Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,245 Member
    It was 99 degrees here yesterday! Ugh! My run in the morning was pretty warm too and so humid, so it wasn't that great. But we will also have cooler weather starting tomorrow. Highs will be in the 70s/80s with lows in the 50s/60s, so it will be much better for running. We don't have any 40s coming up just yet, maybe later this month though. And it is just dry here too - leaves are falling but only because they are dead. I hope though that we will get some fall color - it is still early here.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!
    Gloria-those temps would be way too warm for around here. We’ve had 60’s and 70’s.
    Most of my exercise this week has been doing work. I’ve gotten on the elliptical and 1 dog walk and that was it. I spent a lot of time deep cleaning my sons house and yesterday everyone pitched in to clean up the outside. My son and his wife have been having personal issues so they let things go until it was way too much for them to do. There are still a couple things that need to be done but we will get to them. Some things outside are better to wait till we have a good freeze. Which the way things are going, shouldn’t be long.
    Today we have our yard work to do plus I want to get a dog walk in. Tomorrow I will be back to normal. Still have some things to pack up and donate but I will do that in my spare time.
    My eating has been way off. I’ve gotten busy and haven’t been eating my meals so I end up eating more at dinner time.
    I hope everyone is doing well.
    Have a nice Sunday!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,245 Member
    Good Morning! Okay, now we are having some really cool weather here! Today it is 77 and overnight it is supposed to be in the 40s! The 40s, WOW! That will be an adjustment because last week when I ran it was in the 70s when I ran! Saturday I ran at the track, just a 5K with an additional mile (walking) to warm up and a half mile (walking) to cool down, so it ended up being 4.6 miles - the running pace was just okay, not even close to my old pace but the good thing is that I felt GREAT and was able to run the whole 5K with no walking breaks. I have a trail half marathon in a couple of weeks, but I mostly plan to just walk that - because I have not been training on trails at all. And I am only up to seven miles so I think it would be too much to even try to run that, but I should be fine to walk it.

    Becky sounds like you have been so busy. I think I have gotten my eating back on track for the most part but there were a couple of days last week where I just didn't worry about it - one was a community event with lots of "tastes" of food from a lot of restaurants in our small city. And the other was a birthday party for one of my friends. I just ate too much at both of them. I am really trying to count my macros to make sure I am getting enough protein. Is there any fall color at all where you are Becky or is it just too dry? It is really early for us to have much fall color but there is some already which makes me wonder if it is going to be a cold hard winter.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!
    Fall is here in MN! Cooler temps and yes the Fall colors are starting to show. It’s been extremely dry and so the leaves on a lot of the trees look really dry. We need rain!

    I’ve been pretty much staying on track with my exercise but last week I got thrown off with my eating. Couldn’t really log my dinners cuz they were either carry out or something we quick threw together and it’s a pain to try and figure out the serving sizes and get accurate calorie counts. I’m back at it now so this week should be much better. I don’t know what’s up with logging on my fitness pal. It won’t let me scan a bar code. Wants me to do a trial membership for premium. I hate doing that cuz I never remember to cancel. So I guess I’ll have to do searches until it changes.

    I’m trying to do more walking now and less elliptical. I need to enjoy the weather before things change. Running has been difficult to say the least. My knees stink. I think I need to do more strength training. When it cools more, I’m going to join the Y. 2 of my sons are members so they said I could come with them. Plus my one sons girlfriend is also joining. It’ll be a good for me to get out instead of always working out at home. I can use my equipment when the weather is bad.
    Gloria-it sounds like you are doing well. I know we all wish we could get back to where we were but it sounds like you’re making progress.
    Sharon-I hope you are doing well also.

