Awesome April



  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 160 (Jan 2023)
    End of month GW: 152.6

    4/6: 153.3

    Trying to look cute/skinny for a wedding in about a month!
  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    This is something I came across last week. I think it's from Judith Beck but I've lost the reference. At any rate, I added it to my collection of Beck flash cards.

    "If I eat when I'm upset, I will only end up with two problems: the problem that made me upset in the first place and now the additional problem of feeling bad about myself and my eating. Ask myself: Do I want to have one problem or two problems?"
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    Two more days. Two more days. I hope to see 119. anything. I’d take 119.99999! Less than a pound away. My niece has joined me on this 40 day better-eating plan and looking more forward for it to end. She will be a bit disappointed - she’s ready to go “whole hog” and indulge. I do not. Way too close and disciplined to backslide!
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    45y 5’4”
    3/31: 136.2
    4/07: 135.8

    I am motivated by the progress I am seeing. I could absolutely see a difference in my stomach in the mirror this morning.

    It’s been a good week, but not perfect. I was AF, ate within my calories, but missed strength training on Monday and running yesterday. One of my excuses is that the gym is closed from yesterday until Tuesday and it’s cold outside. I still could have figured it out if I wanted it bad enough, but though I am generally feeling better, I am still so tired.
  • Happyness4me2
    Happyness4me2 Posts: 37 Member
    I am going to start this program tomorrow. If I make it the whole 8 weeks I'm going to reward myself. Not sure with what yet but something good. I do have a weekend trip at the end of the month so that week will need to be adjusted. Have any of you tried one of her programs? I think it looks nice and balanced between cardio and strength training. I will get a starting weight, waist measurement, and photo tomorrow.
  • brittawyatt
    brittawyatt Posts: 4 Member
    —Why: I’ve been meaning to start a health kick for a while now, so, today it starts! Visiting friends in one month which will be a good target.
    —What: My goal is to lose the 5 pounds that have crept in gradually over the last year. Success will be: my yellow trousers no longer squeeze too tight in the waist. :smile:
    —How: Drink alcohol 3 days or less per week. Count calories daily and get closer to protein macro targets (actually hitting it is impossible as a vegetarian but I’ll get closer). Take photos of all food before eating. Post daily checkin. (or weekly if that’s annoying :smiley: ) oh and actually buy groceries ahead of time!

    (This is my first time using the “group” feature on the App so hope I’m doing this right!)
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Welcome @brittawyatt !

    You can post daily or weekly, or however often helps you be successful. I’ve used this group a few times over the last 5 years and always find it so helpful and supportive.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    This is something I came across last week. I think it's from Judith Beck but I've lost the reference. At any rate, I added it to my collection of Beck flash cards.

    "If I eat when I'm upset, I will only end up with two problems: the problem that made me upset in the first place and now the additional problem of feeling bad about myself and my eating. Ask myself: Do I want to have one problem or two problems?"

    It is indeed Judith Beck. And it applies to so many things in life, not only food (or drink).
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My stats for this week:

    * I got 100k steps in, some were long walks, but also walking around while reading work mails, taking work calls, etc...
    * continue to read Becks flashcards: check
    * 2 fitness sessions: check
    * 1 PT session every 2 weeks: this was my week off
    * Lose a bit: from 73,3 (161 lbs) to 70,5 (156 lbs) : I am now at 72,5. I'm really glad with that, considering we just had Easter.
    * Biking and diving: I did one bike ride, coaching hubby during a long run - no diving as there was way too much wind.

    All in all pretty good, but I feel mentally extremely tired. Some family members had a big fight during our Easter get together and this has drained me even more. I need to be mindful to everything, as I feel I'm approaching limits, both at work and in my private life. Still two weeks to go before our holidays... I'll need them !
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Goals for April

    1) continue with P90X , INCLUDING YOGA and ABs 3x/wk.
    2) Step count 15,000+ daily (15,000*30=450,000 for the month) lol
    3) 95%+ compliance on coaches meal plan.
    4) Mindset.

    5) Goal: By next monday be 109.0 and By month end be under 108.0
    6) Goal: Waist measurement to be at or slightly under 26"
    7) Goal: Add Yoga/PiYo weekly

    52 y.o., 5'0"
    SW (2/23): 112. ??
    GW: <101-104
    4/3: 110.0
    4/6: 108.4 :smile:

    I saw 107.6 a couple days ago and thought.... really? can't be... so today was a check again, and by golly, 108.4... so I guess I have dropped at least 1# so far this week. That gives me SO much motivation to keep with what the coach has me doing. I am enjoying my nutrition plan with her, my mindset and taste buds are starting to settle into this routine.

    That's great Sherry !
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @k8richly: where are you girl?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member

    PRogress update:
    So.... I don't know if I met my goal #5
    THe day before Easter, I was 108.6 ... and the days after easter up to 109.6/110.0. Of course, I did have a splurge easter day...most of the day, and a little again on Monday. I'm thinking I maybe just need to move on and set a Friday goal instead...

