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WeightNoMore Team Chat - APRIL 2023



  • MotylekOkruchy
    MotylekOkruchy Posts: 196 Member
    PW: 153.9
    CW: 153.4

    steps for 3/26 - 4/1:
    Sunday: 9708
    Monday: 14499
    Tuesday: 19652
    Wednesday: 12674
    Thursday: 11239
    Friday: 10872
    Saturday: 101909
    TOTAL: 88,834

    I had a good day yesterday even though I surrendered to those 4 last pieces of chocolate that were not placed inside plastic eggs. I did my workout followed by good stretching, I did not overeat.

    @cyndiesstuff My one thing today is NOT TO EAT COOKIE DOUGH. It's a fundraiser at my daughter's school. This cookie dough is delicious. You are NOT supposed to eat it raw - well . . . everybody does ... baked as well. So it is going to be a real challenge tonight . . . and until that dough is gone . . .
  • ssssseika
    ssssseika Posts: 112 Member
    Username: ssssseika
    Weigh-In Day: Wednesday
    PW: 155.2
    CW: 155.6
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @MotylekOkruchy you are right cookie dough is delicious. when I bake cookies I say to myself that these cookies are not for me. I was to fit in my skinny jeans! I am in control and I want to be proud. I say it out loud. My brain likes to hear it from me!

    @JScottJr1988 what is your plan to change your eating habits? and welcome to the team.

    @buniphuphu Consistency is the key. the Primal Potential podcast is running a 10-15 minute show every day on the subject. Yesterday was day six. Maybe take a listen. I am so sorry about you losing your mom. I lost mine in March of 2020.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Now I had a good day yesterday. I did what I said with the walk after dinner!! I told myself. Its just one thing. I can do one thing!! The pain is high but that is expected when you start physical therapy. It has been two weeks. I am hoping to start seeing some results.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,462 Member
    Happy New Month, Everybody! So happy to see all the new faces in the chat (and the old ones too, not that I'm calling anyone old, I swear)!

    I am minstrelofsarcasm, also known as Minstrel, also known as Ashley, also known as "that sweaty girl in the corner"... I am one of the co-captains along with the ever-marvelous @melaniedscott. My role here is to provide some real talk, some good motivation, and a few too many jokes about stress eating for anyone's comfort levels.

    The Basics:

    I am 27 and currently living in Ohio. I work as an innovation engineer for an industrial manufacturing company. I am fascinated by all facets of science, whether that be nuclear physics, nutrition, geology (I hear it rocks), chemistry, etc. Feel free to ask any of your questions when it comes to the science of things. I can't guarantee I'll know the answer, but I can definitely figure it out and provide an answer in a way that's (hopefully) understandable.

    Why I am Here:

    I love numbers, and when I discovered that I could get healthier (as my doctor told me I absolutely had to do) by keeping track of numbers, I signed up for MFP. My original weight was 8lbs 2oz, and while I don't think I'll ever make it quite that low ever again, my goal is to never be above my highest weight of 234 (September 2014).

    Despite having joined this wonderful community, I didn't take my weight loss or my health seriously until after I graduated college in May 2017 and was told by a different doctor that my eating and (lack of) exercise habits put me on the road to diabetes. I'll admit, I was terrified. I grew up with a diabetic parent who took no actions towards improving their health to reduce their dependence on insulin and is now facing some very serious health complications. I didn't want that to happen to me - I wouldn't want to put anyone through having to worry about me in the same way I worried about them.

    So I searched "gym" on Google Maps, and signed up for a free class with the first place that popped up in the results, a spin studio. Since July 1st, 2017, I have completed over 1,040 spin classes. There was some… drama at the spin studio, so I no longer have a membership, but will drop in from time to time.

    In other news, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in December 2019 after an arduous journey from doctor to doctor, through several misdiagnoses (why is it that the first thing a doctor will suggest is anxiety if you're female and show emotion in the doctor's office?), 14 vials of blood drawn for blood tests, 3 weeks of being unable to consistently feel the left side of my body, 2 MRIs, 1 spinal tap, and a partridge in a pear tree. I could go into a long rant about everything, and I have, but there's no need to fill my introduction with things you don’t have time to read.

