Mentors Introduce Yourself Here

durden Posts: 3,323 MFP Staff
edited November 2022 in Social Groups
Hi Mentors!

Feel free to use this little snippet and paste into your post, and tell us a little bit about yourself, or just write your own info:

What are you about:
How many mentees are you accepting:

Thank you so much for offering your time and support to our new folks!!


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    edited January 2023

    I'm 4legs, a long time user of MFP. I am a 35 year old working mom of 1, trying real hard to stay healthy and find ways to hang on to my love of running and horses without dropping all the other balls in my life!

    I have happily used MFP through a few stages of life: weight loss, pregnancy, postpartum, while long distance running, and while I have just been hanging out with no real goals in mind at all :) I'm not any sort of expert on anything, but I am happy to be a friend who can help you find your way around the app and point you towards resources I have found the most helpful though the years. I don't follow any specific way of eating, I just believe in figuring out what makes you happiest and allows you to meet your goals. Personally, I have found the best results just being consistent over time with a moderate calorie goal.

    If you feel I can help you please reach out.

    ~Best wishes on your journey!
  • DoubleG2
    DoubleG2 Posts: 123 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hello all -

    I'm a 58 y.o. dude and long time MFP user and forum lurker. Key stats: 6'4", 185lbs. (plus or minus three lbs) I am an avid runner and now weight lifter. I got very serious with my nutrition and fitness five years ago after an intense work project took over my life for a year. It was CRAZY how quickly I lost fitness and packed on the pounds. An unflattering glimpse in a full length mirror was the kick in the a** I needed to set me down a healthier path. Managing my nutrition by logging and tracking was key for me to get to a comfortable weight. Strength training helped me transform from skinny fat to where I am not embarrassed to take my shirt off at the beach.

    After 5 years, I continue to track my nutrition (especially protein consumption). I am also relentlessly consistent with my workouts, recovery, and sleep schedule.

    I'm happy to share more about what worked for me and my experiences if anyone feels it may be helpful to their journey.

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    I used MFP in 2017 to lose about 30 pounds and kept it off a few years until fall of 2020 when I had what I call "The Big Oops." I gained some back and then bounced around a bit. I was getting back to my maintenance weight, and then bounced back up.

    I am finally back to my goal weight, and I plan to stay here. I'm happy to share what worked for me, but it's really simple - balance what goes in with what I expend.

    I love to cook, and I love to eat. Tracking how much makes a big difference; it works. No fads. No crash diets. Slow and steady wins the race. Sometimes like anyone else I'll trip and fall, but I try to get back on track right away.

    I am a recovering scientist, so I like data. I track several things including my daily scale weight, but I don't pay it much attention. I'm much more focused on medium and long term trends.

    I'm a kayaker, a canoeist, a hiker, a raft rower, and lover water. Not drinking a gallon a day - floating on it or just sitting and watching. I live in the Pacific Northwest USA, and we are blessed with lots of water and forests.

    How can I help?

  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited January 2023
    OK. I’ll bite.

    I started MFP in 2018, when I was 56, at 222+, size 20-22W, and at least 25 years of obesity under my belt. (See what I did there?!)

    I am currently holding at a size 4 for the past three years.

    I went from zero exercise(unless you count channel flipping, crochet, page turning and snack fetching) to running, lots of walking, cardio and HIIT type classes, bike (indoors and out), work with a trainer, aquafit, and I began weightlifting to help build upper body strength for my real love, which is power yoga.

    You don’t have to exercise as much as me, but movement is now the joy of my life, so I recommend finding some way to experience that joy.

    I eat 2200 calories a day, which is actually less than normal right now because I’m in loss mode temporarily, following several stressful months overseas. I’ll be the very first to admit: me+bakeries=weakness.

    It’s possible to lose weight eating anything you want but……I firmly believe weighing, logging and respecting my calorie goal got and kept me here. If logging and weighing are “too much trouble”, we are not going to be a good fit.

    Even on my worst days over yonder, I faithfully recorded every croissant, seedy roll, tart, cake, quark ball, marzipan lebkuchen slice
    and laugenecke.

