Thank You kaliswalker! (Lynn)



  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,803 Member
    Thank you, Lynn, for your vision and the work that you do to keep this challenge alive. This supportive group provides a focus as well as helpful information and guidance to help us all get to our goals, safely and in good health! Thank you again!

  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,120 Member
    Thank you, Lynn, for all that you do. you are such an inspiration!
  • peppikaye
    peppikaye Posts: 5,258 Member
    @kaliswalker - Lynn Thank you for sharing your vision with us.

  • nbruns83
    nbruns83 Posts: 2,226 Member
    Thank you Lynn!

    When Spark People closed, I imagine that many challenges, groups, or friendships were lost. But you had the vision and the fortitude to make this 5% Challenge work on a new site. I'm honored to be included each season. Thank you for supporting all our efforts to live a healthful lifestyle. You're a gifted leader. Hugs, Nancy Bruns
  • sewingmama17
    sewingmama17 Posts: 1,914 Member
    @kaliswalker Dear Lynn, Thank you so much for your vision and leadership. The 5% Challenges have been so encouraging and have held me accountable. Thank you again!! Hugs, Carrie
  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 8,350 Member
    Thank you, Lynn, for creating and maintaining a place where everyone is welcome and benefits even when they are not physically fit or have health challenges slowing them down. Being a part of this challenge has helped to keep me from spiraling into a dark place of helplessness and isolation. It keeps weight loss and exercise on the front burner even if I'm gaining (and minimizes those gains) as well as being my primary source of support and socialization (outside of the sister I have been blessed with). Being a team leader also provides a purpose and something I can do even when with physical limitations.

    I've admired your faithfulness in consistently posting season after season over the years, regardless of what is going on in your personal life. Thank you for all you do!
  • deskjockey925
    deskjockey925 Posts: 5,578 Member
    edited May 2023
    Lynn, Thank you for creating a challenge just strict enough to keep me accountable, but flexible enough to keep me motivated. You are so consistent with offering your time, your friendship, and your advice!

    From the many countries we have travelled to together ... <3

  • luv2dns2
    luv2dns2 Posts: 541 Member
    Thank you Lynn,
    I remember you from my "sparkpeople" days and have seen how active you are on these platforms and challenges. I have had your 5% challenges and the tips we get from them help me lose some weight and give me healthy goals to live with, "challenge" or not. I just got back from a great walk in a nearby park with my husband, our dog and our son's dog. The dogs swam in the still chilly lake and we enjoyed the fresh spring leaves and wonderful fragrances of a forest.
    Keep enjoying your exercise with family, friends and pets, too.
    Thank you!!!
  • Jer2ber
    Jer2ber Posts: 1,080 Member
    Thank you Lynn, because of what you created back in the special “spark” days, I am in a better place today. As I’ve gotten older and my health has deteriorated somewhat, I felt my life spiraling downward with no hope in sight until Cathy @Catwmncat & Diane @Dianedoessmiles1 encouraged me to join the 5% challenge. I didn’t take it seriously at first and lost my place on my team, but after my current team picked me up I realized this was the answer I was looking for to help myself. I was headed toward a deep depression that I didn’t think I could get out of, but because of God, you, my team, MFP friends and the OAL’s, I’m stronger, healthier, and in a much better place mentally today. Thank you just doesn’t seem to be enough ❤️ Bless you, Jeri
  • kalisdaddy
    kalisdaddy Posts: 742 Member
    Thank you for all the days spent writing the weekly challenges, organizing the teams and leaders and motivating many people to adopt healthy habits.
    SharonWIMSONFLOWER Posts: 1,023 Member
    Thank you so much for creating a challenge we can tackle together as a unique family. I may not yet be where I want to be, but I've kept off 25 and keep on trying. God bless you!
  • PaulaKNW
    PaulaKNW Posts: 2,164 Member
    Thank you Lynn for creating and maintaining this very special and enduring challenge! I've learned so much from these challenges, on SparkPeople, and now here on MFP. I enjoy reading about the travel destinations, and especially love reading all the information you provide with the LTGL goals. I find something new every time. I feel very lucky to have stumbled across these 5% challenges years ago. They've become a part of my daily routine. Even those times I'm slacking, I'm still aware of trying to get in some exercise minutes, and at least be aware of the current LTGLs.
  • bevpresley1
    bevpresley1 Posts: 6,158 Member
  • LarkDC
    LarkDC Posts: 1,821 Member
    Thank you Lynn, 🎉🏆🎊
    your brilliant, kind, insightful challenges have helped so many of us more than you might imagine. And the mind expanding virtual global travel - so many wonderful places, new ideas, good natured health insights and warm welcome to all who have joined your many challenges. Thanks to your creation, somewhere between SparkPeople and MFP I lost over 30 lbs of “checked baggage” - and I’m never going to reclaim it 😸🎉🧳
  • tjharleygal55
    tjharleygal55 Posts: 583 Member
    Lynn, I can’t imagine how many hours/days/weeks/months even years you have dedicated yourself to keeping this challenge going! This challenge touches the hearts of many of us who are doing it. As dianadoessmiles mentioned, it’s challenging enough to keep me motivated, but flexible enough that I can fit it into a busy schedule!

    There are times in the past where I didn’t feel, I had enough self-discipline to ever lose the weight that was starting to cause some health issues. Since joining this challenge over a year ago, I have been able to drop below a weight that I didn’t think possible anymore and keep it off successfully and continue to keep losing and getting healthier! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! ~ Tobi
  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 4,154 Member
    Lynn, thank you for getting this place shipshape! I really have no idea how u do all of it. I am happy you are here as u made Spark a great place and you are doing the same thing here. We have been on a few teams together at spark and here too. Cloverleaf's and now Fit Force. I tried mfp before spark shut down and didn't like it. This is so much better to use. thank you thank you!
  • losemicaroline
    losemicaroline Posts: 742 Member
    Thanks you for making your vision a reality, Lynn @kaliswalker. I think this is my fourth challenge, and many times I have wondered about the origins of this wonderful group. It has helped keep me accountable and hopeful.

    I am grateful for your vision and leadership!

  • therealbluenote
    therealbluenote Posts: 1,454 Member
    Lynn, thank you so much for creating this amazing group and for all of your hard work maintaining it. I have lost 75 pounds since I joined - all because of you! 🥰 God bless you for your generosity and perseverance. ❤️
  • shannshine1
    shannshine1 Posts: 742 Member
    Thank you, truly and most sincerely, for all that you do. Your dedication is inspirational, your work beyond believable. <3
  • SherileeMFP
    SherileeMFP Posts: 214 Member
    Thank you! The difference you made changed my life.💕