Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JANUARY 2023



  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    @Katmary71. Thx so much for advice! No you hadn’t told me that before but it does make so much sense. I’m going to try that for sure.

    Thanks everyone for such a warm welcome back. You guys made yesterday wonderful! I did get my goals accomplished so I’m excited for today. Day one is over and it for me has alway been the hardest. Today I’m going to be busy at work but will for sure be popping in to read posts. I’m also going to try the no zero days. I read the article and it seems like it’s smart thinking. Well better get going. Have a great day everyone!
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    edited January 2023
    @megnolia82 - oh no!! I hope it’s short lived. Great job getting those reps in thoigh!

    @DrewsAnna - so glad you’re back and feeling better, I hate that your year started off crumby but it can only get better now!

    @micaroo4 - ouch! Back pain is the worst. I would have rested a bit today. Also, I hope it goes away and you’re able to get back at it quickly.

    @trooworld - yes fruit can! We actually got a great selection of fresh stuff yesterday so I’m packing me a snack pack today!! I have only kayaked once when I was about 15, it was following being about the only person in a raft that was doing any work so I knew right away I was a huge fan of rowing your own boat 😂😂😂 i was a it nervous because I took my phone with but not so much for myself. I’m so proud of your strength workouts and sorry about the migraine! That was an intense workout! My moms Dr. told us he’s lucky if his heart rate ever goes below 100 😳 that salad looks so so good!

    @Becoming_A_Butterfly - I hope it was a nice trip and a great visit! Looking forward to seeing what you do today! I’m loving your profile pic that sweater is super cute and your purplish words!!! 💜💜💜 hope you have a great day!

    @tammymccrady6278 - nice to meet you. I love this group. It has helped me tremendously. I like your start back goals. I kinda did that, focused on one or two things for a month or so and then added in until I was back to hitting all my daily goals!

    @megnolia82 - how exciting that is something great to look forward and I’m still hoping you feel 100% soon.

    @happysquidmuffin - I wanna do a self defense class!!! I wouldn’t stress that weight at all! You are doing so well!

    @FushiaKat - Thank you!! I’ve hit my goal weight before…3 different times actually lol this time I’ll have to be serious about maintaining because I don’t ever wanna ride this roller coaster again.

    @Katmary71 - it turned out so great!!! I’ve made it a lot the last 3 years, this time all we had was pepperjack cheese and it made it even better!!! I may never go back lol. I’ve gotten in the habit of adding broccoli to mine for sort of a casserole and this time it was a bit soupy in the crockpot so I threw some already chopped broccoli in and it was perfect!!! They really loved the workout. It was a bit stressful for me lol we live on country roads and it was nerve wracking wrangling 3 kids but I told them today we might try at the park with the walking track! You had a busy day. I want to be more involved with my community. Do you deal with people you don’t really get along with?

    @DrewsAnna - sounds like a perfect day!!! I wish I could hike with you! I love your state! I need a new food scale and I always say guesstimate

    @Ftofit - thank you!! I really hope so. My mom has the arm issue, I believe hers is so bad and has been for so long that her only option is surgery.

    @gemwolf110 - great logging. I hope your 100% soon too!

    @lrjogger1 - I hope it was a smooth flight and you have a great visit with the fam! That salmon sounds good, it’s in our menu for the week too, I’ll recommend we air fry it!!

    I did take notes yesterday but before I could set down and finish responding we got word a 3 year old girl in our little town was missing. We did not go join the search party but I got caught up in looking for updates on Facebook.
    Today they have gathered another search party and law inforcement and helicopters are involved. It doesn’t sound good. From what information was gathered two little girls, 5 and 3 years old were taken from an unfit home and the person who was supposed to be taking care of them left them at home alone all weekend so she could go workout some issues with her boyfriend! 🤬🤬🤬 The 5 year old was out in the front yard crying and told the mail person yesterday that she was hungry and that is when police were called and they realized the 3 year old was no where to be found. Our town is swarming with police and investigators and hundreds of volunteers even though the whole town has already been searched. They have the entire block taped off with police tape and it just so happens to be the block behind my brothers house. Such a sad situation and I hate to say it but it sounds too fishy to have a happy ending.

