fit into a size medium life vest. I can leave the size XXL hanging in the shed. I haven't been a size medium anythingsince I was a teenager! Can't wait for boating season.... 😁

    That’s amazing! Keep it up💫
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,142 Member
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh-in

    PW 170.6
    CW 172.8
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,071 Member
    @eggfreak @ashleycarole86 @PlaneMonkey @kali225 thanks guys, can't wait to crank out 5 in a row!
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,071 Member
    For those struggling to workout out consistently, I could share what has been working for me. Initially, I went to the gym to gain size and strength and I struggled a lot. I wasn't feeling very motivated. But now that I have made some noob gains, my motivation for going is to not lose them. if I cant get to the gym for 2-3 days in a row, I start feeling like my muscles are disappearing. The fear of losing my gains is a far better motivator than the desire for making new gains.
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,071 Member
    @PlaneMonkey Medium is awesome! What a great feeling, enjoy!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,102 Member
    For those struggling to workout out consistently, I could share what has been working for me. Initially, I went to the gym to gain size and strength and I struggled a lot. I wasn't feeling very motivated. But now that I have made some noob gains, my motivation for going is to not lose them. if I cant get to the gym for 2-3 days in a row, I start feeling like my muscles are disappearing. The fear of losing my gains is a far better motivator than the desire for making new gains.

    This! It is always motivating to feel the muscles starting to slip from amazing/awesome/strong to meh/tired/unmotivated. The feeling of strong is such a happy place it is easier to stay there and keep working out. Slipping does not feel good at all!

    Keeping food on track is much harder! Eating feels good, at least temporarily. When I get into that place @eggfreak is describing up there with all the quotes about loss of control, willpower, and just plain old will, I start to feel panic at the thought of getting back on track. It is weird, and it happens to some degree every single time. I get into an eating pattern that I know will not lead to anything good at all, but the thought of breaking it is scary.

    A few things that can help -
    • The good old "one perfect day" (or one perfect meal at a time of day when it is hard to hang on).
    • The one free day per week - save up all the pent up need to eat more for one day, and be strict for 6.
    • Find ways to declare a meal over - tooth brushing, taking a walk, drinking water and waiting 20 minutes, etc.
    • pre-log if you can, and brag about it in your head so that you stick with it. Brag to a friend or partner too!
    • Water before food. Veggies before anything else.
    • Brilliant discipline in the grocery store. This one is the most important for me. If it is not in the house, I can't overeat it.
    • Know your triggers, make subs by texture and quality. Crunchy, sweet, salty, whatever tends to send you over the edge, plan some substitutes. Don't buy anything you will go crazy on!
    • Hear your teammates voices in your head. Ask them for some help and they'll be there.

    Add to this list! You have to keep changing strategies or you'll keep finding ways around them.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,102 Member
    Well folks, it's my turn to go down with COVID!
    I took my dog for our normal lunchtime walk this afternoon and my lungs were just gassed.. came back and tested and sure enough....

    03/16 exercise:
    11 minute outdoor bike ride + 10 minutes upper body strength + 8497 steps

    I thought that might be the case when you posted about your 11 minute ride. Did not sound like you! Take it easy and get well fast. Let me know if you need anything!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Well folks, it's my turn to go down with COVID!
    I took my dog for our normal lunchtime walk this afternoon and my lungs were just gassed.. came back and tested and sure enough....

    No fun! Hope it's quick and smooth for you. In less than 2 weeks you should be back at peak performance.

    Hey @micki48, how's the progress? Was there anything that didn't fit into the truck? I hope you're getting enough rest.

This discussion has been closed.