Mentees Introduce Yourself Here

durden Posts: 3,310 MFP Staff
edited December 2022 in Social Groups
Hi Mentees!

Welcome to our Adopt-a-Pal group!!

Feel free to introduce yourself, and tell us a little bit about yourself and your health and fitness goals.

We hope this group and mentors help you achieve your goals!!


  • CrankyOldGoat
    CrankyOldGoat Posts: 17 Member
    Hi folks, and Happy Holidays. I am new both to this group and MyFitnessPal in general. I am 55 years old and a seafood lover; avid walker (with our dog); mountain hiker and kayaker. I'm a health care professional and consider myself healthy and in reasonably good shape, BUT admittedly can lose 50 pounds and be much healthier for it.

    For 2023 I am trying to adopt a healthier "lifestyle routine" and that in itself can be a real challenge, mainly with breaking old habits after years and years of routine (like eating while watching TV in the evenings).

    Intermittent Fasting seems to be both well researched and a great option for lifelong weight maintenance - I like the 5:2 version, but was thinking of a combo - I'd use MFP's new Intermittent Fasting feature and adopt a 16:8 IF habit along with the 5:2! Nutritionally it looks like I can meet all my requirements - as I tend to eat nutrient dense whole foods/ chicken / eggs / and seafoods - plus the 5:2 option allows autophagy to truly kick-in and provide all it's wonderful metabolic cellular benefits.

    Although I used to bodybuild in my 20's and 30's, I'm no longer into "hitting the gym" and plan to incorporate a home based bodyweight calisthenics oriented workout routine, along with daily walks / hikes with my dog and kayaking / ocean swimming when the weather gets warmer.

    Would LOVE to find a mentor and several like-minded MFP friends to help assist me along the way.

  • tina_webster_9
    tina_webster_9 Posts: 8 Member
    Happy holidays everyone! Today is Christmas morning, I’m sitting here waiting for everyone to wake up, joys of teenagers they don’t wake up till noon. But we have pets so I’m always up early to feed them.

    I just love the idea of this group! I am in need of help. I am 38 years old and I’m very out of shape. April of last year change everything for me. I was working out every other day, eating right, very active. We used to go hiking, looking for waterfalls. The day before everything change we went indoor rock climbing( that was fun). The next morning i woke up to worse pain in my throat i had every felt. Rushed to the hospital to learn my throat was full of infections. Put on meds to help with that, 5 days later I tested positive for covid 19. It knocked me down so hard because my body was already fighting something. Once I got passed that, i got pneumonia. It was a very hard 4 months. But I finally made it out and I’m no longer fighting illnesses, but it did leave me with permanent damage. I now have asthma ( found out 6 months after due to back log, so still trying to get that under control )and I’m having a hard time getting my fibromyalgia under control again. All of these things have made it harder for me to get back on my feet and get active again. I was seeing a physiotherapist to help get my body moving ( I’ve been cleared to workout again, as long as I take it easy) and a massage therapist to help ease the muscles and nerves.
    Next month I’m being sized for compression stockings to help with the swelling in my legs.

    I know i need to lose the 40lbs I’ve gained to really help me feel better and work on getting back to the old me.
    I’m hoping to find someone who is just a great support! Like minded to really help me get fully back on my feet. I really do miss the active life and i hope to get it back next year.

    I really can’t wait to meet more like minded people 🙂
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Hi! My name is Allie and I have been a member of MFP for a while now. I have "started" more times than I can count and I plan on finishing it this time! I have been doing this by myself the entire time and that hasn't worked for me so I am hoping by having a mentor, it will be something different and will help keep me accountable :)
  • maryellen5062
    maryellen5062 Posts: 3 Member


    My name is Mary Ellen and I am 60 years old. I am fairly active. I have been trying to lose the same 25lbs - okay, I use the word "trying" loosely - for about 20 years. Maybe more. I eat WAY to many desserts and I am quite sure I am addicted to sugar. I do really well for the first few days and then I cave. I love exercising, especially hiking, dancing, Yoga and step, but I let life get in the way of my self-care.