    4/14 goal: 109.0 -108.5

    The rest of my goals..... NOt as compliant with #3 (meal plan) due to easter. Due to me saying "its easter, I will have treats". Which really didn't help me out at all. It didn't do me any favors to have them. DId they taste good, sure. Would I have rather had a lower scale weight, YOU BET> I have to start a new mantra 'I don't eat that". and use it when I have those temptations. AT least I'm still getting up again.

    Goals for April

    1) continue with P90X , INCLUDING YOGA and ABs 3x/wk.
    2) Step count 15,000+ daily (15,000*30=450,000 for the month) lol
    3) 95%+ compliance on coach's meal plan.
    4) Mindset.

    5) Goal: By 4/10 be 109.0 and By month end be under 108.0
    6) Goal: Waist measurement to be at or slightly under 26"
    7) Goal: Add Yoga/PiYo weekly

    52 y.o., 5'0"
    SW (2/23): 112. ??
    GW: <101-104
    4/3: 110.0
    4/6: 108.4
    4/11: 110.0

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member

    So.... I don't know if I met my goal #5
    THe day before Easter, I was 108.6 ... and the days after easter up to 109.6/110.0. Of course, I did have a splurge easter day...most of the day, and a little again on Monday. I'm thinking I maybe just need to move on and set a Friday goal instead...

    Sherry, wouldn't it help to record your weight in a weight trend app? I'm using Happy Scale, I enter my weight every day, but I only take my average weight on Monday as 'my real weight'. This way all crazy fluctuations are leveled out.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    @antiopelle Downloaded and data entered. Thank you for the suggestion.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    Ugh - nothing worse than typing a long post then having it disappear!!! So shorter version!

    Great suggestion @Antiopelle. I use Happy Scale too and @SherryRueter - you will find it helpful.

    Was at lowest weight in a year after Lent - lost a little under 6 pounds. Up a pound since Sunday since I “treated” myself - but didn’t go overboard. Will see if I continue the no meat/no processed sweets - and surprised I miss neither!

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    Ugh - nothing worse than typing a long post then having it disappear!!! So shorter version!

    Great suggestion @Antiopelle. I use Happy Scale too and @SherryRueter - you will find it helpful.

    Was at lowest weight in a year after Lent - lost a little under 6 pounds. Up a pound since Sunday since I “treated” myself - but didn’t go overboard. Will see if I continue the no meat/no processed sweets - and surprised I miss neither!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    @ceebeeslim -- "No Meat, no cheats, No sweets" Love it. I really miss neither sweets or processed chips/foods either. Or shall I say, I enjoy myself more when I don't have them. They both plague my mind and body so that it doesn't feel good.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    44, F, 5' 7"
    GW: 128-135(ish - TBD)
    SW 01-2023: 157.6 - 3/29/23: 151.2
    4/3/23: 149.0
    4/10/23: 150.6

    Mostly hanging out in this range, the 149's seemingly out of reach at the moment other than a random day...but that's the process lol, just waiting on the next "woosh."

    Weekend was okay - Friday was okay. While I enjoyed being back out on track, I went in with expectations that I didn't even come close to meeting. It was reasonably productive, but not great, and there are still some mental battles that I clearly have not overcome and kept defaulting back to the mental state I was in previously - granted, better about recognizing it, and changing the "conversation" but it was still a default - which bothered me as well as I was really hoping maybe that would start to shift more than it clearly work is far from over.

    Physically, I was VERY happy with my results - I wasn't sore at all (other than my neck, but there's just no good way to replicate 160mph winds any other way LOL), and while tired, recovered quickly, and got a good long, miserable hike in on Saturday (cold and pouring rain the entire day), and Sunday rode up in the mountains all afternoon, and right back to it Monday morning with no residual soreness or need to "recover." So THAT I am very pleased with. Probably need to keep adding in more explosive work into some cardio now and then to better replicate the racing pace, but overall very good results in that department. So I'll take that as a WIN.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member

    Back to 108.6

    Goal for 4/14 is 109-108.5 .... today's meals are key to meeting that goal.
    Yoga/PiYo is tomorrow. Maybe core work with it.
    Steps ... Meeting and exceeding 15,000

    mindset. I'll do some of that today.

    I've been falling asleep by 9pm almost every night since changing my thyroid meds. I think its boredom.

    52 y.o., 5'0"
    SW (2/23): 112. ??
    GW: <101-104
    4/3: 110.0
    4/6: 108.4
    4/11: 110.0
    4/12: 108.6
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    Hoping you see that "woosh." Mine happens pretty consistently when I do more liquids and less red meats/meats in general. and its crazy... those days I'm not feeling hungry either. Maybe its the coffee.
    **160 MPH winds... HOLY CRAP.

    I'm not sure if any of you listen to podcasts but "burn fat with your brain" has a LOT of good mental "conversation" work in it. I enjoy it completely. Because its about changing perspectives... such as we will ALWAYS want to dive into a favorite food. Its the mental conversation we need to change, from "I'm going to dive into it and feel bad afterwards" vs realizing that feeling bad now in the moment is easier.