Monthly Post for April 2022



  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning,

    Wednesday is here. I am wearing jeans at the office and it is a beautiful thing. LOL Tomorrow and Friday I am working from home. Friday should be VERY quiet as it is a holiday for most. Unfortunately, not our company. :(

    The luncheon was nice yesterday. It is nice to see folks that we haven't seen in easily two years.

    Eating healthy today. Looking forward to my turkey sandwich for lunch already!

    Hope those kiddos behave, @KateNkognito! Yes, I agree with you about luncheons. Our boss seems to be on a tear with lunches all the time for various reasons. LOL

    Hope you have a great day and see you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,603 Member
    Just checking in. I need all the carbs and caffeine today, but I am going to try to resist. Or go to bed early. One more day and then a long weekend. Have a good one and be healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning!

    A Thursday that feels like a Friday! Working from home in my sweatshirt and leggings. WHOOT! Tomorrow is going to be QUIET, lots of people taking the day off and lots of company locations closed for Good Friday. In the past I would be miserable sitting around in the office with little to do and then dealing with traffic home. MUCH nicer being home.

    63 degrees F and mostly sunny at the moment. Spring is getting more spring like!!

    Hope you have a great day. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,603 Member
    It is a Friday-Thursday that felt like a Monday. Also, apparently Mother Nature is drunk again. 80°F, then snow, then back to 70°.

    @Meghan509 Enjoy your work from home day tomorrow!
    I really miss teaching from home the few days I got to do it. Pajama bottoms are much more comfortable to teach in than actual pants.

    Going to take some allergy medicine and sleep for many hours. Have a lovely weekend, if I forget to check in!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Good Friday! :smiley: Yes, comfy pants are in effect today again!!

    Yikes! Mother Nature was drunk here too, yesterday @KateNkognito. LOL We had 80 F during the day and then it rained at 5pm when we would have loved to hit the patio. Sigh... Nicer weather will be here soon. We have close to 60 F and sunny at the moment. I will take it!

    @mamainthekitchen hope you and your family get to have a nice Easter meal together at some point.

    Yesterday we moved the bird feeder farther away from the house so we don't attract mice. :o And gave it a good filler up. Looking out my home office window awaiting cute birds. <3

    Looking forward to making and eating spiral ham on Sunday. :) Making some green beans, mini potatoes, and bread. Keeping it simple.

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend too. See you guys soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,603 Member
    Happy Saturday! I slept, ran to the store, and quilted yesterday. It was glorious! Also, my husband is a hero and ordered a catered Easter meal for tomorrow. All I have to do is warm it up at my mother-in-law's house. :) I love that man!

    @Meghan509 I hope all the cute little birds showed up. We have our bird bath and feeder strategically placed so we can watch them. Though I think the squirrels are a hoot, too.

    Have a fantastic Easter! Be healthy!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Haha ^^ “off to teach something”..!!! Lol Kate!

    Soooo I’ve missed all week!! Holy where did those days go! I’ve had chore upon chore. My gardens, the folks garden, storage of junk, reorganizing junk etc etc…. It’s Sunday now, no Turkey, no family no nothing! Sitting here sipping hot water & lemon with poor old dog next to me. Should I head to the store and buy a Turkey even though it’s just for 3 people!?!?!?? Insert eye roll emoji here!

    It’s a glorious sunny day here on this west coast! I see we’re supposed to have rain all next week. I’m hoping to be way more focused on my meals and curbing snack attacks next week!! This inner fat girl is getting out of control and it’s not just the sugar free ice cream!

    Kate I hope you’re still on track with your recent losses! Also do you still buy your boys Easter candy?? I do… sugar free (for the son) but it’s pretty good!

    Meghan I hope your bf’s MIL was feeling up to it and you’re all enjoying Easter together!

    Happy Easter Sunday everyone!

  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning!

    Easter was good and the spiral ham was a hit! MIL felt well so we had four of us and it was nice!

