Step Into September 2022



  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited September 2022
    @HoneyBadger302 I'm sure another door will open for you. I'm not so good at this, but my eldest daughter is really good at talking to people and that has helped her find many opportunities. How is your networking?

    Today I'm going to finish painting the entryway. I was tremendously sore yesterday in my thighs from the Monday workout (I think). It's the first time I've really been sore since starting the circuit training. The instructor told us that it would be more difficult because we weren't going to move stations, and she was right!

    At this rate it seems unlikely I'll meet my goal, but maybe when I come back from DC I can get in a couple of pounds of loss before our trip. At least I am well, and I was able to get back into the exercising, so that is on track.

    I thought this was a good article, which obviously doesn't apply to everybody in this discussion, except that you will get there someday (!) And you probably know other people who could use the information. getting older doesn't,strenuous activities become more tiring
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    Hi friends. Just dropping in to say hello to you and September. It is going so fast and life is so busy. Yet the post Covid drag seems to linger. All good and maintaining just fine. But the idea of losing that last 5 might just have to go away… Hope you are all well!
  • tracimckinney
    tracimckinney Posts: 79 Member
    Disregard my first post on 9/1! Ha! At 55, post menopause, and a decent weight for my height (5'5" & 136 lbs), I have decided to change focus from losing weight to gaining muscle. I'm reading "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and it talks about having enough calories, carbs, protein, and rest to actually build muscle. I'm giving my body a break from years of a calorie deficit and increasing my lifting. I'm still going to run, but it will be more interval training than endurance. Hoping it helps with bone density too.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,142 Member
    @zenobia9777 thank you for the encouragement - paying attention to where I'm at right now and doing what's right for current circumstances is definitely going to be best in the long run. I'm hoping to get back to my AM yoga routine soon. Glad to hear you're back on track with your exercise.
    @honeybadger302 sorry to hear your barn gig is ending, but it sounds like you're already adjusting and have come up with a good plan to regroup and make the most of a tough situation.
    @litstuesday glad to see you!
    @tracimckinney I have read and heard from many sources that strength training and muscle building are very important for hanging on to bone density as we get older.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hello All. Busy week with the parents’ medical appts.

    @tracimckinney - good for you! I switched up my lifting schedule to 3x week. It’s addicting - esp when you progress in weight.

    @litstuesday - sorry to hear about the post Covid drag. Best wishes for a full and quick recovery.

    @zenobia9777 - have a great time in DC! Hope you’re not taking the train - just heard about the Amtrak schedule!
  • DB1118
    DB1118 Posts: 1 Member
    Starting to hold myself accountable here!! Joined mfp YEARS ago, but am now trying to take myself and my goal weight seriously. I have never been overweight, just a little pudgy in the middle (let's me be honest here, I like my cocktail hour.)
    I'm 36 YO/F, CW: 143.8 GW: 132, Height 5'4", not sure what else to post. But here I am. I will log weight weekly on Wednesday nights.
    I have also decided to work out 4-5xs/week as allowed in my busy mom-of-three schedule. And to combat the evening drinks, I will be working on my "ommmmm"s. What else do you want to know? :smiley:
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,142 Member
    @DB1118 welcome to the group, nice to meet you. I haven't been here long, but have found this to be a very friendly and supportive group.
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    @tracimckinney I'm with you! Im 49 yo, perimenopause (just started HRT thank goodness) and a decent weight - i'm also turning to strength and muscle gains over cardio but....I'm having a hard time making the transition! Going for a run is so easy and fun, meanwhile I haven't got a fun lifting thing going yet I definitely need a push from somewhere or someone external. Might look up your book!

    @CeeBeeSlim you are inspirational. Well, lots of you on here are! @honeybadger302 for example, could write the book on resiliency and pivoting! You will weather this change just fine!

    @zenobia9777 enjoy your trip! Everything in moderation and lots of walking - you'll do great!

