Returning member

megd44 Posts: 115 Member
Hello. 54 year old from Michigan. Joined MFP ages ago, did well losing and keeping weight off. Even lost more and was in the best shape if my life about 2 years ago. Then, switched jobs in May, became a bit less active, had a food filled holiday season and quit smoking after 37 years eight weeks ago. My clothes and the scale said get back to this NOW.

Not looking to lose a lot of weight but want to make sure I get back to a (for me) comfortable spot, get back into eating healthier as a lifestyle and moving more. Trying to look at this as for overall health and not because of our diet culture and pressure to always look young and healthy.

Joined this group because I really believe that our bodies do change significantly as we age/through menopause and hoping for support from those in same stage. It isn't possible for me to be as physically active as I was when I started this journey, thanks knees, and 1200 cals daily does not work for me.

Good luck to all on this journey!!


  • tj3084
    tj3084 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Megd44! You quit smoking - Fabulous! I smoked for 23 years before finally quitting in the early 2000s. Best decision ever! I agree with you about menopause. The struggle is real! And knees are a topic here for sure. Desertbloom and I have been talking knees. I am hoping that losing the weight will help with my knee issues. I can’t really tell how much stems from osteoarthritis and how much the weight contributes. I always used to admire other women’s hair or clothes, nowadays I’m more likely to envy how easily and gracefully younger women move 😋
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 115 Member
    I agree on the grace and movement!! My knees make it tough to do somethings so it is all about finding what I can do. Unfortunately, my faves are all summer month movements- SUP, swimming, hiking. I love to cross country ski and snow shoe, but our snow has been weird this year, so not much if that. Trying to oay attention to movement in general and what I xan do indoors. Good luck to you tf3084 too!
  • tj3084
    tj3084 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, Megd, I was just curious how much weight you lost the first time on here, how many cals a day you ate, and how long it took you? I’m averaging 1300-1400 although it’s set to 1560. since mid-February I’ve lost 7.4 lbs. I’m happy with that but when I go back to work I’ll definitely need more food. My job requires massive amounts of energy which sadly we all tend to get from caffeine, sugar and carbs. We can log a huge amount of steps in a 12-hr shift so we oughta all be skinny Minnies but instead chubs abound! I was hoping to lose a significant amount by July. You said 1200 didn’t work for you; can I ask what you’re eating this time around and how it’s going? I think I’d rather lose it slowly (and consistently) than not at all if those are my choices. And i’m with you in trying to figure out what exercise will work for my body, and I would add, my busy schedule. Man, gaining weight is as easy as blinking but losing it is like pulling teeth! Hope it’s going well for you.
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi tj3084. Your question made me go back and look an it was ironic. I was on MFP six years ago at the same starting weight as this time. So, kept it off until I quit smoking is a good sign I suppose. Anyhow, I lost 10 lbs in what looks like about 4 months. Good job on your loss since mid-February!!

    I have my cals set at 1600. My Garmin has my seven day average at almost 2k. Since I know those can be high, went conservative. My goal is to lose .5lbs/week and lose 10 to 13 pounds. Hopefully by swimsuit season. So June ish here in northwestern Michigan. This calorie limit feels good to me right now, I don't feel super deprived or get hungry. So, I will keep this and depending what happens in a month, may reevaluate.

    I also have a job that can have crazy hours. So I focus on getting steps in daily, strength training 2 times a week, will move to 3 in about 4 weeks and diet. With my diet my focus is protein first then veggies and fruits. I do a lot of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese,yay protein and calcium, fish and seafood, venison and chicken. Also lots of beans. Lunches tend to be salads with tons of veggies and a protein. I have also made a major effort to bring my lunch on the days I go to the office. When I WFH I sit down with a real plate and eat. Makes a big difference fir me.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • tj3084
    tj3084 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Megd44: I think the fact that you kept the weight off until you quit cigs is a great sign. By the time you get your weight back where you want it you’ll have adjusted to life w/out cancer sticks and you know already that you can keep it off. You quit a physically addictive substance and there was bound to be fallout from that. Given that I work on an Oncology ward, I’d say it’s entirely worth it. Man i despise cottage cheese but I truly miss Greek yogurt!!! I realized along the way that my digestive issues are far better if I’m gluten and dairy light. You sound like you have a really balanced approach to things; I’m still working on that. Take care.
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 115 Member
    Thank you tj3084. Just had this conversation with my husband. I may weigh more than anytime we have been together, but the reality is I also feel better after quitting. So, if I have to be a little heavier, I will take it. Though I am going to fight like he'll to get the weight back down. And that is pure vanity and US diet/fashion culture. At 54 I finally recognize and own it. And I think that is what is helping me this time with both quitting and food choices. It is my choice and needs to be a way I can live forever.