Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #1: INFORMATION and YOUR INPUT! ℹ️🔠

hicim705 Posts: 5,303 Member
edited March 2023 in Social Groups
On behalf of the overall leadership team as well as the leaders of our eight individual challenge teams, 👋WELCOME👋 TO THE 💐2023 SPRING 5% CHALLENGE💐!! We hope that you take some time to read about and take part in the pre-Challenge activities as they are designed to help you get prepared for success.

For the several hundred of us that join the Seasonal 5% Challenges from season to season, we come here because we are looking for friendships, support, structure, continuity. Most of our 5% Challengers have followed us from SparkPeople after they closed their site in the summer of 2021, but with our visibility, we’ve managed to pick up a few new Challengers from the MFP site. No matter how you found us, we are so happy that you did!!

In doing some research to write these activities, an older article was found on the internet that discussed Team Challenges and our own 5% Seasonal 5% Challenge was highlighted. Our own @kaliswalker (Lynn), one of the original founders of the 5% Challenge, was interviewed ~ here is the link to the article. It discusses the importance of teams, but our own 5% Challenge was in the spotlight in this article that was written in 2016:

When SparkPeople closed, we, the current Overall Leadership Team, realized that without SparkPeople and its team spirit, we (and hundreds of our 5% Challenge friends) would be lost and struggling. We sprang into action and searched for an alternate site where we could continue our journey; our story. Although many sites were considered, MyFitnessPal was ultimately chosen as our 'new home' with the start of the 2021 Fall 5% Challenge.
Bringing the 5% Challenge to MFP was a true labor of love, and with full disclosure was not smooth sailing as we had hoped, but the Overall Challenge Leader Team put their heads down and worked hard to continue. At this point, our Challenges are enjoyable and are doing what they were intended to do ~ to provide a space where you could practice healthy habits and where you could chat with other, like-minded MFP members and where you could chat with and meet a new friend or two!

🗬🤔 Now that you have been provided with a bit of a background of the 5% Challenge, please think about what you need and how you are going to be approaching the Spring 5% Challenge. Will you continue to practice healthy habits that you have already learned and are working for you? Are you looking to begin something entirely new? Are you still trying to identify where you are right now and what you would like to get out of the next 8 weeks? There are no right or wrong answers here as everyone’s healthy lifestyle goals/journey are unique - like we all are. 🤔🗭

📓Your assignment: Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #1: INFORMATION and YOUR INPUT!

😊Your FIRST Countdown Activity for this Challenge will be for YOU to decide where YOU would like to go on YOUR Seasonal 5% Journey. Everyone's reason for joining this Challenge is different. We would like you to dig down deep to share what your motivation is for coming here. We would like you to share what brings you here, and even more importantly - what keeps you coming back! Perhaps there are things that you would like to get out of your personal 5% Journey that we haven't discussed and/or researched. Why don't you write down some of YOUR ideas ~ we might even be able to incorporate some of those things in this or future Challenges!😊

✍️Feel free to add your comments to this thread outlining your exercise plan for a successful 2023 Spring 5% Challenge (if you blog, you may add the link to your blog here or you may simply wish to copy/paste your writing here - or do both!), but please consider sharing!!

PLEASE NOTE: The Seasonal 5% Challenge Teams are very active. You will be expected to participate to the best of your ability.

ALL challenge weeks run from Saturday through Friday - you will be expected to record your exercise and Living the Good Life points based on weekly Challenge Themes. You are expected to record these points daily or at least as often as you can during the week but no later than 11:59 pm each Friday (your local time). In addition, you are expected to weigh in one time per week by 11:59 pm every Saturday (your local time). Your individual team leaders and/or team mates will help to answer any and all questions about where to record your points.

🔮Our individual Spring 5% Challenge Teams are currently being set up.

✉️You will be invited to your individual team soon, in enough time to get to know your team leaders and team mates. Until then, get to know some of the Challengers that will be participating right along with you.

📢Announcements will be made when invitations to your individual teams are sent. Please visit this team, the 2023 SPRING 5% COMMUNITY TEAM often as this will be the best source for up-to-date information.