    Here’s my recap of personal activity so far…

    - up at 6:30 for breakfast with the fam
    - Did chair yoga for seniors and beginners with my mom and the girls
    - Spent 6 hours cleaning 1 bathroom at my aunts
    - Picked up groceries
    - Went for a 1.25 mile walk with my daughter
    - Made dinner for the fam

    - Up at 6
    - Breakfast
    - short workout at the gym
    - 1.25 mile walk at the park with my daughter
    - Running errands with my mom and sister
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Hey y'all!

    I need to get out my notepad again, lol... I slept super late, till 11:30 am, I know.... lazy, lazy girl. I tried to stay busy ever since. I'm gonna quit taking those sleep 3 sleeping pills because they just knock me out.

    I cleaned up💩💩💩💩 and, then I leashed up my best buddy to go for a walk, after that, a trip to Costco. It's gonna be awhile before we can walk outside again because the rain is coming back with a vengeance. I got almost 14,000 steps today, that's really good.

    I made some pretty good food choices for the most part. Those darn Christmas cookies are almost gone but still taunting me, lol... I'm so weak. I also drank all my water.

    I still have to finish packing up Christmas stuff. I put it on the back burner because I knew we were only having 2 nice days before the rain returns. I'll probably do some at home walking workouts and start using my resistance band while the weather is bad.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day, I'm hoping for a loss but, I had enough cookies that it may not be there for me this week.

    Y'all have a great evening/day 😃😃
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @Becoming_A_Butterfly That's a great goal. What did you end up doing for your 20 mins of exercise? Yes, it will be uncomfortable but just think how accomplished you will feel after you do it! :D

    @shaunarlr83 That's good fruit can scratch the itch. We should all row our own boat lol...there's a philosophy statement in there somewhere lol. On our honeymoon, we rented a canoe on Lake Tahoe. Thought it would be scenic and enjoyable. We had our two pups with us (lap dogs), we tipped the canoe, I ruined a $600 camera, we got soaked, I haven't been in a canoe since but it's a great story lol. Thank you, it was intense! The salad WAS good! That's terrible about the 3-yr old, I hope they find her and she's safe. OMG I can't believe their story, that's awful. Some people are monsters. Sounds like you've had a couple of really productive, active days, way to go! I'm so proud of how you are living your new life.

    @micaroo4 I'm glad your back is better. Way to go on that exercise!

    @19shmoo69 Good morning, Darren! Thank you, my friend! How has the gym been? Have you been going? Have a wonderful day!

    @DrewsAnna Ooh I would love to sleep that late but my body wakes me up at 4am! Wow, great step count, good job! It's hard to resist stuff like that when it's in the house. Can you toss it? Have a great day!

    Hi all. Last night was the first webinar of a year-long series on Diabetes Prevention. It was just a bunch of laying down the rules and telling how it works. One of the things I have to report each week is how many minutes of moderate to intense exercise I have done. Until recently, I've only done light exercise (regular-paced walking) so I need to step it up. They said we should aim for 150 minutes a week. I'm planning on working out on my 30-minute lunch today.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: Stuck to eating plan and resisted the cafe and vending machine even though I was really hungry in the afternoon, drank 60 oz of water, tracked everything.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day- Thursday
    PW: 136.2
    CW: 135.5
    My neighbor came back Monday and my intense dog walks stopped abruptly, or at least the need for them😁. My own dog gets 3 walks a day, and I’m doing the evening one. Monday night after we finished the regular loop I was still pretty antsy, so I went for 2 more. Yay for energetic dogs (borrowed or not). I’m not meeting the high steps of last week (20k/day) but I’m walking way more than my regular lazy-ish self.