    In Summary:

    Since joining MFP, I have lost over 70 lbs, regained about 15 while on a three-month business trip in France (wine and cheese is my weakness), lost 5 of them, gained 5 of them, maintained throughout 2020, yo-yo'ed for the first few months of 2021, and here I stand (sit) around 170 lbs, over 60 lbs lost. I don't have a goal weight anymore, since BMI was developed by a mathematician and not a doctor, and as long as I feel healthy, I can weigh whatever I want (somewhere in the 150's sounds pretty good right now, but I guess we'll see).

    As for exercising, I have recently joined a new gym. Between spending time with my friend (who has a personal training certification, and who I guess is now my personal trainer) and dropping in on spin classes and all the amenities my new gym has to offer, I am hoping to get back on track. Previously, I have had memberships with CycleBar, OrangeTheory, and F45 - By no means am I an expert on fitness classes, but I know a thing or two.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you even more as we work our way through the month.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,462 Member
    Some Quick Updates on Me (for those who are curious) -

    One of my friends participated in a body building competition this past Saturday. She has been working tirelessly for the past five months to get competition ready, which meant no sweets, no alcohol, incredibly structured workouts, rigorous meal planning and tracking... it was a lot just to watch, I can't even imagine doing it all.

    So, of course, when I asked her how she wanted to break out of the grind mindset, she requested these sandwich cookies I made for our friend (who is also our personal trainer) a couple months ago. Our personal trainer, at the same time, suggested we bake a cake for her. Obviously, I had no choice but to spend all day baking on Friday, resulting in a triple layer dark chocolate cake with a caramel cream cheese frosting (I will post a picture of it at some point, because it's a sight to see), and about 80 double chocolate chip cookies to become 40 double chocolate chip cookie sandwiches - the cream would be even more of that caramel cream cheese frosting.

    I brought the cake to the competition, it was out of my kitchen.
    As for the cookies...

    I threw a bunch of the sandwiches in a Tupperware container, as many as would fit.
    Some went into a container for our personal trainer. I gave these to her on Monday, she was delighted.
    Some were saved for a friend of mine. These were also given away on Monday.
    The rest were left on a plate on my dining table. This was a mistake.

    I have been eating a good 2-3 cookies a day, at the very least, since Friday. As of this morning, the plate cookies were gone. The Tupperware remains. My bodybuilding friend has yet to tell me when I can drop them off for her, and now it's getting dangerous. The temptation to open the container, to steal a cookie or two or three or six... it's getting strong. This is why I give cookies away and get them out of my kitchen as quickly as possible.

    I've sent her a little nudge, hoping she can give me a time that works for her. She's welcome to tell me anything, even if she just wants me to give the cookies away so she can spend more time with the rest of the cake. That's fine, I'd understand completely. I can bring the rest of the cookies into work and be done with them. But this state of uncertainty, and having the cookies in my apartment (not easy access, because I know me, but still IN my apartment), is difficult.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,626 Member
    Ugh, it's so good it's so bad 🍪 @minstrelofsarcasm 🫣 Good luck in getting them delivered quickly.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited April 2023
    Welcome new members 👋😃

    I'm Mairi, from Scotland now in the Czech Republic. I never bothered about weight gain as I was a skinny kid and was happy to put it on and feel normal but, with age and less activity, especially since 2020, I'm trying to lose the extra kilos and trim the flab.

    I teach English as a second language and do some designing and making of stained glass, jewellery and graphics (although these are other things I've practically shelved since cov started). I collect sea glass when I get the chance to go to the beach on holiday. Mostly, I veg out and watch telly though. The weather is improving (I think) so I'll get myself outside more.