Heidi (hicim705)
Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges (hosted on MFP)


  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,303 Member
    edited March 2023
    😊Your FIRST Countdown Activity for this Challenge will be for YOU to decide where YOU would like to go on YOUR Seasonal 5% Journey. Everyone's reason for joining this Challenge is different. We would like you to dig down deep to share what your motivation is for coming here. We would like you to share what brings you here, and even more importantly - what keeps you coming back! Perhaps there are things that you would like to get out of your personal 5% Journey that we haven't discussed and/or researched. Why don't you write down some of YOUR ideas ~ we might even be able to incorporate some of those things in this or future Challenges!😊

    ✍️Feel free to add your comments to this thread outlining your exercise plan for a successful 2023 Spring 5% Challenge (if you blog, you may add the link to your blog here or you may simply wish to copy/paste your writing here - or do both!), but please consider sharing!!

    🌷🌷For the 2023 Spring 5% Challenge, I want to FINALLY find an exercise/eating plan that actually works for me. Yes, to be completely honest - I start a plan and when I don't see fast results, I begin to lose interest. I need consistency and in my life and in my healthy lifestyle plan. Years ago, I was invited to try to 5% Challenge and have been a member for most rounds ever since. Even when I feel as if my motivation is not as strong as it was in other rounds, the friendships I have made as a result of joining are incredibly important to me.

    I've received many messages and notes of gratitude over the years from Challengers that have thanked me for helping them on their 5% Journey. In truth, I believe that they have helped me more than I could have ever helped them and those messages and the friendships (although mostly virtual) keep me coming back, Challenge after Challenge.

    In truth, my personal life is a roller-coaster of things that I just can't control. But what I CAN control is me! I can take control of my eating and of my exercise and do something good for me! I know what I should do: eat less processed foods, drink more water, etc. Now that Spring has arrived, I'm going to work that plan and attempt to drink more water; eat more fruits and vegetables; eat lean meats; eat more fish. During the winter, I 'walked' at home in the L/R in front of the TV to get in my daily steps. For Jan/Feb/Mar, I did relatively well, only missing my step goal 3 or 4 days, yet - now that the weather is getting better and the days are getting 'longer', I need to ensure that I walk outside in the fresh air and sunshine a little more often. Not only is that a better way to exercise, but getting outside in the fresh air helps to clear your head and provides a true sense of accomplishment when done.

    My 'plan' is not all that rock-solid, but it IS a start. I truly hope that many take the time to write their plan and what they want out of their journey. Inspiration comes in all forms and it is my hope that I inspire all of you as you have all inspired me.

    Thanks for reading!
    Heidi (hicim705)

    P.S. As a leader, I am allowed to edit my posts ~ just wanted you all to know that once I wrote this - I shut my laptop off and got OUTSIDE to walk! WooHoo ~ a *win* for me!! Let me hear some of YOUR plans for your own wins!!

    Heidi (hicim705)
    Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges (hosted on MFP)

  • paints5555
    paints5555 Posts: 1,229 Member
    😊Your FIRST Countdown Activity for this Challenge will be for YOU to decide where YOU would like to go on YOUR Seasonal 5% Journey. Everyone's reason for joining this Challenge is different. We would like you to dig down deep to share what your motivation is for coming here. We would like you to share what brings you here, and even more importantly - what keeps you coming back! Perhaps there are things that you would like to get out of your personal 5% Journey that we haven't discussed and/or researched. Why don't you write down some of YOUR ideas ~ we might even be able to incorporate some of those things in this or future Challenges!😊

    ✍️Feel free to add your comments to this thread outlining your exercise plan for a successful 2023 Spring 5% Challenge (if you blog, you may add the link to your blog here or you may simply wish to copy/paste your writing here - or do both!), but please consider sharing!!

    I have had to watch what I eat my entire life and up until about 5 years ago, used exercise as they way I controlled my weight. I saw my weight go up and down by 20 lbs routinely but couldn't seem to keep it off. Then I enrolled in a program through my health insurance called Real Appeal and things finally sunk in- I have to control my diet first and I can't do it by exercising the excess calories away. Even though I enjoy exercise, there are times when I can't so I have to have control of my diet first and foremost. I lost 25 lbs on the program and kept it off for 4 years but have been seeing it creep up during the last year. I need to get back to basics.