    Shauna- hope the little girl is found unharmed 🙏.
    You made me laugh with your question if we ever deal with people we don’t like. Bar goes anywhere from “worthy of being on a magazine cover” to “so happy you can’t read minds”.
    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member

    @micaroo4 - Fantastic workout day!

    @megnolia82 - so so sorry for the rough day

    @19shmoo69 - thank you so much for praying for us!

    @DrewsAnna - great steps!!! That’s a lot of being up and moving! Hope the rain doesn’t get you down too much! I said we put away Christmas stuff but we still haven’t found something suitable to store our gingerbread houses and they are getting in my nerves lol. Gotta get them outta here soon.

    @trooworld - my husbands (almost ex) family always said their grandma had a saying…..”Love many, Trust few, and learn to paddle your own canoe!” 😂 oh my gosh I would have cried over that camera. Canoes are horrible, kayaks are much less likely to turn over. Upping my exercise really helped me, even when I wasn’t eating great!

    @GabiV125 - I was curious if you tolerate and work along side or steer clear 😂😂😂 my person is involved in everything around town and also related to half the town 😒 Glad your regular walking has stayed strong even if it’s not super powered!!!

    My sister in law asked me to go with her to join the search parties when she got off work yesterday and we tried but sadly they ceased all grid searching because everything has been covered multiple times and it has now moved into a criminal investigation.

    I ended up catching up on our Facebook daily challenge, broke it into two workouts yesterday, the morning using two 10lb dumbbells and the evening was body weight only. We had a good healthy dinner and I kept the kitchen clean while mom kept laundry going. Ended up staying up late talking to my little brother about health, tattoos, and life. Got to see my son before bed after 1:30am and was back up prepping breakfast at 6!!! Fixed my nieces hair before they caught the bus, hit the gym with my girl, got in a great 45 minute upper body workout and then she wanted to walk but it’s really windy and 38° so we only managed one quick lap.

    About to help my mom do some work on her spare truck and then I might relax until the afternoon.
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    Hello all. I had a great day yesterday and managed to not snack get my water in and my steps…yippee! I recognized that really wanted to munch on cheesies in the afternoon not because I was hungry but because of a bad habit I had made over the last few months. I worked through it by coming here and reading posts. Today has been good so far and I feel good in my head if that makes sense. I’m at work so gotta run but will be back on later.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 318 Member
    Hi all!

    I have a ton to catch up on. Howdy to all those returning and congrats on all the loses I’m seeing. Wohoo 🎉

    I have either been sickly, exhausted or busy with kids and their projects/exams.

    No Zero days

    -I’ve closed my activity rings daily
    (Including my steps)
    -logged every meal
    -made time for myself, had to I was in bed a lot.
    -got my fluids in
    -doing at least one organizational task a day

    Went to TexasRoadhouse today and avoided the evil rolls, had a house salad with dressing on the side, unsweetened tea and half of a 6oz steak. I managed to stay on plan while enjoying lunch out.

    I need to get a notepad and reread everyones messages to catch up.

  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    Hey Slim-erinos!
    Still feeling craperiffic today but I did my 12 reps. I did regular pushups today. In spite of everything else, my strength is improving every day.

    I’m not sure what the scale will say this week after a week of Gatorade, nothing but carbs and sleeping 20 hours a day lol.

    Anyway I’m in a little bit better spirits than yesterday. That’s a good thing.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I was planning on having zoodles for supper, but for some reason when I spied a container of tofu, I could not get tofu scramble out of my head. Another instance of it being handy when you have things already prepped. Colorful sweet bell peppers were already diced in the freezer, can of mushrooms in the cupboard, garlic pre-minced in the fridge. Onions diced from the freezer. All I had to do was slice up my avocado while the tofu was pressing. It all came together in about 20 minutes. Enjoying it with some Serrano hot sauce :-)
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    @megnolia82 Hang in there! Hope you feel better soon!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @DrewsAnna Glad you, your hubby, and your best buddy had a good hike! I shouldn't even tell you about this because I'm hooked on them now but have you checked out the “things to buy at Costco right now” videos on YouTube? I started with Trader Joe's and now I watch for Costco too, I have huge wishlists on my phone! Our rain is back tomorrow too, I've been sick for the two dry days which stinks. Great steps!