    I’m walking this morning and then I’m headed over to my sons to clean up the former bunny room. Bunnies have moved outdoors for the time being and there’s so much bunny fur in there and it smells.
    Take care and will post again soon!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,245 Member

    Becky, it is really dry here too. So many leaves have just dried up and fallen. But here and there is some really pretty fall color. It is around 85 here today but then that front is coming through and it will be in the high 60s on Saturday. I know that is not as cold as where you are. I've been enjoying my morning runs because it has been in the high 40s most of the time. I wish we could have this weather year round (though we sure could use some rain). The Y is so great - wish I could join but it is so expensive. There is a gym near me that I keep thinking I might join - it is much cheaper than the Y and has almost everything the Y does, except for the pools. It has really good group classes too. But so far I am sticking with my workout routines at home. The only thing I wish right now is that I had a better treadmill.

    My runs have been okay, just very slow. I can't seem to get my pace back up but I am still running and I am so glad for that. This week the schools here are on fall break so I took advantage of that and went on some routes I normally can't because of school traffic. And then today I went and did my run on the track (can't do that when school is in session). I need hills more so than track but the track really lets me work on my pace so that is good too. I have a trail half marathon this weekend. Naturally I haven't been running on trails at all and I am only up to eight miles in my training so no doubt this is not going to be an easy race. However, this race company is so laid back and easy going, they don't care how long it takes. It starts Saturday at 7 am and they will support everyone regardless of how long they are out there, until Monday morning (this race has distances up to 100 miles). It's a looped course in a state park so if I want to do the loop and stop and rest or eat or take a nap or whatever, they don't care. They provide tons of food. A few of my friends will be there. I will probably mostly walk unless the trail is very well groomed and not technical.

    Hope everyone is doing well! Run happy!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good afternoon!
    Gloria-how did the trail run go?
    I was doing well last week until I went to sit down (on the toilet to be exact), when I stood up I had a sharp pain go down the back of my thigh thru the back of my knee. It was extremely painful. I tried stretching, icing, foam roller and walking. It got a little better but the next day my who knee was stiff. No swelling but it sure felt like it. I took it easy and then stuck to the elliptical and a short walk. The knee is fine except I will get pain in the back of my knee. I’m thinking it must be from sitting a specific way and it must be putting pressure on a nerve. Could be sciatic? Not sure. I’m thinking I need to do more stretching than I’m doing after my walk and probably before. I wish PT wasn’t so expensive even after insurance. I’m sure they could give me some good stretches to do. I’m still getting 6 days of exercise a week. Some days more than others. The elliptical is still the best for me right now.
    Weather is warm, cold. Warm today and even warmer tomorrow. Unfortunately it brings out the Asian beetles. They’re everywhere. I sprayed the door they seem to get into the house from pretty heavy with bug spray and it seems to be working. Only really cold weather will take care of them and I’m not quite ready for that. Some rain would help too. We haven’t had any in weeks. Too dry.
    Time to get moving!
    Have a great day and a great week!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,245 Member
    Becky, oh no, are you doing okay? That sounds very painful. Could it be a hamstring issue? Did you get any rain? We haven't had any in weeks either, but yesterday we got some finally! It was so hot yesterday, and humid! There have been tons of nasty gnats, seems like millions, but probably thousands. Today weather is better, but they are saying early next week it is going to seem like winter here (well, by our standards, it would probably be warm to you Becky).

    My trail race Saturday was so awesome. We ended up doing 14 miles and then after that we ended up doing another mile. It took FOREVER because we mostly hiked it and then we would take breaks and hang out, because this is an ultra race (distances from 5k to 100 miles) so people are super laid back and there was a ton of food and people are just so chill. It's a totally different vibe from a road race. Just do whatever floats your boat and finish your distance! They literally give DAYS for people to finish. I loved it!