    I came to the 5% challenges for the accountability. I know tracking works but I often get lazy and don't do it. But when the challenge says I have to track, I do it and I see results. The challenges help me stay focused on things that will help me be successful.

  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    What brings you here, and even more importantly - what keeps you coming back! 😊

    I first joined for the external accountability, and although that is still important for me, I keep coming back for the community and the feeling of being part of something bigger. I have found it empowering to read all the supportive comments—not just to me, but from members to one another. It's inspiring and motivating to watch teammates progress, and it's reassuring to know that everyone has a difficult week now and again. Getting healthy can otherwise feel like a solitary endeavor.

    ✍️ Add your comments to this thread outlining your exercise plan for a successful 2023 Spring 5% Challenge.

    Tomorrow I am checking out membership at a nearby YMCA. It's pricey, but it's a beautiful facility with many amenities, including a climbing wall and pool. My plan is to continue to do at least 10 minutes of exercise per day, with a target of 30+ minutes. I want to build up to three aerobic sessions and two strength sessions per week. The Y has classes and trainers for both. When I'm at the facility tomorrow and have spoken with someone in the know, I'll finalize at what pace and in what order I'll integrate those sessions into my week. Injuries permitting, I'd also like to work back up to being able to walk 5 km and rejoin the weekend Parkrun/Parkwalk.
  • MCTortoise
    MCTortoise Posts: 2,504 Member
    😊Your FIRST Countdown Activity for this Challenge will be for YOU to decide where YOU would like to go on YOUR Seasonal 5% Journey. Everyone's reason for joining this Challenge is different. We would like you to dig down deep to share what your motivation is for coming here. We would like you to share what brings you here, and even more importantly - what keeps you coming back! Perhaps there are things that you would like to get out of your personal 5% Journey that we haven't discussed and/or researched. Why don't you write down some of YOUR ideas ~ we might even be able to incorporate some of those things in this or future Challenges!😊

    ✍️Feel free to add your comments to this thread outlining your exercise plan for a successful 2023 Spring 5% Challenge (if you blog, you may add the link to your blog here or you may simply wish to copy/paste your writing here - or do both!), but please consider sharing!!

    🌷🌷 I first joined the 5% Challenge to meet others and hold myself accountable for achieving team goals. For the 2023 Spring 5% Challenge, I am going to increase my outdoor walking, especially since the weather is improving and I have fewer excuses. Last fall I was within 8 pounds of my goal weight, after many years with SparkPeople and over two years on MFP with the 5% Challenge. After Christmas I had gained some additional weight, and now am 12 pounds away from goal, grrrr. Overall I eat healthy food, following the Mediterranean food plan, but eat too much, and am inconsistent with my healthy habits. I have weights at home and do regular ST, now I need to put the same energy into eating less and increasing my cardio. My husband has lost weight since I joined MFP, it’s nice to have support at home. We’re both retired with volunteer and family activities, and we enjoy travel. I’m going to put on my thinking cap to determine a way to reward myself when I lose 5% of my weight during this challenge. 😉

    ~ Marianne
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    😊Your FIRST Countdown Activity for this Challenge will be for YOU to decide where YOU would like to go on YOUR Seasonal 5% Journey. Everyone's reason for joining this Challenge is different. We would like you to dig down deep to share what your motivation is for coming here. We would like you to share what brings you here, and even more importantly - what keeps you coming back! Perhaps there are things that you would like to get out of your personal 5% Journey that we haven't discussed and/or researched. Why don't you write down some of YOUR ideas ~ we might even be able to incorporate some of those things in this or future Challenges!😊

    ✍️Feel free to add your comments to this thread outlining your exercise plan for a successful 2023 Spring 5% Challenge (if you blog, you may add the link to your blog here or you may simply wish to copy/paste your writing here - or do both!), but please consider sharing!!

    First I want to say Thank You for bringing back the pre-challenge countdown. I have missed them.

