Shape Shifters Team Chat - AUGUST 2022



  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,308 Member
    8/24 7,443
    8/25 4,678
    8/26 8,984
    8/27 5,991
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,315 Member



    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

  • msashleybing
    msashleybing Posts: 40 Member
    CW: 193.6

    8/21: 7352
    8/22: 4202
    8/23: 6406
    8/24: 5467
    8/25: 2369
    8/26: 5271
    8/27: 3606
    8/28: 8093

    This week was a ‘break’ week. We lost two fur babies on Monday. I expected a gain this week, but am grateful is wasn’t as big as I thought it would be.

    A new week is starting though! I’m looking forward to getting back on track.
  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    UN: Susanna527
    WD: Mondays
    PW: 203.0
    CW: 202.6

    @msashleybing - so sorry to hear about your fur babies...
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,811 Member
    Good morning everyone, Happy Monday!!!! I hope you all had a great weekend!!! I woke up Saturday sick as heck, I thought it was the pizza I ate Friday, but no one else got sick so who knows. I was sick enough that I actually called in sick to my part time job on Sunday. I have worked 2 jobs for 7 years, and have never called in to my part time one, but Im glad I did. I felt a lot better Sunday, but still sick, so I stayed home, did some cleaning, and washed the dogs (Three 100+ pound dogs so its a chore for sure) and just sat around. I got up this morning and worked out, I ran 1.5 miles and did some leg workouts, I did something to my elbow, so it hurt to do any lifting that involves use of my elbow so I sorta had no choice but to do leg day, hopefully whatever is going on with my elbow is gone by tomorrow so I can do something else.
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 368 Member
    Monday weigh in day
    PW: 176.4
    CW: 176.4
    LTD -5.8

    Aug 22= 8025
    Aug 23= 13097
    Aug 24= 8126
    Aug 25= 7521
    Aug 26= 7584
    Aug 27= 15573
    Aug 28= 5292
  • bearchested
    bearchested Posts: 220 Member
    @msashleybing I'm sorry to hear about your loss of your pets, that's always so hard.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,811 Member
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    Yukie_OP steps (6k daily goal)
    8/25 3,184
    8/26 5,347
    8/27 6,276
    8/28 5,879
    *Not sure what happened to my steps(?) i could've sworn my targets were met.

    RE: My loss this week - thanks :)@jessicakrall8 ...
    It might of been from stressing over my mom's pup but he's home and doing very well, besides his awful looking stitches, he runs and plays like nothing happened. Gotta love happy pups 🙂 - animals in general, are so forgiving and happy to be alive.

    A few pics of the little guy. WARNING to the squeamish - his stiches look awful:
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    @LaurieWrobo - hope you have a fantastic time with the hubs

    @msashleybing - Sorry to hear about your loss. It's always very difficult to loose a pet, they bring so much joy. We lost our 10yo boxer last year and he will always be apart of us.

    @JenHul - awesome step count
  • laceyf53
    laceyf53 Posts: 110 Member
    Monday Weigh-in
    PW: 240.3 lbs
    CW: 240.2 lbs
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,194 Member

    Congrats to all the winners and those will honorable mentions last week! Great job Shape Shifters!!!

  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    Great job keeping the Shape Shifter team on the leader board again this week! Everyone seems to be starting out this week with strong reports, too — holding steady or reporting a loss. 👍🏼

    @Yukie_OP - I’m so glad to see photos of your Mom’s puppy playing and recovering so well. I hope you and your daughter are also doing better after such a scary and stressful experience. It’s always encouraging to see such examples of resilience. I’m sorry you had to deal with that situation though — Were you will be able to locate the owners of the dangerous dogs and hold them accountable for the vet bills, etc.? Our dog was attacked at our dog park but was not injured as badly as your Mom’s dog and the animal control staff banned the owner from the park so the dog would not be a threat to others.

    @angmarie28 - I’m glad you’re feeling better. You must have needed the break but you certainly bounced back quickly!

    @Nataliewr0403 - I eat better when my sons are living at college so I agree with you about the kids being a bad influence 😂. How old are your children? I’m in Boston this week helping my son move into his new off-campus space so next week should be better for me. I have to admit that I was the one who suggested getting an ice cream after we walked along the beach tonight so he probably says the same thing about me! 😬 I grew up here in easy walking distance to the ocean so I miss the ocean badly when I’m in Virginia. The water seems to call to me so I spend lots of time on the river, but it’s not the same. Thanks to you, and @ac204 for the beach and lake photos. They calm me and make me smile!