    Welcome @DB1118 ! The mom-of-3 gig is tough especially when they are young. Carve out time for you (fitness, healtrhy eating) and know that you are setting a good example for your kids! It helps with the mom-guilt.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,050 Member
    edited September 2022
    Happy Friday you all!
    I had a really low weigh-in today, which was a very pleasant surprise (weighed in twice just to be sure lol). This week with everything else going on I haven't been lifting, but have been making sure I at least get some cardio of some variety in - my cardio conditioning is HORRIBLE right now, and my dog is even worse LOL, so dog walks and a couple short jogs have been the exercise of choice this week. Dog might only get a short walk today (she got a run on the trails by our house yesterday and I was practically having to drag her along, so don't want to over do her conditioning) then a jog by myself...I don't enjoy running, but my ankle is doing good at the moment, so there's a part of me kinda enjoying some running around.
    I'll be back to lifting, now in the mornings before work, since the barn is done, and will stick with some kind of cardio in the afternoons since that is pretty bad right now lol.
    Still not sure what to do about the money the barn owes me....not sure where that balance of "hey, I did the work already, I was not volunteering that kind of time, you owe me the money or a discussion of some other kind of recompense," and being an insensitive *kitten* about the fact that the one owner and the trainer is dying of cancer in the next couple months most likely....I'm sure they are still expecting their boarders and lesson students to pay THEM, ya....they're HORRIBLE about communication though (seems to be a common theme in most barns), so that doesn't help since I'm over here just guessing whether they have just decided to try ghosting me, or if they have a plan in mind to settle things.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    I have decided to change focus from losing weight to gaining muscle..

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Welcome to the iron tribe :)

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,142 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 sounds like you've worked out good plan for your cardio and lifting. Sorry to hear you're having trouble getting paid your final salary by the barn. Not to sound insensitive but, if you did the work, they owe you the money regardless of what's going on with their health or anything else in their lives.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,050 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 sounds like you've worked out good plan for your cardio and lifting. Sorry to hear you're having trouble getting paid your final salary by the barn. Not to sound insensitive but, if you did the work, they owe you the money regardless of what's going on with their health or anything else in their lives.

    It's not insensitive, I did the work, have been doing the work, and the business is still operating and will be despite the health issues - IMO it's the business that owes me, not the individual.
    My plan right now is if they don't resolve the balance owed before the end of the month, I will send a final invoice with the days not paid plus this month that I did, and my dad suggested offering a payment plan, which I think is a reasonable solution if they can't/won't pay the lump sum. Something is better than's not enough to bother taking the business to court over (court fees would outweigh any benefits), but even if all I can get is a couple payments, that's better than $0.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited September 2022
    Sept 1st W: 78
    GW: 70
    September GW: 75
    Last week: 76,8
    Today: 76,5

    So yes, progress is sloooooow, but hey, it's progress !! Last week I did one PT session, two gym session - both cardio and pumping iron - one dive and one open water swim. I'm super chuffed that I went away from work and was still able to lose some weight. I didn't overeat during dinner and I was a true miss goody two shoes at the breakfast bar ! Accountability here helps to do those things mindfully.

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,142 Member
    @honeybadger302 sounds like you and your Dad have a smart plan, best of luck with it.
    @Antiopelle you crushed it with the eating out. Good job on the loss, and still 11 days to go in September.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,335 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 sounds like your plan makes sense. Hope it works out for you.

    @Antiopelle @SparkSpringtime69 is right! Great job and progress is progress. I’m losing .2 pounds a day but feel great as I’m progressing in my weights. I think the other difference is reaching my 10k step goal every day for the last four days. I’m going to try to commit it to it at least until the end of the month!

    Fingers crossed!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    I just did a quick check in yesterday. Today, I've had a little more time to read the past thread.

    @zenobia9777 : I'll read that link you've send later today, it seems very interesting and it certainly applies to me.