    For the Spring challenge I am here because everyone is so friendly and supportive. I have lost lots of weight with this group over the years. My goal for this challenge is to lose some of the weight I have gained as I am starting to feel the unhealthiness from it. With the weather turning nicer I know that I can get back on track and can start getting the scale to go in the right direction again permanently. I plan to work on habits that had been normal for multiple years in a row but have started to fall by the wayside.
  • paceka2
    paceka2 Posts: 827 Member
    I was one of those who participated in the 5% challenges on SparkPeople, and was also a leader for my group the last several challenges. I had made many friends there, many of the names I recognize from before. I tried MFP early on but it just didn't feel right. So I went back to PeopleOne Health but after several months that just wasn't giving me what I needed. So I'm back to MFP and one of my friends, Bruni, saw that I had come back and told me about the 5% Challenges. I guess my main reason for joining is to reestablish connections with other people who have similar goals as I do. But my secondary reason is because 2022 was a very hard year for me with Knee Replacement surgery in January, Spinal Fusion surgery in June, and Carpal Tunnel surgery just this past January. My body is still healing and in the recovery process I lost a lot of my former strength. I am back to the gym and my gym also had virtual classes that I like to take but the 8 pounds that I added after the back surgery is just not coming off. So I am very happy to have this challenge to encourage me going forward. The hardest thing right now is that I really want to exercise and be active but I am still in a fair amount of pain which makes it hard to commit!
  • deskjockey925
    deskjockey925 Posts: 4,760 Member
    Your FIRST Countdown Activity for this Challenge will be for YOU to decide where YOU would like to go on YOUR Seasonal 5% Journey. Everyone's reason for joining this Challenge is different. We would like you to dig down deep to share what your motivation is for coming here. We would like you to share what brings you here, and even more importantly - what keeps you coming back! Perhaps there are things that you would like to get out of your personal 5% Journey that we haven't discussed and/or researched. Why don't you write down some of YOUR ideas ~ we might even be able to incorporate some of those things in this or future Challenges!😊

    I come back to these challenges because it keeps me accountable.
    It keeps me tracking my daily food intake and my exercise. It also gives me someone to help cheer me own and to help if my motivation wanes.

    My motivation for this round (and losing ongoing) is two-fold.

    My mom is living with me now, and I see how hard it is for her these days (at 84) to get around. The less she does, the less she is able to do. I want to keep expanding what I am able to do.

    I bought a trip for September that I have been looking forward to doing for many years. I have just enough time to get to my goal weight between now and then. And it will let me most enjoy the trip and the adventure.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,383 Member
    I've been working on improving my daily routines, incorporating daily exercise, better food choices for years. Meanwhile my health has declined. Would like to see some reflection of this effort and an actual reduction of my weight that stayed down. Retirement is on the horizon 1 1/2 yrs off and want to be able to enjoy it. Want to enjoy NOW (booked a cruise in June, bucket list item).
  • diannemt
    diannemt Posts: 2,410 Member
    😊Your FIRST Countdown Activity for this Challenge will be for YOU to decide where YOU would like to go on YOUR Seasonal 5% Journey. Everyone's reason for joining this Challenge is different. We would like you to dig down deep to share what your motivation is for coming here. We would like you to share what brings you here, and even more importantly - what keeps you coming back! Perhaps there are things that you would like to get out of your personal 5% Journey that we haven't discussed and/or researched. Why don't you write down some of YOUR ideas ~ we might even be able to incorporate some of those things in this or future Challenges!😊

    I don't remember when I started on the challenges but may have been 2014 or so. I have met such inspirational folks--@yiche912 was a leader for my team on Spark and we are together again here. And by tracking my food and exercise, I can see why my weight can change so much. (At 66, can't use the "cycle" as a reason.) SO I come back for the people and for the accountability. As Ceri said, I'd be as big as a house if I didn't watch it via the challenge.
    I want to get my knee back to 100% (I fell while skiing in CO--on my 2nd day of a 2 week vacation) so I am going to PT because I can't do all the exercising I want. I want to get back to my 150s--that will take a 5% loss if not a bit more. I want to get my BP back down and my cholesterol under control without drugs--so watching WHAT I eat is really important--not just the quantity. And I am going on a cruise with my daughter in May-- I want to be able to keep up with her!