    Oh, and here is my big news. I start a job next week. I couldn't help but be concerned with the economy the way it is. My DH and I have been so very happy with the status quo at home with me not working but I was just so worried about things and we want to do some work to the house, so it just made sense for me to do this. And if I love it, I will stay for many years. If I don't, well then, no. But so far I just think this was meant to be...I have been wishing forever for an accounting job close to home and I finally found one...six miles away. No commutes to Nashville and I won't be working 100 hours a week, probably little to no overtime. I am so going to miss not working and now my runs will be in the dark (for the winter at least) but I am so grateful for this opportunity!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Congrats Gloria on the new job! I hope things work out!

    My pain went away. I now just have my reg. aches and pains. Still doing the same old with exercise.

    Last Sat we hiked up a bluff. The challenges were rocks and roots. I took my hiking poles which ended up coming in handy. Beautiful view of the river valley from up above. Very dry and dusty though. Lots of people had the same idea that day. It was a warm weekend and of course we over dressed. A little too warm for this time of year. Afterwards we stopped at a small bar for something to eat. Really not my type of place. Had good burgers but too many people drinking at 3 in the afternoon. Turns out there was a 4 bar run using those UTV’s. Those things cost as much as a new car. Surprisingly I didn’t hurt the next day. I went out for a walk with the dog.

    Most of my walking is done with my dog these days. Working on e-collar training so in time I’ll be able to walk him more places without worrying about him being reactive. Plus the Elliptical.

    It’s hard to believe that Nov. is just around the corner. This time is flying by. We’re supposed to have a very cold Winter. I don’t mind as long as there’s not a lot of snow.

    Sometime next month I’ll join the Y. Then I’ll concentrate more on strength in hopes I can get to running a bit more. Gloria-keep up posted on the new job.

    Sharon-I hope you are doing well.

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,245 Member
    Hello!!!!! Becky, it sounds like you are doing so very well! I am so glad. I am doing fine too, adjusting to the new job. It is close to home (just six miles away). And so no real commute! But after not working for a year and a half, I am having to adjust to the new schedule. I have done a couple of runs in the very early morning, in the dark. I am not a huge fan of that, but I did get a great flashlight (though it is kind of heavy). One of the great benefits of this job is that there is a Y membership! That is wonderful. I am going to try to go to the Y this coming week. For about a week I was having the worst pain in my knee. Don't know what that was all about. It hurt even at night when I was trying to sleep and I felt like I couldn't even walk (so painful). So I didn't do much walking or running for several days, but then on Thursday I decided I really had to run, so I did five miles on the treadmill. Later that day I went for a short walk at lunch time. And then suddenly, my knee didn't hurt anymore! Go figure. This morning I did my run...it was ten miles and I did fine the first seven miles (very slow running) but then I ended up walking the last three miles. I have a large blister on my toe and I don't know why, that is not typical. I am NOT ready for my races next weekend but I will go and do what I can, even if it means walking, I will finish. I do feel like this training plan I have been doing is really good (it is Hal Hidgon) but I am just not where I need to be yet. This plan had no hill repeats and no speedwork. My 10K next weekend is trails, so that will be hiking and not running just because I am not doing trails enough to run them these days....and then Sunday I have the half, the one that I do every year with the ridiculous hills. I am doing a little better on hills these days, but am not prepared for those kind of hills - I laugh at this race and say it is one gigantic hill with only a mile of downhill....and I mean it as a joke but to be honest, it is kind of true! Becky, is the fall color finished there? The color here was very early, but pretty awesome. Usually we would be peaking around this time but most of the color is gone now. I keep hearing about the cold hard winter, but I hope not. I guess if it is bad, I will be going to the Y. Okay, I am going to go now, take care!!!!!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good afternoon!
    Gloria-Sounds like everything is going well for you. Knee pain is so familiar for me. One time I’m fine. Then one knee will hurt. Then the other one and then sometimes both. When I join the Y, I’m also going to sign up to work with a trainer at least a couple of times in hopes that he gives me some things to help strengthen my legs to help with this pain. I’ve heard good things about the Hal Higdon plans. I think my niece used it.
    This past weekend we did alot of yard work. I felt it on Sunday. Every part of me was sore. I still had to do some raking of leaves at my moms so between raking and picking up the piles of leaves, I got my workout in that day too. There’s still a little to do but with our Springlike weather I should have it done this week.
    Colors have peaked and most of the leaves have dropped. They weren’t as vibrant as the past years. It’s pretty dry here so it’s like they just dried out and fell.
    Very slow night for trick or treaters. There are so many trunk n treats that go on during the weekend so I think the kids are candied out. The weather was perfect though. I could get used to this. The only time I want snow is in December. Otherwise I don’t mind the mild weather and bare ground.
    Now the Xmas decor with start popping up everywhere. So not ready for this.
    I hope everyone is doing well. Time to watch the calories and exercise more for the upcoming food holidays.
    Have a great day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,245 Member
    Sorry I haven't been here much! My job is keeping me so busy. I am not working overtime and there is just the shortest commute, but it still is keeping me busy. But not as much stress as my previous job, that is for sure! Yesterday we had a chili cookoff at the office, perfect timing as the weather was 76 degrees - and today it is raining and it will be 46 tomorrow. 46 is January weather. Anyway, I did my two races last weekend, 10K on Saturday but we just hiked it (it was a trail race) because I had the half on Sunday. The hike was wonderful, just loved it. It was in Chattanooga so I had to get up at 3:45 to get there, ugh. Sunday was the half and for some reason my back was killing me, mid-back, not lower. I have had this before. So painful and I wasn't even sure if I could walk it, let alone run it. I walked almost the whole thing, just dreadful and so much misery. 10 miles in I could have cut off and quit but I knew I would be mad if I did that and I kept going and finished. Since that day I have done two very short runs early in the mornings before work - yesterday the skunk was in the yard, luckily I noticed it before I headed out. Don't want to startle it! I've been doing the Y three times a week - one of those is more like HIIT, I am actually liking that a lot and I figure it is good cross training. The other two are strength training. Becky, I don't mind the mild weather either. We are expecting a super cold spell with quite a bit of rain, not snow for us, I hope. But I am so glad about the Y because if it is crummy out, I can go there and use their treadmill (better than my rickety old one) or the track. Okay, better go, soon it will be time to head off to work!!!! Have a great weekend.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member