    @FtoFit Are you doing tricep work for your arms at all? I'll always have some flab there because I was so overweight but tricep dips and diamond pushups are known to help. I can't do the latter anymore but do tricep work for my arms with weights and dips.

    @gemwolf110 I hope you're 100% soon!

    @lrjogger1 Have a wonderful time with your family! Smart to bring snacks and plan on hitting the store for sure, that should help a lot with staying on track. I haven't tried frozen green beans just fresh, the fresh ones come out well for sure! I tried frozen brussel sprouts in the air fryer and they were a mushy mess, may be the frozen softer veggies don't do well in the air fryer but it's the only one I've tried. Safe travels!

    @trooworld I'm so glad the migraine stopped! That salad sounds and looks delicious, it would be funny to send you a picture of my recipe list on my laptop and see how many I saved are from you! Are you taking a diabetes class or is it an online webinar? I'm guessing if you're reporting it's a class your taking. Good luck with it!

    @tammymccrady6278 Crushed day 1, woot woot! I agree Day one is always the worst for me too but now you have one behind you so each day will get easier (and you won't want to break your streak). I'm so glad you came on here instead of munching, you're breaking the munchy habit! It's tough when you're used to doing that to break it but you're doing awesome.

    @shaunarlr83 I hope the kids do great at the track, that should be easier as far as wrangling goes! I like everyone I've volunteered with so far though I've butted heads with the president of the charity when she demanded we do something but we've gotten by it. I've also gotten better at saying no to things I'm not comfortable with doing and that's helped. There are some quirky people, I'm sure I avoid issues because I don't like being in front of cameras or being the center of attention so I DEFINITELY am not stealing the limelight from anyone and tend to be with the “behind the scenes” people. One thing I've run into that I struggle with that's totally on me is I hate saying I can't do something and seem to always get things that are hard for me to do like passing boxes from one person to the next on a staircase when I just started a medication that makes me super dizzy and with my nerve damage but I just did it while the few people who knew what was wrong with me kept checking on me. OMG praying for the two children, that's horrible! Let us know what happens there. It sounds like you did great today, I was just thinking of how much your posts have changed in just a few months, you're super busy but you sound a lot happier and you're surrounded by family who seem to need you just as much as you needed them.

    @micaroo4 I'm so glad your back is doing better! Great workout!

    @megnolia82 I hope you hear from the doctor soon, that's frustrating. I'm impressed how well you're doing with your daily exercises despite feeling bad, I know that's hard to do. I'm glad you're in better spirits! There's a low calorie/sugar Gatorade, I think it's called Gatorade Zero? My parents (and I) are diabetic and they keep it around for when they're sick. So glad you're in better spirits!

    @19shmoo69 Good morning and thank you, and you've been prayed for too!

    @GabiV125 That's great you're walking more, could your dog handle longer walks?

    @AmbersWay I hope you feel better! You did great at Texas Roadhouse, wow! Don't ask me what I got the one time I went, I'll have to channel you next time. One thing a few members of this group do is you can open a word document while reading the posts. I snap one window with the posts and one with the document then respond on the word document and cut and paste it when I'm done. It's real easy to lose everything if you click a link (I'm too curious to not click them so if you go through about a year ago I'm always mad I've lost everything!) plus my laptop is great at deleting things so this tip works real well.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 She made it back, yay! How did the flight go? Wow your son gets serious bonus points for the food situation! You did amazing on your trip, I need to take you when I go on vacation! And you lost too, that's awesome Jenn!

