New Inspire 2 User looking for friends

Hi there! Just logged my first 7 days and so excited with the data -- especially the sleep and readiness factors! <3<3 -- much more comprehensive than the model I've been using. I'm 50+ female getting back to consistently moving more and a group of fitness friendly folks can only help, right? Getting ready for Memorial Day Weekend and would love to meet some others on a mission. :D


  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    I just got the inspire 2 last week and would love friends too.
  • Proelkcio
    Proelkcio Posts: 3 Member
    I just got my inspire! I would like some buddies.
  • ke2631
    ke2631 Posts: 1 Member
    I also got the fitbit inspire 2 just started last Saturday so this is my 7th day welcome
  • kmenier
    kmenier Posts: 4 Member
    Has anyone had trouble getting their Inspire to link to MFP? MFP says I'm linked, but I don't see any evidence of data transferring. Any ideas? Thanks!
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,371 Member
    I like my inspire2, I've found nothing out there is better for sleep tracking