    @pupowl and @jessicakrall8 - I smiled at the messages you exchanged about the cute little owl, too. I have to get outside as much as possible to enjoy all the fun and surprising sights! I accompanied my father-in-law on a short walk today and he noticed a small rabbit and spotted some pretty flowers. He is rapidly declining with dementia and it’s wonderful to see him find moments of joy!

    I wish you all joyful moments this week. I loved some of these examples from this week — taking spontaneous trips with loved ones (e.g., @lauriewrobo) … thoughts of a beloved pet that make you smile (or cry) @msashleybing and others … a favorite T-shirt (I love that critter @frankebrown!) …. magical scales (hooray @izzyred9400!) … the beginning of a transformational journey (@walela617) … and making progress toward a goal (kitchen is almost done — @jessicakrall8!). We have a lot to celebrate!

    Thanks for all the motivation on Motivational Monday! I’m especially inspired by @nancyinmo moving like J-Lo in the pool! Enjoy!!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,811 Member
    Man, yesterdaywas a productive day, Worked out, went to work and was so freaking busy, Had yo take one of my kids home because he had a stomach bug, then sports physical appointment for my son, then get home and my sick child threw up all over the toilet so while dinner was cooking I deep cleaned the bathroom, then after eating I deep cleaned my daughters rug, did a few more chores and went to bed at 11pm.

    No workout this morning, I was too tired, haha

  • Nataliewr0403
    Nataliewr0403 Posts: 71 Member
    Mi kids are 27 and 36. Both with their families of their own. Beach week is the best to let our stress aside and just laugh, play and enjoy each other.
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 932 Member
    My steps @ jessicakrall8
    8/28 2,248
    Sorry I've not posted for a while.I got my results from further investigations for my high blood pressure last Saturday.Overall my tests were OK,cholesterol ,Weight within BMI but high end.ECG OK.Blood pressure on high side of normal so maybe watch what I eat & monitor it for now & maybe need medication to control it.
    Then early Sunday morning a catastrophe occurred.I was up super early 5.30 am due to helping a friend with a car boot sale so thought I may aswell stay up.I had a shower then went to get a suitcase off the top of a cupboard on my landing.It had some clothes in I wanted to sell.So I grabbed the step ladders from my bedroom.Carried them to the landing & opened them out.Put my foot on the 1st step & then got a shooting pain like an electric shock through my right foot & up my leg.Oh my goodness it scared me to death.I thought what the hell was that !!! I struggled to walk downstairs as my right leg was numb.
    I sat on the sofa shaking & feeling really scared.I thought shall I ring for an ambulance but just sat for a while & thought I'm OK.
    I didn't want to wake my husband as it was really early.As the morning went on my lower back really hurt.In a way I was relieved it was my back & not a stroke or something more serious.So I'm resting & can't move very fast.So no exercise & just sitting with a hot water bottle on my back & ibuprofen & wine to numb the pain & calm my nerves.
    I am due to go on holiday to Greece this coming Saturday so hope I will recover enough to go ☹️

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,194 Member
    @izzyred9400 Hope you're feeling better and are able to do your upcoming trip...have you ever had sciatica? The way you described it, that's what it sounds like, but you know...a lot of things are the same...

    **hugs** Get well soon!!
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    ...I’m so glad to see photos of your Mom’s puppy playing and recovering so well. I hope you and your daughter are also doing better after such a scary and stressful experience. It’s always encouraging to see such examples of resilience. I’m sorry you had to deal with that situation though — Were you will be able to locate the owners of the dangerous dogs and hold them accountable for the vet bills, etc.? ...

    @PatriceFitnessPal - No, unfortunately nothing resulted from attempts of police & animal control to locate the owners. They never came forward and none of the people who helped us knew exactly where that dog came from - dog was taken by animal control. It's a little frustrating that the owners weren't located, but at this point were just glad the little guy came out of it and is home safe.

    @angmarie28 - always so busy and active, don't know how you manage! Pass on some of your energy 😜

    @izzyred9400 - I concur with @jessicakrall8, sounds similar to sciatica (my mom has it), it may be worth getting looked at by a chiropractor (most leg/nerve pain tends to stem from the spine).
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,415 Member
    Daily Step goal: 10,000
    Sun 8/28: 11,226
    Mon 8/29: 15,034
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,734 Member
    Thank you for updating us on the puppy! Man, seeing those pictures is rough, just the area where he got hurt, he really is lucky to have made it out with his life. Young animals can be really resilient and bounce back fast, so I wish him a speedy recovery. Because I am walking a cat, I always feel a little paranoid outside. We have had a loose dog come charging over a few times so then I just scoop Tinus up. Thankfully they have always been small dogs and I rarely see dogs off leash here.

    I hope you can keep the pain under control and that you can enjoy your vacation!
This discussion has been closed.