November News



  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 798 Member
    @k8richly, I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your father were both blessed that you were able to spend some time together before his passing, and that you and your siblings were able to be there virtually for him at the end.
    It's not easy to get back to our routines after the loss of a loved one - the grief and pain seem to take up most of our time and thoughts. I agree with your friend that the stress is probably manifesting itself physically. Please do be kind to yourself: a massage, manicure, walk (not for exercise as much as just getting out of the house), yoga or meditation if you're into that, all might help you relax and try to be in the moment without thinking too much.
    My thoughts are with you - hugs <3
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @k8richly my condolences. I am in agreement that stress can come out in strange ways as far as physical reactions

    @Antiopelle I'm looking forward to pictures and to hear that you are over your bug!

    It's good to catch up with everybody. We're all struggling with the Thanksgiving madness.

    I've been doing my marathon Thanksgiving hosting/ clean up/freezing food and I'm just now getting a chance to relax.

    I'm also avoiding the trap of the scale but I did discover I have gained about a pound and a half. I want to get back into my usual routine. I'm definitely been drinking too much wine, which is not healthy and also adds the pounds. Not a good way to deal with family stress. My hubby doesn't think it's an issue, so I guess I'm not in a dangerous area!!!

    Today I went to circuit training and the instructor said she could tell my upper body strength is increasing. The exercises do not seem to be as difficult as they were, so I'm trying to strategically use heavier weights.

    I really want to go walk the route that I'm going to walk/run for a 5k next Saturday. I should take the dogs. The route is a little complicated and I want to make sure I understand it. Usually they are marked well.

    I hope everyone has a great day and feels good about their preparations for the rest of the holidays. Most the time the food is not worth the calories! I'm going to try to save it for the really good stuff.

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @k8richly: my sincere condolences. You know, at times like these, it is sometimes good to just do nothing at all. Blank stare into space kinda thing - you just don't have to do yoga or go to a massage - unless you feel like it of course. And I concur with @SparkSpringtime69: a good walk is always a gift to clear your mind.

    @zenobia9777 : what a win that the instructor can tell your strength has increased ! That is a great non-scale victory !

    @CeeBeeSlim: I don't really know what was up with the food, I guess we went to the wrong places. The best food I had was Indian curries and vegan wraps. Wherever we went for typical Greek was disappointing.

    As for now, I finally got over my bug, yes !! The good news is that I have lost a bit of weight and that is encouraging to continue on this wave. :smile: I just might lose a little more before christmas !
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,917 Member
    @k8richly -a Buckeye: Peanut butter with a little flour to form a small-ish ball, then covered in chocolate.
    Thougts and prayers to you.

    @Antiopelle Nice to hear you're feeling better.

    Scale hasnt' moved up or down for me. not thrilled about taht but, I guess its a win of its own. I feel good mentally (well, now that I know the scale hasn't moved, my inner thoughts are going.
    "might as well throw in the towel....then the other voice goes, NO NO NO!!! YOU DON"T WANNA DO THAT! "

    had an older gentleman tell me that I didn't look like I weighed anything over 98# and that I looked 30-35 yrs old So... I guess, that while I feel like I am heavier, perhaps its true that I look smaller because muscle takes up less space. Perhaps its all in my head that the number between my toes is a legit data point, be cause ... Its obvioulsy an OLD method to measure health and wellness....

    Kinda like back in the pioneer days when they thought you had to bleed a person out to get rid of infections...or things like that. My point is this.... Your weight, my weight, have less to do with physical health and body size than we think. Your health, your body size, your happiness is NOT 100% related to that number.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,284 Member
    @k8richly - I’m so so sorry. Sending a virtual hug to you. How are you?
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Hey all -

    Been cray cray around here, this past weekend was the formal "move" - still one trip of stuff for us to get tonight that is piled in the garage, but house is cleaned and ready to hand back otherwise. Since we're basically having to move both of us (him around in his house and me into his house) things on this end are a mess, but we can putter away at that a little bit each day - getting here was the hard part IMO.

    Plenty of exercise the past week though LOL, I'm actually a little sore and definitely just physically worn out.

    Planning to start regular workouts again next week - not sure if I'll have my home gym set up by then or not, but I'll do SOMETHING if it's not.
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words and virtual hugs. I'm doing ok and I even got to my bootcamp HIIT class this morning - first time in over 3 or 4 weeks. I chose light weights and took it easy but it felt good to move again and see my friends. Normal is good. Any and all movement is good. And I have a feeling that avoiding those buckeye things would also be a good plan 🤪

    I love all these stories of traveling and fresh starts! @HoneyBadger302 it sounds like you're already "doing" lots so I wouldn't worry too much. Having your home gym set up will be awesome though.

