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Rchprncss Posts: 2 Member
Struggling with 16:8 fasting. Every 3-4 weeks I go on food binges & it’s terrible! Need hacks.


  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,777 Member
    ~ Waving hi ~

    It was hard for me at first ... to make a routine of eating ONLY between 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.
    (this time works best for me... because I get up so early 5 a.m. & go to bed around 8-9 p.m.)

    In the beginning... I would take the weekends off.... Until my body got used to the routine...
    I have been doing the 16-8 every day ... now ... for about 6 yrs... I plan to continue after I reach
    my healthy Goal wt. range... because it has helped my Digestive system... I do not have all
    the probs I had before starting the diet... I also found... it is important to make adjustments to
    the diet that fits us on a personal level... (for me it was finding the right 8 hrs of eating time
    along with how much & how often)

    Wishing you all the best & much Success...

    also noting... Someone else started the group... and one day she left... & had put me in as leader
    ... There are a few of us active... thats why I stayed on as a part time leader... I try to post daily
    but most of us post once in awhile..... My main objective... NO STRESS... just support
  • primeofmylife2021
    primeofmylife2021 Posts: 79 Member
    Try the Sunrise App. It’s free! Very visual and motivating.
    16-8 is my go-to to get back on track. Today was #365 since April 2020. I’ve had a blip, but I’m back at it. I need to track and fast. It works for me.
  • meash82
    meash82 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there!
    I try to set myself a different challenge each week to mix it up. I might do a couple of 23hr fasts, a few 20hr fasts and a couple of 18:6 with a free day thrown in.
    I consider what is happening that week (a night out, a biryhday, friends round) and schedule my fasting around this
    It's not perfect, and I have done days where I'm off track, but I know it works so I get back on when ready.
    Hope that info is helpful
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 880 Member
    Hi! I had trouble with 16:8 in the beginning too. I gave myself grace and fast a minimum of 12 hours up to around 16 hours. It really helped me and prevented me from the binge cycle. The 12 hour fast comes in handy when we have company, and I've found that fasting at least 12 hours doesn't upset my long term goals.

    I hope this helps!
  • jphillips0276
    jphillips0276 Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2023
    I'm a binger too and it is terrible. I hope this doesn't sound horrible but, in the beginning, I started allowing myself to do it. On the weekends, I would allow myself to eat whatever and as much of what I wanted. Doing this, I was able to get my eating under control throughout the week. It was easier to stick to my plan, knowing when the weekend got here, I could have what I wanted.

    Once I saw some progress with that, I began to focus in on what I allowed myself to have during those weekend binges. You'll hear me say this over and over. If its not part of your diet plan, don't bring it in your house.

    A word of encouragement, every time you binge and get up the next day and say I won't do this again today and you don't, you are forming new neural pathways in your brain. Every time you don't give in, it will get easier and easier to say no to the binges.

    Just keep fighting. Your a fighter or you wouldn't be in here reaching out. Your bad girl. You got this.

  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 880 Member
    I had a WW leader that said if you stick with it 80 percent of the time, it will work.

    Also, finding lower carb substitutes can help. I eat an apple with peanut butter, and it's really satisfying. I used to have it with cheese, but I appear to be allergic to the protein in dairy. I'm miserable if I eat my beloved cheese. :wink:

    I agree with not bringing binge worthy foods in the house.