    For Saturday night dinner, they came with huge salmon steaks that took forever to cook but they were yummy!

    I am going to be making a split pea and ham soup later today since I am working remotely. We took some ham out for sandwiches and meals during the week and the rest we are freezing!

    Sounds like you had a nice easy meal for Easter, @KateNkognito happy to hear it!!

    Sorry Easter didn't work out so well, @mamainthekitchen but at least everybody is healthy (and the dog is stable for now). Hugs...

    Hope you guys have a good day and a great week! See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,603 Member
    @mamainthekitchen Sounds like you were WAY more productive that I was last week. I am sorry you didn't have a great weekend. Glad you got some quality time with the dogger. My family is all about the jelly beans. For the first time, I didn't have to hide eggs this year.

    @Meghan509 Glad you had a nice Easter!

    I had professional development today. I managed to stay awake. Mostly. Have a great week! Be healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning!

    Huge Nor'easter came through here last night and we lost power. :( Huge "BOOM" sound at around 1:00am. It had woken my BF from a sound sleep. I am tired today from tossing and turning and looking for the non existent alarm clock... Thankfully the power came back on a short time ago. It had gotten really cold so we are grateful it was not a long drawn out outage. Phew. So much left over food and meals from Easter that we really didn't want to lose. Again, phew.

    Hope you have a good day ladies. I am drinking my coffee and defrosting. Working from home due to circumstances.

    See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,603 Member
    Glad the power came back quickly, Meghan! We shut off our pilot on the heater this weekend. I think that was a bit too soon. It is a little bit chilly today. But it is supposed to be warm by the end of the week.

    Hormones make me hungry. I am going to bed early so I don't gnaw someone's arm off.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning.

    Thanks @KateNkognito we are grateful too! Really could have been A LOT worse. We were looking out the windows and saw the power company trucks come by and then leave and we were like nooooo!!! LOL Luckily they just went down the block and turned around and fixed our issue quickly. Phew.

    I hear you about hormones. Sigh... :( I was so tired from the power drama that I slept literally like a brick last night. Feeling better today. Sun is shining and it is almost 50 F out there. Working from the office today and tomorrow. Was nice having an extra day at home. My boss is currently on vacation in Europe with her family, so it is quiet here! No complaints! The new Assistant seems to be working out nicely too. Phew.

    Having more leftovers for lunch today. Had a nice ham sandwich for lunch yesterday. :)

    Have a good day and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,603 Member
    I had a headache and felt fat and awful today, but one of my less-than-enthusiastic-about-school students said, "This is some cool science *kitten*, Miss!" You can't go wrong with lazers! :D I am gonna call the day a win.

    @Meghan509 Quiet days are nice days. Glad the new assistant is working out well. You seem less stressed.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning!

    Came in this AM to find that my coworker thinks she is positive for Covid. Ugh. The good thing is I did not interact with her in person yesterday. We went and wiped down the whole kitchen area, copier, front doors, etc. where she would have been. Fingers crossed. I don't really panic about getting it. Would just rather not have to deal with it or bring it home unknowingly. Sigh...

    Other than that, yes definitely feeling less stressed in general. Thanks, Kate! The office is pretty quiet today but I sure don't mind!

    Your kids are too funny, Kate! :smiley:

    Going to get a hair cut and highlights after work. Looking forward to that! Couple more weeks and then vacation!!

    Have a good day and see you soon.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all! I hit a 100 day streak then bam! Lost it! Ha! Well I’m taking that as a sign to smarten up!!!! All good here weather wise, yesterday was gorgeous! Today total rain! It’s spring, that’s the drill.

    I did end up with buying a Turkey on Sunday!! Went down to the store around 10:30 am bought a few other items & came home prepared it and in the oven by 12:30!! Delish!!! Super easy since I wasn’t having to clean up, vacuum, make a dessert or even have a shower!!! :# We used good dishes though!! Lots of leftovers and making soup of course!