    Hi team, that was a lot of catching up! I never know if I should do the day I missed or not but I woke up sick yesterday (or allergies were real bad) and my head hurt so I stayed in bed and slept all day. I'm feeling better today but canceled dinner with my neighbor as I don't want to get her sick if it's an actual cold. My neighbor brought me ham and beans which is what we were going to have. My friend I've been hanging out with from the charity asked me to go to a fun concert, it's guys from Days of Our Lives who formed a band and I watched that soap for almost 4 decades so it should be a blast, it's not until next month. I did my full workout this morning and ate great today. Yesterday I had popcorn for dinner which I'm sure was higher than I guessed but I'm feeling “fluffy” and need to get back to it. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!

    No Zeros
    Ate under calories
    Did full workout
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    Hi everyone, I wanted to add a couple things that may be helpful if you're newer to the group:

    1. I just put this in a response but thought it was a good one with our new members- I don't remember who started it but many in the group will use a word document to reply to others in group. I snap the word document on one half of my screen then have a window with the group in the other and go back and forth while I catch up on group then copy and paste the entire thing when I'm done. I used to always click links others would post and lose things and this is way easier!

    2. If you want to private message another member you need to add them as a friend first or they won't receive your message.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 318 Member
    Thanks for the tip @Katmary71, I need to open fitness pal on the laptop, instead of my phone, it would be easier. I guess I could do the same screens on my phone but I’m likely to swipe one closed 😂

    Meg, you’re doing great! I do hope you get some answers from your doctor.

    Vegan4lyfe, that was quite the trip! I send hugs for your pregnant daughter who’s moving, that’s rough. Way to go with staying on your plan during all that.

    Tammy, good job on breaking the snack habit. I have the same issue and still working on fighting that beast. Reading group posts is a great idea, always encouraging.

    KatMary, I hope you are feeling better. I had popcorn for dinner too when I was feeling well and a cheese stick. It was a sad day food wise. I was reading your comment on volunteering, don’t over do it physically and put yourself in harms way, you need to take care of yourself. I love reading your volunteer updates. The concert sounds like fun.

  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Weigh in: Thursday
    PW: 157.4
    CW: 156.6

    @shaunarlr83 Girl, you stay so busy. Lol, I get wore out just reading your posts. You do seem to be doing a lot better. I agree with @Katmary71 , you seem to need your family as much as they need you.

    @AmbersWay yes, you definitely need a notepad. Lol, at first I would scroll and read on my phone while posting on my laptop.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 WOW!!! Such a busy week, you definitely deserved that "screw it" night. Lol, I would have taken a couple of "screw it" nights.

    @megnolia82 hope you feel better soon.

    @Katmary71 I will definitely be checking out "things to buy at Costco" on youtube. Thank you 🙂

    Hey y'all,

    I had another pretty good day. I did a 30 min "Walk at Home" walking workout and used my resistance bands. I really like resistance bands are my "weight lifting". Lol, I can already feel that I'm going to be sore tomorrow. You know what they say "sore today, strong tomorrow".

    I did really good with my food choices until after dinner. I had 2 cookies and 1 chocolate covered cherry (🤤) which was ok, except that a little later my hubby broke out the "Cheez its" Gah, How do you deny the CHEEZ ITS? Annnnd, that is the end of that story 😅😅 I drank all my water and will make sure to do that again tomorrow.

    Almost all of Christmas is packed away except for the village. I'll get to the village tomorrow and a thorough dusting and vacuuming.

    Y'all have a great evening/day.
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all
    Username davidji82
    Weigh in day Friday
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 174.6
    CW: 173.9


    I gotta admit- I thought that once all the Christmas crap was out of the house, I'd drop a bit faster, but I'm still trying to get my act all the way back together. Been a busy week,but read ALL the posts woot woot! Will try to do a longer post over the weekend.