    I experiment a lot with ways to reduce calories in foods I love and have been pretty successful. It’s possible to be creative and still have pancakes every morning and homemade ice cream every night, with lasagna, Philly steak sandwiches, steak & potato, and more in between.

    I also believe, if you think you can’t do it, you’re probably right. But if you think you can, the world is your oyster. My profile pic is me doing a headstand. 4-Year-Ago me would have laughed loudly, hurt and obnoxiously, in your face at the very suggestion.

    I would work best with an older lady, who is willing to try her hardest. Your diary needs to be open and you need to be unfazed at someone looking at it and making suggestions. Falling off the wagon for a day or two is Ok and no cause for guilt. My own diary shows same. We are but human. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Most of all, I can be salty, especially with whiners. Consider yourself warned. 😬

    Send me a friend request and after I friend you send me a message. Do not send the message with your request!!! That function is temporaries disabled due to an onslaught of pornbot messages in the last year or so. I cannot read any message you send until after I’ve actually accepted your friend request. You can friend someone by clicking their profile pic and then clicking their user ID until you get to the request page. Again, any message you type on the initial request goes into the ether never to be seen or read
  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,323 MFP Staff
    Hello Mentors! Thank you so much for showing interest in helping others.

    If you have not already, I would strongly suggest going over to the Mentee thread and reviewing those that have expressed interest in receiving some guidance. Consider sending them a friend request and getting the ball rolling! Often initiating contact is the most difficult part for those that have social anxieties, and as a prospective mentor, I think it would mean a lot if you took the initiative to make the first move.

    Please feel free to private message me with any questions or concerns- The intent of this group is really to enable people to make connections, but it only works if you take that first step. Happy mentoring!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    Rather than using a shotgun approach and seeking a mentee, I went over there and made another post saying I'm still available and to please send ME a friend request. I know at least one of the folks on the mentee list has closed his account because he sent me a request well before I signed up to be a mentor. He was pretty active for a week or so, then he closed his account. I have no idea how many others over there have or have already given up. New years thing you know.

    I gave everyone a hurrah for sticking to it and put it on them to initiate contact. My feeling here is that if someone can't be bothered to reply to an offer to be a mentor, they won't be taking much effort to be mentored.

    I'm still curious if anyone has reached out successfully or been contacted by someone seeking a mentor. I know staff has no way to monitor it, so the only way I'll know is if someone says something.


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    Just a reminder: if you are seeking a mentor, ask to friend them first.

    Although you can enter a message in the friend request, your potential mentor will not see it!!!!

    This is because of pornbots. People were receiving friend request with pornographic messages and links, so admins disabled the ability to message anyone who has not yet accepted your friend request.

    You’ll have to wait for your potential mentor to accept your request and then message them.

  • wowisforstuds1238
    wowisforstuds1238 Posts: 77 Member
    I would like to be a mentor! My names is Charles and I have been using the MFP for about 2 years now. I have posted in the community forums *1year testimonials/transformations* if you would like to check that out and find out more about myself. Looking to help mentor and guide anyone interested in starting or keeping up with their fitness journeys. We can all use support and motivation so feel free to add me or message if this is something you would like.
  • MindfulMisfitt
    MindfulMisfitt Posts: 24 Member
    Definitely interested in being a mentor if this program is still active! Female in my late 30s, active, living with chronic illness and trying to balance it all! MFP has been a wonderful addition to my life. Please feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to connecr!
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,862 Member
    I am interested in being a mentor.

    It seems like this program might be worth giving a boost considering some of the changes happening around here.

    I am not a fitness coach. I am not a registered dietitian.
    My particular skill set is disability, and how that impacts exercise, diet, and weight loss.
    I have life experience with being morbidly obese, and losing more than 100 pounds. As well as the frustration of a long plateau. And falling off the weight loss wagon, and then getting back on again.
    I’m also a diabetic, and care for a family member who is an insulin dependent diabetic, so I am very familiar with many of the concerns a newly diagnosed pre-diabetic, or T1 or T2 diabetics often have.

    I would love to help make My Fitness Pal be an even better place for disabled people to see success in their weight loss and exercise journey.

    I started this group a while back. Everyone is welcome to join.