    I appreciate every person who says encouraging things!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,209 Member
    😊Your FIRST Countdown Activity for this Challenge will be for YOU to decide where YOU would like to go on YOUR Seasonal 5% Journey. Everyone's reason for joining this Challenge is different. We would like you to dig down deep to share what your motivation is for coming here. We would like you to share what brings you here, and even more importantly - what keeps you coming back! Perhaps there are things that you would like to get out of your personal 5% Journey that we haven't discussed and/or researched. Why don't you write down some of YOUR ideas ~ we might even be able to incorporate some of those things in this or future Challenges!😊


    Here are the results from my past challenges. The gout attack in the fall left me with a gain. I ended the Winter challenge with a loss but also ending the IBC just coming back from vacation so I have those same pounds to lose :neutral:

    I would like to end these 8 weeks with a real 5% loss which would be about 11pounds - just over a pound a week.

    I need to focus on some "SMART" goals to get me there.
    I also need to focus on nutrition - Exercise will be a nice to have to keep my body moving but I really need to focus on what I am consuming.

    I struggle with motivation. I have two events this year that "should" motivate me...
    • Event #1 - 14 weeks @1.3 lbs per week - I could be at 201.
    • Event #2 - 30 weeks @1.3 lbs per week - I could be at 180

    but here's my pattern. I have plenty of time to lose weight. I lose and gain the same 2 or 3 lbs...then it get's closer to the "event" and I get frustrated and throw in the towel.

    I'd like to break this pattern this round.

  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    My motivation for coming here:

    I joined the Spring challenge to stay healthy, keep myself accountable and to meet others. This is my second challenge here on MFP, oddly enough I had never heard of them the 10 years I was on Sparkpeople. I want to continue eating healthy and staying off the sugar. I have been off refined sugar for almost a year. I want to continue to work on tracking, portion control and staying in my calorie range. I tend to get lazy tracking my food so I am hoping doing this challenge will help me. I have used exercise as a way to control my weight for many years, but as I have aged that is no longer an option. Now I have to watch what I put in my pie

    My parents were unhealthy and I took care of them for the last 10 years of their lives. My biggest motivation for staying healthy is for my kids. I do not want them to have to take care of me.

    Another reason I joined is to get me out of my comfort zone. I don't do any kind of social media with the exception of MFP and it is difficult for me to put myself out there, so this will help me to be more social and get to know others and offer encouragement.

    My exercise plan: I love to exercise and have been doing it actively since I have been 15. I will continue hiking, biking, weight training and flexibility.

  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,593 Member
    My motivation to take part in these challenges is that it keeps me accountable and helps me to stay on track with my eating and my exercise.
    i am also doing more different kind of exercises now than i was before i started doing these challenges. i also used to be on spark people and i took part in challenges there quite often. i want to stay healthy so i can continue to see my daughter grow up and get her life going.
    my exercise plan: i enjoy exercising pretty much every day. i do a variety of different kinds of dancing, strength training exercises, as well as i walk regularly. when i have time, i am thinking of taking up tennis again. i do like to do yoga as well whenever i can. i find yoga so relaxing. i will continue to be active throughout this challenge.
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,409 Member
    😊Your FIRST Countdown Activity for this Challenge will be for YOU to decide where YOU would like to go on YOUR Seasonal 5% Journey. Everyone's reason for joining this Challenge is different. We would like you to dig down deep to share what your motivation is for coming here. We would like you to share what brings you here, and even more importantly - what keeps you coming back! Perhaps there are things that you would like to get out of your personal 5% Journey that we haven't discussed and/or researched. Why don't you write down some of YOUR ideas ~ we might even be able to incorporate some of those things in this or future Challenges!😊

    The challenges helped me to lose just over 60 pounds and I know that they've helped me not to gain back all of it. I've never quite hit that elusive goal weight but I'm not going to stop working on it. When I first got to within 5-6 pounds of that goal, I was looking and feeling great so I decided I'd work on maintenance for a while. BIG Mistake - I gained back over the course of a couple of years, at least 15 pounds - on some days it was more. I stuck with the challenges though because I knew that they helped me to keep at least some control and I enjoyed interacting with my team mates. I got back to my "happy place" a couple of years ago but a few pounds have crept up over the past year and a half - rarely more than 10 and usually only 7-8 BUT it's not where I want to be so I am back.
    I also became a leader three years ago - first as an EL. then a CL/Captain almost two years ago. I enjoy leading my team so that is something else that brings me back to the challenges round after round. It's gratifying to help and support others on their journey the way that I was helped and supported on mine!