    @tracimckinney : I guess that we will all end there: peri or post menopausal women pumping iron to have the muscle mass needed to age gracefully. I'm with you.

    @db1118: welcome back. I'm just getting back to MFP after almost a year break. Look at it any way you like, the accountability here is just the only thing that works for me to keep the weight off.

    @honeybadger: I hope you do get paid for the job done, this is such a pain! You've showed so much resilience before, you'll get through this as well. I wish you all the best.

    @SparkSpringtime69 & @ceebeeslim: thanks for the kudos, much appreciated.

    Let's keep up the good work we are doing here ladies !

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited September 2022
    So much to catch up on after my little trip. Yes, it was a bummer that the Metro was closed. And the Jefferson Memorial is under renovation!

    We went to see the Korean War Memorial at night, and it was quite impressive. I couldn't get enough of the National Portrait Gallery, which I have never seen before. Truly a hidden gem. That day I talked everybody into getting a protein smoothie, which was a great solution for lunch. And much cheaper too!

    I did get a lot of walking in, but I also gave into the banquet of snacks.

    My strategy was to eat very little in the morning and at lunch, and that probably has helped, but I don't think I'm going to meet my current weight loss goal. However I'm going to continue with my strength building which is a big theme the last few days on this thread!!! People noticed how much healthier I looked, and that was gratifying.

    Back to logging and exercising. I did yoga today and walked the dogs for 45 minutes. I have never seen so many people walking dogs. Prime time.

    Hope everybody feels good about the remainder of September!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,335 Member
    @zenobia9777 Welcome back! Metro was closed? Hadn’t even heard! Too bad about the Jefferson Memorial. It’s one of my fav places - something serene about it. Hope you had a great time.

    Must’ve felt good to get those compliments! Shows what you’re doing is working!

    Found my groove with my 3 day a week strength training program. Still on a .2 loss daily. Strange, but I’ll take it.

    Still have 10 days to rock it in September! Not sure I’ll make my goal but I’m headed in the right direction. 💪💪

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,050 Member
    edited September 2022
    I'm still struggling with the mornings - I know what I should be doing, I know how to do it and I'm just - not. Part of me is excusing the choice by saying I'm stressed and sleep is good (true), and that because of that, it's not that important I get up (even though I can still technically sleep in an hour later than I have been for the past year) - not true.

    At least getting some cardio in and really trying to get into a cardio zone a few days a week. I can barely get into the peak range without huffing and puffing like I'm going to die though - and still a long ways from my max hr when I was last focusing on more cardio!

    Would help to have some kind of cardio equipment in the house on the days when doggo needs a lighter walk as I try to get her back into shape. Have a few videos I could do, and will probably see if I can find more of those to follow for cardio workouts on light-doggo-walk days.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,142 Member
    @zenobia9777 glad to hear that portions of your trip were good; Metro down, yikes. I've never been to the Portrait Gallery, hope to get there some day.
    @CeeBeeSlim sounds like you've got a good routine going - I'd love to see .2 on a daily (or even almost daily) basis, keep up the great work.
    @honeybadger302 sorry to hear you're struggling in the mornings, I hope you're able to find out what helps you out.
    I just joined a gym yesterday and learned two things-
    First: the people here don't use the machines like a circuit - you know, do one, then another and so on, and then back to the first one for the second set, etc. I did one set and the woman waiting for me asked if I was done so I said yes. She was on that machine for almost 10 minutes doing all three of her sets, with rest time in between. And she wasn't the only one, I looked around and noticed everyone did that. So now I know how to use the machines :)
    Second: I learned that there's a side door that you can exit through to get back to the parking lot (you don't have to go out the front door although you do have to enter in the front). But what I actually learned was that the exit door right by the lockers is NOT the door you can exit through, THAT door is actually a fire exit, and it's alarmed :o !!! Needless to say, I made quite an impression on the front desk staff my first day at the gym.