  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 310 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 237
    CW: 238
  • anya7f
    anya7f Posts: 160 Member
    Username: ftofit
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 164.4
    CW: 164.1

    Only 0.3lb loss.at least i m going in the right direction.Currently i m working on time management and getting success in that area.Last year i struggled with time management.Either i get time to exercise or get time to relax.This year i m focusing about other areas of my life before thinking about weight loss.Improving time management is almost done now i will focus on mental health so that i do not do emotional eating.
    I got cold yesterday and my head is hurting so much.i walked a little today.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 227.0
    CW: 226.8

    LTD: 21.2
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @GabiV125 Congrats on the loss! Dogs are the best. That's great you are walking more.

    @shaunarlr83 That's great saying! All we could do was laugh, even about the camera! It was many years before I replaced it. That's great to hear about upping exercise. Oh that is so sad about the little girl, I truly hope they find her unharmed. Sounds like another busy day for you.

    @tammymccrady6278 Congrats on a great day! Have a great day today!

    @AmbersWay Great job even though you've been exhausted/sick/busy, you still made time for you and things for your health! And great job at the steak house!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Wow that sounds busy! That's awesome that you made good food choices AND logged it all! Congrats on that loss!

    @megnolia82 I'm glad you are feeling a little bit better. (((SKINNY VIBES))) for your weigh-in!

    @Katmary71 LOL! I'm glad you like my recipes! The diabetes class is online only, so I can be in my jammies when I attend lol. Thank you! I'm glad you are feeling better. Have a wonderful Friday!

    @DrewsAnna I love Leslie Sansone videos! Great job! Indeed, how do you deny Cheez Its??? :D

    @davidji82 Congrats on the loss!

    @Cornanda Congrats on the loss! Look forward to hearing more about how things are going.

    Hi all. I basically maintained this week, which is okay we all need weeks like that. Hopefully, next week, I'll have a nice loss. I'm pretty happy that I did work out on my 30-minute lunch yesterday, I did a recovery workout which is still lifting weights but a lighter amount so it's a little less intense. I'm off at 11:45am today and am looking forward to it. Rain is heading our way and I will enjoy the rainy day.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: Stuck to eating plan, lifted weights on lunch, tracked everything.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    @shaunarlr83 – Praying for the missing little girl. Definitely sounds like a fishy story.
    @DrewsAnna – I’m smacking my head. I should’ve had a V8! I have all the different color resistant bands from PT from my last 3 surgeries just taking up space. Totally going to use them for strengthening at home :) Sometimes it’s the most obvious things that I need to be told! As far as the Cheez-Its, I’m sure your husband ate more than you. As long as you didn’t eat an entire box on your own. And I did end up with a second day of “screw it”…after making dinner, I relaxed on the couch with a movie and it was all over from there!
    @Ftofit – Mental health is so important. It’s awesome that you realize it and are focusing on it!

    Last night I ended up with another “screw it” vibe and did not get 30 minutes of activity. I think part of the reason is that I had just spent over an hour at the physical therapist and I have a hard time trying to physically do anything after that. Also, my default is to go outside and walk, but when it’s already dark and below freezing, it’s hard to muster the motivation.

    TEA update – I’ve been brewing a cup of Celestial Seasonings Apple Cinnamon tea and using that instead of plain water for my oatmeal…yum! No need to add sweetner, either!

    No Zero Days logging:
    1. Cook bean/grain: <3
    2. Weigh all food: <3
    3. Log all food: <3
    4. 30 minutes activity: :'(
    5. Restaurants 2x: <3
    6. Stop eating when pleasantly full: <3
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    Good morning!

    Well, got my doctor’s call. I have C. difficile. It’s such a relief because at least that means it’s treatable. Thank goodness. Hope to have a prescription in hand within the hour, I’ll send my hubby to pick it up.

    Ugh. Phew.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    @megnolia82 - You have a diagnosis! Now you can get treatment! There is a light at the end of the tunnel - you can get your health back! Good luck with today's 13 reps.

This discussion has been closed.