    Anyway, this time I am seeking guidance and accountability. I have a grocery list for tomorrow, I am going to follow the "Immune System" plan.

    Hope somebody can help!


  • kristopheradow
    kristopheradow Posts: 1 Member
    Hi folks,
    My name is Kris and I’m 25. I’ve been losing and gaining weight since I was a kid and I’ve been on MFP off and on again for about 10 years now 😅.
    I’m looking for some kind of accountability buddy in a mentor to help me stay on track and remember my goals.
  • Sophara74
    Sophara74 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I’m Justine and I’m 48 and live in UK. I’ve been a member of MFP for some time and I have a history of starting and then giving up way too easily.

    My initial goal is to lose 40lb because I need surgery that will massively improve my quality of life, and the surgeon wants me to shift some lard. Overall I need to lose more than that, but the older I get the harder it seems to be.

    Happy new year to everyone 😊
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Does anyone know if there is a different group where we can find a mentor or do we group together with those in this group and help each other? 😊
  • EmmyP1215
    EmmyP1215 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! :-)
    My name is Emily and I am new to MFP! Like others, I've been losing and gaining so really just staying the same for quite awhile. I’m looking for some kind of accountability buddy in a mentor to help me stay on track and hit my goals!
  • karinafgnery
    karinafgnery Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi, I'm Karina and I'm looking for a mentor or a real fitness pal :smile:
    I'm new here and I feel a bit overwhelmed. :neutral: I'm always amazed at the amount of calories I consume and have no idea how I can "survive" with only 1200 calories per day! :open_mouth:
    I love eating and have been learning to have more love for cooking. I have also been learning to enjoy running since I have realized it gives me faster results.
    I hope I can find someone to help me get healthy and fit! :smile:
    "Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become." - James Clear <3
  • email2nirmalar
    email2nirmalar Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm Nirmala. I'm 36 years old and Hypothyroid.

    I'm New here. I hope I can lose around 20lbs and keep it off. I'm new to excercising. I am looking for accountability and some tips.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    Does anyone know if there is a different group where we can find a mentor or do we group together with those in this group and help each other? 😊

    Yes there is! You can go to the "Mentor" portion of this group and see who's there and willing to help. I'm on that list. I'm trying to figure out how I can help.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    Hi, I'm Karina and I'm looking for a mentor or a real fitness pal :smile:
    I'm new here and I feel a bit overwhelmed. :neutral: I'm always amazed at the amount of calories I consume and have no idea how I can "survive" with only 1200 calories per day! :open_mouth:
    I love eating and have been learning to have more love for cooking. I have also been learning to enjoy running since I have realized it gives me faster results.
    I hope I can find someone to help me get healthy and fit! :smile:
    "Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become." - James Clear <3

    Do you mind if I ask how you came up with the 1200 calories as a goal? It might be the right one, but it might not be enough.
  • vivaldibabe9359
    vivaldibabe9359 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm a returning noob to this platform, hoping to get a mentor for some accountability and cheering when needed.
    I feel fairly confident with nutrition and exercise; I'm half a decade in recovery from an eating disorder and three knee surgeries and could use a friendly voice to help me get through rough patches and back on the wagon. My tendency is to start an exercise plan/nutrition change and fizzle about after about a month. I really would like to work on some long term changes.

  • Nyx_89
    Nyx_89 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Tawnee. I'm 33 and from the Midwest. I really started gaining weight after my mom died in 2015, and now I'm 100 lbs overweight. I am looking to find a mentor who can encourage me and help keep me accountable. I need help with nutrition and easy recipes that I can make on a budget and with limited time.
  • deoleen
    deoleen Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. My name is Dee, I am 36 years old and I am from South Africa.

    I'm looking for a mentor to help me lose weight and hold me accountable for what I put in my mouth. I wish my favorite exercise wasn't chewing 😂.

    I recently started running and am looking to add more exercises throughout the week.

    I want my two young girls to see a happy, healthy, active mom who can keep up with them.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    Happy Friday!

