Weight No More Team Chat - MARCH 2023



  • GinLee61
    GinLee61 Posts: 1,201 Member
    @Emm_165 WTG logging all your food, even while travelling!
  • fitfreakgow80
    fitfreakgow80 Posts: 9 Member
    Done with 1 hr brisk walk 7000 steps .and household work 1hr 45 min as my house help is on leave sweep and mob 3 floors .
    Diet no sugar less carb
  • OllieAndEd2021
    OllieAndEd2021 Posts: 149 Member
    OllieAndEd2021 Steps:

    Sunday - 14,390
    Monday - 17,431
    Tuesday - 14,142
    Wednesday - 5962
    Thursday - 10,069
    Friday - 6954
    Saturday - 12,890

    Total - 81,838
  • GinLee61
    GinLee61 Posts: 1,201 Member
    Due to an injury I have reverted back to doing seated exercise videos instead of my usual aerobics. I did them when I was first starting out 14 months ago and forgot how many calories I can burn this way! Especially when using weights.

    I think even once I'm able to get back on my feet I will continue doing them some days in combination with the aerobic dance that I like to do.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Hi Team Weight No More. My name is Cyndie aka cyndiesstuff.

    A little about me:

    I live in Michigan, have my whole life. I am married and have two adult children, both boys. My husband has two adult children, a boy and a girl. My husband and I have 4 grandchildren. A boy who is 17, a girl who is 9, a girl who is 3 and a boy who is 1. I am 55 years old and I currently weigh 166.3 lbs and am only 5" 1' tall. I have chronic pain, work a full time job as an office administrator, and am in menopause. I have a history of binge eating and I work on my mind set every day.

    My daily goals are:

    eat 1350 calories, take 7000 steps and drink 64 ounces of water.

    My march goals are:

    to lose 2 pounds, and to start incorporating some type of exercise besides the half hour walk I take every day. Maybe yoga or water aerobics if I can find a class that fits my schedule.

    So March is my birthday month. I will be going to Florida to visit my youngest son and my oldest granddaughter. They live in Fort Lauderdale, but I have planned the vacation at Fort Myers. I am super excited to see them. Sophia, my granddaughter, is Grandma's girl. She has had a rough go of it. I have hired an attorney and we are working on bringing her to Michigan. Long story.

    So here is to March! Let's make a commitment to the team that we will do one thing every day to further ourselves to our goals and then come her to share our trials and triumphs.

  • fitfreakgow80
    fitfreakgow80 Posts: 9 Member
    done with 60 min circuit training
    diet no sugar and junk
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,291 Member
    I am trying incredibly hard to not be tough on myself today.

    Last night, I had a couple bouts of dizziness. Totally normal, just means I need to be mindful of my hydration and electrolytes. I thought I could sleep it off.

    This morning, I woke up and immediately felt dizzy. The original plan for the morning was to do some cardio in the gym before getting ready for work, but there was no way that would have been a smart move for me, so I went back to sleep for an hour, hoping I would feel okay enough to go to work. And despite having what felt like the beginning of a migraine, I pulled myself together and drove to work.

    My boss brought in donuts, I ate one. Very quickly.

    So, between not going to the gym, and consuming a large, very sugary, donut, I'm kicking myself. Nevermind I'm not feeling great, and nevermind I can start making healthier decisions with my next decision, I've internalized that today is not going to go my way - which essentially means I'll eat my very delicious feelings if I lose focus.

    If my headache gets more prevalent, or if I develop any more serious symptoms, I'm going to go home early. Either way, I'm bringing my laptop home, just in case.

    I'm going to try my best today, but I make no promises.
  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 99 Member

    Weigh in day: Wednesday

    PW: 250.8
    CW: 250.4
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,291 Member
    edited March 2023
    ~ Weigh Days ~

    We have a bunch of new faces in the party this month, so I wanted to make sure I posted a reminder to get all of us off to a good start. Please note that, even if you just joined the challenge this month, you are still expected to provide an update on your weigh day. If your name is not on this list, I already have your weigh-in added to the spreadsheet.







    If you cannot weigh in this week:
    • Request to be excused
    • Request to be moved to the support team (this is a temporary team where you can stick with us until you're ready to rejoin the weight loss team)
    • Do not request to be excused, and take a NWI (non-weigh-in) | Two NWIs in a row will result in you being moved to the drop list and removed from the team at the end of the month

    Please please please let us know if you need to change your weigh day to another day of the week, or if there's something else we can do to help you be successful here. We are a team, and we are here to support each other!
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,962 Member
  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 99 Member
    Didn't sleep well last night, and ended up waking up late. Skipped my yoga work out this morning, but I did take the dog on a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood this afternoon to make up for it. 🐕🚶‍♀️
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited March 2023
    done with 60 min circuit training
    diet no sugar and junk

    That is perfect. Awesome day.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited March 2023
    kelliward1 wrote: »
    Didn't sleep well last night, and ended up waking up late. Skipped my yoga work out this morning, but I did take the dog on a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood this afternoon to make up for it. 🐕🚶‍♀️

    Great way to fit in exercise 💪👍
  • crhillis
    crhillis Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! Can you add me to this month’s challenge? I was really sick for a couple weeks last month so couldn’t actively participate, but hoping to be back on the ball in March!

    Starting weight (Jan 1, 2023): 151.6
    CW: 144.4

    Weigh in day: Thursday
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I had a really good day yesterday. I felt productive and determined. I am going to memorize that feeling so I can use it later when I am down. I downloaded the fiton app and I did my first stretching for 20 minutes. I am going to take it really slow. I am really stiff partly because I haven't done it in so long because of the pain and partly because of the pain. That's why I stopped doing exercises besides walking. But I am going to give it a shot. Every day I do something to further me to my goal.

    My one thing today was to start exercising. Done

    What is yours?
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