    I haven’t posted much either Gloria. So many things going on here. My head has just been in a different place lately.

    The snow arrived yesterday and continued this morning. I needed to go to the clinic for blood work before my Dr appt tomorrow. I was a little nervous how slippery it would be. It was just slushy. Made sure I wore shoes that had good treads on them.

    It’s also been really cold and windy here. More like January weather. Way too early for this.

    I guess the treadmill will have to be my go to walking/jogging pc of equipment now. As long as it’s dry, I can walk. I’m trying to get some jogging in. I’d rather do it outside.

    Gloria-I’m glad your job is going well. Way to go on finishing your races. I love your determination.

    Hard to believe Thanksgiving is next week. I’ve been buying the foods I’m going to prepare for a few weeks now. Its hit and miss at our grocery stores on stuff. I’ve got pretty much everything I need. Just a couple of basics which I will pick up this week. I’ve been watching what I eat and I’m doing really good. Hopefully I can continue this thru the holidays.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Sharon-I hope you’re doing well.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!

    After a very cold stretch, we’re finally seeing a slight warm up. Should be almost 50 today. The snow we got is melting away. Everything is clear and dry.

    I can’t believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I’ve been watching what I eat closely. Exercise is so so. The cold and snow threw me back a bit. It’s really tough getting on the treadmill. Hard to get that mileage in like I used to. I’m going much slower on it. It just doesn’t feel right. I have to get used to it though because it’s going to be my friend for a few months. I also need to get on that bike too. That probably won’t happen till after the holidays.

    Gloria-how’s the Y going? My goal after the New Year!

    I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! I hope the weather is nice. Thank goodness the football game isn’t till the evening! Everyone should be home by then!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!

