Taking Medication or Dealing w/ your ADHD Naturally?

LunaPipes Posts: 16 Member
I tried the natural route first before meds and felt physically better (improved sense of well being, body not feeling as "draggy", for the most part), BUT that approach did not help my ADHD symptoms in any meaningful ways.

I am seeing / feeling tangible improvements in thinking, action, and completing goals once I got on Vyvanse. Also taking Guanfacine, but can't really pinpoint how that is helping.

It's still early yet and I know sometimes things change with tolerance and effectiveness, so we will see. I was finally diagnosed at 44 y/o a few weeks ago.

What has been your experience?


  • debnjk
    debnjk Posts: 7 Member
    Once they stopped diagnosing me with depression and correctly dx'd me with ADHD, they stumbled on the best med for me almost immediately (after one last try with Wellbutrin, which did the same nothing for me as all the other antidepressants they'd tried). I was very fortunate in that regard.

    I'm definitely a better mom when I take meds. I also credit them with helping me lose most of the weight I lost last year. Unfortunately, that side effect has worn off, and the last 20 lbs are being a nightmare to get off. I've only lost 4 lbs this year in the time it took me to lose about 20 last year.
  • SHMILYfit
    SHMILYfit Posts: 4 Member
    I was also late diagnosed. Previously given depression and anxiety meds that did NOTHING. Vyvanse changed my life… then I got pregnant… just coming back from a pretty crazy two years or pregnancy & breastfeeding back to meds & it’s night n day difference. I’d live to be independent of meds butttt they work so here I am. The plus side is it also curbs my appetite and I am otherwise an emotional binge eater.