New to the Group Not new to the concept

Accountess Posts: 29 Member
I just wanted to take a moment and find out if this group is still active, there is not a lot of discussion going on. I have been participating in eating one meal a day since September 2017. I enjoy the freedom of not having to plan food all day as I am a chronic binger. I enjoy a bullet coffee at 3pm as I find this wards off the hunger as well as giving me the fat I need for the day. I then proceed to dinner at 6pm, and I eat a meal of whole foods, concentrating on Paleo or Keto based. I also drink apple cider vinegar before my meal.

My weight loss is slow when I am not focusing on the proper foods for dinner, but I am very happy to be on this program as it still very freeing to me.

I hope this group is still active, as it would be nice to share ideas on this program.


  • Nlktgkskt68
    Nlktgkskt68 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for sharing. I am hoping to achieve the same.