    The holidays are upon us. Can’t say it feels like the holiday season. The temps have been up and down. We had a few nicer days again. Got one last walk in outside yesterday. Today it’s very windy, blowing snow and icy. We maybe had a half inch of snow but we had sleet for quite awhile before it changed to snow. We will have a couple milder days coming up so the little snow we got will again be gone. I’m hoping by tomorrow afternoon we’ll be able to get out for walks again. I’m trying to get out as much as possible right now before the roads get snow covered.

    Gloria-how is your job going? I hope everything is going well. I hope you didn’t have the bad storms last night.

    Sharon-I hope things are going well for you also.

    I’ve been thinking about Spark lately. Miss it. I often wonder how everyone is doing? Being a member for so long, I met quite a few people.

    Have a great week! It’s almost Dec.! Time sure does need to slow down a bit.

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,245 Member
    Good Morning! So sorry I have been AWOL! LOL, we were at my parents' house for a week and then work, of course. I come home, we eat dinner, I do a couple of things and it seems like it is already time for bed!

    Becky, has it been really cold up there? There was snow in Michigan when we got there, a few inches. It melted quickly but then there was black ice that wouldn't go away even though it got very warm during the day. So while I was there I walked outside but ran on the treadmill.

    Then this past week I have been running but only very short distances. I need to stick with short distances for now but I am scheduled for some races in February and April so I am not sure what to do about that. I need to see a chiropractor I think but my rheumatologist discouraged that. I've been going to the Y, and I do strength training twice a week and HIIT once a week. I would like to add another day but so far it hasn't worked out for me. If I go another day I will row or use free weights or something.

    Food is so abundant at my job. I am at my scream weight at this point, so I need to buckle down. We had a special activity on Wednesday and there was a lot of food. There was a big party last night with a lot of food (and a DJ). I just have to say no! Work is going well though, not stressful like my old job - oh, there are some times when I am frantic and crazy busy, but at 5 pm I just go home! I have to get up and run very early in the morning in the dark, but less than three weeks and it will be solstice and the earth's tilt will begin to change again and the amount of daylight will increase.

    I am getting ready to head over to the park to meet some friends to run. It's been raining. Hopefully it won't be slippery.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,041 Member
    Hi Becky and Gloria. I am so sorry I have not been around lately. I have been so busy with Fall yard work, prepping garden area for Spring and also planted Spinach and Variety Lettuce where I had my Tomatoes. I had one Butternut Squash grow since I had planted it so late. We got to enjoy it for Thanksgiving. My son came to visit from Colorado for Thanksgiving and my husbands Birthday was on the same day.

    Becky, so happy to hear you are getting out as much as possible. I can't even imagine the cold Weather and Snow that you all get. The Holiday's are really here now and I have done nothing yet. Hopefully I will have time to do some decorating and get those cards out.

    Gloria, I had no idea you went back to work. I bet it is a big adjustment and watch out for all that food. When I worked in Mortgage Business they always had so many goodies. Stressful job and I stressed ate and gained about 50 lbs. Yikes! Wishing you the best.

    I hope to not be gone so long. Time just slipped by for me. I did my first HM this morning since I had surgery and recovery. Not too bad but around mile 8, I had to walk the hills. Even to the finish line. My calves and feet were cramping. I had to take my shoe off when I got in the car to drive home.

    I hope you both have a wonderful weekend. Take care.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!

    It’s so nice to hear from you guys.

    Gloria-MI had more snow than we did here. The Twin Cities had gotten a decent amount also. We are seeing the cold though. So glad your job is going well. There’s just something about office jobs and food. I always found it tough too. Always goodies in the break room.

    Sharon-So glad to hear from you. I get it about being busy. I’m envious that you get to do planting now. We do have indoor farmers markets but they mostly have root veg., meat, bread. I did receive a seed catalog this week. That makes me happy.

