Just staying accountable…..

michiwano Posts: 21 Member
edited April 2022 in Social Groups

The last time I was religious with MFP, I was successful at reaching my goals and learned better eating habits. I think the key was simply committing to logging what I ate each day because when I started I didn’t care about limiting myself but rather being aware. Eventually the awareness led to behavior change and I started eating less. I’m recommitting to creating more visibility into what I eat each day so that I can manage it better. I believe you can’t manage what you don’t measure. I plan to stay accountable to my virtual fitness pals.

I’ve logged in for a week straight. Here’s looking forward to day 8 of logging.


  • michiwano
    michiwano Posts: 21 Member
    edited April 2022
  • katyotta
    katyotta Posts: 13 Member
    Hello. I talked calories and lost weight many years ago. But now i have lifestyle changes and lack of discipline. I just started logging in yesterday.

    Good luck! Stick with it!
  • michiwano
    michiwano Posts: 21 Member
    10 day streak. Thankful. Has anyone found a way to successfully store their kids snacks so they aren’t in your face all the time? I indulge in snacks more than I should because they are in my environment and in my face.