    Good luck on your personal journeys to be a better you.
  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 97 Member

    Weigh in Wednesdays

    PW: 249.8
    CW: 247.8 💪

    Been doing meal planning this week...and working a lot this week (covering for someone at work). That has helped since I haven't been able to exercise as much. Been drinking at least 64 oz of fluid..mainly water each day too.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    I got up early this morning and journaled. I do it every so often when I am looking for a new tool to try. So I decided to make a recording, in my own voice, telling myself why I don't want to overeat. Why I want to follow my plan. Fantasize about what I will look and feel like when I get there. And suggestions to pray. Thru the day, I will take the two minutes and listen to myself. My goal is to at least 3 times a day. It's like practicing. While it is playing, I envision my words. Then when game time comes in the evening when I am sitting on the couch, I will have already practiced. I have always said I forget to do or say the things I want when I am in that moment. This way I will have practiced. Maybe it will help. Can't hurt!!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,406 Member
    So...I want to post end of March step challenge BUT I'm missing posts from @abp1025, @Zumba_Luvah and @OllieAndEd2021. I don't want to have to close the month down 3...I'll give it a few more hours...
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 288 Member
    So far, so good with recommitting to journaling. I know we're not even a week into April yet, but I'm celebrating my wins!

    My husband started draining the pool in the backyard yesterday to refill it with fresh, clean water for the new season. We are supposed to have record-breaking high temperatures next week, so I'm hoping he gets the pool refilled before then in order to start warming the water up. Between the warmer than normal weather and our solar heater, I hope to be able to get in the water before the end of the month. This will be a nice supplement to the water aerobics classes I take at the gym.
  • OllieAndEd2021
    OllieAndEd2021 Posts: 172 Member
    So sorry for the late post on steps! It's been such a busy week at work this week.

    OllieAndEd2021 Steps March 26-April 1

    Sun: 15,321
    Mon: 13,553
    Tues: 5130
    Wed: 9186
    Thurs: 9716
    Fri: 8366
    Sat: 15,228

    Total: 76,500
  • Stimpy56
    Stimpy56 Posts: 610 Member
    Weigh-In Day: Thursday
    PW: 244.5
    CW: 244.0

    Only a half pound loss this week but I hurt my knee and could not do my normal Cardio. This month I want to focus more on weight training while keeping to my Cardio workout. Happy Easter Everyone !
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,462 Member
    ~~ REMINDER ~~

    I am still waiting on updated weights from the following:

    Yes, you still need to provide a weight this week even if this is your first week.
  • flutterlosses
    flutterlosses Posts: 44 Member
    Hi lovely people! My week has been crazy of late...my partner has been in poor health and is affecting her cognition...and she's kinda taking it out on me, without realising it. It's been exhausting. But one thing I have control over is my food and my movement. I have been determined to keep my steps over 7,000 a day... even if i am walking around the apartment at 11.30pm!! haha

    I have noticed that people are putting in their steps...is there a step challenge? I would love to take part if that's possible! Maybe keep me a bit more motivated.
  • flutterlosses
    flutterlosses Posts: 44 Member
    @flutterlosses Now.... whats your plan to get that done. you got your monthly goal. do at least one thing every day to further you to your goal. What will be your one thing?

    Hmm, that's a great question! I think just moving around more when I'm NOT at work. I have a habit of being a couch potato when I'm not working (I'm on my feet a lot at work) and doing nothing.

    I bought some dumbbells the other day- I went into the store to buy a suitcase and came out with 2x 5lb dumbbells- go figure!

    Anyway- I am going to do my 7,000 steps a day- including a few 5 minute increments of doing stepping with the dumbbells for extra resistance! I will get myself some good exercises to do with them this week too... Being nearly 400lb, I know that the loose skin is going to be terrible once I get to my target weight...so I should start working on toning stuff NOW!
  • DebbsSeattle
    DebbsSeattle Posts: 125 Member
    Username: DebbsSeattle
    Weigh-In Day: Thursday
    Start weight: 231
    PW: 181.9
    CW: 185.4
This discussion has been closed.