Hello everyone! Introduction to follow…

its_colleen Posts: 5 Member
I’m Colleen, going to be 50 next month, long term vegetarian, dxed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Schizophrenia. So basically I’m a tired crazy person, lol.

But seriously, I’ve been on mfp before back in 2016 but never really used it. I’m back to lose about 10lbs. I’m 5’6 and currently weigh 132.4 and would like to weigh about 120. My lowest weight was 116 and my highest weight was 245. I’ve kept the majority of the weight off for about 4 years.

I lost most of the weight on a strictly plant-based diet but then went back to being vegetarian. I still include such foods as pizza and ice cream in my diet but in smaller portions. That’s been my key to success. I don’t avoid my favorite foods, just eat them in smaller amounts.

I do brisk walks every day for a total of an hour. I divide them up into three 20 minute walks daily to keep my energy levels steady. Funny enough, I only walk inside my house due to the schizophrenic paranoia of walking outside.

I’m an open book. I can be kinda long-winded and chatty at times, lol. I’m looking for comradeship in the fight to shift the weight for good. Anybody with me?


  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 266 Member
    Welcome Colleen! Most of us here know all about the last 10lbs fight, indeed. Join the June accountability thread to meet others and follow along!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 709 Member
    edited June 2022
    @its_colleen big congratulations to you for keeping over 100 lbs off!
    I've also been a long-time vegetarian and have recently been trying to move towards 100% vegan.
    Most of us post on the monthly accountability thread that k8richer noted above. Hope to see you there B)
  • its_colleen
    its_colleen Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome @k8richer and @SparkSpringtime69!

    @SparkSpringtime69 I’ve been a vegetarian for the majority of my life since I was barely a teenager.

    Even though I lost the weight eating a vegan diet, I did go back to cheese pizza and dairy ice cream after I got to goal. I’m now about 10 pounds over goal due to several medication changes over the years and CFS kicking my butt hard. It got to the point where I could barely make it out of bed in the morning. I’m better now and back to MFP to shift those last 10 pounds again.

    I will see you two (and others I hope) in the June thread on Monday when I weigh in. I just started my monthly cycle so I don’t know if I’ll be showing a loss. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed. I’ve been slightly under my total allotted calories each day so hopefully…