    We made it almost through another week. We're almost through week number three for the year. If you've been here since making a new commitment around New Years, you're already ahead of the curve. Studies show that after a month, almost half of people who made new years commitments already have given up. YOU HAVE NOT! This is worth celebrating. You've done well even if you don't see results yet. Results take time.

    I also want to reach out again to say I am available if someone is looking for a mentor. There's more like me; just go poke around the other discussion in this group to find one if you're still looking.

    I don't send out friend requests. If you are still looking for a mentor, feel free to send ME one. You aren't able to send me a private message unless we are connected as MFP "Friends." For the time being, I'll just accept friend requests with the following caveat; you must have your food diary set to open or to open to friends. After I accept your request, post something that says "Hey - I'm responding to the Adopt-a-Pal group or send me a personal message about it if you don't want to post on the news feed.

    I'll do what I can to help you find your way through MFP and help support your goals. Only you can hold yourself accountable, but I'll probably ask you questions that make you think and make your own good decisions and follow up.

    I am also curious how many people who have posted here already have found a mentor? If you've got one, please pop back in and say, "Hey - thanks I got a mentor." I'm really just curious how effective this model is compared to some things that MFP has done in the past. Your reply will probably also help MFP staff assess the success of this Adopt-a-Pal program.

    Finally, a shameless plug for another group I am associated with:

    A group I'm involved with that has been active since 2016 is called "Lose 1 Pound a Week and Keep it Off!" The focus of this group is to STICK TO IT! We are accepting new members. We normally recruit starting right before the END of the year, but there's so many people who make the awesome decision to start a new weight management or fitness plan for the new year, but don't last more than a week or two. If you're looking for a mentor, this might be a chance for you to also adopt a whole family of people trying to succeed at fitness and weight management.

    The group has a number of ongoing challenges, and we try to have a fun "special" challenge each week. All the challenges are voluntary. Pick one or pick none. Pick a few. Start and stop whenever you want. The only mandatory requirement is to log your year-end and three quarter-end goals (end of March, June, September and December) and to log your weekly weigh-in. If you're traveling and will miss a weigh-in or two, just let an organizer know and you'll go on "shore leave" instead of the brig. Even if you become inactive, just weigh in to become active again.


    Click on the above hyper link, look in the Groups section of the community for "Lose 1 Pound a Week and Keep it Off!" or just use this direct link:

    Either way, once you get to the group page, click the JOIN link and someone will approve you usually within a day. Once your membership is approved, come on in and say hi.

    See you there?
  • Robbycu
    Robbycu Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. My name is Robert, I am 43 years old from USA. .

    I'm looking for a mentor to help me through my journey of getting healthier.

    I have some co-morbidities that may improve as I become healthier
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    Just a reminder: if you are seeking a mentor, ask to friend them first.

    Although you can enter a message in the friend request, your potential mentor will not see it!!!!

    This is because of pornbots. People were receiving friend requests with pornographic messages and links, so admins disabled the ability to message anyone who has not yet accepted your friend request.

    You’ll have to wait for your potential mentor to accept your request and then message them.
  • IsraaQ
    IsraaQ Posts: 60 Member
    I need a mentor please
    Hi everyone

    I need a mentor to check that I stay on track with my new kcal target as I recalculated my bmr and realised that I was overeating by around 100 kcals thinking I was undereating so these are my new goals based on the following formula

    Bmr x 1.3= 1875
    175 daily caloric deficit is 1700 which means I will lose one pound in approximately 20 days
    175 × 20= 3500 kcals= 1 pound

    I drink one huel in the morning so that's 400 gone which leaves me with 1300 of actual food to consume

    My new goals are eating 1700 for around 3 months to start with and then re-evaluate the experiment

    Can someone 'sponsor' me? I dont know how to add friends so feel free to add me .thanks so much in advance

  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,857 Member
    If anyone wants a mentor who has experience cheering others on?
    Let me know.

    If you are disabled or a newly diagnosed diabetic? I am happy to provide moral support.