    Kate I used to go to great lengths of hiding candies and one unusually warm spring I bought those plastic pull apart eggs you stuff yourself and I hide them all in the backyard and all over the lawn… it was so adorable! Until the raccoons thought I did it for them!!! I placed them all late at night but when we all got up the raccoons made such a mess of them all tearing apart foil wrapped choco eggs !!! Hahaha… if only there was video proof!! Glad you had a nice weekend! Lol & congrats on your science kid!

    I saw the weather Meghan and thought you might be in the middle of that!! Glad your MIL was able to enjoy yummy dinner with the rest of you!

    I’m having tea, contemplating the day. Gave the dog a bath yesterday… I think she loved it!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,603 Member
    @mamainthekitchen That's a happy lookin' puppy! Glad you got your Easter dinner without the fuss! I laughed so hard about the raccoons! I can absolutely picture that happening here, too! :D

    @Meghan509 I hope you stay healthy! My neighbor's significant other, got it a month or so ago and only knew because they were headed out of the country and had to test.

    Today was... a day. Let's just say I know why PTSD is so high among teachers and leave it at that. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning!

    @mamainthekitchen Glad you had a nice Easter and thank you for sharing the cute doggie pic! She is adorable! Love your beautiful flowers too. I should take some pics of our spring flowers for you ladies!

    @KateNkognito hang in there! Before we know it the school year will be wrapping up. The year is already flying by.

    So far so good and feeling good. No Covid symptoms or anything. Thanks! Just a slight headache lingering, but those are lovely hormones. :(

    My coworker with Covid was prescribed a medicine called PAXLOVID. I Googled and it looks like it is a Pfizer medicine she said is supposed to help cut her symptoms down to nothing by early next week.

    Got my hair cut and colored last night and feeling new again. LOL I don't really have any gray hair, just a few flecks here and there but either way nice to feel blond and sparkly again. :blush:

    Hope you have a great weekend! See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,603 Member
    Today was better AND it's Friday! There was a kitten in the bushes in front of the school. It got rescued and shall be our mascot! (Seeing as how we're the Jaguars)
    Funny of the day: I said, in an absolutely serious voice, "Why is everyone sniffing his shoes? We do not sniff other people's shoes. Give him back his shoes. I don't care if they're real leather, I'm not sniffing them and neither should you. That's just weird." Be a teacher, they said. It'll be fun, they said. :D

    @Meghan509 Always nice to have a fresh new 'do! And glad you are still feeling good.

    Took a nap earlier. I'm good to stay up really late. Like 8 or maybe even 9. ;)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Gooood morning!
    Light clouds in the sky here now but it’s going to be a sunny day and up to 13C today! (A balmy 55F)…. Should’ve cleaned all my windows yesterday!!!! I’ll really see the winters mess on them today! :sB)

    Lol on your students Kate!! I don’t know how you cope each day but if naps help then nap every day!! In fact, I’ll try to nap for you ;)

    Thanks for kind words of my sweet golden…. She is just such a lovely dog. I just shared my mango with her!!

    I cannot believe it’s going to be May soon!!! Ugh… I haven’t done anything I thought I would yet! Zero check marks on my lists!!!

    Ate well yesterday but last night was craving protein so I had some cheese… seemed to help! I’ve gone off cottage cheese lately… that used to be my go-to for lunch! I’m craving toasted sandwiches lately which is NOT what I should be having!! Sigh… more tea for now….

    Have a good weekend people!
    You’ll be looking fabulous with your new do Meghan! Hope those Covid germs stayed far away from you!!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Monday!

    Thanks for the nice comments about my hair cut and highlights!

    Yes, no Covid here so I think we are safe! Phew. My coworker said her medicine has helped and she is back to feeling herself. She said she will be back in on Wednesday. Sounds quick to me... :o

    On the home stretch for almost vacation!! This week and next week and then we travel. Woo hoo!

    Last night we went to a concert. Good times!

    Have a good day and see you all soon!