    It’s hard to believe Christmas is just around the corner. The weather has been cold but as long as it’s above zero (preferably 20’s and 30’s), we will get out for dog walks. Plus the elliptical and treadmill. I really struggle with the treadmill though. I just can’t walk long on it. Hopefully it’ll get better as time goes on and I’m stuck inside. Still planning on joining the Y after the 1st of the year.

    I’m trying hard to watch what I eat right now. Holiday baking coming up. I need to be good. Luckily I have kids to give the stuff away to. I just need a little to put in my freezer.

    Busy day ahead. I need to get moving here!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,245 Member
    Hello! Becky, are you getting a bunch of that snowy blizzard that is happening? We have gotten a lot of rain here, nothing severe though, but for all of this rain over the past couple of weeks, we have had some minor flooding. This morning I went for a walk before work and it was raining. I had my raincoat on! And a baseball cap. Today at the office we had a volunteer day and went to the local food bank. We stocked shelves, organized, stuff like that. It was too late for the HIIT class so I went there and did the rower for 25 minutes, the bike for 5 minutes, and the stair climber for 5 minutes. I don't know how much benefit I am getting out of these activities. But I will say, the stair climber is HARD! The training plan for my 15K started and so now my distances are going to increase and that will be hard with my schedule. But we will also see how my back does. I have really been loving these shorter runs and I am not sure if I am ready for the longer distances just yet but I need to be ready for the 15K, so...

    Sharon, yeah, I didn't post about my job on Facebook, was just kind of waiting to see how it goes, but I have been there since October. I do really like it and there is not too much overtime, and it is only six miles from home, so for now I am happy with it. Plus it has a free YMCA membership, YES!!!!! You still had a great race even with the cramping. At this point I can only dream of running those paces again.

    Anyway, going to head for now, I have a bunch of things to do before I can go to sleep. I am hoping to get a couple of miles in tomorrow morning (which will be so very early) so I don't want to stay up too late!!!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Happy Holidays!
    Our weather has been extreme for the past few days! Blizzard conditions around us and we’ll below zero wind chills. No outdoor activities for me.
    I still can’t believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I guess I’m just not into it this year. I had wanted everyone to pitch in and help. Not really happening. My one son will bring something Xmas Eve. My other sons girlfriend is doing desserts and my oldest said he’d pay for the Prime Rib we’re having tomorrow night. 2 are working during the day. Xmas day the meal is on me. I asked for people to bring stuff. My one son will do the vegetable and that’s pretty much it. It’s so much work and it has cost quite a bit of money. Next holiday they’re on their own. If they want a holiday get together they’ll have to plan it. Otherwise DH and I will go out for dinner.
    I’ve been keeping up on my exercise. I increased the walking speed on the treadmill the other day and my knees felt it. I need to start pushing it more. I’ve been getting out for dog walks too except for the last couple of days. The wind was just too brutal.
    Looking forward to the new year and achieving my goals which officially start Dec. 26. This past week I’ve fallen off the wagon. I’m ready to get back on. Just need to get thru the next couple of days.
    I hope everyone has a nice holiday and hopefully you’re not seeing any of this cold weather.
    Take care!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited December 2022
    Happy Day after Christmas Becky, Gloria and All.

    What a busy week. I actually spent time cooking some yummy KETO Cookies. I have not baked in years. I cooked a Lemon Cookie w/frosting on it and then your traditional Peanut butter cookie. All gluten free flours, Monk Fruit for the sweetener. They were a big hit at our family gathering. I tried making a Amish Pie, call Shoo Fly Pie. My Mom use to make it all the time. I did not have all the ingredients and tried some substitutes. Very good flavor but not solidified enough. I just ordered several different flours to try it again.

    I ran my Holiday HM Race 12-03. The first time I ever dressed up for a race. Here are a couple of pictures. Nice being in an older age group. I always seem to place now in my age group.

    Wishing you all a Wonderful Day.