WeightNoMore Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,956 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm oh my goodness, I love that you're going to break the rules for the party and that you're actually going 'in spite' of her bridezilla demands (her rules would be a friendship breaker for me). I'm in full support of your determination to get in shape and will cheer you on. You're seeing the results of your hard work and I'm sure you're feeling good about your health improvements. Keep going and you'll continue to see and feel the benefits.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,956 Member
    @cyndiesstuff my realistic goals are 6,000 steps (aim for 8,300 and push for more); drink 1+ litres of water: get some walking and movement exercises; and stay in a calorie deficit of 3,500+ per week (aim for 500+ daily but accept overs if my weekly average is on track).

    Last night, I picked up a packet of dates and a packet of walnuts to snack on while watching a movie. I decided to log my dinner in MFP first and noticed that I was just over my daily calories goal. So, I put them back in the kitchen and walked on the spot, plus some stretch, flex and tone exercises, and drank hot water while watching the film. I pep talked myself into making that choice in the hope that my Saturday weigh-in wouldn't be worse (I went back over 80kg during the week).

    🥤 Cheers to us 💖
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,956 Member
    edited February 2023
    I hope you feel better soon 💕🪷💞
    @abp1025 @Stimpy56 @MotylekOkruchy
    ...and hugs to all the team 🤗

    Enjoy your travels ☀️ @GinLee61

    @cyndiesstuff I haven't used potassium supplements, so can't advise you on that. I hope everything works out for your granddaughter xox
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    I had a good day yesterday. I did eat 100 calories over my maintenance but one of my process goals is desert only if it is special. And It was. SO I ate it and that is that. @BodyTalking I have the same process. I aim for 1350 a day but as long as my weekly average is 1350 it allows for the special desert, like last nite and doesn't make me feel like I have blown it. Special treats are ok in moderation. That is how I want to live my life.

    Lets have a great day Team Weight No More.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,333 Member
    February Week Two - Friday Weigh-In

    Previous Weight: 174.4 lbs
    Current Weight: 174.4 lbs
    Loss to Date: 59.6 lbs

    I gotta be honest, I haven't actually posted an update in here in weeks. And it's partially because I haven't lost anything in the past year, and I was (am) letting it get to my head. This isn't to say I haven't been working hard, this isn't to say I haven't been trying. It's more that I've been focused on other goals, and life has gotten in the way.

    There have been obvious changes to my body composition. I am lifting heavier than ever, my endurance has greatly increased, I fit better into my clothes, my medical scans have shown positive improvement... I can guarantee I have replaced some of my body fat with muscle. I am just not seeing it on the scale.

    I am also not sure if I have mentioned it, but one of my childhood friends is getting married in September. Her bachelorette party is in June, and she decided not to have a bridal party (to avoid drama, I get it), so she planned the bachelorette party herself and invited a little more than a dozen of us.

    A couple weeks ago, she sent out a group text to the entire group of ladies, explaining the kind of pictures she wants to take and suggested that all of us, over the next couple months, make sure we have the right clothing to get the pictures she wants. Everything was pretty straight forward, I liked the idea she was going for. I did not, however, like that she started a smaller chat that started "To My Curvier Friends -" and then proceeded to tell about six of us that we were not allowed to wear certain items (e.g. strapless dresses, dresses shorter than a certain length), have heels over a certain height, particular colors, etc. Two of the women in that chat have recently had children and are self conscious about their bodies.

    So, I've decided to break all of the rules she set specifically for her "curvy" friends, while also getting as in shape as possible before the party. I'm calling it my "spite body".

    Wow. Just wow. What a cheeky kitten! I keep hearing and reading about women who thing their wedding is a good opportunity to body shame their friends. That's nuts. My MOH is a big girl. All my bridesmaids dresses were strapless. It was a nice dress and they are people I love. Someone else's weight does not and cannot "mess up" your pictures. My sister, who was mad at my photographer, crossed her eyes in every picture she was in. That pissed me off after the fact. The other sister brought her kid in shorts and a very loud t-shirt, which, looked pretty weird in the photos he was in... I had asked that he be my ring bearer and she refused, so I didn't have one. One of my guests brought her brother (who I'd never met) and he looked rather like a hobo (think: scrawny white man in desperate need of a bath) in a reggee hat. Which was weirder than my nephew, especially since neither my husband nor I had any idea who he was. But no one's size was even relevant or what the non-bridal party members wore. There were people involved in my wedding that thought I was being a control freak; and I am a bit, so...but I don't get THAT. That takes some nerve! I might be tempted to say something like, Look Karen Carpenter, I might not be as thin as you but I'm healthier! I know, she (and you) might not know who Karen was...(she is dead, btw, and of complications of anorexia).
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,956 Member
    BodyTalking Weigh-in-Saturday
    Starting weight: 81.7 kg/180.12 lb
    Previous weight: 79.9 kg/176.15 lb
    Current weight: 80.1 kg/176.59 lb
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,298 Member
    edited February 2023
    ~ Weigh Days ~

    Hey folks! I am currently missing updates from the following people:

    Late -

    Today -

    If you need to be excused, please LET US KNOW. Remember that missing two weeks in a row will result on you being dropped from the team at the end of the month.

    Currently on the Drop List:

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,155 Member
    The new Week 3 Group Challenge has been posted and will begin on Sunday, February 12th. Please join us as we Design Our Own Workouts.

    Here's your link:


    Hope to see you there!
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,956 Member
    Steps 05-11 Feb: 67,260
    S 11948
    M 8382
    T 8348
    W 9588
    T 14592
    F 9010
    S 5392
    (daily goal 8,300)
  • cedarfoxy
    cedarfoxy Posts: 72 Member
    Total 64,446
    U 2/5: 11926
    M 2/6: 17296
    T 2/7: 17186
    W 2/8: 7599
    R 2/9: 2367
    F 2/10: 4548
    S 2/11: 3524

    Injured my foot on Wednesday - taking it easy, but also going to "step" it up starting Monday. :)
  • OllieAndEd2021
    OllieAndEd2021 Posts: 151 Member
    Weigh in day Saturday
    CW 167
  • GinLee61
    GinLee61 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Steps 2/5 - 2/11

    Sun 11,015
    Mon 11,678
    Tue 11,469
    Wed 13,292
    Thur 9,703
    Fri 7,917
    Sat 13,002

    The weather on the Florida gulf coast has been great for exercising outdoors this week. This morning is the first time it's rained since I arrived last Sunday but it's supposed to clear up later so my BIL and I are planning to walk Siesta Key Beach. 4 more days here before I return to winter. Planning to make the most of the outdoors while I can!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    I did the things yesterday. Stayed in my calorie goal, got my steps, drank my water!! I told myself I would and I did. Look at me following thru with the promise I made myself. The pain is high today. I cleaned my bathroom yesterday and now from the scrubbing my joints hurt but ohhh is the bathroom clean. Got to go. the battery is going to dye on my lap top. Have a great Sunday Team weight no more.

    What will you do today to further yourself to your goal?
  • tadoore
    tadoore Posts: 17 Member
    Sunday 2/12/23

    CW - 178.5
    PW - 179
    SW - 182

    I am finding that being older (68) the weight just does not want to come off! Not that long ago, 5lbs the first week was the norm! Not anymore! LOL
    I'm changing up my calories because I feel I may not be eating enough, I walk through the woods
    6 out of 7 days but I think it's time to add in some hand weight exercises. Also, I'm going to be even more precise on weighing and measuring my food.
This discussion has been closed.