Weigh in Wednesday

Hi all! Did you weigh in?
I am cheering you all on!!!

So this is what happened with me! You know I have been struggling with my shoulder.
I saw the doctor and despite the MRI showing 8 different things going on in my shoulder the doctor wanted to give me a cortisone shot under fluoroscopy and send me back to therapy.
My shoulder pain is really intense...
So I comfort ate... Yeah I gave in and comfort ate. two big pieces of fried chicken and then Paul stopped at Culver's and I went for the chocolate malt, double cheeseburger and cheese curds.... emotional eating... we will talk about that next week.

So I gained a 1 1/2 pound... luckily I am in maintenance phase and can afford that (I never thought I would be able to say that)... But this is dangerous for me. I have to nip this in the bud and nip it now!

So this stops now because I have you all to support me and cheer me on!


  • kbaker540
    kbaker540 Posts: 5 Member
    I did weigh, it looks as though I may have lost 3 lbs. I need to get a new scale as I cannot see the dial on my scale, even with glasses on, lol. So I'm thinking a big digital type would do it, I had one before until it quit working and went back to the old dial scale. I'm trying the intermittent fasting. I try not to eat until 10 a.m. or later, I'm usually not even hungry until then, Then a little snack around 1 p.m., apple or orange, then we eat a very early supper at 4. My husband cannot eat too much later than that. We're seniors, so the early supper works for us as far as digestion is concerned. I was eating a lot of baked goods, cookies, breads etc, plus we're not very active.
    Well I think Heidi, we all do "cheat" days occasionally. It does make us feel better for a short time. The taste of a double cheeseburger and fries sounds very yummy. My husband actually made me a grilled ham and cheese yesterday for supper with tomato soup! 400-500 calories for a sandwich, ugh.
    Anyway, today is a new day. Sorry about your shoulder! I have low back issues, I have 3 compressed discs, so this extra weight is for sure no fun. Just keep going!
  • Sounds like you’re doing great! Keep on keeping on. God bless
  • McleeleeTx
    McleeleeTx Posts: 6 Member
    Heidi hope you are doing well in Israel. My weight is coming off very slow. I’m struggling with snacks I’m retired and the days I’m home I’m constantly in the pantry or the frig. I want to get my mind off the food, 🙏 in Jesus name Amen 💙