    Like my new profile pic?! Out with the summer shot and in with the cold weather! Snowshoeing, skating, skiing....bring it on!
  • Happyness4me2
    Happyness4me2 Posts: 37 Member
    @k8richly I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Last day of the month and I'm happy to say I met my goals for the month minus one walk, but I picked up a shift at work that day so it's a wash as I'm on my feet all day at work. I have officially lost 3.5 pounds since the end of September, slow but steady and I'm happy I'm finally not continuing to gain! I'm looking forward to December and hitting my goals again!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,917 Member
    Do any of you take rest days?
    and what do you do on your REST day?
    Do you do kickboxing? Cardio? Yoga? Nothing but stay in bed.... ? Walk?

    I'm an avid workout chick. Perhaps my lack of REST is hindering my performance in muscle growth.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,284 Member
    @k8richly - Lookin good in the profile pic! You look ready and happy (??) for the colder weather. I’m the opposite. Under 75 degrees and I’m freezing! I’ll take a 95 degree with humidity than any day under 50. 😂😂

    I was doing well but yesterday was hubby’s bday and his colleague gave him the most sinfully creamy and sweet birthday ever. I had 3/4 of it - it was a mini cake and Worth. Every. Calorie.

    I’m esp focused on goals for the next month. Doc appt - first in a several years - so im hoping a modest weight loss, less meat, less processed foods and some daily walking (min 8k steps), I’ll get a good report.

    @Happyness4me2 - congrats on reaching your goal.

    @SherryRueter - on my non-strength training days - I’m usually doing something. Kickboxing videos, TRX, a band workout, kettlebell cardio-ish workout, step aerobics, or a dance video with some hula hooping. Sundays I’m usually a lump - doing nothing - not even stretching.
  • Happyness4me2
    Happyness4me2 Posts: 37 Member
    @SherryRueter I work 3 days a week as an RN and my job is pretty physical so I don't generally workout at all on those days, occasionally I may go for a walk when I get home. The other 4 days a week I like to get a lifting session, a walk, and a good stretch in.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,917 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim I am similar to you. Non- weights/strength days I do cardio ish workout. Try not to use weight or do something light like a "slim in 6" workout. I really love to do Kickboxing. I just ain't sure if that's what is meant by a rest day.

    For a while I was doing an actual Strech session and/or PiYo (Pilates/Yoga, I taught it for a few years) and loved it. But, Im back to just doing a bazillion minutes of cardio and, I dont' see the "bodybuilder" older women reporting that they do any of that. So I was kinda wondering.

    90 and humid beats anything under 50 degrees. Im in tennessee.
    Where are you at Ceebeeslim?

    Heck what state/country is everyone else from?

    Leg day today and tracking my calories. EVERY. BITE. It will be worth it. It will be worth it. It will be worth it. Trying to make that my mantra..... day 2

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,284 Member
    @SherryRueter - I go back and forth from DC to NC (eldercare). More in NC than home.

    PiYo sounds interesting. Any YouTube videos to recommend? For some reason, I just can’t sick with yoga. Dunno - too type A, mind wanders - ironically it makes me antsy.

    It’s deload week for me next week! Completed my 12 week program yesterday - I’m definitely stronger and more tone. I’m ambivalent about the “booty gains” - curvier than usual - but all reports are that I look less like a 12 year old boy. Like my arms and back tho - I’ve brushed my teeth 17 times already just to see my deltoids! Just joking - no I’m not. 😁
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    I fell out of my daily post habit somehow.
    I did more than usual exercise last week, and then I did a 5K yesterday.

    I was really happy because I did the intervals and my knees did not start to hurt. I came in fifth in my division. 41:30. Nothing to brag about except I went out there and did it!!!

    I don't really want to start couch to 5K because I think it's more important that I work on my balance (yoga for me) and the weights. I should make balance my number one priority because it's so awful.

    There's only so much time in the day, but there's a part of me that really would like to get faster at running. But when I tried really hard to do that years ago I did not make much progress. However the weightlifting has been the solution, because my breathing was so much better. And I did pretty darn well for somebody who barely trained for it

    Running takes the most out of me of anything I do.

    Congrats @Happyness4me2. I know I should get on the scales but I'm afraid to. I just want to have one good week first. I have not been doing well this week on food.

    @SherryRueter, I usually have a Wednesday and a Saturday rest day. I do think it's essential to at least have one. But I usually walk the dogs on those days.

    I should go to yoga as usual today since I slept so well last night. But I needed extra sleep this week and I'm not very motivated. To answer your question, I am from Texas.

    @CeeBeeSlim I recommend enjoying every compliment!!!

    I will start a December thread.

  • Happyness4me2
    Happyness4me2 Posts: 37 Member
    @zenobia9777 congrats on that 5K! I don't run at all, I have terrible ankles and running equals sprains.